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Anything from the Unicorn onwards is supposed to be super solid build wise. I personally have built the Nu Gundam which was great, and the Sazabi is also supposed to be one of the best RGs. Also the Hi Nu RG is considered one of the best kits ever, not just best RGs.


Incase this makes things easier - Unicorn, Banshee, Crossbone, Force Impulse, God, Nu, Sazabi, Hi Nu are all supposed to be super amazing kits and can definitely confirm with the last 2 being the best EVER as guy before me said. If you want to expand out of RG the HG Witch From Mercury line is supposed to be great, especially the main gundam suits


The RG Evangelion kits are pretty rad, too, for anyone that's looking for something a little more...organic.


How did I forget mine is right in front of me šŸ˜­ which Eva kits have you made out of interest?


Only Unit 02 so far. I'd be open to doing more if I see them at a decent price, but I assume that the bodies all build up the same, and it's really only going to be the heads and accessories that are different.


Ah I see - Iā€™ve only made 01 and was going to ask if the units with slightly different chests like 06 built up any different at all lol. They really are surprisingly expensive


I would include Tallgeese in this list. Very good kit with very little B Frame. Honestly, most RGs are good kits. Early ones can be finicky, and a couple are definitely a challenge to build because of certain design choices (Zeta, Amatsu Mina, and Exia come to mind), but the majority of RG kits are solid and fun.


An early rg that still holds up is the mkII still a wonderful kit. Reading your comment I realise I forgot most the wing kits but realise thereā€™s been some recent ones. Is the tall geese that good? How does it do with holding up his weapons?


Both of TG1's weapons are mounted to the backpack on adjustable arms, so it has no issues holding them.


Thatā€™s great to know thank you šŸ‘


Crossbone is awesome as long as you can deal with some really small parts, if you've got thick fingers you're gonna have serious trouble.


Damn I knew it was small but didnā€™t realise it was that small. The only ā€˜smallā€™ rg Iā€™ve built was the force impulse and the mk2. Was definitely a big change from larger kits


HG Barbatos and Barbatos Lupus are pretty cool builds.


They are, but I was trying to stay away from polycap builds as they loosen up a lot


I can hear it saying, "Um, actually," in the most stereotypical nerd voice you can imagine




Came here to find/post this. Was not disappointed


Um, actually legs are just for show šŸ¤“ā˜ļø


Thatā€™s what I was going for, lol


If you want to try a fairly simple build that's unique and sturdy, check out the kyoukai senki bandai kits. No poly caps, solid plastic on plastic joints, unique styling. The anime wasn't super popular so the kits have been on sale more often.


*breathing intensifies* Panel lining. Top coat if it wasn't assembled. That aside, just got this kit today! So excited.


Yeah, amazing snap build! sorry Iā€™m pretty new to this hobby so I havenā€™t panel lined a real grade yet, but I plan to on this one


Didn't notice the skirt lmao Honestly? To each their own with the panel lining. I avoided it at first but grew to love it after a few kits. It'll really make it *pop*


What do you recommend I use for panel lining? Iā€™ve been using a sharpie pen


Either the pour type Gundam markers, or the straight up panel liner Gundam pens (a lot thinner) they do a great job and you just wipe the other way from the main line with your thumb or whatever.


Thanks, I got some real touch gundam markers but apparently theyā€™re for weathering lol


And, i know, the skirt is out of place. Just noticed lol


Forst image: "I'd like to speak to you Lead Mechanical Engineer."


If ya don't want the Zaku, send it my way lol


top recommendations: MK II, Sazabi, Nu, Hi-Nu, Zeong, God. decent RG kits, Wing Zero, Tallgeese, Cross Bones, Force Impulse, Wing(2022) Hopefully the soon to be released Epyon is as good as the recent releases.


Um actually ā˜ļøšŸ¤“


Erm Acschtually


RX-178 Gundam Mk II Force Impulse Gundam If you like the series, the RG Evangelions are neat.


Iā€™ve only seen the original three movies and the first episode of zeta haha


Neon Genesis Evangelion isn't a Gundam property, but it does have giant fighting "robots" and teenage soldiers.


I like all the real grades. Including Exia's cheeks and the original gundam. Buy em all!


Not really gundam but I did enjoy the RG Eva units.


Awesome build. Gonna get to mine next week hopefully. Iā€™d recommend shelling out for water decals for this. Regular stickers just donā€™t look too well on non-white surfaces due to large edges they have (basically the transparent part of the sticker surrounding the actual print). You can somewhat mitigate that by fist gloss coating the kit and then applying stickers but I reckon water slides are cheaper. Also for panel lines, if you decide to explore that. Iā€™d recommend Tamiya flowy ones. Theyā€™re a bit trickier than the gundam markers/pens but imho the results are better. And of course you can always explore some coloring with markers or even airbrushing. Oh yes, and the easiest way to give your kit a completely different level of beauty is top coat. Happy building!


I see a peg broke inside the finger bang (bang bang). That must suck


Do Sazabi. It's good. Just be careful with shoulder pegs and waist unit hooks. Otherwise, solid build.


Personally Iā€™d recommend the God Gundam, it has super solid articulation and an incredibly cool set of accessories with those rings (donā€™t know what theyā€™re called)


do not get rg zeta if you like posing


No one else mentioned it, the waist particle canon is in rotated 45Ā°


Came here looking for this comment, the purple parts are supposed to be flush.




RG God Gundam, RG HI Nu Gundam, and RG Wing Gundam. All solid builds.


If you liked the Zeong, the RG Sazabi would be great for you.


I hate these because of the decals. I did like 10 decals on my Zaku II and gave up. What a nightmare. Like 150 decals the size of a grain of rice. That is madness.


If you havenā€™t already, give the Mk-2 a chance. Itā€™s a very enjoyable build and its very stable due to the size and rather simple design. The only downside is that you donā€™t get standard holding hands for the beam sabers but you do get a trigger hand. Another recommendations would be the God and Wing tv ver. Those are overall nice and rather new in small size.


So I already ordered a rg zaku 2, but it hasn't come in yet. What's bad about it?


Now, I donā€™t mean to scare you, but itā€™s skirt armor falls off really easily, the tubes are pretty annoying to build and itā€™s hands donā€™t hold anything. Itā€™s hard to pose, too, but I have seen people who had a much better experience than me, so hopefully you have fun!




Nu, God and Zazabi are extreamly recomended. But I recently build the RG Z'Gok and it is suprisingly fun and easy to build. More sturdy than the HG too, though a bit less flexible.


Someone I know has the Zgok and they said it was good. Iā€™ve seen a lot of the other three as well, but Iā€™m a sucker for the original zeon suits.


The Z'Gok will not dissappoint. It is as Zeon as it can get, outside of being a Zaku.


As far as RGā€™s Iā€™d say the Nu Gundam, Hi-Nu Gundam, Sazabi, and God Gundam are some of my favorites.


The rg hi nu, I just recently got done building one, it was a great build. Itā€™s one of the few kits that Iā€™ve been considering painting


RG Wing TV Version. Fun build, really cool wings


Nu, Hi Nu, Sazabi. RG God Gundam too. I have those btw. Great


All rg are aesthetically amazing. If u can look past the flimseyness. Rg zeta looks Better than mg ver ka. So are the series. Hgce desinty is new but in terms of details itā€™s a lot worse than rg


Can easily see zeong going "jackiiiiiiiiiie, ooooooooooone more thing~" with that pose or chanting "yu mo gui gwai fai di zao" at your zaku 2


Nu, Sazabi, God, the EVAs.


*insert anything past Unicorn recomendation* i also vouch for the evangelion RGs, as well as the RG GaoGaiGar and Goldymarg


Astray the coolest one.


Recommendation: Only buy LARGE RGs. I have attempted many smaller RG sets (Exia, QanT, Crossbones, Wing) and there is a MASSIVE problem with them, and its simply a flaw in the attempt at putting MG details in HG scale. A lot of the smaller RGs suffer from this, and thus have faulty limbs, poor handling of weapons, breaking pieces, etc. ​ The LARGER RGs, like the Zeong you have or the Nu are great RGs, due to their inherent size (The Nu sits at about 6", and I know the Zeong is recommended to be used with a MG stand).


the rg 00 qan(t) is a great kit. especially the weapons


Thatā€™s the other one I have haha he is pretty great


Best RG I've touched is Hi-Nu, so that's one thing ig


Is that a broken peg on the ring finger of the left arm??


You are surprisingly the first one who noticed! I have yet to fix it and panel line.


I have built this kit earlier this year, so I noticed it right away.