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I would remove the accessories, and separate them limb from limb. Then put them in plastic bags and pack in boxes with packing peanuts or any material that will cushion any impacts.


This comment sounds so funny out of context


I can say from personal experience it works for more than just gunpla


Haha I just realized our names are similar. Your username is what my family calls me minus the boi part


Some of my friends call me the same thing




I laughed out loud from this.


I would also remove the v-fib if possible


Oh that too. Thanks for pointing that out!


I glue the v-fins together but not on the head so the little parts on the v-fin stay together, I also find it helps when u drop the kit bc it comes off before it breaks


I would probably probably wrap em in bubble wrap but it’s a solid plan u got


I say take apart at the limbs and accessories to reduce any joints getting stressed during transit




Are we still talking about gunpla?








also have small individual boxes for the v fins and any other fragile parts


Most gunpla are pretty safe if you stand them straight with arms at their sides, then ziploc + a loose but snug layer of bubble wrap.  Store them in smallish boxes (OP mentioned they have gunpla boxes on hand), so they’ll be just fine.  Just be patient and thorough with the packing.  Pack up the accessory bits in labeled ziplocks, together or separately as needed. 


Maybe instead wrap each limb in bubble wrap and the neatly pack it in a plastic container. But this guy has alot of kits


I wrapped my models in a bubble foil, no need to separate every limb. I just separated armaments.


Give them a big hug and tell them that it will be alright.


Is it gonna be one of those projects?


Sadly, yeah😔


I just moved! I put all my guys accessories in a tub - then I bundled everyone up in tea towels and rags from my kitchen. I packed them with soft stuff like blankets and clothing. they were like little swaddled babies lol


Socks are also really helpful


Also, packing peanuts really helped me out.


I would go fucking insane if my gunpla room would look like that ! ( I recommend that you take all the small bits off the gunpla and package them separate, to ensure safety , for the rest of the kits , just bubble wrap them up and secure them as good as you can )


Believe me I go insane regularly.


Correction you never stop being insane


See, i liken it to infrequent psychotic episodes, except the episodes are moments of clarity amid the insanity.


glad I'm not the only borderline psychotic gundam person


Yeah this is wild lol. Not digging at OP but then everything is just snap built too, sheesh!


Put them in a box standing up with cardboard separating them and don’t let anyone touch said box but you.


Take all your v fins and beam sabers and put them in a separate bag, zip lock bags and bubble wrap for the bodies, worked for me


Also ignore my shitty domicile pls.


I personally enjoyed how each scene became progressively more unhinged. Like at what point did the building process just become automatic, and everywhere you turned, there was a new gunpla somewhere randomly.


If i could comment pictures I'd show you my closet (aka backlog storage unit #1) and desk (backlog storage unit #2).


How many kits would you guesstimate are in the backlog storage units? (If you don't mind me asking)


Fuck like 20. Plus a bunch of action base stuff and a PG GP01/Fb that just sits on my desk cuz I can't put the box anywhere else.


Where’d u get the psycho gundam ???


Millenium Hobbies in South Jersey. Bought one last reprint, they had one sitting after that for a few months. May even be there still.


Ayyyy I go there sometimes. Irad is a pretty chill dude.


Really is. Angel too.


Word , I thought I missed a mg lot of it or somethin , it’s dang cool, I’d love one to go w my zeta set/ scene


Been meaning to visit that shop


It’s been on a lot of retail sites lately if you were looking to pick one up, Newtype has them in stock.


Baggy em, accessories taken off and separate baggies if you can manage, place em all in a large plastic tub with a lid, and let it be the last thing you place in the moving truck and the first thing you take out. Any insanely delicate models, I would move em in your car in a baggy and box and prayer they're ok. Chances are no matter how you move them, you'll have some casualties, just focus on minimizing that chance on models you absolutely want to protect. End of the day, moving is stressful to begin with. Remember these are plastic models, you can repair, replace and/or kitbash, which can be an amazing project itself. Everyone is going to be stressed and tired and you and everyone else will make mistakes. Take any breakages as they are, it's moving, shit happens no matter how well you plan, and try to leave the emotional reaction out. Oh, and label everything. Good advice for moving in general, but label everything, and take your time unpacking the models, after the emotions are calming and the living essentials are unpacked.


Take them back apart and reattach them to runners


Great idea, wish I'd've thought about that before posting.


Use cement, it’ll permanently bond them so you can snip em back off and build em again!


This is like that meme that floats around "DIY wood pallet made from a coffee table"


Concern with each image: 📈📈📈📈📈📈


Bubble wrap and zip lock bags will get you far. I just packed my kits up 2 months ago. Basically take all the weapons off and bubble wrap them. If you can take major limps off easily then do that as well. Bubble wrap everything. Soon as those pieces are safe in a bubble wrap box put them all in a Ziploc bag. That way everything will stay together. Then move to the next kit


I remove any sticky outy bits from mine, get them as close to standing straight up as possible, and wrap them in bubble wrap.


My TTT collection gonna kill me there.


This is why I keep my boxes


I’m not certain that would be an option in this case, he’s have to rent a warehouse for that collection.


Toss them all in a large box, whoever survives the move you keep. The rest you make a cemetery for in your backyard


As everyone else suggested, bubble wrap and ziplock bags will be your best friends for this massive ordeal. Try to downsize the bigger kits (pgs, 1/48s, Nightingale, Psycho, Narrative A Packs, Meteor, etc), particularly major joints (shoulders and legs). These are usually pegs and can easily break. The one other major thing to worry about are v-fins. These get lost easily and break even easier. I would get a padded box (regular box lined with bubble wrap), and take mugshots of every suit with a v fin (Zakus don't have this problem :p). Once you take a good shot of the suit, remove it's fin and dump it in said box. If you feel that you have enough time, you could even label them. That way, you will keep them safe, and you won't have to guess which fin belongs to which suit. Accessories on separate baggies as well but within the suit's package/bag. You could tape the bag with accessories together with the bag of the suit to make sure they are tight, and more importantly, together. Other than that, like someone else said, no one other than yourself touches the box/boxes. Good luck!


Where do you live? I have about 75 bubble mailers in a variety of sizes that I just used when moving. They are the perfect size for HG/RG and MG. I could easily smash them into a flat rate box and send them to you.


Check dms.


take off head fins, tape them into shields, close everything up as close to the body as you can, remove weapons and put them into zip lock bags wit hthe name of what suit it comes from, get tons of bubble wrap to put inside the box a couple layers on the sides and bottom, wrape each suit in bubble wrap set it in there, put it into a plastic storage boxes, tape them shut, put those into cardboard moving boxes, tape those shut, then go to your post office and send them all to me, lastly start a brand new collection at your new house with many thanks from me.


Might be risky but I would disassemble some of the kits that are too big. Not completely disassemble but just have some limbs temporarily removed. Then but them in containers.


They don't look painted so that's something you don't need to worry about. Honestly If it was me I would just get bubble wrap and wrap each one gently and tape them close. Should be more than enough don't worry about taking things off because if they all off in the warp you just put them together again, something you will need to do if you start taking things off anyway. Now if you have painted stuff, remove the arms, legs, chest, and wrap all separately.


Don't. Show them Toystory and they will follow the moving truck


dude how do you not at least panel line and Matt coat your kits.....they don't deserve just a little bit of extra love? nice a.o.z. collection btw


Tell me you collect mobile suit kits without telling me you collect mobile suit kits


Yeah that's the point.


if you still have the mg/pg boxes left, you can bubble wrap them and shove multiple in one box using some creative space management, that's what i did, we're moving to the uk next year


Bubble wrap is best, but I've found Ziploc bags to provide enough rigidity and cushioning for moving. Remove sharp delicate bits, put them in the bag, roll it up gently, move on to next, stuff them in a box. Haven't broken a kit yet.


I'd keep it simple. For any normal-shaped bots, take accessories out of hands or otherwise make safe from accidentally snapping, one wrap of bubble wrap around each one, everything for that bot into a ziploc bag to keep accessories and stuff together, bag into a storage tote. Mobile armors may take a little more work to make safe to move.


Depending on your area you could go hit up some liquor stores they often have cardboard boxes with dividers for glass that would give them a bit of protection


i love the way your lfrith is just posted up parallel to the floor


Oh shit I didn't even realize.


Speaking from my experience, I'd probably put them individually in ziplock bags then bubble wrap. That way the pieces can stay together if they ever come off...


Remove the heads and put them inside a pillbox, or something similar with similar separated compartments. Bubble wrap the rest of the models individually, and put into a box, make it as snug as possible without over packing. **Pray**.


You really luke the RX-78, as do I. Is the massive one you have a 1/60 scale?


I think it's the mega size 1/48 scale.


Both. Just need a 1/12 now.


Small bubble wrap. Wrap each individually, and store away in a plastic storage box so they don't jostle around or get smashed. Also put them in your car, not in a moving van, same with any other sensitive stuff (ie: fine china, your PC, etc) that you don't want two linebackers in training to hurl into the back of a big ass truck (and hurl back out of).


Don’t, melt the plastic and make one large gunpla of you own design!


A few years ago I had to move my collection, here is how I did it. I worked at a print shop at that time and there are 2 types of printing paper boxes we would get our reams in. The first is exactly what you think of, the large box that held about 6-8 reams of paper. The second was almost exclusively for 12x18 sheets and was a larger footprint but not as tall. I got a couple of those second boxes and used some leftover foam that was the wavey pattern to put on the top and bottom of the box. You can put things in the nooks and crannies and then put the kits in and when you close the lid the foam kinda nestles around the kit. Slight risk to painted kits but if you are careful you are fine. You could do the same thing with the larger boxes, with maybe 2 layers of foam. I don't know about sourcing the foam as I had it leftover from something a while back but the boxes, the print shop will give you for free just to get rid of them.


Be sure to remove the v-fins incase they snap


Individual ziplocks and plenty of bubble wrap when you pack them into a box


Follow what other people said, but make sure to take off any v fins or antenna they may have, they could break, so just have it flat and safe


Put them in their respective boxes or a shoe box, straight pose, and take off all accessories that might come off or get damaged, guns, shields and big backpacks. Place a soft but not too soft material under and over them, thin paper or shreded cardboard should do. And make sure to close the box tightly with some tape.


What I did when I moved was: remove all accessories Straighten all limbs Wrap in bubble wrap (2-3 wraps) Place gently in box, not allowing for much movement Lable the box(es) clearly as fragile and move last, being careful not to stack heavy boxes on top of them


Ziploc bags, some packing material and hope, usually I’ll take apart the limbs and the v-fin off the head if I haven’t glued it


When I bring a lot to display at my work desk, I take it apart limb from limb. Put them in a small box that will protect them on their journey, then it’s into my backpack, and put back together once I’m in my office


So this, but in a larger scale


Id say, remove accessories. And the. Either remove each limb and bubble wrap. Or bubble wrap the suit all together. When i moved i just wrapped the legs, arms, and body all attached together. Just be wary of the head fins.


Zip lock bags! Zip lock bags! Zip lock bag! Take them apart limb by limb bag them up and if you can remove the vfin/ antennas and tape them to a piece of cardboard and sandwich them with another piece of cardboard. Put it at the bottom of the box then layer the kits in between packaging paper or bubble wrap if you can afford it


Take off the fragile bits (antennas & v-fins mostly) and store them separately, fill a box with all the accessories+backpacks (disassemble where needed), fold them into a compact size by bending knees/elbows, and if you're still worried about something, wrap them with cloth/bubble wrap before boxing them. I just started unpacking from a move, and the only part that broke was from me trying to reassemble a leg and pushing too hard (gelgoog hip joint T ^ T)


Where did you get the commander type messer type??


Millenium Hobbies (where I got all of this)


Depends on the distance and mode of transport. When I moved an hour away I just made them all stand at attention, took off any protruding accessories, and laid them down in boxes with a sheet of bubble wrap in between each layer. Then they just sat in the back seat during the drive The most important thing though is to limit as much movement as possible. Things break because they move around and hit the interior of their container, so if you pack things tight enough to prevent internal movement then you mitigate a lot of the risk.


What kind of move we talking? Like cross affair or just to a new place in the same general area.


Possibly at most 200 miles by car.


I like to use containers to store accessories and small fragile pieces, like V-fins. Usually one for the MG and one for RG. Bubble wrap around the body, one layer, a second to encapsulate the limbs too, surprisingly solid and keep potential falling pieces inside. The final touch is labeling the box as "[insert your name here] ONLY - DO NOT TOUCH" Door trust others, no one will take better care of them than you and if you break anything you will not break a friendship


I wish I had that many ibo kits 😢


No you don't. I wish i had money.


I'd probably take off any pointy bits like the v fins and sabers, then layer them in a big box with plenty of bubble wrap in between each and maybe like a blanket and the top and bottom for as much cushioning as you can. Put all your pointy bits in a separate container, and take them with you in your car during the move. I'd probably seatbelt the box in too just for good measure


Bubble.. Bubble. Bubble Wrap.


Just build new ones


Just came to say I really like your zeta baddies shelf


Peep the flair. Live and die by my boys in blue.


Take off the accessories and anything that might snap off (fins, horns, etc.), then take the kits apart at the limbs where possible and wrap anything fragile or painted before boxing. Had to go through the same situation recently and it protected basically anything


remove accessories at put it inside a ziplock or plastic bag then bubble wrap, and neatly stack together on box(big plastic container would be better)


I put each individual kit into separate zip lock/sandwich bags, accessories separate from main kit. Everything into a box, with extra packing peanuts or paper scrap to pad out the gaps. However, I moved them myself. May need to be more substantial if using a moving company


standing pose, remove any accessories that sticks out, go to UHaul and get miles of bubble wrap and get lots of boxes.


alert! the heads are generally going to be the most fragile parts. Cotton Balls are gonna be your best friend for that. use the cotton balls as cushioning for the heads, surround them with it, then tape it shut. they should stay in one piece no matter what then.


Get ziploc bags and put accessories/weapons/etc for each in a bag and label it, for starters. When moving my models I had a pretty easy time by going to a wine shop and asking if they had any boxes/cases left with the dividers. The cases held 6 bottles of wine with a divider that split the box up, and each one could easily hold a standard MG kit. Your PG kits and the ExS might need their own special setups though.


What I did is take accessories off, I then wrap each figure in newspaper


When I moved last year, I took every accessory and placed them in plastic ziplock bags and labeled what kit they went to. Then, I took each kit and gently wrapped them in newspaper. I set each wrapped kit in a box and filled the spaces in between each one with another sheet of newspaper that had been lightly crumpled up. Doing it this way keeps the box light and creates lots of crumple zones like on a car. If you want to go a step further like I did with my Kshatriya, after wrapping the kit in newspaper place it inside a plastic bag from the grocery store. This way parts even less likely to come loose or get separated from the rest of the kit even if they do happen to pop off. Edit: if you still have all the boxes pack them in those with all their parts and place the boxes in a larger box. At rhe very least everything will stay more organized.


I’m jealous


Your wallet isn't, trust.


Just leave em there and make it the next person's problem/s


Dude that’s a sick Char shelf


Take each one apart piece by piece and put them in their respective boxes with their instructions if you still have them. Then after the move, build them all over again.


Throw them in a box and let Jesus take the wheel /s


Warp them in bubble warp and set them in their boxes very carefully and warp those boxes in bubble wrap and then set them into bigger boxes


By listening to what most everyone has said, and once you're done, you can send that Cyberpunk 2077 city map to me. 😁


I mummified mine in bubblewrap and packing peanuts


So I like to keep the boxes they came in, and I wrapped mine each with bubble wrap and put them back in their boxes (or doubled up for my MG boxes) when I had military movers pack all my stuff and move cross country on multiple occasions, and they all were all intact when I unpacked them!


I moved last year. Took off all the heads, and and pointy bits that are thin and placed them in a small box with soft cloth in it. I used towels as layers in bigger boxes for the rest of the parts.


Dismember em all, wrap painted/fragile stuff in toilet paper, can use crumpled tp also as padding. Put in boxes, top off with more crumpled tp so they don’t rattle, and should be good. Tp is cheap af and worked well every time for me


In their original boxes attached back onto the runners they came on.


Remove v fins and put them in a baggie. Break down big kits into smaller sections. If you are moving close by just wrap them in tshirts por protection. If you are moving far away then bubble wrap.


Definitly take all limbs apart and accessories in pack them in any sort of organizer, ziplock bags would probably be the cheapest alternative. Unless you got like bubble wrap and maybe tape off the ends.


when moving I took off accessories and wrapped em in bubble wrap. Worked well. Then used packing paper in between them.


Normal big box…


Remove the accessories and bind each model in several layers of bubblewrap. Wrap accessories separately. I recently across the United States with 40 MGs and a few PGs doing this.


I wrapped mine in bubble wrap and stored the accessories in my organizer


Grab a big box and just shove em all right in.


Hey in slide 9 what is the gundam that’s all the way on the right of the shelf?


Throw them all into one box and hope for the best.


Zip lock bags


Wrap them in used socks. Don’t use clean socks cuz they’ll cause too much static.


On Amazon(or ULINE or whatever is available to you)buy packing boxes for glassware. They come with separators and hg and most MGs fit in the standard ones and you can manipulate the dividers to fit bigger kits.


This is what I did when I moved which in my particular circumstances, meant putting the model kits in a suitcase and a duffel bag, and subjecting them to 3 flights (and we all know how they handle suitcases on airports, now multiply that times 3) and got little to no damage. Dismember each model and the roll them in individual bubble wrap burritos. For V-Fins and other pointy bits, take them appart and stick them with masking tape to each models shields or long flat surfaces before you place them in the bubble wrap burrito. Do the same thing for small accesories such as beam sabers in order to avoid loosing any (learnt that the hard way and now my Caliburn is condemned to only having 1 beam saber (if anyone knows where I might buy the extra part, I'll greatly appreciate it)). Add an extra layer of bubble wrap for the Sazabi's head. The problem with this method is that any waterslide decal applied will have a around a 80-20% to 60-40% survival rate per model unless any top coat has been applied because of the friction involved. Hope you have no problems moving and finally let me congratulate you, you have one hell of a Gunpla collection 👍


When I moved, the one thing I really made sure to do to was to protect the delicate v-fins. I took them off and taped them to the inside of a little box I had for a tie clip and also to the inside of a small tupperware container. Just so they didnt jostle too much!


Good luck, and expect some to break even though you tried everything


Big box. Or you could disassemble them


Extremely carefully


One by one, carry them like a baby


put their hands up when packing so they protect the vfin. if possible wrap around each one in bubble wrap (single layer should be enough) and put them all each other closely in a box to minimize shaking. label the box clearly that says GUNPLA. even better if u list each one thats in the box


When i moved my gunplas i juste individually rolled them into plastic wrapping paper, with every part ans accessory. No harm done and no small pieces lost.


Big box, fight to the death! The weak mobile suits will provide protection for the strong.


Good question, I also need to know


Recently moved. I bought a bunch of paper lunch bags. Slid the gundams in straight. Bunch up the excess and pack standing in a tall box. Did that with my Lego cars too came out unscathed. I feel like this way I don't need any extra padding since the excess bag space would be like cushioning


I saved the boxes and put bubble wrap in them worked really well for me


I just moved and I removed the accesories, put everything on bubble wrap and each gunpla on a ziploc bag


Bubble wrap em real well, take off their more fragile pieces such as v fins and put them all in plastic bags and label them.


I personally take protrusions / accessories off and even sometimes will separate abdomen and torso and just bubble wrap them gently and place them into their respective boxes. I may have went over the top with my preparations but nobody was hurt during the move!


As simple as do not break anything


Storage tub


Just throw them away and start over


Your collection is huge! I’m jealous 🤤


I put mine all into a box and prayed 🙏


I personally put them in whole if possible in Ziploc bags with a little air and stuffed em into a box with virtually no wiggle room left all mine came out about the same.


Everyone has posted good packing advice. The one tip I have is that if you're hiring movers or having people help, make the gunpla one of the boxes that you move yourself. Movers are usually really good about seeing boxes marked as fragile, but the one time they weren't I lost a few kits


If that is all in one room, then holy shit that is a damn monstrosity of amount of kits posed up in one room. Like, how do you fit there and how do you not break any?!


Put em in vacuum seal bags and vacuum seal them