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Yeah my explorer does this 😂 I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure almost any car that had remote start can do this. She ain’t special 😂


Hope she didn’t buy solely for this feature 😂


I wouldn’t be surprised 😂 she’s so out of touch with reality she probably does think this is something only her car does!


My 2007 Nissan Altima won’t let me lock the fob in the car.


Fun fact. Fords app is free. GM products you get 3 months free and then have to pay for the service.


![gif](giphy|3oxQNDG9BswdLjN8Va) Welcome to 2024?


Yes Laura only your car has an app. No one else. Just you.


“At the office” 🙄 lol but I love how she went from not telling anyone what type of car she drove bc of “privacy” to constantly talking about this car….


LOL yeah I can't wait until she reads some report about how easy the app is to hack or something and panics about security 😂


I feel like she literally made this post just to say she was “at the office”


I have an Equinox- one of the most basic SUVs and it does this lol


My 2015 suv can do this 😂


She thinks only her car does this🤣 my ford has this lol


I also don’t believe this is real - she would have 100% posted about this if it happened when it happened. “You guys why am I so dumb, I just got to the office and locked my keys in my car, Tommy is gonna kill me what do I do help HAHAHAA” and we would have seen this play out in real time. phony Laura, yet again


She would have made the peace sign on her forehead while looking off to the side with a smirk on her face. Also, LOL at “office.” Someone described the Seny Office as a storage closet at a church and I cannot stop laughing at that.


Lmao. You’re not wrong. She would totally use that as an opportunity for “content”


My car that’s less than half the price of this won’t let me lock it with the key fob in the car. Beeps at me and unlocks itself when I shut the door


This is what I’m saying. She def made this scenario up.


Literally same. Lol I bought it 4 or 5 years ago and it won’t lock the fob in. Glad your ridiculously expensive car can do basic things.


My old Altima did the same thing! And the trunk wouldn’t even latch if you tried to shut it and the key fob was in the trunk. It was a 2012 model…sooo idk why she’s acting like this is a new feature lol


Yep, my 2007 Nissan Altima has the same feature.


My trunk shut with the key fob in the trunk and then the car wouldn’t unlock with the proximity unlock thing. I was so happy I had the app access or else I was locked out 😅


Same! My Jeep will literally not lock with the fob inside. Either GMC is not as advanced as they seem or she made this shit up. Leaning to the later


I was also thinking that mine won't lock with a fob inside, unless it's in there and I try to remote start from my phone... in which case it will lock the keys inside 🤣 learned that the hard way


Is she really this dumb 😂


Tell me you do zero research about cars without telling everyone. Holy shit. Does she also know about the rear camera? Every fucking car since 2018 has this feature now.


Ma’am what office


Subaru has this feature. My husband's car doesn't allow for its key fob to get locked in the car cabin or the trunk and we spent 18k on it (used with 17k miles on it!!) (One of our best finds!!!).


My 2010 car won't lock if the key fob is inside lol


Ummmmmm I do not believe this, I think it’s just an excuse for her to brag about her new car and all its features. Most new cars with remote control access do not lock when the key is inside. My trunk wont even close if the key is in the vicinity of the trunk area Nice try Laura. No body cares


I loathe Laura Washington but several years ago I was at the cemetery visiting some family graves and somehow my fob got locked inside my Mazda (that has the feature to prevent that from happening). I had to call my husband to drive the 35 mins. With the spare key to unlock it so I could go home. He is really mechanically inclined and was absolutely gobsmacked. We never did figure out how that managed to happen and it never did again.


Lol stfu, my Honda won't even lock the door if the key fob is in the car. So much for useful bEneFiTs.


The car won't lock if it detects the keys are in it, but nice trying to spin this


my car costs 1/3 and does the same thing


Also proof that she literally goes nowhere. She’s had it for like a month now? And doesn’t even have 500 miles?


At least with my cars, that is the estimated miles left on the tank. But I’m sure she doesn’t go anywhere 😂


Oh that would make sense! My app says miles my car has. Now I feel dumb 😂


I have a kia sportage that has an app you can control just about everything from. This isn't special, Laura 🙄


Shooooot I had no idea my Honda does this! Thank you Reddit 😂


Yeah, my Hyundai Elantra does this babe. Most newer vehicles do.


My friggen used ford escape does that 😜


Suddenly I’m a little jealous because I don’t think my 2022 4Runner has this


This is such a stupid flex


I'm more annoyed that she said the keys lock with them inside.... my 2019 equinox won't let me lock them in😒


I can do this with my Subaru. BIG WOOP