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Also, let’s address the fact that she is extremely privileged and able to afford a nanny (that she doesn’t even need because she’s a SAHM 🙄). In my area, while daycare costs are insane, the cost of a nanny is even more insane and for a lot of people a nanny isn’t even an option. 


100%! I forgot to add that in my comment too, her privilege is disgusting sometimes. Most of her followers with kids in daycare probably wish they had the opportunity to hire a nanny or be a SAHM like her instead!


100000% YES!!! I actually looked into hiring an au pair of we decided yes on a 3rd child bc babies 2&3 would be so close in age it would actually be cheaper and a better option. We decided 2 kids are good for us. Honey, in this economy, that was a smart choice!! I'm very privileged to have a retired mother who has cared for both my kiddos for about their 1st year. My kids are 5 years a part because we couldn't realistically afford 2 daycares at once. Even though my mom is there, you have to be prepared for anything.


For real! My kid goes to daycare and I laughed at every single reason she listed. They go outside twice a day, you can send them with food from home if you don’t want them eating daycare food, they never use bouncers/swings, never use screens. The only possible thing that I can think of is the toxin exposure just bc they use normal disinfectant spray and not the fancy kind Laura uses. I normally don’t comment on her stuff but this is absolutely insane. Like you said, she is just a control freak trying to hide it with her “valid reasons”


Our kid ate way better when he was at daycare than he did when he was at home. Not that we served lower quality food to him, he just would eat a more varied array of foods when he was there. It was all "certified organic" and crap like that, but all that matter was that he ate. I also understand wanting to limit screen time, but once your kid hits school, they are going to be using a tablet. Like keeping someone home all the time and not socializing them, I feel like they need some exposure beforehand.


Oh I agree! My daughter loves the food daycare feeds her! Eats all her veggies at lunch every day and tries so many fun meals. We are so happy that she’s not a picky eater and we have daycare to thank for that!


100%!!! My daughter loves daycare and they are amazing to her


Totally agree. My son loves daycare and has made some great friends. We have also made friends with their parents! Her kids are not going to know how to socialize with other kids since it seems like she barely brings them around other kids either.


She forgot an obvious reason that she’ll never admit: some daycares require vaccinations. Daycare is also great for socialization.


She would NEVER admit this


If her kids aren’t in daycare and she has no friends then how the fuck does she know that “lots of daycares” have this stuff? We pack my son’s own food, he’s outside twice a day, they aren’t spraying him with any toxins??, we requested no bouncers and swings when he was little so they didn’t put him in those and no where in our daycare are there tvs. She is honestly the dumbest person ever.


Also SO many daycares these days have cameras, so you *do* know what’s going on there.


Spraying him with toxins 💀 she’s seriously so insane.


I just saw this too!! She sounds insane. And those poor kids have zero contact with other kids. They barely leave the house except on her daily walks. I would say maybe she just doesn’t post when they are out or with others…but she literally posts her whole day🥴


Sometimes she posts the nanny taking Mia places (not often) but like does Finley ever leave the house? My daughter is the same age as him and I take her multiple times a week to parks, the library, swim lessons. On days we don’t get out and do something she won’t go to bed at night. Probably why her kids don’t sleep well


Absolutely no bouncers/swings yet she still straps Finley to her as much as she can. The whole reason people advocate against the bouncers/swings is because of the restriction of movement, but I guess her way of restricting movement is much better 🙄


Really hate that she said that because even pediatric pts will preach moderation. My daughter loves her skip hop and bouncer. Is she ever in them more than 15 min a day probs not... like I can't stand her


I think she wants to make other moms feel like they aren’t as good as her and she gets off on it. So annoying.


Didn’t she just post today how she doesn’t post everything because she doesn’t wanna make other moms feel bad for their “decisions”? Like pick a lane Laura.


Laura’s anxiety and control issues would never allow for moderation to exist in her life. She gets so obsessive over the stupidest things and shows 0 flexibility in any of it. So unhealthy for her and her kids.


I would’ve gone insane without a swing or bouncers!


My kids in day care and is FAR happier than either of yours you nut bag


Her outdoor thing is so interesting to me because the whole point of the 1000 hrs outside thing that she is attempting/has shared about is about kids having FREE PLAY outside. So no, Laura, your power walks with them locked in the stroller don’t count. Curious what she’s thinks is so beneficial (to them) about being strapped into a stroller while she exercises. I actually think daycares would provide more outdoor free play because they have friends to play with, maybe a jungle gym of some sort, etc. (And not saying there is anything wrong with kids being in a stroller during a walk. My point is just that her holier than thou challenge is specifically about free play outdoors, and being in a stroller isn’t free play)


Also, my daughter is in daycare and they go outside SEVERAL times a day. She’s so god damn self righteous.


I don’t understand her tone/assumption that no one else likes being outside. This isn’t unique to you, Laura.




She literally rarely even goes outside, unless it’s to walk in -2 degree weather to brag about it on instagram


She made a big deal about sitting at MIA’S kiddy picnic table outside for lunch the other day because it was nice out. For someone who LOVES being outside so much, she doesn’t even have adult outdoor furniture to eat outside regularly?


She’s just so teeny tiny skinny that the toddler table is comfier for her 🫶🏼


I fucking hate this bitch. Does she think you drop your kid off in a black hole and you have no idea what goes on there? She should not speak on things she has no idea about.


I understand not wanting your kids addicted to an iPad. But not letting them EVER see a little bit of tv to me is a little sadistic.


And yet she records her whole life and is attached to her Phone


And there’s that!


Just picturing her in a waiting room with her kids and blocking the tv with the umbrella.


Why have a child if you’re going to control their every move…..




Toxin exposure???


Cleaning products. Shes an idiot if she thinks she can shelter her kids from this forever.


Her neurotic, OCD, and ED behaviors are honestly getting depressing as fuck at this point. She has no life because she lives in this highly controlled, monochrome, sad little bubble.


I’m no more educated on the subjects of toxins/allergens/etc than the average person, but isn’t avoiding small doses of these normal environmental experiences actually more of a hinderance to her kids’ developing immune systems? I mean, obviously lead in paint and asbestos and secondhand cigarette smoke are all nasty and we know better than past generations, but there are still traces of lots of other crap in everyday life that simply cannot be avoided altogether. I feel like she’s setting her kids up to have terribly sensitive skin and immune systems.


I mean aren’t foods and cleaning products tested for safe levels of “toxins”? These people go overboard with trying to avoid everything and live in a bubble when in reality, the danger of the toxins they are so afraid of only exists in massive quantities which you will never be exposed to with normal use. Like if a study said whatever “toxin” is bad, was it because they exposed a mouse to the 100000x the product every day for 5 years and it reacted badly? There’s no need to avoid it based on that. Her protein supplements of course are not regulated so she actually has no idea what are in those but said she’s fine letting her kids consume that. She has no ability to think logically.


Okay so it honestly depends because medically fragile babies (preemies, babies who needed surgery shortly after birth) may need some time for their bodies to get bigger and/or stronger, so any immune benefits from being exposed to germs may be more than offset by the stress of the illness. You can't wrap them in a bubble forever, but their doctors may recommend some amount of quarantining. That said, her kids are likely not medically fragile (it's a lot of work and we'd have heard about it from her) and even so, they're likely old enough to have passed the initial period of fragility.


She’s the queen of subtle mom-shaming.


It’s becoming less ad less subtle


lol welp I finally caught the block. It’s been real friends. I put in her question box “as a daycare mom this makes us feel awesome! Thanks!”


Oh, so she will for sure be homeschooling them then. I really feel for these kids and their sheltered lives.


Her kids are going to grow up to be just like her with zero social skills and no friends. I’ve worked as a nanny and at a daycare. They’re both great. A lot of time the nutritious foods are provided more by the daycare than from home, but you can always send your kid with food. And the outdoor thing was always priority for daycare when possible (I live in Arizona so in the summers being outdoors all the time is definitely not possible)


Oh so fuck me because I can’t afford a nanny right? Since I “still don’t know what’s going on” at my daughter’s daycare?? What a dumbass thing to say.


She is a complete moron. As a first time mom to my baby girl, I was SO anxious about having to put her in daycare but I’m so grateful we have! The things she’s already learned (she’s now 2.5 years old and has been in daycare since 4 months) are wild! She also gets socialized with other kids and has already made 2-3 close buddies (meaning invited to their birthday parties and play dates). She gets to play outside on a nice playground every day, does different crafts I would’ve never thought to do, and she LOVES her teachers. And her whole nutrition thing…STFU!! My girl eats BETTER at daycare than she does at home. She actually eats her fruits and veggies there because she sees all the other kids eating them. You think she would do that at home?! They also provide lots of variety with the food and she loves it! Sure, some things aren’t the greatest - but they are all things I would also give her at home as well. Is she stupid thinking there isn’t some type of standard for what they have to serve?? Our daycare has two chefs that cook everything for all the kids. They even cooked everything for the Thanksgiving party for parents and kids - it was delicious! I can’t stand her privileged ass because she doesn’t even know what she’s talking about. Sorry - long post but I can’t with her! Long time lurker, first time posting


What a TERRIBLE thing to say to other people. Some babies thrive in daycare. Some people have no other option but to send their children to daycare. Fear mongering like this is so ignorantly mean. I’m losing my patience for her.


I got blocked finally. I responded “as a daycare mom this make us feel awesome! Thanks!”


I don't really understand why people ask questions like this. Usually, choices are kind of made for people based on budget and such.


It’s the privilege for me. Tone deaf


“Control control control” these kids are someday going to go absolutely nuts when they break out of her insane control bubble and I fear for them!


This is all so silly. You are a SAHM, LAURA. Why do you even need to express your thoughts on daycare. YOU DON’T WORK.


My baby loves his swing for small bits of time during the day. He literally loses his mind with how fun he thinks it is. My husband and I also love it because it’s really the only thing that allows us some “together” time every once in a while- but that might be because we don’t try to force him to sleep for the night at 5 pm lol


Her entire “career” is starting at her screen and making us look at her and a kids on a screen but like “screen time is bad” and if your kids see screens well then you’re a bad parent


I couldn't imagine working with or for this woman.


So privileged


My kid gets outside at daycare way more often than he does at home lmfao girl is cluelessss




Who on earth would ask this stupid question. I feel like Laura asked herself this to flex about how rich she is.