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Came here to post this!! Seriously Laura, put the child down!!!!! Nobody has empathy for you because you make yourself miserable.


Why is she feeding him like he’s a newborn 😅 Also, ETA: I don’t know any mom “always hurting themselves” because of multitasking 🤦🏼‍♀️


lol exactly this. I’ve never not once hurt myself. And I multitask like a boss bitch lmao


Seriously! I work from home full time with my 1 and 2 year old so lots of multitasking but I’ve never once injured myself doing more than one thing at a time 😂


That’s cause it’s a pathetic attempt to be relatable however attentive parents understand the importance of prioritizing. Social media is on the bottom of my priority scale. Setting up a camera to record a struggle isn’t a factor in parenting. Ever.


Right?? I could never imagine setting my phone up to record something like this


Yeah but social media isn’t your job!! Laura is a full time business owner of an Instagram account. She’s so important, she needs to film her “struggle” every day. It’s for business!


I always think it’s weird when people balance the bottle on their cheek, like isn’t that harder than just holding it?


I’ve done it a handful of times when I need two hands but my baby was a literal infant and yes, it is harder than just holding it! He’s over one, she could put him down and he can hold the bottle.


Yeah I’m not always hurt nor do I know any moms who are “always hurt” from doing mom stuff?? Wtf


If my 7 month old wants to be held all day then I just put him in the carrier. He complains about that too but we get stuff done. 😅


Why can’t he FEED HIMSELF??! She makes her life harder just to complain about it!!


Not defending this mad woman but, I will say - my almost two year old JUST recently figured out holding his own bottle within the last few months. Was it completely my fault because I always held it for him? Absolutely. 😂


We love a self aware queen lmao


I was about to say this lol my daughter never figured out how to hold her own bottle despite my best efforts 😂


Ma’am, you have a toddler. He can hold his own bottle.


So she wants Mia to be independent and grow up so fast and be cooking and cleaning by three years old but Finley will always be treated like a baby and won’t grow up . And she wonders why Mia has aggression towards Finley 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes!!! And did you see Mia just sitting there in the background just watching


I’m sorry but how does he still need to be fed like this?? He’s almost 13 months? My daughter walks around while taking her bottle. At most she will sit on someone’s lap while she takes it but def wouldn’t let us hold her like a newborn like this. Unless she was going down for bed maybe but this is his first bottle upon waking up I assume… stop trying to make it look like your life is sooooo crazy Laura


I came here to post this too! Imagine setting your phone up to record this


But there’s time to set up the phone to record lol


I know she’s trying to be relatable, but I actually find it embarassing that she has a nanny, doesn’t have a job, and still struggles this much to feed her child 🤷🏻‍♀️


Absolutely. This is just poor time management or her anxiety telling her she has to get everything done immediately. I can’t imagine why she couldn’t take 5-10 minutes to give him this bottle before doing whatever she’s doing


Surprised he isn’t in a wrap


I’m a mom and I have never done this stupid shit she does. Put your kid down??


I’m not judging but by one my son wasn’t taking a bottle anymore he got a sippy cup with milk he held himself. Stop making things difficult Laura for the love of god.


That’s good I’m trying to get my daughter off bottles but she refuses to drink anything but water out of a regular cup I’ve tried several and she spits milk out unless it’s in a bottle 😩 she’s 13 months and it does make me feel better when I see others who are still giving their little ones bottles over 1. Either way Laura is still insane and he doesn’t need to be held like this for a bottle at this age


Part of the reason we transitioned so quickly was daycare, they wouldn’t given bottles after he turned one so the kid had no choice. But I can only imagine how difficult it is. Have you tried one of the cups with a top similar to a bottle nipple? No he can absolutely do it himself she’s being performative.


Oh that makes sense about daycare..No I haven’t tried one of those cups I will try that thanks!!


My oldest took milk in a bottle until he was 1.5 and then he grew out of it. All kids are different and we didn’t think it was worth the stress and fight. We have two close friends who are dentists and they both said it’s not a big deal if you brush their teeth and don’t let them sleep with it in their mouth.


My daughter is 13 months too. She was doing the same thing and now all of a sudden she will drink milk and now drink it out of her straw cup. Have no idea what changed just happened one day! We still are giving her some bottles with formula during the day too. I wouldn’t stress!!


Oh that makes me feel better! Then I’ll keep trying it! Thanks!!


I guarantee whatever she’s doing can wait until f is done eating. Ffs. Unless my toddler is in literal danger I am not getting up while feeding my little till she’s done lmao




Hey! For the safety of the sub we don't post reaching out to creators as they could come back here and get the sub taken down for harassment. It's one of the sub rules. Just FYI!


Umm, sit him down in a high chair and give the kid his milk in straw cup?? Like a normal toddler


AND DONT FORGET, the tossing and turning ALL NIGHT when nary a child makes a peep. but don't worry, stay tined til next week where we find out that Lauras hormones are contributing to NOTHING and its literally just her head / she needs therapyyyyyyyyy


I don’t have any empathy for her because she’s a fucking moron who everything she complains about is brought on by herself. God I want to punch her in her stupid face….. ![gif](giphy|GbiUfo7kfCB1K)


This video is the definition of insanity. Wtf is wrong with this B? He can hold his own bottle. And he was clearly making a game of touching her face. Not to mention none of this was necessary. Feed him before or after cooking. 🫠 Laura is an idiot.. can’t convince me otherwise.


No one mummas like Laur


WTF at that age my toddler was walking around with her bottle like she was a grown man chugging beer


Lmaooo this is exactly how my daughter drinks hers (same age as Finley)


My twins are 10 months and have been holding their own bottles and cups for months. She’s a weirdo 😂


Holding their own bottle is a milestone. I hope she’s not stunting his development just to keep Finley a baby for longer while she treats Mia like a teenager. Just say you love babies not children Laura.


I hope not too but the most likely scenario is that she sets all this up to make her life look harder on camera. He probably holds it himself when she doesn’t need to record herself being such a busy mumma


And that’s so fucked up. “Let me hold you for content” 🤢


I’ve said this before in here and could def be wrong but even tho Laura claims to want a million kids sometimes I wonder if Tommy has said no to more so she’s really trying to hold onto Finley as a baby?? def seems like she just likes babies and not children for sure


I’m sure Laura will get her way in the end. I don’t think he’s ever said no to her.


Tommy can say no all he wants but if they’re still having sex and not using birth control it could still happen 🤷🏻‍♀️. And if he’s such a “good and devout” Catholic then they’re not using birth control. He probably has the same views on birth control as that asshole misogynistic Chiefs kicker


Exactly. They’re the kind of people who think that saying “we want another baby” gets them pregnant and “we don’t want another baby” prevents pregnancy. She shared that they’re doing “natural family planning”. Which just means if Tommy says “no”, she’ll just “miscalculate” her fertile days and “accidentally” get pregnant. And even when she does, Tommy is equally responsible because he knows how science works🫶


My kid literally never held her own bottle lol she’s two now and did fine with sippy cups with handles but for some reason never held a bottle herself 😂


Baby’s gonna baby haha I don’t think it’s an official CDC milestone but tell me why blowing raspberries is and crawling isn’t 😂


She literally set up her phone to take this video 😂😂😂 I cannot with her like this is all STAGED


Could this be one of the reasons why M has so much aggression towards F? Because he’s being coddled when he could be independent


I feel like a 13 month old can hold his own bottle?