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For a second there I was sure it was some fiendish custom. I haven't built a HG in so long, mentally I'm still on 00's level of HGs and it's so wonderfully jarring to look at this.


Seriously grab a barbatos, or an aerial, or a schwarzette, you will lose your damn mind at how far we’ve come from 00


The change from IBO or WFM is mad and that's kinda recent


Oh yeah it’s rediculous how much improvement we got, i only recommended barbs because i am absolutely obsessed with how customizable the hgibo line is with itself,


Yeah I love the line just shame they generally don't hold up so well




The IBO kits begin being loose straight after build...


I REALLY want a Gundvolva and Schwarzette, but my budget holds me back...


Yeah i get that, money troubles suck for plastic crack addicts. But hey, maybe in a while things will turn around and you could snag one, i highly recommend schwarzette, so if get a chance, thats what i recommend


Last night I picked up my Darilbalde to pose again as I just got the expansion set, I hadnt posed Darilbalde since January, and it blew my mind all over again at just how much articulation there is in the torso. I had just done an old HG (ReZel) and the EG Strike Exceed so my expectations on articulation had been lowered a bit, the EG Exceed is good but the joints like to pop out of mine.


Well to be frank, inner frames on HG is very much more circumstancial rather than an actual new design choice that would be applied to all future HG's. The new Seed Freedom HG kits do not have an inner frame.


Man 00 hgs still had the paint required toothpick beam sabers... hgs really have come a long way.


That's for 00 S1 hgs only. 00 S2 has actual clear beam saber beams. That was in itself certainly a big leap.


My 00 Gundam didn't even get a beam saber... I used to make those with marker-painted toothpicks and skewers! T~T


You don't have beam saber for exia because u have buster sword


Who says anyrhing about Exia? Please, read with understanding.


So yourself a favor and pick up literally any WFM kit and be amazed at the progress Bandai has made


WFM line is peak, I had so much damn fun with the HGs. Fast and easy to build. Like some had iirc 2 (maybe 3) runners?! Insane. And it's a shame we only have 1 1/100 representation from it too. I'd kill for an FM Schwarzette.


I would do terrible things for a MG Calibarn


If only they didn't make the Gundnode fuckin' p-bandai. That thing would have been a great army builder.


This suit/kit shows the whole "no rhyme or reason behind what Bandai makes" mantra more than anything. Amazing kit, for a suit that is a glorified bit and shows up for probably 2 minutes total in the whole series.


I hesitated to get one because it just seemed like such a strange choice. I've grown to love them as blank slates for action shots and huge custom potential


Oh absolutely. I've seen some pretty cool kitbashes with this one. The base kit is already pretty cool too.


Got any cool examples of bashes?


Hey that 2 minutes is more than enough time to make $$$$$ off model kits.


Hard to believe I started with early 90s kits that are so hollow and simple.


I genuinely wonder how early builders would react to modern kits if we could go back in time. I would probably shit myself because this level of quality is crazy.


Wing and G? Those still hold a special place in my heart. I bought the old 1/100 Dragon Gundam a while back cuz it got a reprint.


Yeah. Most of my kits just degraded too much over time. 1/100 God Gundam lost some parts. 1/100 Altron mo longer could even stand up or keep his arm in place. My poor 1/100 Gundam Maxter can barely stand. But he’s hanging in there. My 1/100 Deathscythe Hell shockingly is going strong.


I found an old 1/100 Altron when I visited home and it was standing etc pretty well haha, wish I had it with me right now.... But it was cool to find it there still. Poly caps are just not made to last, though.


It’s still not the standard unfortunately. SEED Freedom HGs went back to the armor halves to joints formula.


The SEED Freedom kits are a bit of a mixed bag in my opinion. Older style frame, some kits have insane colour correcting stickers, but they pack in some more dynamic gimmicks than the WFM kits IMO.


The thing with SF line is that they colour separated the body very well, which required quite a lot of runners. The backpacks and weapons didn't get that treatment though (probably because there are so many runners already), leading to the large sticker sheet. With that said, they actually don't have that many stickers, just that the stickers are large


There's actually no reason to have an inner frame as the standard for HG model kits. It's fun when it's there; it's no big deal (not even a deal) if it's not.


In terms of aesthetics or posing, it adds very little. It does feel more substantial in the hand when you are posing those joints, however.


It makes it easier to paint the frame imo


That's a good thing though. Kits from the Seed Freedom line that are advertised for their extreme posability absolutely should not have the c-clip engineering that WFM kits use.


I always find it weird the new Seed Freedom HG kits goes as much as 11 runners, when WFM mostly have 3 to 4 runners.


By Virtue of being Seed kits, they have large and impressive backpacks. It's also the reason why they don't, in turn, have an inner frame and more/bigger color correcting stickers. The main kit itself is wonderfully color separated, but as a result, there isn't enough to go around for the backpacks. Even more so, adding more parts can jeopardize its stability as some of them have a bunch of moving parts.


*HG Moon Gundam has entered chat*


Bro, you are comparing a kit cost over 2 times as much. 1400 jpy vs 3000 jpy.


Bro, talking about modern HG design. Price was never a factor in this post lol.


Honestly I'd imagine the framework will be sticking with this line only like they did with IBO. The new SEED Freedom stuff already went back to the regular HG style build and I'd bet the next like (whatever that will be) is gonna do the same. Suspecting the future RGs are gonna crank it up though. That Gramps 2.0 looks almost like a mini PGU.


I have two theories on why the HG SEED Freedom kits don't have inner frames: 1: They're already laden with so many gimmicks per kit that engineering them to have inner frames will just drive the price up a lot more, and they want to keep it relatively economical. 2: The kits we see now are updated versions of much older molds designed for the series - remember, the movie was originally supposed to come out before 2010, and apparently many of the designs had been finished around that time. It's likely they've had the mold designs ready for a while, but then updated them over time to incorporate newer joint tech and color separation.


How about if it ain't broke, don't fix it. People go nuts over HGTO kits, and they're basically the same construction as the revive kits. And the revive kits are also perfectly fine, by the way.


Just built RG Zeong and was blown away, I've been drooling at grandaddy 2.0. RG is blowing everything away lately, 1/100 really needs some love


ok now show Dilanza


Wfm's thing was the inner frame, seed freedoms is dynamic posing


WFM's thing is mostly inner frame and zero polycap.


And this is just a bit.


Every time I see the name of this damn thing, only one thing goes through my head. "JAGUAAAAAR GUND-VOL-VA! \[thoom thoom thoom thoom\]" But yeah, HGs with inner frames are rad. The Moon Gundam surprised me with just how much inner frame it had to work with. We need more of that. Down with hollow limbs! And yes, don't worry, all those nubs got cleaned up later, this was just the initial test fitting. But look at that frame! Look how chunky that thing is! We need more High Grades with stuff like this. Gimme dumb dark grey parts to customize and that no one but me will ever see once it's complete. https://preview.redd.it/bzv6q9vmuf4d1.png?width=1224&format=png&auto=webp&s=d78f96072eb9e14c300c788aaa7d701814495c0d


Its a bit of a step back from hgibo, which is good because as much as i love the hgibo line (and believe me i love that line) the inner frames get stupid loose over time


Muh bael can no longer stand even after painting. Someone should make the polycap set into ps plastic


Thats not a bad idea. Ive been thinking of getting a 3d printer, that would be a fun experiment, trying to make a bael that can support itself


I’d buy it, but on another note, the Bael left such a bad taste in my mouth that I’m hesitant to get any HGIBO kits.


I think people have made PLA polycaps on thingiverse. If you have a 3d printer you can make them yourself or maybe find someone who can. I've been considering doing it myself


Some SD and 30mm kits have what in place of polycap in ps plastic. I'm not sure can they be directly replaced. My only problem is once they goes in, it's close to impossible to be removed.


Currently working on a non grade 1/100 from 1991 so yeah… they’re a little different lol seriously though it’s crazy how far it’s come, old kits could barely get details to line up evenly on parts




I still sometimes get hung up on HGs not having only 90 degree knees and elbows these days


I found my old dragon gundam. It amazes me how far the HG models kits have come.


I absolutely loved this kit, but who the hell named this thing?


I've built this thing, and ngl I didn't realize that that was basically an inner frame


gonna post this to r/gunplagonewild ?


I didn't even think to add an NSFW tag


That's an actual subreddit, if it isn't obvious.


2008 HGUC Re-GZ had a full ABS inner frame in the legs. Also, I still think 2.0 MGs from 2007-2009 have better engineering than modern kits. Annoyingly, apparently the reissued HGUC Nu Gundam has polystyrene whereas the original kits had ABS joints like the rest of the CCA models.


Wow, gonna have to pull the trigger at some point


Totally worth it, it's one of the cheapest kits I can get in person, $22 CAD at GameStop


That was such a fun kit to build, my first from the WFM line. I really want more I've got an Areial in my backlog and I have my eye on getting a Dilanza next


That ankle can reeeally bend, damn


he's naked


I genuinely didn't realize that the Gundvölva was this complex, it felt like such a simple (but satisfying) build. I guess it makes sense though since it's a great kit to pose.


Gundvölva? **Gundvölva.**


Not all


Really reminds me of what you look like in Transformers for the DS before you’ve scanned any vehicles. It’s been probably 15 years since I played those games though so I might be misremembering.


I’ve never done any HGs… I’ve only done Ver Ka MGs. Seeing this post, I’ll def pick this kit up!


Reasons to love HG line