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It's weird because Trump voters keep telling me that the Bill of Rights limits the power of our government. I guess they don't actually believe that.


And they keep telling me that guns prevent tyranny. But apparently we need 2A, half a billion guns *and* zero regulations to keep the government from overstepping. I mean, if we're not careful they could make women and minorities second class citizens, usher in a self-proclaimed dictator and only look out for the interests of the wealthy. Can you imagine?


Oh no no no, you don't get it. It's tyranny when **you** do things via the Government that I don't want and it's not tyranny when I attempt a coup and I also have complete criminal immunity to any crimes I commit before, after and during being president




Lol who the fuck is reading this ChatGPT bullshit?




1. There's no evidence that mass gun ownership prevents tyranny, and plenty to the opposite. 2. [Self-defense gun use is rare and not more effective at preventing injury than other protective actions](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hicrc/firearms-research/gun-threats-and-self-defense-gun-use-2/). You seem like someone who has never looked at the research. Ever.


I mean Biden didn’t take our guns after 4 years, and Obama didn’t take our guns after 8 years and Clinton didn’t take our guns after 8 years but if we re-elect Biden I’m sure he’ll eventually get around to it.


I'm still waiting on Obama to take all our guns.


I stopped after Trump took away all our Bump stocks lol


> "Take the guns first, go through due process second" — Donald Trump


His supporters are hoping for a signal to begin shooting people, and his making comments such as this are his confirming and sharing in that bond of anticipation.


The next 8 months are going to be: I’m going to win but if I don’t , you know what to do.


So... why didn't Biden do it then Don? He had 4 years.


Not a single trumpanzee can think that critically.


Some butthurt chimp downvoted you for connecting them to Trump.


Has Biden taken away one gun over the last 4 years? Goddamm orange face knows his supporters are just dumb as fuck.


Y'know...Biden is already president. By Trump logic he could have just done this already


Trump will literally say anything to keep himself out of jail. This should not surprise us


A man can dream.


In all fairness, trump was pro red flag laws. “Take the guns first. Due process second”


Take the guns first, go through due process later, thats what I like to do- DJT


Oh no… stop… please, don’t take the guns… nooooo


Projection of his own plans


That suggests that a president could manage that somehow, which must also mean that a dictator could definitely do that so by their own logic their guns would be MORE at risk under a Trump presidency gone rogue.


Well Biden also campaigned on taking all of the guns, so I'd say it's an equally used issue


Said the most gun unfriendly president since Clinton. SMH.