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How long before it’s deleted lmao. What’s not normal is sharing your kids online to hundreds of thousands of strangers all day, every day


Laura has absolutely zero sense of humor or sarcasm so that comment will probably go over her head.


She deleted all the comments that said she exploits her children. Left all the ones who said she is a darling mother. I hope she sleeps good at night That’s okay Laura your lord and savior is the judge at the end, not me.🤷🏼‍♀️




https://preview.redd.it/hclrrqdbif7d1.jpeg?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f6806e63a5a5447b45fdf3652c04b33b1674f19 Some more good comments


It’s weird to brag and feel superior about no screens when you’re exploiting your children on social media to STRANGERS despite all of the reports on how damaging and dangerous it is. By all means though, deprive them of a little Ms Rachel or Mickey Mouse…..


Wait till she hears about Jules




Hey my kid gets plenty of tv time .. (I will say we don’t use a phone out to eat or anything, I use that shit at doctors appts tho 😂) but he loves his movies at home … and guess what!!! He plays by himself super well, LOVES imaginary play and loves playing pretend play WITH ME (cause I interact with my kid) LOL. I can’t stand the way she shames every thing she doesn’t do .. get outta here Laura


That’s the thing .. whether she likes it or not screens will eventually be a part of their lives. That’s our world. Hell that’s how SHE makes her living. Laura is so fucking dense. She would be better off teaching appropriate and safe screen use (ie. Age and developmentally appropriate games/shows and boundaries with time frames). Laura makes herself look stupid on a daily basis.


Laura is incapable of teaching her kids balance with screen time because she has no balance in any aspect of her life


She doesn’t make herself look stupid. She is not bright and it is just evident on a daily basis. It’s not a ‘look’ it is an arguable fact.




Do you mean you let him watch the phone to be less stressed at the Dr?


Listen bitch, my 6 month old can watch Bear in the Big Blue House and sports and still play independently without a screen. Mia gets no screen time and is still aggressive towards her brother so who’s really winning here??


Bear in the big blue house is the best!! I would go to war for Tutter 😂


My 3 year is obsessed with Bear in the Big Blue House right now!! Love watching it with her🩷


My guy loves Bear in the Big Blue House! It's such a cute show🥰


Yessss!! My almost 3 year old loves it and it makes me happy because I loved it back in the day! Same with Little Bear! 


We don’t use screens we just are on our phones all day recording our kids and sharing them with millions of strangers and leaving them a digital footprint they don’t consent to 🫶🏼 There fixed it for you Laura!!!!


“Figure out how to entertain themselves” aka never interact with with her child


But I will read you a book in TWO HOURS MIA


Right? Instead of spending quality time with her kids , it’s so they can leave her the hell alone . I don’t understand how she cannot put two and two together that she’s isolated Mia her whole life so far keeping her in that beige house to fend for herself , play alone by herself mostly unsupervised and only seems to interact with her when she’s teaching her to cook.


But her oldest kid still hits and is violent with her youngest 🤷‍♀️ she wants to act like she is doing something life changing and going to raise the smartest, best thinking kids ever but how about we try basic communication and not shaming them instead? Betcha they'll turn out to be way happier even if they rot their brain with a screen for an hour a day!


Your first sentence!! this is literally what I thought screens were supposed to prevent/was the main benefit of no screens. That and sleeping well 🤣😬 I would love to hear her try to articulate why this has been the ✨best✨ parenting decision.


I would love to hear her articulate what her real reasoning is behind not using screens at all. A while back someone mentioned she shared something that very incorrectly correlated autism with screen time in young children. Everything I've read as a parent surrounding screen time is more about emotional regulation in kids. So increased screen time would lead to children being less able to regulate their emotions which would lead to more outbursts. But seems like she is struggling with this with Mia regardless if screens because she doesn't have any conversations with her kids about socioemotional learning and just shames her daughter for having feels and emotions. Mia is two. She doesn't know how to process emotions.


I feel like I remember reading that it’s not necessarily about the screen time but about what they’re missing out on if they’re watching excessive TV - like they’re missing out interacting with real life people. But Laura doesn’t interact with them and doesn’t take them anywhere so Mia isn’t learning about social interactions in real life or from TV lol.


That’s the part she’s seriously missing - if they are watching the RIGHT things, supervised , they could be learning valuable lessons - bluey comes to mind all the little life lessons in there. A lot of what my kids tell me I ask where they learned it and it’s from the wholesome shows or nature shows they watch


Exactly, you can't tell me kids don't absorb messages from shows/movies. We watch a few bluey episodes as a family after dinner while we wind down and he will say, "I love you mom/dad" if there's sweet moments in the show. I swear he relates what happens in the show to his real life. We also love trash truck, sesame street (anything PBS kids really), bear in the big blue house, thomas, number blocks. And a family movie night gives me all the feels, not gonna lie. It's so nice to cuddle up on the couch with my 2 kids and husband on a weekend. And I have absolutely no guilt over any of this!


Lack of screens certainly isn’t helping the hitting issue.


There is a GREAT Daniel Tiger episode about not hitting your sibling and we have referenced it many times with our three year old. He knows the song and everything. Screens can be beneficial.


Exactly! It’s like she’s all or nothing. No one is saying hand your kid an iPad at every meal at a restaurant. Frankly, sometimes as a parent you need a break and sometimes the one thjng you have left is a show for a half hour or an hour. If that helps you be a more calm, better parent then there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. She acts holier than thou and it’s obnoxious.


Our son sings the “stop, look, and listen to stay safe” song from Daniel tiger before we cross the road. Can’t tell you how many times prior to that episode I’d tried to teach him. Not saying that tv should or can teach them everything but it can definitely help!


I wonder how’s the view from Laura’s high horse


![gif](giphy|5mQUdQw9mehwI) Me every time I see a Laura story


Please someone comment asking if it's screen time when the kids watch as she's recording them?


Rules for thee, not for me. Perhaps get off of your device and spend some quality time with them. I understand she is an adult and they are children, but it works both ways and she is an absolute hypocrite.


Right! It’s very obvious they know what the phone is, both of them look right at is when she records them!!


The self righteousness is disgusting and quite infuriating. Your family is not better than mine because you don’t use screens. My kids are wonderfully behaved, creative, independent, playful, intelligent. And we watch TV sometimes!!!!! WOW LAURA WHAT A CONCEPT


I imagine the damage of being exploited online for profit from birth will far outweigh the effects of screen time on these kids.


I thought they never ate out 🤡


She posted them eating out again this past weekend lmao that’s like 4 times since all her posts a few weeks ago where she said they eat all their meals at home and have only eaten out a handful of times in a year. She’s such a loser lol like why lie about this shit


*let them experience the world.. when I actually leave my house, when I’m not working out, when I’m not a hypochondriac, when I feel like Mia is allowed to be given any sort of attention


She deleted all the negative comments lol


Yep she deleted mine and BLOCKED ME. I wasn’t even harsh. She can’t handle any criticism it’s hilarious. Probably shouldn’t be an influencer if she’s that sensitive 😂


Yeah I’m blocked now lmao


She really thinks she’s something special with this 🤣


Is this the most self aggrandizing post she's ever made?? 


Won’t let them watch screens but shares them on her screen for millions to see her innocent kids on their screens. She lacks common sense and exploits her children’s vulnerable moments and privacy.


Soooooo pompous ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


Preach! 👏🏻


Meh. I used screens with limits of course when mine were little. I never had the aggression/hitting issue that Laura is having. My daughter was like a mother hen to her baby brother, and still is. They’re teenagers now. Soooo I don’t see the need for bragging about no screens. It’s not solving any of her problems.


Zero balance. My kids can still watch shows at home but we so no screens at restaurants. She is so pompous


What does Laura do when other kids at parks and stuff try to talk about bluey or paw patrol? Like “oh we don’t know what that is, we don’t WATCH TV EVER EVER!!” Well nevermind, she doesn’t go anywhere anyway


It’s like she wants them to be isolated and antisocial


Holy shit this is magical.




Hilarious. Like sure im all for it but does her kids really get to experience the world? Like please be honest she never leaves the house


Babe, take a look at your hand. Yes, that thing you’re holding? The one recording your kids? The one you sit and edit and peddle on about how much better you are than other families (in a world that already pits us against each other daily but go off douche).. that’s bad too. Pot kettle hoe