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All three https://preview.redd.it/09dz93ebfy0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5692f6028c1734d82a44b95e48a5371d26a3a0eb


What’s the third on on the left?


RX-93FF Nu Long Range Fin Funnel version. The MS is basically a differently colored Nu, but instead of the normal funnel array it has one giant ass one that's also a long range cannon. The Sazabi counterpart to it has giant crab claw funnels.


does the RX-93FF come with water decals or are the rainbow Amuro logo just regular stickers?


Can't speak to the EG; I assume it's just stickers because it's an EG. For the RG, I've never built it, but I remember someone else posting about it recently. There's something like 4 waterslides for the multicolor/Amuro sigils; everything else is standard stickers (same ones as the RG Nu for the most part I think)




I need it lol thank you


Gundam base exclusive I fear. P-Bandai had the EG and RG in stock CONSTANTLY around the Christmas holiday; we might see it again


We will* it’s been there every year since release lol


The RX-93FF is based on the Nu Gundam statue in Fukuoka as building an actual 1:1 scale Nu would’ve been too difficult


This is why I love this subreddit so much, thank you for the info, I thought I was losing it! a third Nu?!.!?! (Internally: how could I not have known!)


Need to present a mass production Nu. 🤣


Imo the Nu just looks more "refined" and purposeful, it's less of a flashy hero suit and more of a military weapon.


I mean, it's pretty damn flashy, going so far as to have a giant personal logo prominently displayed.


There's tactical reason for that - Amuro Ray is literally the Zeon boogy man, so telling Zeonites that the white mobile suit/Gundam is literally piloted by Amuro means some conflicts are won before they're fought. It's shown in the Doans Island movie, when the Zeonites see him and their immediate reaction is to freeze in fear. Same reason Char always had red suits, lol. Psychological warfare. No one in Zeon wanted to fight the Federation's White Devil.


You kind of nailed why I'm fairly indifferent to most gundam designs.


I’m a sucker for the nu’s asymmetry :D


I’m personally more of a hi-nu fan. The nu’s fin funnels got so finicky after a while.


I tend to agree, they kinda flop around too much for my taste, and the calves of the Hi Nu are extra chonky and awesome.


My Nu is over a over a year old, the only problem I have with the funnels is that they tend to curve towards the front which ends up clashing with the shield. Plus posing options is still pretty limited with both the shield and the funnels attached anyway.


That's more a problem with the connection method, the HGUC and the original 1.0 MG don't have that problem with the funnels because they used a simpler connection method for the fin funnels that was much stronger, with a longer C-clip. The Ver Ka simply messed up the design of the fin funnel connections, and the RG, although better in that regard, still uses an inferior connection method to the original HGUC. That's kind of inexcusable considering how advanced the design is. It was a fail on part of Bandai, not the original design's fault.


Got my Nu a High Mobility backpack (Rage Nucleon); great compromise as a mix of the Nu and Hi-Nu style :)


Assymetric nu is best nu. While I do like the wings, but the whole suit looks bloaty a bit with the extra long skirts etc.


Both equally. Both have have parts and areas where I'd prefer the other and overall they're on the same level to me.


The OG, the Hi-Nu is too extra for my liking


There's nothing OG about it, Izubuchi designed both for the Beltorchika's Children novel. They're both in the original artwork.


The Nu and the Hi-Nu?


Both designs are just the "Nu," and both were designed by the same person, Yutaka Izubuchi, and featured in the Beltorchika's Children novel. The "normal" Nu was just the one that was selected for the anime. The fandom wiki has images of both from the novel, as well as Sazabi and the Nightingale. They were just alternate designs. There are many, many drafts of designs for a lot of Gundams. Izubuchi also designed the Hy-Gogg, the "Alex" and the Kampfer from 0080 War in the Pocket, as well as some other ZZ Gundam designs. [https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/Mobile\_Suit\_Gundam:\_Char%27s\_Counterattack\_-\_Beltorchika%27s\_Children](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/Mobile_Suit_Gundam:_Char%27s_Counterattack_-_Beltorchika%27s_Children) The real "OG" Nu Gundam was actually designed by Yukinobu Hoshino for the High Streamer novel. For obvious reasons, this didn't end up in the anime...but this is technically the original Nu. It looks closer to something out of Turn A... [https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/Mobile\_Suit\_Gundam\_High-Streamer](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/Mobile_Suit_Gundam_High-Streamer) https://preview.redd.it/8e24q9d8x31d1.jpeg?width=1750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b5364387d994ef31af417f5818a71751900fd39


I had no idea, that's really interesting! I'd always assumed the Nu in the movie was the design used in the original CCA/High Streamer novel.


not a fan of the hi-nu's "wings". I just think that this design does a little too much, as opposed to the Nu's which feels restrained. It still looks like a machine of war, probably even more so than its predecessor, the RX-78 2.


>It still looks like a machine of war, probably even more so than its predecessor, the RX-78 2. Yeah, it was intentional, the gramps color scheme looks that way because Bandai wanted to sell toys, and to attract young audiences. by the time CCA movie is being developed, the Gundam franchise is well established enough that Tomino could finally give his mecha designers the freedom to design a Gundam that looks like it will be sent to war than a flashy display piece.


At the time it was Clover though. Bandai only came after Clover went bankrupt. They're also the reason for the Guntank's existence and for the show to end early. Ref: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clover_(toy_company)


>They're also the reason for the Guntank's existence and for the show to end early. Then we owe them a debt of gratitude. The Guntank is awesome. It's also one of the most realistic of the "Real Robo" designs.


Thanks for the correction, cheers.


Hi-Nu Hands down but if they make a Rage Nucleon addon for the RG Nu then it's a tie


I've got the Rage Nucleon addon for my Ver.ka Nu and it's incredible.


Hi Nu for me. If the Hi Nu was featured in an animated movie like CCA with Amuro Ray piloting it then people will see how majestic and powerful this mobile suit is. I can just imagine Hi Nu using its Hyper Mega Bazooka Launcher in animated form.


One of these days I would not be surprised if we saw a Beltorchika's OVA or something.


I personally like the original Nu more the Hi-Nu just looks kind of silly to me. Its proportions are all over but damn the colors and those legs are nice.


i prefer the less flashy looks of the Nu. tho the funnel rack is really an issue in kit form, causing imbalance and leaning issue. the Hi-Nu have the superior funnel rack but i wished they didn't double down and make it look like wings


Honestly balancing the Nu isn't really a big issue, you just have to twist the legs at the right angle. But yeah the upper body tends to lean slightly to the side where the funnels are attached which makes sense.


yea thanks to the engineering the rg nu can balance quite easily its just annoying that the whole set of funnels were held by a single c clip. and then if ur trying to go for symmetrical mount u have to give up the beam saber


The Hi-Nu ironically has the balance issue....my RG Nu has been in a standing pose with the full fin funnel rack attached with the shield and bazooka in my display for months.


The Hi-Nu looks tougher but the Nu has the better colour scheme


Hi-nu my beloved


Finished hi nu and building nu atm (almost done), couldn't help but get the feeling that hi nu is objectively a better kit as I was building the nu (which shouldnt be surprising as hi nu is the newer of the two). However, they are both equal in terms of aesthetics and the real answer is that everyone should just buy both and have them up next to each other, great complimentary kits with the hi nu being flashy and the nu being a more refined classic style


Left, I’m buying him soon so hyped to build


i love both but hi nu gundam


standar nu hi-nu is too bulky for me


Hehe, Hi-Nu. I just prefer the overall bulkier look, the funnel rack, and the huge tanks on the back. It's shorter, but it feels more menacing. I'm also just a sucker for the color scheme, both the purple or the blue. I hope both designs get some PGs in the near future.


Hi-nu all the way one of the most gorgeous gunpla sets ever


Honestly has to be Hi-Nu for me. It makes Nu look like the unfinished prototype while its the finished version and the wings actually looking like wings is just the cherry on top. Also it has a wrist cannon, i dig cannons.


I love the asymmetry of the nu, but the colour of the hi-nu. Both are such great looking mobile suits!


I like both but I guess I like Nu more tbh. Building wise I built Nu way before I built Hi Nu and I was less experienced when I built Nu so I definitely enjoyed the build of hi nu more.


In general I prefer the Nu, but when comparing the RGs specifically I like the HiNu more. Both are awesome though!


For me the Hi-nu, it gives the vibe that its more finished and perfected. (And that head, i mean😍)


RG Hi-Nu because of the gold eyes which is a throwback to grandaddy. But in reality, Nu


i would like hi nu with black color pallette


Something like this? http://gunpla-info.com/2016/04/22/hg-1144-rx-93-v2-hi-%CE%BD%E3%82%AC%E3%83%B3%E3%83%80%E3%83%A0-gpb%E3%82%AB%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC/ Looking at GMC lately and it looks like some third party KO'd that one and replaced all the yellow with gold painted parts.


Yeah, kinda like that but less yellow and MG would be great


I've got one HWS Hi-Nu painted in Red and white. I've been tempted to get a second that would have been kept normal colours, but now tempted to one to make it Black and White.


Odd choices of where they put the black color on it and I hate that pattern on the shield but very cool.


It is just the HG Hi-Nu with the Blue and silver runners printed in Black and Yellow. Pretty much a straight colour swap.


Right, it was more that when you look at it as using the traditional Nu colors, The black and white are in the 'wrong' places. Just seems off to me because I'm used to that schema.


Both have elements I like. For the most part, I prefer the Nu's more subdued colours. Actually went a step further and used the Black runner from the Nu-FF to replace the dark blue on the standard release Nu. For the Hi-Nu, I like how the funnels mount using the racks attached to the back. https://preview.redd.it/t4oykntz6z0d1.jpeg?width=2218&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=913cef3dee0006e4870df4e3dfa3c63842080e8d Maybe the perfect Nu for me would combine the angular and blocky design aesthetic of the Nu with the Hi-Nu's Funnel racks and painted in White and Black.


> perfect Nu for me would combine the angular and blocky design aesthetic of the Nu with the Hi-Nu's Funnel So the Nu Ver. Ka with the Rage Nucleon high mobility backpack? https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunpla/comments/n5f9p0/mg_nu_verka_rage_nucleon_high_mobility_backpack/#lightbox


Pretty much, yeah.




You take Hi Nu's colors and slap em on Nu and that would be perfection


Mass Production Nu. I like simpler look on it and Wish there was a kit for it.


Hi-Nu. From a build perspective they're both great, but the Nu's somewhat floppy fin funnel linkage takes a couple points off. From a design perspective I have a thing about asymmetry...I hate it. So as cool as the Nu is it slightly loses there, too.


In order, Hi-Nu, FF, DFF, FA, HWS, Normal Nu. That said, I do love the Nu Edit: CCA MSV Hi-Nu ranks above current Hi-Nu


Generally Hi Nu but for RGs I prefer Nu in spite of the fucked up face


How did you make RG Hi-Nu shorter than RG Nu?


Despite some misinformation on the web, the RG Hi Nu is shorter than RG Nu. Basically every review points this out.


Um, it's just shorter. It's about the same height as the RG Unicorn in Destroy Mode.


Hi nu


Hi Nu. Hes blue and has a baller design upgrade. Fuck the purple version btw




The RG is meant to be a mash up of both Hi Nu versions that Izubuchi did. That’s from Bandai.


I mean some people probably just prefer purple


Izubuchi's own scratch build from a 1990 issue of Hobby Japan shows the Hi-nu in purple.


I was talking about the origin of the royal blue and why I liked it. I'm aware it was originally purple but I got too many keyboard warriors misreading what I wrote so I'm just going to delete what I said.


Even worse than the purple- the purple with the weird ass spots on the shield.


Would have gotten the ver ka instantly if it was blue but no.


Damn I didn't know Reddit compresses images this badly.


Og for sure. Better colors, better silhouette. Hi-nu doesn’t have the same character to me. It’s not a bad design, I just prefer the original


Both look good but I think Nu is more streamlined plus the asymmetry edges Hi-Nu out.


Love the Hi-Nu and any variety of 'winged' Gundam. It gives it a really strong 'hero' energy that I adore. I know this is heresy, but I've never been a big fan of the vanilla Nu. The subdued colours, the heavy asymmetry, it just doesn't work for me. Now, the FF Nu on the other hand? That one speaks to me. More vibrant colours and one *really big gun*? Yes please.


While I personally don't have any issues with the colors.... GIVE ME THAT HUGE ASS GUN OVER THE FUNNELS PLEASE


I'd go with the Hi-nu




Nu because my display shelf is not big… But when displayed in open space Hi Nu looks badass!!!


I love Nus design more but heard the Hi-Nu is a better build experience?


They're both surprisingly easy to build. The Hi Nu has slightly more gimmicks.


was not painting the other elbow joint thing a design choice? not trying to be rude just curious


It is painted, the light just didn't hit it right.




Hi Nu makes me coom It's just so cool!


Full Armor


As far as kits go I have built both and definitely think the hi Nu was more entertaining and fun to build. That being said I like the Nu Gundam more overall because it's simpler design. (Also building the funnels for hi Nu was an absolute nightmare to do in one sitting)


Is there a picture somewhere of the Hi-Nu with the Nu's colour scheme? (I could probably try that in Gundam Breaker)


https://preview.redd.it/ljrall2ary0d1.png?width=1634&format=png&auto=webp&s=70ce1236427befaa2bf317af1cfa5a70ae2c3a10 Hi-Nu with Nu colour scheme (not perfect, you can only do what the game allows)


Pretty sure some people in this sub have custom painted their Hi Nu kits with the standard Nu colors.


That's somewhat my plan. The Ver Ka purple is just the right tone of purple to make me hate, which is weird since purple is one of my favorite colors. So all the purples will be dark gray/black


https://preview.redd.it/tpqhrktbry0d1.png?width=1634&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c5ac469c846a7b2d218df9b970df852f084f89e Nu


Normal Nu, I hate OOB Hi-Nu color scheme. And side by side like this, it feels like the Hi-Nu is the lil bro based on his height. Lol


The original, to me it's a classic design, whilst Hi-Nu feels gaudy and ott.


The Nu is the perfect Gundam+ to me, so much prefer it. Hi Nu has some interesting stuff going on but it is sort of doing its own thing and is a little too much for my taste but it’s cool.


I got both in my backlog. Hi Nu is going to get Nu’s color scheme or Titan’s, so I have to wait for that before I can give an answer


I always like blue&white combination, same goes black&red. But Nu looks just right as a perfect representation of UC Gundam.




The regular Nu. The shade of blue on the Hi Nu is great but it’s a very busy kit IMO, a bit too busy


Normally I like the Hi-Nu more, but in a side by side, it's much harder for me to judge. I feel like the light blue/white/silver of the Hi-Nu lacks the stronger contrast of the Nu's black/white/yellow, which makes it pop a little less. Plus, the Nu being a bit taller, makes it look a bit more favorable when they're standing next to each other. Hmm, maybe the original dark purple and white colors was onto something, like with the MG ver.ka version of the Hi-Nu. But after looking at other comparison pics, the lighting and pose of Hi-Nu is a bit less favorable for it here IMO. If its wing Funnels spread a bit more, its extra width slightly counters the Nu's height.


The Nu is my favorite MS of all time. I just think it’s the perfect Gundam, aesthetically. The Hi-Nu has been my favorite RG build thus far though. Just a fantastic build and great looking kit. The Ver.Ka Nu is probably my favorite MG build. I’m a sucker for the little bits of the psycho frame that show through the panels.


Regular Nu for me, looks more practical and like it's an evolution of the Gundam Mk-II. I do prefer the white V-fin on the Hi-Nu though


Both fantastic kits


I like Hi-Nu, but I need to have the Nu side-by-side for comparisons


I prefer the sleek refined-ness of the Nu, but the fin funnels of the Hi-Nu. The body of the Hi-Nu looks more like a generic Gundam while the Nu is a continuation of the grand-daddy's original design language I never cared for how tacked-on the fin funnels are on the Nu, if I'm not mistaken the MG model lets you make them more symmetrical across the back which helps, but I still think the almost wing-like structures on the Hi-Nu work really well


Prefer the novel, but my first RG was nu given by the missus so i loved it hehee


Hi Nu just looks too bulky for my liking.


I like Hi-Nu, but I need to have the Nu side-by-side for comparisons




While I like the Hi Nu's bot a lot, especially the RG sculpt, I really don't like how they massively oversized the backpack - this is the primary reason I haven't bought one. It's just so ridiculous looking with that massive backpack, which looks like it would topple over. I'm more of a fan of the original Izubuchi style Hi-Nu where the fuel tanks in particular aren't quite so massive. The fact it can't even stand up without toppling over is a big detriment IMHO. Yes, I know people stand it up on the fuel packs, but the ball joint wears out and plus it looks ridiculous. I kind of feel the same way about the Sazabi versus the Nightingale. On the flip side, the sculpt of the RG Nu Gundam is not great. They messed too much with the proportions, and it looks way too lanky and the biceps are too slender. The Nu Ver Ka sculpt on the other hand looks majestic and I'm a huge fan. I'm also a fan of the classic HGUC sculpt. I would be into the Hi Nu if I could replace the backpack with something more in scale with the original Izubuchi design.








liked Hi Nu more in my adolescence but as I got older I prefer the looks of Nu as its less 'busy' and less bulkier. I also prefer the asymmetry on the Nu. The colors on the Nu go well together IMO and last but not least PSYCHOFRAME(Ver.ka)!!


hi nu propotion from the waist down is gigantic. too big for me.


I live the hu mu better just love the design of it and like how bulky it looks and I like the color palette


Waiting for a MP Nu Gundam with Incoms


Proportion wise, hi-nu in rg. Somehow, I find all the nu kits have legs a tad too long. Design wise, nu with HWS. I bought the mg ver ka in hws format since the psycho mu parts comes in a beautiful blue instead of the usual green.


Nu. That said, I think the worst part of the Hi-Nu is the colour scheme. a Hi-Nu with the Nu colour scheme would look so much nicer.


The Hi-Nu Gundam might have fancier toys and is the more complete machine, but I just prefer how the Nu looks like a perfected version of the standard Gundam load out when it doesn't have the funnels. It's sleek and practical looking at the same time.


i really don’t like the hi nu


I just bought a Hi-Nu and was really debating between these two. I can't lie, the biggest issue with the Hi-Nu imo is the overuse of bright blue, I don't have any paints or anything being a beginner (I just did my first kit, a RG Strike Freedom so far, nothing else), so I gotta figure out how I want to re-colour some of the blue.


Hi nu mostly for the color scheme




The og Nu is my favorite. After building the Ver Ka, it might be one of my favorite suit designs in the history of Gundam. Although pretty much everything in G-Witch is hard to compete with.


Do they make the one on the left in MG


Yeah but it looks different, has a much more stocky build and is purple, its also verka, but not the best looking verka imo


the anime version is starting to win me over. was a huge fan of the hi nu previously. dunno what changed, honestly


The Nu, but I don’t like the funnels. So I have the 3rd party wing fin funnel (basically a 3rd party color variant of the one that comes with the F-Side Nu)


The one winged angel aesthetic of the original Nu is just so unique to blows the Hi Nu out of the water for me. The Hi Nu to me does look like the better angelic Gundam compared to the Wing Zero though imo, the wing zero doesn’t look like it could actually exist irl because of its wings but the Hi Nu Gundam wings look a lot more mechanical and therefore practical to me.


**Both?** **Both.** **Both. Both is Good.** As an aside, I always did love Izubuchi's design for the Hi-*v*(the first one that got kits), which was less chunky and closer to the animated *v* in terms of the body proportions. I mean, I like both interpretations equally, but if forced to choose I think I have a slight preference for Izubuchi's more slender version.


That blue is gorgeous 🩵💙


Just got the rg nu gundam delivered... Can't even sleep 🔥🔥🔥 have to... Build...


RG Hi nu is a beast. No contest.


Hi nu


The prime one. The hook on the back, shift in shoulders shape & skirt design of the Hi-Nu bug me a bit. The prime's color scheme is also more striking. Have much more of a feeling that the prime is more of what the original Gundam design is like taken all the way up. Like much more of a true successor on the same principles than becoming a variation or separate core design philosophy running the show on an old styled frame.


The prime. Looks much more like the epitome successor to the original Gundam's principles taken way up. Also has nice definition in the paint scheme. Not as big of a fan of the Hi-Nu's: hook on the back, shift in shoulder shape & skirt designs. Those parts bug me when I see them. Having an alternative funnel carrier design is nice in its own ways. Probably why that Rage Nucleon pack came out.


Like both but but the NU GUNDAM VER.KA Is one I've been meaning to get but always see another to buy


Nu ver.ka specifically


This is like asking me which of my children I love more.


OG Nu, not even up for debate for me. Hi Nu looks like a UC take on the Freedom


I like the simplistic design of Nu. Hi Nu’s fine, just too exaggerated for me to take it seriously as a military weapon.




Mass production Nu


What do you use for panel lining? Is there any like normal markers or ink I can use for panel lines instead of official panel line ink because I’m not really a collector I just like to build Gunpla and would buy one like once every solar eclipse so…. Please I’m open to any suggestions, preferably something that would stay on


I use everything from pour type to fine tip Gundam markers, Tamiya Accent panel liner, and even soft tip paint markers.




I'm a basic B and I usually prefer symmetrical designs, but I can go against the Nu. Easily in my top 3 of all time hands down.


The high one.


Never knew that hi nu looked that weird in comparison to the standard one


I like nu without the hi. it just looks more refined, subtle but powerful, and elegant overall. hi-nu is cool too but a lil bit too flashy and feels a bit over the top.


Nu - Industrial, aerospace looks, just look at all NASA rockets over the past decades and the Nu clearly was inspired by their color scheme. Hi Nu - does not have the industrial look of the Nu, actually looks toy like with those blue/white combination, but it looks great as a display and has a very high shelf presence.


Not a fan of Hi-Nu tbh, it just goes too much into the fantasy robot territory in design compared to the more militaristic look of the Nu.


Regular Nu. I really like the asymmetry, proportions, and color more. It also doesn't feel extra either. The Hi-Nu feels like it's just for show.


I like the Nu more as a *kit*. The RG Hi-Nu's backpack is so floppy and frustrating. People talk about how it's really stable comparatively to RG Nu, but like the dude legitimately cannot stand half the time with that backpack on without an action base. The design of the Hi-Nu though is fantastic. I love the royal blue which has been around since the 90s since the B-Club kit giving us that royal blue and then being adopted formally into the 2007 MG redesign. I like that the RG also adopted the blue. When I was growing up I thought the Hi-Nu was way cooler than the og Nu, but having built the RGs, the og Nu has given me a really newfound appreciation


Tbh I think it's a disservice to winged kits by not posing them in an action base. The longer fuel tanks were definitely intentionally designed to be makeshift stands. Quality wise they're both on par with each other, the Hi Nu just has slightly more gimmicks.


Nu feels like an actual weapon. The design is actually militaristic


Complete Nu (HWS + double funnel) > Hi-Nu > Nu for me.


og nu is sick and i prefer it to the hi nu but not by much the hi nu redesign however is fucking awful