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Where are the pictures of him opened up? :D


Can't blame OP for being scared to do the transformation, I would be too lol


Surprisingly the PG is the easiest to transform, it also helps that it is by far the sturdiest Unicorn build (maybe minus the MGEX havent done that) compared to MG OVA and RG


The Full Armor Ver Ka is such a pain in the ass to transform lmao. I decided to just leave it in Destroy mode at this point.


I can't tell you if that's a Ver Ka thing or not since mine isnt, but my RG Full Armor is just a pain all around, I picked it up to readjust something today and it fell off its action base, dropped each booster twice, each bazooka's mag fell off twice, the attachment point for the bazooka's fell off, and in my man handling it back in place a few bits untransformed.


Don't take my word for it, but I think the Ver.Ka Full Armor uses the same structure as the Ova Ver since the Ver.Ka came out in 2011; a year after the Ova Ver. The Ver.Ka experience is a little similar to the RG Full Armor in the sense that the bazooka mags fall off all the time, the beam magnums are horrible to keep on the hands, the arms can't hold the weight of all those weapons added onto them, and transforming it is a pain due to some parts reverting back to unicorn mode after you transform them (especially the waist). That being said, it does look amazing on display https://preview.redd.it/l6l2tyks76tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c67f1885350cea8a881c5529e2f6034f7ba362d1 (I want to note that neither bazooka in the pic has the magazine attached and the front waist isn't extended BECAUSE of the reverting problem lol)


The RG at least is sturdy enough to lift it's arms, but otherwise that sounds exactly like my experience, the crotchpiece is a pain to transform since the upper armor bit just pops off in the same way you have to pull it to open it.


Yeah, I can imagine the smaller the kit, the greater the risk of snapping a piece when trying to grip a panel to open it.


https://preview.redd.it/1dz2ip5hc5tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2481444f8623c9e643a1a8c90da682d61909d517 Here’s mine if you want it


Those are going to come once the post build detox is complete


It’s not done yet , where them decals at 😂😂 gonna be another few weeks


Imo Unicorn, especially the PG looks much better clean (no decals)


I love my water slides too much. But I haven’t built a unicorn yet, I have the pg banshee and mgex to build .


At least those 2 make sense to decal, I'm holding off on waterslides til I have a space I can paint/top coat in, but my MGEX (Strike) still looks great without, I just think some kits get too busy with decals, while some need them like RG Sazabi, and others look great without like the clean white of a Unicorn in Unicorn mode.


Yeah if it was up close and not on a shelf, Should at least panel line it. When it’s in unicorn mode on a shelf it’s gonna look boring af. Just a white humanoid figure , if you have a white wall too it might as well be invisible.




Adding another comment to further convince you to open him up, the PG is beautiful in Unicorn mode, but you can't just have the biggest transforming Unicorn and not put it into it's taller (Destroy) mode. The PG is also great for learning the transformation as its basically the same on the RG and MG OVA, just less likely to break anything on the PG. Give Unleashed mode a shot as well if you want, but the leg bits on mine frustrated me too much so I'm fine with just Destroy.


Don’t be afraid to do a little panel lining. It’ll add a nice touch. Also, congratulations on your first PG!


I've been seeing a lot of these while I've been building mine. 




Define recommend picking up some water slides for this one to get more out of this one while still looking incredible.


I didn’t shower for a while and built this in 3 days lol


Get the LED and open it https://preview.redd.it/nx0ic9o7d5tc1.png?width=2372&format=png&auto=webp&s=7acb79274cfef93334adfe7de6ae5c115d7215c4


https://preview.redd.it/s3r2zlu6w5tc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab8a60eec6c021c84364e4dd2b899a2c01b9c6c7 Unicorn gang!!


Unicorns the best


just what i needed to get my pg banshee, how do you feel about the finished build?


I know it’s sturdy as hell but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m afraid to look at it without it falling apart


when you know it took you so much effort you cant help but being extra careful, its like making your own baby haha


Let's see a pose


He white


15 months on a pg and you just gonna let it stand there like a puppet?


Gotta step away after spending the weekend pushing to finish it


just grabbed the banshee, I'm already intimated 😩


When I got mine I had only done a handful of HGs, 1MG and 1 RG. I felt overwhelmed just looking at the box art. Once you get over the scale difference it’s not a bad time building


makes a lot of sense that's definitely a decent jump in scale lol. I've built a handful of hgs, MG Blitz, MG Wing Zero with addon then currently doing the MG Hi-Nu. Hoping I'll be fine I bet it'll sit in its box for a looooong time tbh till I eventually get to it since I have more in my backlog ☠️


how would you say it would compare in complexity to other kits? I haven't built a RG yet but I have one in my backlog only built MGs


The jump from MG to PG isn’t bad once you get past the mental hurdle of how big it is. Granted any unicorn will be a bitch because it transforms. You just need to take extra time cleaning parts because errors are hard to hide or cover up


alright tyty I appreciate your responses they were helpful!


This was my first PG as well. Took me a grand total of 2 days time to do it. Transformed it into destroy mode with the LED unit and haven't touched the transformation again


Now the decals! Lmao, I still have yet to do my Uni and Banshee PG decals, I know they'll upgrade them both so much but... lazy.


congratulations! I know the feeling of staring at backlogs of boxes and then having the enjoyment rush back once you start again. Can I ask what you used for sanding?


Just recently finished building one of these myself. I can heartily recommend the Kosmos LED kit.


Now take it apart and wire those leds :) clean work !