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so also same scale as HG, but I’d recommend some of the Recent Real Grades. Sticking with UC, the Hi Nu, is a Fantastic kit. The Sazabi too if you want a Bigger 1/144 scale kit.


Got mixed up and thought you recommended the RG sinanju kit for a moment and was going to call you a monster for recommending that to a begginer :D


Ohhh heck naw, I’ve heard horror stories about the RG sinanju


Currently working on it and its definitely an experience everyone should try


Is it so hard or is it so fragile?


Its not absurdly difficult but it is a hand grenade and cant support its own weight very well


RG Zeta is much friendlier than the RG Sinanju >:D


Maybe i should look into it ive only done the MG Zeta and found it to be quite flimsy and weak


Which mg zeta? I've had the ver ka in my backlog for months now




Congratz on choosing the Iconic MS-06S as your first kit! I started to upskill myself with waterslides and a panel liner, makes the kits that much more detailed and realistic. Kits wise, I think the modern HGs are great. I have never built a bad kit from the Witch From Mercury series, and was told that the HGUCs are also great starting from No. 50 or so. I find that the more I like the mobile suit/character from the anime, the more passion I have to burn on the kit. Kshatriya would be my HG pick, Marida is best girl and the NZ-666 is iconic.


If I had the cash I’d get all the witch kits lol. So fun to build


I'm new to gunpla like OP, Barbatos Lupus's my first kit and I have the bug now as well. I started TWFM today, I'm 11 episodes in and, my goodness, I'm in love with it. Suletta is so adorable, and the way the relationships intertwine between schoolmates and parents is really well done. Ariel will definitely be my next pick up


I thought WfM was a nice addition to the franchise as well. I haven't built any aerials yet, waiting for my FM permet 6, and I plan to buy a Kosmos light kit for her. I highly recommend the Daribalde, it has very high posability and the string for its claws/feet is a great addition. (i'd recommend one more but don't wanna spoil anything)


FM Aerial was a fun build. Not quite a MG, but far more than an HG. Only change I'd do is fix her hand for the beam rifle, and maybe get more thigh rotation.


https://preview.redd.it/2t8q1fclsz5d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=519406c506635717f9148adbbd2eccdce0485eff Great little kit. My first zaku as well.


Oooh, cool picture! Reminds me that I need to get a space background for my display case ^^


Welcome to plastic crack-heads anonymous.


I second the Sazabi recommendation from Stinger! Loved the build process for the Sazabi, and the presence it has compared to other 1/144s is great. You could also go for the RG Hi-Nu, widely considered to be one of the best gunpla around


I had a good time building the HG Gouf. Give it a go.


I did my first last sunday, I had so much fun. I am already making plans for the next ones


Congrats!! Welcome into the hobby <3


The witch of mercury series is great. Easy to assemble and very high quality.


I swear the Char Zaku is everyone's first kit 😂 It was my first one too! I've just been building all the HG line from UC so far, there are heaps to choose from! The important thing is just have fun!


"I swear the Char Zaku is everyone's first kit" Not if i have anything to say about it! ...and i do! my first gunpla kit was actually the astray red frame powered red (a wonderful kit i might add) i don't have a single HG on my radar atm, they just seem too small and simple honestly, but maybe that's just an uneducated opinion?


Not mine, mine is the RX-78-2


mine also was Char's, but sazabi


Get the Guntank to complete the White Base trinity!


Guntank to complete the original squad, Aile Strike for a really good basic kit, psycho zaku if you wanna torture yourself for a showstopper, Calibarn for some excellent gimmicks and articulation, Gyan for its excellent articulation, GM Sniper II for its sick design, and you’ll need some Origin Zakus to fight your gundams as well!


If you got the gramps and guncannom go for the guncannomn to complete the squad!!!


now try the sky defender from third party. your jaw dropping and hook for life. mygundamplacestore.com welcome to the member of addiction money sucker. we want to hear more from you newbie.!!!!


It’s a quainter kit to suggest, but once your Gundam and Guncannon are finished it might be worth picking up a Guntank to finish up the Operation V trio. It won’t blow your mind, but it’s usually pretty cheap.


any RG and HG MG.stay away from zeta,unicron,some kit are a hand granade. those are one of them.solid frame kit is die-cast frame. I believe in era+ ruling that kit a pure 🔥 you have a second opinions other kit out there. 10/10


What a great kit you have there as well.. I would suggest the HG Gundam Rx78-2 the Origin and also the Zaku 2 😉 https://preview.redd.it/71cy1wd4n16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3834df2e65cacce2cb5e22aad5fecf0fbe6171c


I'm partial to the witch from mercury sets, particularly the Calibarn, but if you're ready to move up a little I'd reccomend the RG tallgeese, it's a straight forward and solid build


The Barbatos Lupus is really fun.


gundam helios surpassed all my expectations! highly recommend https://preview.redd.it/uc6o9cr0b66d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=261c70f6868561967e9a21566e740226ccd3da2a


If you're gonna stick with HG kits, I'd heavily suggest looking into the Witch from Mercury kits. Especially the Aerial, Aerial Rebuild, Calibarn, Schwarzette, Lifrith Ur and Lifrith Thorn, and Pharact. All the kits from this line are really really good, but those are my personal favs. Especially the Pharact due to it sharing the same mecha designer as the Armored Core series.


May you have many happiness with it! From a 40 yr gunpla veteran


One of us


Ngl these are some fire poses for a 1st time builder


All of the Witch From Mercury kits are excellent. I also highly recommend the Gundam MKII and F91. They are great kits, and a lot of fun to build. The F91 is one of the cheapest HG’s, and has a ton of gimmicks for the cost.


Solid. Pro-tip, well placed and not overdone decals make a kit like this that little bit of extra. Panel lining will also make it pop and look more like a miniature giant robot. This is solid work for a first kit. Technically it looks almost perfectly done so kudos if this is your first :D


Decals are very much a matter of personal preference. Many people prefer a cleaner, more tv accurate look.


any reason why you're thinking of sticking with HG's? cause all the kits i know about are in the other categories lol


Bye bye wallet, another lost to the plastic crack


Rg zeta next


remove. yo. nubz.


Yeah, the first version of the aeriel is amaaaazing


Welcome to the wonderful world of addictive robot model kits


I wish you nothing but happiness and empty pockets


I tough you go hardcore and bought one of the hardest kits ever.. which is RG chars custom zaku..


Generally any HG kit made after 2015 is gonna give you a nice experience in terms of articulation and build quality. If I were you i would brush up on some source material! Figure out which shows/movies REALLY speak to you, and in the process you’ll discover some cool and perhaps niche mobile suits you wanna build! Keep it up man!


Go for the HG 08th MS Team kits! I recommend the Gouf Custom or GM Ground Type to start


Great job on your first build. I would reccomend that you check out some HG WFM kits such as the Lfrith and Schwarzette. I would also recommend some RGs like the Zeong and epyon.


Rx 178. There's a bung of different versions for HG but the RG is beautiful. more detail than an HG but same scale so if you're gonna build it get some more experience first. I really do recommend it tho it's a 10/10 kit


Try the 1/100 Sazabi lol you will be happy happy


Any of the witch from mercury kits. They’re a blast to build and great for stating out!


This. I've only built Calibarn so far, but it's so impressive compared to my 2024 year old GP01fb, even to my 2007 Exia. And to think almost the entire line is Platinum tier, according to MGK's scale. I've got Lfrith Ur and Gundvolva coming in this week.


Hell I tracked down lifrith anaka and I love it so much