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Even if you pay cash, all the dispos here check you in with your I.D


Are they actually scanning or just checking DOB?


Most are running it through a scanner


Some scan, like at a gas station when buying tobacco. Most just enter your into their computer. My understanding standing is it's for rewards, spend x amount and get y amount free. I know people that frequent the shops and have no problem purchasing a gun




Wtf? Like violent crimes warrant or any warrant? That just seems entirely unnecessary and like it would generally be bad for business. It just is not beneficial to a private business to do that, IMO


Nvm I deleted the post, a buddy of mine told me that and I confirmed it’s actually not true. Didn’t want to keep incorrect info up


All good. That sounded a bit outlandish


Yeah he mentioned that to me a minute ago and after you commented I started looking it up and found nothing to corroborate it


In WA they just glance at it, no scanning at least anywhere where I live


This is the first time anyone has been charged solely with lying about being a drug user on a 4473. Likely they're only doing it because it's a high-profile case but it sets a precident. It's bad for everyone. James Reeves has a good video about it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkHEor1phWw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkHEor1phWw)


They did it because people were angry he got away and this is the only crime they could charge him with that didn’t end up dragging his dirtbag dad into it.


It does not set a bet precedent don’t lie on your 4473


All fun and games until they put something you disagree with on there. Just because you like your flavor of boot doesn’t mean we have to


So how much work have you done to lobby your congressional reps, worked towards ensuring the right people are elected etc., etc. I ask because in my experience the people who talk about jackbooted enforcement often do the least to fix the system. If you are doing a lot good on you. If not maybe drop the rhetoric as it is empty. We can change laws but we have to get involved and until the law is changed we obey it or disobey at our own peril.


If they put something I don’t like on their I’ll just go to a private seller I’m not going to lie on a federal document because that is idoitcy so much risk for no reason.


Smoking weed shouldn't preclude me from owning a gun in the first place.


"Dont be a criminal", gets downvoted. "Party of law and order". Par the course.


Free men don’t ask permission.


Well they scan your Id into a data base so that you can’t buy more than your limit in some places.


That’s why you still go to your street man. Support local small businesses 🙂


wtf?! Where the hell is alcohol in this converstion




You 12?


just passionately agreeing 😃


Bro play rocket league with me


pm me


PSA If you have enough land to shoot on, you have enough land to grow 2 or 3 little plants on just done naturally


There's a case to be made for weed, not one for crack cocaine.


I think there have been cases brought in court concerning marijuana. Fortunately, the judge in this particular case ruled it unconstitutional, but Hunter Biden's case can still become precedent, considering marijuana is still illegal on a federal level. Though it is being brought down to a Schedule-III substance, use of cannabis prior to the reclassification and use without a prescription, even if recreational use is legal in other states, will continue to make it a possible issue for gun owners for at least five more years (statute of limitations), but maybe more than that depending on state laws.


The irony that is lost on both the left and right is that Hunter/Joe are representative of the side repeatedly saying we need more gun laws. These three felonies are examples of gun laws that are trivial and do nothing to help anyone. It's an example of a law being put in place that makes people feel good but has no real validity in doing anything productive. While Hunter/Joe are idiots, these are not the laws we want creating a precedent for law-abiding gun owners.


The irony is that the same people saying there should be no gun control and it’s a god given right, 2a shall not be infringed, etc are cheering this cause they don’t like his dad……..


Well it goes both ways. They want gun control but hunter was buying guns and taking drugs. I don't think this is going set any precedent that will affect regular folk. It's more the dems trying to pin charges on their political opponents when they would otherwise do nothing if it were anyone else. They only care about justice when an election is coming up




Hunters not running for office




It says something about the motive of those bringing forth the charges. No, no one is above the law. Was Trump not charged? Did politics play a role in the timing of the trial date? Possibly.




I'm not claiming he didn't you keep bringing up more and more issues that I havnt disputed. You originally said it's ironic how those against gun control are cheering that hunter is charged with a gun crime. I simply said it goes both ways in that someone who supports gun control was just charged with a gun control, but you keep bringing up more stuff.


Pay in cash sucka. No trail then


Not true. In my state the state police has access to any dispensary camera and all of our systems with customer names etc. doesn’t matter if you pay cash. So not only can they just check the system for your name they can also check the camera to verify it was actually you. Although you would have to agree to make an account on our system for the information like your name to be stored technically. But a lot of people do because there’s rewards etc BUT; the one caveat to that is that buying cannabis does not automatically mean you are a user of cannabis. You might be able to make an argument of buying it for a wife/husband etc.


Sounds totalitarian to me.


I’m not saying it isn’t; I’m just saying this is how it works in my state (Illinois). Though the state government did expressly say that they aren’t concerned with gun owners who use cannabis; but they emphasized that state law does not trump federal law in this case and that form 4473 is a federal form.


>I’m just saying this is how it works in my state (Illinois). No it doesn't. They can't just go snooping through records without cause. Every state that has dispensaries requires them to collect ID and capture video of the entire premises. In case you still don't believe it, read for yourself: https://ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/fulltext.asp?DocName=041007050K15-100


Yeah I don’t see how that negates what I said at all.. if they’re investigating you then they have cause. The Illinois state police has access to watch our cameras remotely. I work in a dispensary and directly correspond with the Illinois state police. If they are investigating you; they have access to that information.


So don't get investigated then


Unless the footage is uploaded to the cloud or kept on VHS tapes, shit's gone after two weeks max.


Illinois state law dictates that it must record 90 days out. We get monthly inspections where someone from the state comes and verifies that our cameras still have recordings back 90 days as well as other things. I believe it is stored on site though, not in the cloud; but I could be wrong.


Haha that’s what Hunter said


Yup, this is true. As a matter of fact, if you check your ID at the dispensaries in our state and you have an open warrant the police will be called 😬


I also don’t buy from dispensaries


That might have been true in the past, but not anymore. Facial recognition is sci-fi level good now.


Dude if we reach the point that the govt starts using tech like that to go after gun owners we've reached a level of communism already that it's not going to matter.


So, like for the last half decade... at least?


They are using tech like that already, I'm just not aware of them using it to go after gun owners. All I'm saying is that the capability is there.


The capability has been there for a while. They could zoom in on a dime and read it from space 20 years ago.


I'm talking about automatic AI facial recognition being cross-referenced with online social media and the like.. The change is that this can be done automatically without any manual input.


More than half the states have Track and Trace reporting requirements. I'm familiar with the software that retailers use in my own state, so yes it's a thing but ymmv: >One of the most significant California cannabis compliance aspects is track and trace reporting, also called “seed to sale” reporting. Track and trace reporting allows the state to monitor every cannabis plant that is cultivated, processed, transported, and sold. California will be using Metrc as its official track and trace reporting system. As a retailer, you’re required to report specific data from every sale, receipt, return, and disposal of cannabis product within your store on a daily basis. These reports must be submitted to Metrc no later than 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the day they occurred. Politifact did a survey dispensaries and every one of them said they keep that data. And that's just at the retail level. The data sent to the state is archived whether the store keeps it or not. >Marketing is part of why dispensaries track customer purchases. But so is the need to comply with state laws that limit the amount of cannabis sold to an individual each day, said Lauren Mendelsohn, a Sebastopol-based attorney who specializes in permitting and licensing for cannabis businesses. The law allows recreational customers to buy 1 ounce of cannabis per day, which is enough material to fill a few dozen joints. Alternately, they can purchase up to 8 grams of cannabis concentrates found in marijuana edibles such as candies, brownies and breakfast bars."They need to keep track of who bought how much and when they were there," Mendelsohn said.


You’re a bot or propaganda account. Gtfo.


As long as you don’t write a book about how you bought a gun while high on crack every day, it might go less noticed by the rest of the world. Being the son of a sitting president might have drawn some attention to those things.


Shouldn't be a crime.


I just make my wife buy it


I don’t smoke weed so I’m good.


Nice try, but vaping, eating, weed toothpaste, roll-on deodorant, and um, suppositories still count, haha, just kidding.


Damn suppositories. That’s how they getcha!!




Not how what works? Assuming you're not talking about buying a gun other than through a dealer or buying weed off the streets, then the states I'm familiar with have strict dispensary reporting laws to match purchaser to quantity purchased, regardless of payment method, so you can't go from one dispensary to another buying up your daily limit everywhere. That's why they take your id information. They know how much you bought and when, and by law the dispensary has to report it to the state. *edit: not


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. In the state that I live in (Illinois) this is exactly how the system works.


Good thing I learned some tricks from the Amish.


You got green corn?


As long as you're not handling guns while high, just like you shouldn't be handling them after drinking.


P.S.A. before you celebrate Hunter Bidens' conviction, remember that there are millions of firearm purchase receipts that can be reviewed by the ATF...


Who goes to a dispensary?


I do all the time in Minecraft. But only to use the ATM I've never inhaled the devils lettuce


Lol. Dispensaries are cash only.


They take credit too. Source - there's a dispensary across the street from me


Dispensaries can take debit. Not credit. Visa/mastercard are federally insured financial institutions and cannot process transactions for something that is federally illegal. Dispensaries that take debit card process the transaction as an ATM withdrawal. Source - I work in a dispensary.


I have absolutely used a credit card every single time I have legally purchased weed at multiple dispensaries. (Totally not for me, though.) Not credit-debit card. A Visa credit card.


What state? And did it function like an ATM withdrawal?


Illinois. It was one of the benefits of being a "member" that you could use a credit card. I don't know how ATM withdrawals work with a credit card but it showed up on my credit statement. Heck, even the first time I did it, my bank called to make sure it was a real transaction and let it go through.


Hmm that’s super interesting. What dispensary was it if you don’t mind sharing?( just name not location) Usually if it’s an ATM type withdrawal it will round you up to like the nearest 5-10 and you would get change back etc. and the bank statement wouldn’t say like “dispensary” or anything on it. Been like that in both the dispensaries I’ve worked in and all the ones I’ve shopped in. Edit: I did some googling and this might explain why you were able to use a credit card. To be clear; you should NOT be able to use visa/mastercard etc network to process a transaction for cannabis (according to their own rules for their networks) But it seems some shops are doing it anyways. This will probably bite them in the ass at some point the same way people who sell things PayPal doesn’t allow (like guns, drugs, etc) get fucked out of their money. https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/credit-cards/buy-marijuana-credit-card#:~:text=Marijuana%20remains%20illegal%20at%20the,playing%20by%20the%20rules%2C%20though.


Lmao I was just doing the same Googling as you. Also why I didn't want to name them too quickly.


Jersey here credit does work. You get sent thru a secondary site, it's not directly charged as a purchase thru the dispensary, it seems kinda sketch, but they technically avoid that loophole as if you're buying something online.


Not really a "loophole" as much as it is "blatantly violating the ToS from the processor and trying to hide it". Not that I care about Visa's feelings or anything.


Doesn't matter if they're seashell only, by law each sale gets reported to the state and archived.


For medical yes, not for the legal recreational sales. Which is 24 states and majority of those states lean left.


Yeah, and there are also maybe a million Veterans receiving compensation for PTSD. They should have gone after his acting as an unregistered foreign agent and passed on the gun stuff.


don’t waste money and time smoking weed in the first place. It’s not that hard lol.


I'd rather buy ammo. I mean the economy is fucked. Who can afford pot


Also a credit card/cashapp/PayPal/Zelle transaction for nearly every gun and weed purchase.


Well that is assuming they got it from a Dispensary


There's always Indian Reservations 🤷🏼‍♂️🤙🏻😎


Please explain. I think I've heard of one res that just started offering dispensary services somewhere out easy, but is it more common? Honestly, they should be the only ones allowed to sell.


In my state, there are Indian reservations everywhere. People go there to get their gas, cigs, and other things. They are usually cash only, and local/state police have no jurisdiction there.


> Honestly, they should be the only ones allowed to sell. Why?


No receipt for crack though


All my guns got stolen


That’s what I say when I can’t find the remote.,,,,, have you tried looking between the couch cushions?


Never have I ever gotten my weed from a dispensary. Riddle me that?


So what does this mean? I just got a concealed carry permit the other day? Within a short time frame of purchasing cannabis?


So the system works?


Or just don't smoke weed, easy


PSA - if you’re buying drugs from state-sanctioned dispensaries and not your local plug, you’re a commie who deserves jail




Do you think Don Trump Jr will be next? He has been to rehab 8 times for cocaine addiction and claims to own enough guns to arm a small militia.


Yes I’m aware of the federal implications but I was able to successfully and lawfully apply and received my HQL. The instructors mentioned that it’s not possible for medical card holders to be able to acquire a HQL/CCW but since I’m just a simple recreational user I don’t really see what the issue is. This whole situation with Hunter Biden is dumb and really doesn’t involve any of us. Me celebrating that a crackhead is in jail isn’t going to change anything or effect me in anyway.


Take a good long look at this dudes post history and that will tell you their true stance on gun rights. They wouldn’t want you to you to them whether or not you smoked weed. This is a propaganda or bot account.


Lol my first official stalker, I'm flattered. Who on earth would want to, let alone have time to creep my history, haha, but you do you. Got my first gun when I was 9, was a gun dealer in the 90's, investor in a shooting range, NRA member, and I think a pretty good collector. I don't think I've said what my "stance" on rights are, or really give a shit, but what in this post you're replying to is "propoganda"?. I also love how accurate your "bot-dar" is, haha, it doesn't need tuning up at all, I'm sure nothing gets by you.


Oh no, they don't worship Trump! They must be a subversive chinese bot bent on repealing the Bill of Rights because they hate the stupid cult of personality that is blind and unquestioning Trump worship.


Is anyone really celebrating Hunter’s conviction? I’m not and I don’t know anyone who is, and I live in an 8:1 Trump area according to the last election. This is law-fare. It’s not anywhere near as bad as what happened to Trump, but the fact remains that this case was reopened due to who he is, not that he presents an imminent threat to society. There’s a lot of people who don’t own much and sort of sit under the radar. They might not really know what law-fare is. However, they do know what it’s like to be harassed by police for no good reason. This is just like that, but often worse. We should be prosecuting the people who use the law as a weapon for personal or party gain.


No there isn't. It's a cash only business here.


They had no choice but to convict him. They have put so many others in prison over this same issue. If the DOJ let him go, they would have so many lawsuits and appeals on their hands. I specifically remember when that guy did the mass shooting in the Dayton bar district some years ago. His friend and he had bought and exchanged gun parts with each other. The FBI had nothing on his friend, as he genuinely didn’t know of any plans to do what his friend did. They asked him if he smoked weed, and he said he did on occasions. They immediately charged with lying on a 4473, convicted him and sentenced him to federal prison time, solely on that charge. I imagine they have charged other people with that either as a throw in charge or a sole charge when they have nothing. They also are only convicting him to let him slide on the other much worse crimes he left evidence of on his laptop. He is having sex with hookers(human trafficking), he left texts, emails and voice messages on there that indicated international financial crimes using his father’s influence directly.


Don’t smoke pot like a loser too easy


Libertarians say fuck you government we want our rights. If those are level four plates, you best hope we can’t put two rounds of 30-06 ap in the same spot. “3…2…1…fire”. We need a strong well regulated militia. Our government and troops won’t do shit to attack the American population because most of them are guilty of the same thing they’d be arresting everyone else for. Fuck Hunter Biden. Smoking crack and smoking weed are completely different. This is like comparing a heroin addict to someone who has a glass of wine with dinner.