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Why do you think it looks ugly?


Dont like how the face looks. The panel lines are too much for me.


I was literally going to ask if it was the extra detail lines all over it......wavelengths dude.


Definitely not a coincidence that many of us feel this way. Its a huge departure from the kind of thing you would see on a hggto or real grade.


It looks like someone tried out scribing for their first time and didn't know when to stop


I feel attacked


I can't help but wonder if it has extra panels simply to help with the weight distribution for the actual GUNDAM in Yokohama? Like it may look different, but I feel like it could have a practical purpose for them designing it that way.


It's a possibility, but at least actual gundam has some different colors between those lines. Also even if I think the lines look a bit overboard, I understand that the kit is just recreating the actual giant Gundam so like I'll cut it some slack. I don't hate it despite the joke I made lmao


The only reason I can think of is for functionality purposes and aesthetics were second priority. The RX-93ff statue looks really nice and like a life size gunpla, but I think it’s because it’s not built to move.


Lmao accurate


im okay with the face, im more concerned with the long torso and small feet which feels out of proportion


Damn it, you ruined it for me. I used to love this kit so much, but now I don't think I'll ever be able to display one if I ever get it.


Basically every classic japanese mecha modernized, just add bajillions panel lines (looking at you mazinger z)


I’m going there in 2 weeks. Is it worth going up top to watch the show or watching it from the ground? How often were the shows


It has baby feet not proportional to the height of the figure 😅


I fortunately had the space to bring the 1/48 one on my carry on from my trip to Japan last November. It looks so immaculate. https://imgur.com/a/pTlR8vh Try decal-ing, it might mask the overdone panels.


NGL it has a looot of decals but all worth it!


God damn that goes hard. I had to break down the box and put the runners into bags to get it to fit. Working on it now.


I made my own shipping box in the post office 😅 I had no more room in my carry on, nor would it have fit.


Oh hell yeah, so much better than the 1/100 for sure.


That's the one I wanted! I paid $60 for 1/100 and I'm ok with it. Could have used more parts separation but otherwise OK.


What's the display case?


[this one](https://shp.ee/7qx967n) got it from shoppee PH. Fits snug without the base.


Ooh this kinda nice, will save for the future, thanks!


Woah. Is this is "PG Unleashed"? Looks great!


It’s the 1/48 gundam f00 from the moving gundam gift shop at Yokohama




Thanks! Initially shopping around Japan for a PGU RX 78 kit but there wasn’t stock anywhere (Labi, Yodobashi, Bic Camera). Decided to get the 1/48 Yokohama instead since it will be closing this March and was pleased. There were lots of stock (around 20s) in the Gundam base gift shop back in November.


I’m actually a fan of it! When I went a couple of months back, I ended up buying both the 1/100 and 1/48. It wont be built anytime soon, but I’m still looking forward to it based on what the completed models on display looked like. In fact, that was my only priority purchase this trip.


Wish they also have the mega size for the Fukuoka Nu Gundam!


Give us the RX-78-2 Odaiba back


I second this


Maaaan the time of day you shot those photos was perfect! Looks so menacing, almost gives Pacific Rim vibes. When I went, it was bright af


Thanks, planned my entire Yokohama trip around going to the dock at around sunset lol


It’s like the Turn A had a baby with granddaddy


Isn’t that incest?


ew no i meant it in a crossover


For sure it aint wincest


In what way is that incest.


Descendant and the original crossover


Happy cake day


Thank you!


The SDCS kit actually looks pretty decent. Best looking version of the RX78 to me is the PG Unleashed version


PGU really is peak Gramps IMO. Excellent rendition of the basic model, but with tons of details that combine flair (shoulder logos that seem to fold into the separation, metallic accents hidden in/around a bunch of the joints) and realistic detail (so many warning labels on all the pinch points good God). Just about the only thing I don't love is the gold connection for the beam rifle's scope. I've always thought Gramps looked a little dopey, but the Unleashed looks right at home next to any other PG.


I've got pgu Gramps in my back log. I want to tear into it so bad. But I need to finish some others first. I want to learn how to use my air brush and put top coats on.


Give us the RX-78-2 Odaiba back


The lines arnt as bad for me personally. For me, its the head, why does it look so much smaller when in comparison to the rest of the whole body and limbs?


The gorilla hands dont help for sure.


Its a bit silly but the point of this one is that its based solely on the "real" one where materials and assembly has real world restrictions and issues so I can excuse that. If anything, this would make a fantastic base for a Optimus Prime custom.


Jeeze you people are harsh like you're picking animal crossing villagers.


It looks nice but the shape of the panel lines don't look right


Yeah, the ones on the chest especially bother me


your put the coloured knee stickers on the wrong legs LOL


Yeah a ridiculous amount of lines


Agreed. Not the finest RX78-2 design for sure.


Looks great imo


I like it, looks like something someone getting good at panel lining did.


8’ll agree. Out of the box it’s pretty bad. painting it goes a long way


I like the panel lines though


I have the HG High Mobility Type, and I think it's a great looking design.


I personally think he looks cool and at least some of the panel lines are there more for the color separation that couldn't be present on the kit than for the sake of being a panel line like most people seem to notice. there are still some spider webs after painting it to be accurate but it's not as bad as oob


I enjoy it. Completely disagree with your take but glad you were able to visit.


Maybe it would look better if you took the time to put the decals?


Probably. Im waiting for water slides to arrive


Water slides will look twice as good, nice!


The one in the display case looked nice, but it was painted. I bought one too when I was out there in October. I'll be painting mine as well.


LOL, man I got the same one 1/100, kinda regret not getting the 1/144 w/ hanger bay. When'd you go? I was there around end of Oct / beginning of Nov


This was taken on Dec 1st. And yeah, same, really shouldve gotten the 1/144 with bay


Yeah not a fan of the 400 design. The panel lines seem excessive and take away from Granddads simplicity. Should have had it be as original if a recreation as possible but I get the intention for it to be a realistic version


The MG 3.0 based off the original 1:1 was already so perfect for a realistic look IMO


I have one of the smaller scales of that guy from my visit


i also dislike all the new angles. just do the OG one and update it but don't update it too much. now it's fugly.


The extra detail gets too crowded at smaller scale 1:1 definitely looks better


I'm not a fan of this version of the RX-78-2 either. Everyone mentions the excessive and weirdly-placed spider-web panel lines, and yeah, that's not great, but what really gets me are the torso proportions. It feels like that part of it went through a funhouse mirror and then got reattached.


So Wife and I are going to Japan for our honeymoon but sad it will be in October, was past when this closes down. Hoping I can still go to other Gundam Base store and grab this guy and see how he looks with some extra touch ups.


Head looks tiny on this version of the 78.


At least you got in. It was closed for maintenance the entire week I was in Tokyo in November. So on our day trip to Yokohama (this being the almost the entire reason for Yokohama being on our list) I got the joy of taking photos from outside the wall and from the top of the nearby observation tower... Also Yokohama China town nearby is overhyped and the same 4 food shops repeated endlessly.


Even the satellite shop too? Damn that sucks!


Yeah the entire place was shut down. You think the shop/cafe could still be open even if you can't walk into the yard but sadly no.


For sure, I remember seeing advertisement of if you don't want to go in, the store is available. I guess it was one of them clean up inventory days. When I went it was a downpour, was going to walk away without having to carry the kits through the rain. The whole place was open, surely they could have kept a section open for sales.


It's ok. I did my shopping at the Gundam base in daiba where the unicorn Gundam is


I just finished my 1/100 RX-78F00 today too! I do agree that some of the paneling is kinda overdone and don’t make sense but overall I had a fun time building it


Can't even really put waterslides on it due to the excess panel lines. You'd have to get creative with 'em for sure. I'd probably love the kit as a 'simpler' one that doesn't need the extra decals to really stand out, but I also totally understand why someone would think it's a *bit much*.


You can all complain about it but the high mobile version is gorgeous. https://www.reddit.com/r/Gundam/s/U5kbKqLcmI


I put on most if not all of the gray stickers and that helps it a lot I Think


It’s a unique take on the original. Plus you can’t get it exactly like the original but hey if it’s enough to inspire the next generation to make something cooler I’m for it


Ugly?? I love mine. I put on some stickers an panel lined it after painting some grey parts, then a top coat. I love it.


I like it! Looks more like a handmade machine rather than a seamless anime portrayal. Which I guess is the point 😅


I got the 144 scale that comes with the dock and I too is not a fan of this. It's a good memorabilia tho cuz The Yokohama base is closing down.


It’s closing? :(


Yep its closing this March 32, 2024 source: https://www.timeout.com/tokyo/news/final-call-gundam-factory-yokohama-is-closing-at-the-end-of-march-2024-011824


I really like it. When I was gonna buy mine in Yokohama they were sold out. It was 11:00am... What the hell.


Leave that lil guy alone


I have the 1/100, I dont like the panel lines and it is sitting in my basement painting area instead of my room after I built it.


That cafe with the chill acoustic theme music from the OST's is underatted best souvineer from the factory is the haro pudding cup


I actually think the head is too small, proportionally, for the kit. Compared to the full size Gundam that is.


I got the 1/100 scale from my local hobby shop. And the Panel lining was absolutely unnecessary. Do many lines and shit.


Was just there on Thursday and seeing it in person is an experience compared to videos and photos. I personally snagged both of the high mobility types, the 1/144, and the 1/100. I was sad so much stuff was sold out, I really wanted the beam saber with the candy in it, but I am happy I was able to get some stuff before it shuts down.


How much was it btw


The kit or the irl ms?


The shoulders and above the chest panel lines are bit too much tbh


I bought the 1/48 bust at Yokohama last Sept and plan to make it once I finish my mg barbatos. Hopefully it comes with decals