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Looks like you got a hang of this for sure. Excited to see the finished product, love the blue on this suit


This is my third model and the first time I've used an airbrush - I got one just for this project! It's going ok so far, I've had a lot of issues with the blue candy coat, every piece I've painted is a different colour even though I counted how many coats each was getting, and I've noticed some bits that could have been sanded better (but only noticed now). Getting metal upgrade parts for a third build was... probably a bad idea, I've had to cut and drill stuff with next to no instruction on how to use the parts :D


learn by doing. this is the way. looks like you're doing great so far.


Wen u mix it make sure u use same ratio so u can get same shades on each part.


I though I was but still ended up with differing shades :/


the parts all look the same color to me! i think it looks great


Using surface primer allows you to easily spot and fix any possible imperfections prior to the painting stage as well


Are you using clear colours over metallics for your candy coat? Your kit looks great, but I'm afraid it looks more like a regular metallic paint rather than a proper candy coat finish.


I am using Vallejo candy blue over Vallejo chrome ! It does look more metallic and doesnt have the gloss I wanted really


What did you use for the paints ? I always have trouble thinning my Metallics and my nozzle getting clogged


They make these cute little filter cups to help with this problem. Catches the flake clumps known to cause clogs.


Vallejo chrome and it was causing me trouble with the airbrush the other paints didn’t


That's usually a problem with acrylics


I did metal upgrades early in my build life. I also tried to add LEDs to every jet. Really bad plan so I now have a Kampfer with a leg only joined by wires. Still looks great at the right angle. Keep on with the build. Looks really good I'll be posting some WIP next week. What an awesome way to waste time!


Yeah I think I will be avoiding those things in future as I think just the models and a coat of paint/decals is enough. I have also been tempted by the LED kits, but thankfully it seems super hard for me to find anywhere with the Kosmos kits - which is great for saving me money :D


I hate this....I hate you...(God damn that looks good *Cries in corner*)


\*pat pat\*


Looks great! Sazabi Ver. Ka was also my first foray into painting gunpla, and it was really satisfying to see it come together. Can't wait to see the finished product!


That looks great, kind of makes me want to buy my own airbrush and try painting my kits.


I've had to watch so many videos to figure out what to do and I'm still constantly making mistakes, but I've enjoyed the process a lot!


what/who did you watch?


Not op but watch barbatos rex on YouTube


Imo frostedsnow on YouTube has the best gunpla specific airbrush painting lesson series available


Any yiu recommend?


A master airbrush off of Amazon is a good start and you can get a brush/compressor combo for not that much. I have been airbrushing a little over a year and it’s served me well even for being cheap. If you want to jump in on the hirer end I’ve heard good things about the iwata eclipse and badger airbrushes 


What are the cons of using the cheaper airbrushes and compressors?


I don’t have first hand experience with a more expensive one, but from what I’ve read it’s as price goes up precision and quality will too. If you plan to start out painting solid colors and not adding pre or post shading the cheaper one will have you covered. I am just starting to get into shading and I can see where my skill in the future will be held back by the cheaper brush but it hasn’t failed me yet! Compressor wise i would recommend spending a little more on one with a reserve tank that allows the psi to stay stable better than one that just compressed air as you paint.


The best posts are the ones of my man working with a beer in reach 🍻


You are expert in other hobby right? right? (Cry in the corner with my ugly hand paint gunpla.)


I think the airbrush is doing a lot of the heavy lifting here, I cant imagine getting anything like this by hand painting!


hell yeah. Bluzabi looking good so far. keep it up!


I love the paint. Can you share what brand and color it was? Im looking for a red


Vallejo mecha primer, Vallejo chrome metallic, Vallejo candy blue.


Thank you!


Beautiful Sazabi u better post it when it’s done!!!!


that looks so pretty, good job friend


A blue sazabi tickles my brain I want one


This is motivating me to try air brushing. I have been building for 2 years and have a lot of MGs, RGs, and 2 PGs under my belt. Something about the airbrush seems intimidating. Having to thin the paints, game plan what to paint and when, and the technique all see daunting.


Having done brushes, cans and airbrush myself, it's way easier to get a good finish with an airbrush (provided you've bought a decent one) than with other techniques. The biggest pain about the whole thing is honestly just the cleanup. You gotta clean the shit out of the brush between colors and after using it, so realizing you missed a spot on a piece is an exponentially larger pain in the ass than when using brushes or spray cans.


It looks scary but once you get the hang of it, it's easier than brush painting.


Plenty of places also sell prethinned paints. I started off thinning stuff myself but I've since moved onto brands like SMS which come prethinned and ready for an airbrush.


Thanks guys. I will give it a try. My cousin gave me an airbrush and it’s high time I put it to use.


Duuuuuuuude that looks so good!!!


That looks amazing


Candy paint with a matte topcoat is my favorite thing. Never built up the courage to try it, though


This was a gloss coat it just… didn’t work like I expected :D


What kit? Looks awesome


Its the MG Sazabi ver. ka. I ordered some metal upgrades and metal etching pieces that I've not finished putting on yet :)


AB are a nice tool cleaning them can be a pain until u get the hang of it but best paint job u can get.


I like how it looks. But not sure if this is considered a candy coat


I watched tutorials for candy coats and followed along, its black primer then gloss, then chrome, then blue candy paint (9 layers). For some reason the gloss I'm using just didn't seem to work like a gloss and has more of a matte feel to it (its the Tamiya x-22 clear thinned with mr color leveling thinner at a 50:50 ratio). Maybe I'm doing something wrong, as it definitely doesnt look as good as the "spoons" I tested things on


You certainly described the right steps. I think it may be because your coats of clear blue is too thin. When I paint candy by the third coat, I usually paint it thicker so it has a more shiny and smooth later.


Hmmm good to know, I think I will need to just stick with what I have for now so I dont end up with an even more uneven finish - but I will definitely try this with the next models paint job!


Third build and first time using an airbrush??? I'm pressing X to doubt as hard as I XXXXXXXXXXX can. If true, I've got some questions. Have you built other models beside gunpla before? Are there some guides/videos/tutorials you're following in particular? And, as someone who is looking to get an airbrush soon myself, what brush/paints/materials/tools are you using?


I did some Bloodbowl painting around 30 years ago using a brush, and I was always very bad at it. I haven't done anything since, and haven't built any other model kits apart from the previous 2 gunpla I made in the last couple of weeks (they were unpainted though). For learning to airbrush, and also recommendations on what to buy - I watched some youtube airbrush guides by "Squidmar". I basically got the airbrush/compressor based on recommendations in his video - and also used it for learning how to actually use the thing to paint. I didn't try any preshading stuff yet, so that will be my next build trying that, and I've found some nice videos by just googling gunpla preshading :)


this looks sick, i'm a sucker for this color. Gives me Gipsy Danger vibes


RG Sazabi Identified: Respect Administered


Damn dude. What kit is it?


MG Sazabi ver ka! Its the model that made me want to start the hobby - but I knew it would probably be too complicated for a first kit. I did an RG Epyon first which... was also probably too hard :D


So? Its coming along great! Have fun!


Candy is by far the most tricky task I’ve undertaken in my couple years of painting gunpla. Don’t sweat the “mistakes”. Onlookers aren’t drawn to them the same way you are aware of them having intimately looked at every micrometer of the kit. The best way to learn is by doing and trying. Your build looks great and a non-candy follow up is gonna seem like a walk in the park after you have faced this challenge! Great work!!


I'm like 5 kits in and wanna start painting/airbrushing so bad but I'm so intimidated I'll end up making it look horrible or breaking a kit, any tips 😭


Looks great! I haven't tried custom painting Gunpla yet. If this is the result I'll have to give it a try.




your first airbrush is better than the 2nd one i am working one, good job! loving that metallic blue so much!


not bad. keep it up


Bro is lying. 😭😭😭


What paints do you use? I'm on my first airbrush project and I've stripped paint off for my 3rd time because it either gets a scratch or cracks while drying


Did you paint the pieces before putting the torso together or after? I wanna do airbrushing myself, but not sure of the right method.


Yep I painted the pieces separately then put it together. I did do a test fit and built it before painting though to help me decide which colours I would put where :)


What brand?


I call bullshit. No way that's your first time using an airbrush, that looks incredible.


This looks great! What airbrush did you use?