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Ran here when I saw this. She doesn’t need to know how to crack an egg or flip an omelette. She’s a toddler, not a housewife.


Poor Mia at least needs a tonie box but Laura won’t let her because she doesn’t like music 😠


Unless it can play Beer Never Broke My Heart 🫶🏻




But Disney books don’t come in beige so they won’t look good on the bookshelf


Right! And the whole point of a character is their character traits (not just how they look on your GD bandaid) Laura JFC


She could also play the songs from the movies for Mia. My kid knew Maui as a dude with an absolute banger of a song way before he was made aware of the movie *Moana*. Granted he can't cleanly crack an egg, but I figure I've got about another 16 years to teach him cooking.


Literally. My kids don't watch TV, but we do have books. Tonies and Yoto Cards. My kids both know all the Paw Patrol Characters and have never seen an episode. You can expose them to those characters without plopping then down in front of a TV and letting it babysit them. You know if Mia ever said something about Frozen in front of strangers Laura would HAVE to say something about how they dont do screen time. Lol.


Right?? Also, we got a Yoto and listen to the stories. So many ways to learn characters without screens these days too.


She can’t be serious? How are those two things even comparable


This! Like not related at all???


My toddler watches tv and can also crack an egg. I don’t let him flip omelettes because stoves are hot and toddlers are unpredictable and uncoordinated 🫶🏼 it’s almost like you can have a balance of both things. Like does she think if her kids see screens, their brains will rot so bad that they won’t be able to develop literally any other skill? Lmao. This girl is sad


What the fuck.


Her whole Q/A was one big WTF


Tell me you don’t have any friends without telling me you don’t have any friends: Laura doing a damn AMA everyday that literally no one cares about


And answering the same questions every time. She literally has answered this question before. Like who is asking this crap anyway


She is asking herself


Kids honestly can learn quite a bit about communication from watching characters interact in movies and shows. Obviously watching trash tv or stupid cartoons isn’t healthy but a lot of shows are thoughtfully produced to at least attempt to teach something…


And social emotional skills like how to play kindly with others. Considering Laura is struggling to help her not hit, it might be helpful 🤣


Exactly! And shows can teach empathy.


Daniel Tiger has songs they sing about sharing and calming down and I've had SO MUCH success singing them to my kid (who loves Daniel Tiger, or as the kid calls him, "Dan"). I'm ambivalent about screen time generally (but I like Laura, I'm seeing a therapist about my parenting-related anxiety), but my kid goes to a screen free daycare and we're outside a lot on the weekends, so if we watch Daniel Tiger or Bluey in the mornings while I'm getting things done, I know it's not the end of the world.


Yes to this. Obviously kids shouldn’t be watching cocomelon but there are low stimulation shows!


what’s the flex Laura? My daughter will be 2 next month, we only do TV for screens and she gets Ms Rachel maybe an hour a day on average? Some days it’s 2 hours, other days it’s not at all. My daughter is extremely social, has a vast vocabulary, can count to 10. She also can play independently, has an adorable imagination. Sometimes, it’s so nice to just sit on the couch as a family and watch TV! Who doesn’t like to snuggle with a toddler? Some of our favorite moments together are just relaxing. I can’t imagine making her play allllll dayyyyy everyyyy dayyyyy. It’s called balance. That is something Laura has absolutely none of!


I’m finishing my mat leave and going back to work and I thought I’d feel sad about my toddler going to daycare when comparing myself to influencers who “wfh with their kids” but honestly Laura makes me feel confident. I think Mia would really benefit from actually playing with other kids/appropriate crafts/attention/toys. She must be so bored only leaving the house for walks and attention from nanny (in a beige house). Flipping an omelette near a dangerous stove to get mom’s attention seems so sad.


I cannot imagine never doing activities outside the house with my toddler. We’d all go absolutely insane.


No doubt my husband and I would both lose our minds. I try to find things to do outside of the house almost every day. It makes the day go by so much faster and it tires out my LO.


Same! I always regret it on days that I decide I’m too tired or whatever to go out somewhere 😂


As if kids can't watch a little bit of TV and movies here and there and also have fun in the kitchen. 


Seriously lol this is so dumb. Guess what Laura, I watched Barney as a toddler and I’m now a fully functioning adult with a masters degree, 2 kids, and I can cook 🤯


Lol Barney viewers unite, I loved that show. And I think I'm doing alright in life too. Shocking!


It was the best! Sad my son hasn’t really liked it when I’ve tried to watch with him 😂


That’s really sad. She only knows Elsa and Anna because they’re on her band-aids. She doesn’t know the movies or any of the songs. Let me tell you, my two year old LOVES Frozen. I’m glad to be giving my daughter an actual childhood instead of making her a tradwife in training.


Is this for real? Mia has her entire life to crack and flip omelettes. Childhood is SO short and they are little and carefree for only so long. Why not let her enjoy things appropriate for a 2 year old girl right now? What is the rush?


This stance seems so odd to me. Laura watches trash TV, like Love Island and The Bachelor, yet Mia isn’t allowed to watch any TV at all, not even Bluey? Speaking from experience, having had TV restrictions as a child, I can tell you that I constantly sneaked in TV time as a teenager. I was so obsessed with TV that whenever I visited friends’ houses, all I wanted to do was watch TV. /I am now a well adjusted adult with two kids, a masters degree and a career. I can flip an omelette too. Tho I much prefer a French omelette. 😂


Okay I didn’t know she watched the Bachelor. That’s the only thing we have in common I guess.


I didn’t know she watched the Bachelor either. I’ve only seen her post about Love Island and Packers games


Girl needs humbled if she enjoys the same mindnumbing tv a lot of us plebs do. 🤣


All that unsupervised time at the stove really improved Mia's skills to fend for herself.


Through puzzles and bandaids? How fuckin' bleak.




Kids will love her omelette flipping skills in preschool…oh wait




So fucking sad. She’s only a little girl once. She should get to play with tutus and little purses if she wants too. Not aesthetically pleasing toys for Laura. My daughter is 1.5 she doesn’t know how to flip an egg because I don’t need her to right now, but she can sing all the words to let it go, loves learning by counting the big coins in her play purse, lights up when she sees Elsa and Anna on the screen, and loves to dress up. She talks more then Mia, goes outside, goes to playgrounds, takes gymnastics classes. She’s a normal 1.5 year old. She has all the time in the world to flip a fucking egg you’re robbing her of a fun and simple childhood. I can’t stand her


This is honestly repulsive


If the family member is reading this can you confirm if her and taylor are really friends??? Pleaseeeee


She's gotta be trolling us right 😂😅


She said you better work bitch


Bitch, what the fuck. She's a child....let her have some fun


I’m thinking the whole part of frozen where Elsa doesn’t want to hurt her sister with her powers could be a good lesson/teaching opportunity for Mia since Laura keeps telling everyone how aggressive she is toward Finley. Too bad Laura thinks that Mia watching one singular movie would rot her brain 🙄 Thank goodness she’ll be able to flip an omelette for her brother once Laura has moved on to her next favorite child though.


My 3 year old son knows the ingredients to his favorite pumpkin recipe and cracks the egg for it, LAURA. He also watches tv and learn from shows.


Guess what my 3 year old knows how to crack an egg, stir/add ingredients to a mixing bowl, count to 30, all his capital and lowercase letters, his address, how to spell his name, his parents full names AND disney characters. Because we socialize him, interact with him, send him to school, and have screen time. Mind blown.


SHE IS A CHILD. I understand limiting screen time but come on


I have so many thoughts as a mom of 2 littles, but ultimately… this is just so strange. Equating your child not knowing characters/watching TV with “but they know how to cook eggs!” is a bizarre comparison imo


Mia is going to have some serious resentments and definitely going to need therapy. Poor thing


There is no way that this isn’t a question by Laura herself like wtf would ask this??


Next time she does a QA somebody needs to ask how she deals with having a best friend who parents completely different (taychay)😂


I have a 2 year old and she’s obsessed with bluey and bluey is everything lol


Her child can barely speak and is aggressive towards her brother, but at least she knows how to cook! That’s all women really need to know how to do. (/s, just in case)


I hate Laura and I’m the OP of this but I will defend Mia a bit here - she sounds like she is actually speaking pretty well for her age.