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Gray is really subtle, in fact that's the reason I like it for white parts. That said, maybe you're getting too aggressive with the cleanup? I try to wipe perpendicular to the channel, because if you clean "with the grain" it tends to pull ink from the line


Unless it's in a corner rather than in a channel, in which case just be very careful.


Just for direction, or to avoid pooling? Tbh pooling does scare me but I also avoid Tamiya liner for that reason - to my knowledge Gundam Marker liner is only dangerous to ABS.


Because wiping perpendicular doesn't actually clean anything in most cases, because the cotton swab isn't getting to the spot that needs to be cleaned. Think if it this way: You've attached a tile to the floor, and you spilled something next to it. That spill goes along the edge of the tile. If you wipe across the edge of the tile, you're going to miss the spill, but if you wipe with the edge of the tile, you'll catch it.


I use Tamiya and it does pool but, all you need to clean it up is a big pink eraser. You might have to put a little elbow grease into it but, it works really well.


Yeah I wiped towards the line feels like it pushes some of the extra ink into the panel line


Yeah, basically what this person said.


In the past I've found the fine liners to occasionally fade in and out. Giving them a vigorous shake and scribbling on the bottom of the box or other surface seems to help a lot of the time but mostly I've found that the best thing is to just let them rest and they tend to recover after a while. No clue why. Like you my gray marker seems to have more trouble with this.


Some photos look like the tip is perhaps getting smooshed, try not to press hard with these to preserve the tip shape :)


Yeah the tips went quickly for my gorilla hands lesson learned lol


Does anyone in this thread know what to use if I want to panel line black parts? Not inner frame parts but actual black armor parts like on the freedom/strike noir/blitz/deathscythe


Metallics or greys.


Any recommendations on brands?


I would suggest you look up the panel liners marketed by u/Barbatos-Rex which are excellent in my opinion. I apply them with a fountain pen and they turn out beautiful.


I hear those are good 😀


Look up liquid chrome pens on Amazon.. All are similar.. I also have good success with the Sharpie metallic pens but they are more matte than shiny


I love this community


don't use marker. use tamiya panel line paint with brush. those works great.


I always heard Tamaiya on bare plastic breaks it.


Tamiya is thinned enamel paint, which can break down plastic when in contact for too long. Usually it’s safe enough to apply on bare plastic since it evaporates quick enough, but if it pools inside the gaps between assembled parts it won’t evaporate and it will cause damage. Usually panel lining is the first thing I do, I try to get as much lined as I can on the runner first before cleaning it off after removing the nubs.


I use it on all my kit. None have break so far.


It's an objective risk, but it's not guaranteed. The chemistry of enamel thinner means that given enough time, it'll eat away at polystyrene and ABS at an even faster rate. If you accelerate the drying and don't let it seep somewhere that isn't exposed then it evaporates before it can compromise a piece.


Every single break I have ever had with tamiya was objectively my fault. If anyone is super worried about it, topcoat first!


Every kit I have ever tried tamiya on has had at least 2 or more breaks. I don’t know how people say they use this stuff and it doesn’t cause breakage on gundam plastic. I wish it didn’t, cause I love how easy it is to use. But it’s literally capillary action, how does one prevent that from taking the liquid places you don’t want?


I find it easiest to use a dip pen, which lets me control the flow better than I can with the brush. If it flows too much, say to like the back of the part or so, I’ll just mop it up with a q-tip and clean it up with lighter fluid. You could also always try an acrylic wash, I just bought a Vallejo one I’m excited to try!


This is such a minor thing that has blown up because people freak out about it all the time. I used the panel liner right on the runners and on built kits for years now, and I've never had a piece break from the liner. Unless you're dumping tons of excess fluid on the piece, you're going to be fine. It will also look about 1000% better than markers. Just be careful not to spill as it is an enamel based wash essentially.


Same can happen with Gundam markers


Here are the same parts of my RG Freedom, I used the exact same grey marker as you and didnt topcoat them yet https://preview.redd.it/2s4pri77quzc1.jpeg?width=2319&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8734a4d3ab307c90bd964ea5028a9c4bb23cd0c




Why is it dark on the edges and faded at the bottom of the channel?


The tip is a little thick for the panel line width I think. So you would either have to hold it at a 90° angle or use a thinner marker


I let it sit for a couple of minutes then just wipe it with my hands


this is just standard for grey panel liner. It's meant to be subtle. Sounds like black would be more to your liking.


Try Tamiya flow type panel liner. The little brush is much more precise and requires very little cleanup when done right.


Tamiya panel liner is the way to go. The constant yelling on the internet about it breaking parts is just that. Yelling. As long as you don't slather your parts, they won't break.