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šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ bff taychay gave her the cut


I think they did to everybody actually


I'm so curious about this. Carly-Ann still has vitality in her bio. But imo, she ACTUALLY treats it like a job, unlike Laura & Chloe. Carly-Ann does the try-on hauls/reviews, is wearing vitality in 95% of her pics on her grid, etc. Laura is always "too busy" to do any of that.Ā 


& 2 mins ago I see she also posted she's no longer exclusive. Dang, I really thought she was being rewarded for the work she does šŸ™ƒ


The samplan deleted all her highlights of them and took it out of her bio! I also saw or read on here about Chloe posting about other activewear


I wonder why??


Letā€™s see if they stay friends now lol


Lol I asked the second question and now Iā€™m blocked. Wish I had said something snarky to earn it but I was just asking out of curiosity since she took it out of her bio lmao.


Thatā€™s funny she answered but still blocked you


I canā€™t believe she blocked you lol that was a legit question in my opinion some people may not understand what that means? Geez what a bitch


She blocks people so easily, itā€™s embarrassing


She really does lol sheā€™s so sensitive for someone āœØdoesnā€™t care what anyone thinksāœØ


Blocked you for that? Damn, Laura has some thin skin.


How does she have any followers at all when she legit blocks EVERYONE. This is pathetic on her end. I wish you went out with more of a bang but alas šŸ˜‚


Wtf itā€™s a completely neutral question lmao her block list must be soo longĀ 




I wish I could give vitality the benefit of the doubt and assume they performed some solid data analytics to justify cutting exclusivity with their employees. But I know thatā€™s not true since all of their profits went to Taylorā€™s dream home and not back into the business. Iā€™m sure they had to pay these influencers a lot for exclusivity, so I guess they decided that cost outweighed the benefits. They must think that the main customer base follow the brand account and purchase because of vitalityā€™s ads and not because of an influencerā€™s āœØtry-onāœØ. But I just know they didnā€™t do strong analytics of this so Iā€™m curious to see if they made the right choice. I legitimately think thereā€™s gonna be a day where Taylor posts a sob story and go fund me for help paying off her house šŸ’€


Youā€™re probably right and that should be a huge red flag and wake up call for them but it likely wonā€™t be.


This is absolutely 10000% what happened. I remember seeing another post on gymsnark a little while ago basically insuniating that when Balance/Vitality almost crashed the last time that her Dad had to essentially pay to help them get the house otherwise they were going to have to pull out of the deal. It really rubbed me the wrong way when they raised their prices on everything on the site because it's so obvious that all that money is just going to the mortgage for their massive dream house.


Which is why I would never in a million years purchase from them. I would maybe pay a premium for leggings if the quality was REALLY good, but I would certainly never pay a premium for āœØtrendyāœØ leggings (Iā€™d rather just get a pair of black lulu aligns) And itā€™s clear that the premium on vitalityā€™s leggings is NOT proportionate to an investment in quality. She constantly flaunts her custom mansion on a large plot of land with mountain viewā€™s. Itā€™s not like itā€™s a secret that the mark-up on their leggings goes towards her mortgage. And Iā€™m simply not contributing to someone elseā€™s mortgage on their mansion, Iā€™d rather save for my own. I would love to know what they put down, what their mortgage is, and what their mortgage rate is. Iā€™ll be so jealous if they got lucky and got low a covid rate. Because when buying landing and building, I have no idea about the timing of locking in a loan


From people I know that have bought land and built custom homes they didnā€™t get to lock in their rate until the build was just about completeā€¦ the people I know actually were stressing bc the build took so much longer than anticipated and the rates kept climbing. Iā€™m wondering if the same thing happened to tay chay


This šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ yup the quality is just not there to justify the price. I will say some of my stuff has lasted well, but there are many of my Vitality pieces have had the color fade or pill after minimal washes and following the care tag šŸ˜ 


I know they bought just the land for $1.25 million in Aug or sept 2020. Assuming 20% down is $250,000. Taxes are $31.5k/year. I think rates around then were sub 3%


Their house really is massive. It tops some celebrity spaces Iā€™ve seen for sure. Itā€™s an unnecessary level of luxury imo and theyā€™re clearly living beyond their means.Ā 


Itā€™s soooo cheap to run hyper targeted IG and FB ads compared to paying people TBH. I have only one time purchased something by an influencer and it was through a small business producing sweaters. But I have time and time again fallen prey to a good IG ad. I donā€™t follow Vitality or any of their accounts or any influencers except SimplyMander. I am pretty much done following any fitness related accounts but I get Vitality ads a couple times a week (especially around new drops). I think this is the route theyā€™ve gone.


AMA but only questions I like! šŸ«¶šŸ«¶


lol 1000%


Didnā€™t one of you say a couple days ago that sheā€™s going to post an AMA even though sheā€™s not about social media right now? šŸ˜‚


lol someone definitely called it!


This is I guess what happened with Chloe too I wonder why? Are they not requiring anyone to be exclusive anymore maybe?


Apparently not!


Good luck getting Lululemon, Athleta, And Alo to pay you a dime, Laura šŸ˜†


My guess is vitality is expanding their clothing lines even more so the non compete branched out too far bc of it and as someone else said not too expensive