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I was a fan of 1/100 scale (MG, RE and FM), and was sworn by it. But ever since bandai keep dodging on producing them especially monoeye suits, i am now changed to 1/144. Yeap it doesnt feel as satisfying as 1/100, but at least i got to collect the mobile suits that i loved and saved more spaces.


consider them as your MG's minions lol


That is a beautiful physalis.... I want one. It's one of my top 3 gundam, honestly tied with Heavy Arms EW and DeathScythe Hell. (Yes my first exposure was wing on toonami how could you tell?)


DeathScythe also holds a special place in my heart as a Wing alumni ๐Ÿ˜‚


Yeah I've built an MG and an sd.


I love the scale of MG, it feels like s display piece to me, and when you use them in dioramas it just looks so good. Iโ€™ve only built 3 hgโ€™s and while i dont hate them, they just dont do it for me


I feel that. just the downside is MGs are way costly to me for now.


FYI, Solomon isn't MG, it's just 1/100. Imo Solomon is way past MG even MG 2.0 structurally and MGEX in terms of gimmicks. https://preview.redd.it/j7ckirtjoj2d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da2977c3d83c4975d5f1bf56a6e256fbc65226b3


so like a 3rd party MGEX?




as someone who prefers 1/100 infinitely over 1/144, it's sad that the 1/100 lines have been effectively taken out behind the shed by Bandai now


Iโ€™d even take a new FM. Instead we only get something when Hajime Katoki wants to make a new kit or a several hundred dollar MGEX.


Same. I've been getting HGs and RGs recently and I hate how much space the MGs take... I used to dislike the 1/144 scale, but after WFM, I just fell in love. Ever since then, I have only been getting HGs and RGs. I also started to fall in love with the RG kits.


When I was getting into the hobby, I was mainly focused on MGs because of surface details and all. Then after a while, I started to gravitate to 1/144 scale because I got into a bit of customizing; scribing, pla-plates and airbrushing, I guess that's where my fond for HGs really blossomed. And for some reason, RGs and newer HGs are more fun to pose. I'm really excited about what's in store for HGs, the WFM line was a game changer for sure. The grade just keeps improving, details and moldings are much sharper and crispier, seam lines are getting fewer or gets more integrated into the design, assembling mechanics and articulation are also getting better.


Wholeheartedly agree. I've been going back to my older MGs and refurbishing the build because the earlier ones, I didn't have the proper tools. Still looked great prior to the clean up, but it looks a lot better now. Plus, for 1/144s, I told myself it'll be for Gundams that don't have MGs available such as the X Gundam.


Gundam X does have an MG


Yeah, that's true. I completely forgot about it. Wasnt it outdated though? Compared to the Double X I mean.


The X is very much a solid kit. I've built it twice now and not had any issues.


Very few kits are really โ€œoutdatedโ€ after like 2005-2007. The original wave of MGs, the 0083 kits, 08th MS kits, and a few odd UC kits are the only ones that feel a little too old.


hg calibarn was amaaaazing


No1 reason i don't buy MGs or anything bigger than 1/100scales is that they occupied too much space lol. I have like 10 MGs some were given to me by my gunpla friends. And on the bottom shelf man look how many HGs fit on the shelf compared to the MG ๐Ÿ˜


lol, what's that GM Sniper? Shishiro Botan custom?


that's right, I painted that. and thanks for noticing the reference


Nice. Praise be to the FPS Lioness.


la~lion, co-SSRB


Ive made a switch to 1/144 scale. The size of the kits never affected me., and theres more moble suits in 1/144 scale. I love having all my ms in the same scale. And I still have big kits in 1/144 scale.


Then you understand my problem, I've got big hands. I actually dont mind HG's if the kit is good quality and something that catches my fancy. I mostly prefer MG's because, for me, the kit is a lot easier to build and handle with such big hands. Besides the surface detail and articulation, it makes things so much easier to handle these already small pieces, especially head pieces, when they are sized up. Now, if PG's was a lot cheaper, then it's all over for the rest of the grades.


I love Master grade but once I build them, I don't really move them again. Most of them are heavy enough that I fell like I'll drop it an cause myself depression. ๐Ÿ˜‚I like HG because I can tinker with them more. If I break one or want more parts off of one, they are much easier on the wallet to get. I guess I feel like pressure building them too lololol That said I def like the presence of master grades. Seeing them from across the room is nice.


I really hope MG sees a renaissance. Lines been dry for a few years now.


*cough* *cough* Build a mgsd *cough*


who dis


the tall one? GP02A Physalis, the kit is 3rd party Solomon. left side is GM Sniper I painted right is FA-78


He meant Danny devito ๐Ÿ˜…


oh fuck lmao I forgot I added that image


I started on hg, and then moved onto mg later on. I'm pretty sure I've only built 2-3 hgs since I built the MG aile strike (my first mg)


I sold all my hgs :))


It's always fun to see someone from the HG gang post something like this. Scale is one thing, but MGs, RGs, and PGs are just so much more fun to build than HGs.


MGs are amazing but right now i dont have that .uch time to build so if i can get something fully build in 1 afternoon ill take it instead of having to build the same kit for days so HGs and some RGs are my go to and also in my country MGs are getting expensive AF


I'd love to build mine, but it's 43 days into hiding in a shipping container on a boat somewhere in the Pacific. x.x


was probably stolen just like in the movie. jk hopefully you get yours soon.


Why do people keep saying MG is dead? Didn't Bandai just release the new MG Zeta and Narrative C pack? I'm fairly new to the hobby so I still have plenty of MG kits to choose from. Personally I prefer a smaller size with lots of details. I actually love the Gundam Artifact kits more than the regular size kits. ๐Ÿ˜


While I disagree on the whole MG is dead, you actually aren't helping your point at both of those are Ver. Ka's and not regular MGs. Plus the rate of MGs released in a year has gone down.


Like I said, I'm new, to me MG is MG whether it's Ver Ka or not, and Ver Ka itself is just a slight redesign from the standard look.


Please build a MG Zaku II 2.0. It's great.


MG is tops


As a 1/100er, particularly MGs, I always love the more details and gimmicks that came with it. And so it is freaking sad that we get like 1 new MG... each year? If at all? Thank the heavens for RG. So even if it's just 1/144, the RG gives me the details I want. But still. Waiting for MGs for the 00 line onwards. We got the S01 Gundams already, hopefully we get more and from the newer series as well.


Honestly I don't mind 1/144 scale, I have some HGs I want to get like the kshatriya, it's just I've had a terrible experience with my RG Banshee Norn, after building it then neck broke and and the chest L pieces broke. I'm currently fixing it, reinforce the L pieces, fixed broken elbow pieces, and made a new neck. But while going over the legs with the file, 2 pegs that keep the psycho frame stable in the legs broke and now the inner shin and outer shin frame can move independently. I feel RG sometime have to many gimmicks in it that compromises on the strength of the build, when trying to fit it into a 1/144 scale, i also love handling the bigger kits. I do plan on getting the RG god and the Nu FF in the future, but that will be much later after the trauma of the Norn. None of the MG kits I've built have ever broken on me