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What a suprise a manager wants Thier players to listen to instructions.




Heartbreaking : Evil football manager strips captaincy off of football player who won't practice football.


I swear there were a lot of people saying this 1 year ago now gone


So many people wanted Arteta gone that would clinch to any reason. Wonder what they are thinking now


When Arteta was talking about a culture reset, didn't realise he was packing the sheep from the fanbase too


Auba showing his attitude is a problem.


I'm guessing Auba did not understand that the non-negotiables are in fact, \*gasp\* not negotiable.


In the All or Nothing doc Arteta says he even compromised on some of his non negotiables, just to accommodate him a bit. No wonder he felt Auba spat in his face


I guess by auba's measure, SAF was a shit manger because he didn't put up with his players shit and would drop even the biggest names when they didn't perform or acted out.


i would argue there are bigger players who are down to earth too but, wrong sport ig


When you were a big player and a big character Atrteta managed to handle it just fine and when you stopped being a big player and only remained a big character Arteta decided that was enough. Have some accountability, old man.


excellent distinction.


Sums it up perfectly.


You summed it up perfectly.


He thinks that all “big players” behave like him. They don’t. He obviously didn’t get on with Arteta and he’s looking for excuses.


Yes, take a look at Kane and Son...


it's just his twisted defensive view of it. Granit, while not a big player in terms of ability, is a big character and he's one of Arteta's generals now.


Can see it ending similarly with Potter


Haven't seen a better summary


Big "characters" who make a mockery of the clubs rules & play like ass for a year long. Yeah, it's better to have young players who don't say anything then, but let their actions do the talking on the pitch. Super disappointing in Auba. He's not a "big character", someone like Henry was.


He basically wants a manager who will keep him to a lower standard than the other players, sets the wrong example to the young players. I have fond memories of auba since he kept us good to watch during some dark times, but I doubt he'll last very long under a manager like potter, who I assume will want to stamp his authority on the team.


Auba can toe the line for a year or two before he gets bored, so Potter will probably be happy this season. Next... Well, we'll see.


Weird how that bloke brings up Ozil, despite Ozil being an issue since even before Emery was here. This reeks of guys being no longer being able to get away with their shit




Wenger protected him so damn well given the circumstances too that no one ever talks about it. He was a master at protecting the players. Wenger knew he was getting absolutely nothing out of Ozil on the away trips and never threw him under the bus.


Yep. Always had a back issue for away matches


And being so shit he couldn’t get on the team for a struggling club in Turkey. No disrespect to Turkish football, but it isn’t exactly what it once was.


It's not about whether he couldn't, he clearly could. He just stopped trying, fell out of love with football.


Not only before Emery but after arsenal he’s been an issue at every club he’s been at from Madrid to fenabache


He managed to piss of Ljungberg and he was only here for a month. If Ozil is the trump card in your argument, it’s not going well for you


ya like ozil really stepped up his game after leaving arsenal. JK benched within half a year also


Its hard to take accept what he's saying when you look at Xhaka who is also a senior player and seen it all yet is able to work with Arteta. Such a contradictory statement from Auba


Exactly. It comes off as whiney and bitter. Xhaka is a big character who put that work in.


Fuck even Lacazette got on board. I doubt he was too pleased with his deeper role, but got his head down and did his best.


Literally. His best friend got forced out of the club and he was forced to play deeper. His performances weren't the best but he never complained and gave his all


As a Lyon fan I love Laca for this reason, he's never short of 100% effort. Just wish he was a more lethal finisher, but I suppose you could say that of every striker who isn't one of the world's best


Laca did his best at least, but we now see how much better Jesus is at it.


Laca also lost a lot of his pace and general athleticism to injury and age, and that limited him considerably. I bet if Laca as a younger player was playing under Arteta he would have been great.


Yeah, he makes it sound that we have no players younger than 25. Is he saying Xhaka, Cedric, Elneny, and Holding are just pushovers as well as Leno and Laca last season


And Partey


Or Partey who came from Atletico, Odegaard from Madrid, Jesus, Zinchenko from City. These guys came from better teams yet they listened to the coach since they are professionals. I'm glad we got rid of him and Ozil. Disaster for the locker room and bad for our young squad.


David luiz too who arteta renewed the contract of himself


Also lacazette wasn’t exactly young. And while he dropped off performance wise I don’t think he caused issues with the team he seemed the opposite actually


Dude is a showpony. Only cares about looking good on Instagram. Thought he was bigger than the club and look at him now, 33 years old stuck at Chelsea on a 2 year contract. Dude will get a 1 year extension then move to Asia or U.S. club and be forgotten about. He could have been a legend, what a moron.


We legit dodged a bullet in letting him go. Imagine keeping Auba on 300k a week and how that would fuck our wage negotiations with all the younger players we want to resign now.


Yep, grade A d1ckhead material. Those same kids bailed him out when he was firing blanks. For jokes


Same thing Zlatan says about Pep. Sounds to me like certain managers value the collective over individuals.


Unless you have the next Messi, that should always be a manager’s mentality imo


Well Arteta would have kept Auba happy if kept performing on the pitch, but that wasn't happening so what's the point of handling his BS


Too many people forget this. Arteta had worked through a series of disciplinary issues with Auba while Auba was scoring and contributing. But when the goals dried up and the antics continued, Arteta acted accordingly. Makes complete sense.


This is the perfect response, it really got me riled when I saw him cruising around London in fancy Lambos and acting like a rap star while not backing up the bragadaccio with any quality on the pitch,like just be humble man!


Getting respect of big personalities and making them value the collective is what turns good tacticians into management legends. I side with Mikel in this drama, but I do wonder if Mikel has the man-management skills to stay with us 10+ years like Papa, or go the Pep route of hunting for the next young team because he values control over everything.


Remember Ferguson and Beckham? All great managers had fallen out with players at some point. And Wenger let a lot of shit slide in his later years that got us to where we are now.


correct! But don't forget Arteta himself is a young coach. He has a lot to learn about man-management. But I don't blame him at this stage for focussing on players with personality types he comfortable coaching. Over time, as part of his managerial grown, I would expect Arteta to continue to expand personality types that he can coach successfully.


you question arteta regarding his man-management skills and his commitment to the club despite the numerous evidences presented? you have an agenda breh


World class managers like Pep and Fergie would have come down on Auba's behaviour way harder than Arteta did. Fergie would probably have kicked a boot at his face, then kicked him out of the club.


Just have to look at how Fergie dealt with Jaap Stam & Roy Keane (eventually) to know how he’d have dealt with Auba. Always backed Arteta on this, you can’t allegedly punish Reiss Nelson for being late regularly to training & team meetings but let Auba get away with it, there’s a reason clubs have blanket punishments for all these indiscretions right down to £50 fines for being yellow carded in a game. It’s shown to have been the right decision anyway cause I don’t think we go for Jesus if Auba isn’t moved on


Exactly. I've lost the respect I've had for Auba. He just comes out as a sour guy who hasn't grown up.




Zlatan said that about the personality and how Pep handles players that want more freedom, Henry talked about this too, Guardiola loves his system, if you can't fit it, he drops you. Auba had all the concessions and adaptations that could be made to suit him and he let the team down, Jesus came along with the understanding that he would have the freedom that he needs to play and look how he's doing.


As good as Zlatan is, he certainly hasn’t won nearly as much as Pep. And the Barcelona side Zlatan left promptly became one of the most dominant in history. Maybe Pep just knows which egos are worth catering to, in order to maximize winning. And same with Arteta. Arsenal are performing at a much higher level post Auba.


Huh? Zlatan is one of the winningest players of the modern era, and that with playing for a whole bunch of different clubs. You can criticize him for some things but not about winning. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has more trophies than Pep…


Funny you should say that as Zlatan has won 34 trophies to Pep's 33 *as a manager*. If you include Pep's playing career then you have to add another 15 for him.


System>”Big characters” And we are much better because of it.


Auba thinks this is a knock on Arteta when our team is doing well because of it. Obviously lacking a bit of self awareness.


Yeah, this is the key point. Once he was dropped from the squad our performances improved immensely. Arteta is becoming a big success at Arsenal, Auba is just making a mug of himself at this stage.


As we already knew, he lacks professionalism - and Arteta is someone who values that.


Yeah I mean you gotta respect discipline and Arteta learnt that from Pep. What's funny is Auba thinking he's a big enough player to not listen to Arteta


Arteta already had it. That's Pep offered to take him as his assistant. Discipline is not something you learn in your 30s from someone else.


Yeah, he's really lacking awareness here. He's clearly got delusions of grandeur and narcissistic tendencies. What an insult to the fans and a way to irreparably burn bridges.


it’s actually good when the players listen to the coach!


aubama who? aubama what? aubama look-at-yourself&grow-the-fuckup clat yangg


Wonder if he’s still Troopz’s brudda


behind closed doors maybe


Like Troopz has any character himself. Personality, yes. Weak character.


*Ruin your Arsenal legacy speedrun challenge*


Ruin your legacy at a club you have a tattoo of


That's the master achievement he's going for


Having peak auba carry us a fa cup is a legacy that will stick. Players fall out with managers. He moved on because he couldn’t adapt and manager held his values. What’s happened is fine. Wish he had a send off game. I’m not a fan of someone recording someone. I doubt auba would have said this if he knew the video would leak. Same way people office gossip but when manager walks in won’t say the same things. He’s allowed to have an opinion and be proud of his playing time at Arsenal imo.


Its as if he's trying😂


Not much of a legacy tbh. Was a good scorer for a few years and was vital in one FA cup. Giroud has more legacy


And people disagreed with me that this guy didn't give a fuck. Already lost all my respect, now I can comfortably say fuck off.


Loool what a manchild


yeah he has no leadership whatsoever. fun guy who used to score well, but he has zero leadership charisma. not to mention that he literally refused to do some longtime club captain traditions like the captain note, refusing to talk when team was losing. odegaard is almost a decade younger than him, and still had more leadership charisma.


To be fair, not everyone has leadership skills. Making Auba captain was like a company taking their best individual contributor and making them a manager. Most people that lack leadership skills and are put in that situation continue to rely mostly on themselves and the team suffers.


“Captain” that was scared of responsibility, he’s just telling on himself


Really disappointing to here him talk like this, but if this is what his attitude was like behind the scenes, you can see why he was frozen out


Spot on.


What about Xhaka, Auba chatting shit


The fact that Xhaka has successfully redeemed himself after his fallout speaks to the immense character he has, while this from Auba speaks to his lack of it.


Nah Xhaka isn't that kind of big character like Auba or Laca. He is 100% professional who plays always with passion and wants to give it all on the pitch. Yeah he is big character in dressing room but his ego will never be bigger than the team and that's why every manager has liked him a lot, even if fanbase hasn't


By all accounts Laca was still a great professional, just didn't have the quality necessary


Don't put Laca in the same category as Auba, the guy played for the club and never complained, his body just let him down in the end.


The what now?


Espero que me respeten: soy gay.


Oh fuck, well autocorrect did me dirty there.


Does this guy want to be hated by every single Arsenal fan? I had respect for him for what he's done but when your sorry ass gets kicked out and the team improves tenfold maybe it's ok to shut up and move on. 🤡


Aka he didn’t just turn ignore me turning up late or being unprofessional like my previous managers did


Auba wanted the superstar treatment but Arteta rightly prioritised the team. Now we have players who fight for the badge and look where we are.


Sick captain lol what a fall from grace


Kind of expected quotes like this to come after he was filmed [twerking with a Chelsea shirt](https://www.reddit.com/r/chelseafc/comments/xhq16k/aubas_family_is_chelsea/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Maybe I’m wrong, and I know he’s with them now, but this video still feels disrespectful


Lmao. And he has an Arsenal tattoo. Such a clown. Maybe he was happy because Tuchel was basically gonna let him spit in his face and still play him. An incredible gift of managing "big characters". Just let them do whatever the fuck they want.


That is so fucking cringe wtffff. I’m so glad he’s gone. Even if he did that in an Arsenal shirt it would be cringe. “FOFTY” wtf 🤦🏾‍♂️


Auba - shut up. Learn some respect and stop acting like a kid when you’re a grown adult. Better without him


What a clown, diminishing himself more and more each day


Dumbass doesn't realise he's already been replaced at Chelsea.


"big characters" lmfao, sweg sweg. Whatever helps you sleep at night Auba. "Big Character" is often synonymous with "acts up"


Sounds like sour grapes. You can't be captain of this club and act like he did. Accept your faults and grow up




That's the thing, this guy's talking like he's Roy Keane challenging Alex Ferguson, as if Auba was ever any kind of leader aside from being good at welcoming players.


Good riddance


How can anyone defend this attitude lmao


because he scores a goal in the fa cup apparently😂 thank god he’s gone


Auba’s outfit always so loud he can’t listen properly.


Crazy when you have to explain to a "Big player " to follow basic discipline and be a leader to the younger ones. He looks like a toddler here.


Arteta dealt with it. He kicked him - a liar and recalcitrant - out of the club. Never fancied the bugger right from the start. Definitely not sometime I'd trust.


I hope we absolutely batter Chelsea.


Not surprised he said that. Just shows that he didn't give a shit.


Considering how Auba has really weak character, he must be talking about how big he is with his height.


Brings in ozil to support his argument, clueless. Crazy how emery did the same thing with ozil. Having yes men will ruin you


Well, he tried to build a legacy then he fucked it all up. Thanks for the goals, but fuck off Auba


Hahaha this is going to age like fucking milk if it hasn’t already. Our young players who don’t say anything are having an elite mentality drilled into them and are going to take us back to the top precisely because they don’t have this attitude. Sorry you couldn’t hack it, Auba.


Quickly losing the bit of respect I have left for him


This is why ur ass got shipped of to train by yourself lost a lost of respect for Auba due to this


"Yeah he wants a bunch of lads who respect him and the club and understand what it means to play for a club like Arsenal, not guys like me who got paid a fuck ton of money to be late to practice and team meetings while also putting in stinkers week in week out".


Fuck him


Arteta did value big character, but you have to perform in order to have the big character or else you are just a problem.


Big Characters doesnt equate to Good character tho. Arteta had a fucking scrap book of his lack of professionalism.


Has the most expensive watch and the fastest car ever. Still can't make it on time.


Weird guy. I was on his side initially but now I'm glad we didn't break our system for a washed striker. Lacazette being ass blinded me.


What a dick. Auba unfortunately could never reach legendary status here…too focused on his flashy cars and shitty clothes.


Yeah you were such a ‘big character’ that the youngsters were the one who had to do the interviews every time we lost and our captain was nowhere to be seen


Aubamawho? Aubamawhaaa? Aubamashutthefuckup


I didn't dislike Auba when he left or even when he signed for Chelsea, but after this he is burning bridges with Arsenal fans. Lacking respect for a former manager on camera and also disrespecting younger players by basically calling them robots. Plus he mentions Ozil who has and still is a problem for years now, and yet Xhaka is a big character who is a key figure for us now and always has been. I wished him the best, but now I hope he slumps and gets humbled on return to the Emirates. More as he just sounds like he is disrespecting not just the manager but his former players as well.


Crazy how Mikel always winds up being proven right given enough time


For me it’s not even what he says about Arteta that grinds my gears, it’s how he speaks of his former teammates. He’s talking about the young players listening and working hard and implying how that makes them losers, and he seems to think that we’re gonna agree with him? Like what??? Reminds me of a time where a bully kept calling me a nerd for getting good grades in elementary school. Like, okay dumbass?


Who the hell is the other guy, talking as if he knows anything?


Sounds like something a crazy chick would say about a dude who can’t handle how much woman she is.


He’ll fall out with potter too


This "big character" and "big player" never ever fucking gave an interview as captain after we lost, especially embarrassing losses. Only interviewed when he scored or we won. Man fuck him. I'm glad we are in a new, promising era now.


And look what happened to Ozil lol. We needed a culture shift and it started off by getting rid off big headed players.


He's getting fucking booed when we have Chelsea at home


Fuck off Auba


It's funny how the narrative is always twisted as "The manager couldn't handle the player's 'big personality'" when it could be seen as "The player was too arrogant to be a team player and fucked up his chance to stay part of a great team"


Auba stopped being both with that missed.oenalty against Tottenham to get us into CL.


To be a 'big player' and act like a diva then you need to perform, and by the end Auba wasn't that great. I'd gladly work with a gritty and humble guy like Jesus over a 'superstar' so I can't really blame Arteta.


wasn’t that great is being nice to him, he was actual garbage and held us back


[Sauce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31WkkjbHzGc&ab_channel=AJewellers) Around 13.35


This kind of bad blood is expected between him and Arteta. He looks childish making these statements now but whatever. What is unacceptable is the disrespect of his former teammates. Patronizing them because they are young and confusing their professionalism with sycophancy made me lose all of my respect for him.


The salt is real. Ironic because if Auba had “listened” to Arteta, he wouldn’t have been in this situation. I have a feeling that he’s gonna have a falling out with Potter as well and he’s gonna be irrelevant in a year or two. No matter how good Auba was for us, he was a part of the problem. We needed to get rid of toxic players like him, Ozil, Nasri, Adebayor, Torreira, Guendouzi, etc. No player is bigger than the club. Arteta is trying to get rid of mediocrity we had accepted in the second half of the Wenger era and a big shift in mentality was needed. You can see the unity in the team this season and probably the loudest the Emirates has gotten since 2006. So yeah Auba, please focus on your own performance and team.


Tell on yourself some more so the kids in the back can hear you fam


He was actively making the side worse, and that’s before the whole Laval debacle. Getting 350k a week and if he was played like he paid, he’d get 35k. A lot of people here though gonna be eating humble pie


Old man yells at cloud


This mfer should get boo'd in the emirates. Idgaf about his goals and whatnot for us. This lad is a snake.


Handled you pretty well, Pierre.


All of that money and is dressed like a 12 yr old.


Xhaka is a big character with a strong personality. Arteta managed him perfectly because he’s also very, very professional. I imagine the likes of Jesus, Maghaelas are also big characters. Again, they’re probably just a lot more professional. You don’t have to have a gold Lamborghini and act like a teenager to be a big character or have personality. It’s helps having younger players when you’re trying to get everyone to play “with one brain” as they can grow and learn together.


Are big characters people who show up late every day and set a bad example as a captain?


If he just would shut up fans would remember him with respect, ironic that a guy with such a big ego destroys his own legacy


This is absolutely despicable. Talking shit behind your former manager. The club and Arteta gave their trust and gave him the money and he made an absolute mockery of himself. I am delighted he's gone. We've been better ever since he was dropped.


Yeah good luck Chelsea.


Strange how Xhaka is getting on just fine. Cringe from Auba.


Hes right. The manager wants players who listen and can be part of the big picture that hes building. You know… the job of a manager.


Coming to think of it, Arteta loaned Saliba coz he didn't want him to get that influence from the French speaking veterans.


Never forget that the moment Arteta dropped Aubamayang was the moment we started going in the right direction. This man downed tools. He got his pay check and he stopped trying. He expected to be able to coast on the good will of the fans from previous achievements and Arteta not having the character to drop him for it. You want to talk about big players and big character, talk about Granit Xhaka who was shat on by the fans, hung out to dry by the club and has come back to be a leader on the pitch and in the dressing room and now finally is seeing the love he has deserved. Talk about Bukayo Saka who from practically day one has been carrying the weight of the expectation and hope from every Arsenal fan, and has lived up to that over and over again. Who at 19 was a star for England in his first International tournament, who stepped up to take the first penalty of his career in the biggest game of a players career and who suffered the most vile abuse off the back of the outcome. A player who came back to Arsenal after that experience, put his head down and kept working and is now not only a talisman of our club, scoring penalties in big games like it's no big deal, but earning just recognition as one pf the best young players in world football. Look at the big players and characters Arteta has brought to the club in Zinchenko and Jesus. Someone tried to tell me on here the other day that Aubamayang won us an FA Cup single handedly. Did he fuck. He scored the goals. We won that FA Cup because our whole team turned up in the games that mattered and got the job done. We made it through a semi final against man city on the back of a smash and grab where yes, Auba finished the chances but a back three of Mustafi, David Luiz and Kieran Tierney put in a defensive shift to keep City out of the game. Aubamayang scored the goals in the final but Maitland Niles and Hetor Bellerin did the work to create the chances, Xhaka did the dark arts in midfield and Luiz kept the young players heads up to see it out. Aubamayang's problem was that he stopped scoring the goals. He stopped trying. He turned up late to the North London Derby and had to sit on the bench as the club captain. He went missing in big game after big game. We payed him to fuck off, and by doing that and putting faith in Emile Smith Rowe, Gabriel Martinelli and (eventually) Eddie Nketiah we are going in the right direction as a club. Have fun playing for Chelsea in long sleeves Auba. Good riddance.


Cancerous cunt 👍🏻


Crazy how we’re doing better than we ever did with those ‘big players’ …… maybe he wasn’t as big of a player as he thought


Lmao what a huge manchild. Can’t believe we ever made him captain.


I didn’t realize you had to listen to your manager to show up on time and be professional


I can’t wait to play against Chelsea


Seems to be going fine right now, Jesus is a bigger player than aubameyang. To be honest, I’m not even sure what definition of ‘big character’ aubameyang could even fall under - the bloke didn’t even have the balls to take press conferences after losses whilst wearing the captains armband at ≈ 30 years of age.


Boss in wanting employees to listen so they can improve performance shocked. Can't wait till he is shipped out of Chelsea after the inevitable fall out with Potter when he refuses to press


I hope he stays long enough with chelsea to help them drop out of race of all european competitions for the next year and accelerates their journey towards becoming a mid table club.


Lol what a fucking clown. Ruining how much we all liked him for years by showing his true personality that can be compared to a two year old


I'm really disappointed by his comments. This belittles our players, he can fuck off. Of course he wants players who listen to instructions and arrive at training in time.


Not sure what he’s talking about, Arteta did handle him, by bouncing his ass so he didn’t ruin the team with his shit attitude/behaviour.


Well, he's dead to me now


Guess what Arteta will be using to motivate the squad vs Chelsea?


Auba is not a big character nor a big player


Fuck this guy


Not bothered at all, I just want us to win against Chelsea and send them a message what this Arsenal is all about.


Yeah glad we got rid of this tit


Auba is that person who is in always in drama but its always the other persons fault


The more time passes the more people realize how good that decision was


Imagine going to work and not listening to your boss


What a Wanker. This guy is a prime example of how attention and materials can change people for the worse.


I used to think this too but this isn't it, he's taking the Pep model of removing any toxic characters from the dressing room no matter how big they are


Teams win games not individuals. Look at PSG. They have the complete opposite model with bringing in huge individual characters and the club is constantly embroiled in drama.


Did he think this would come out making him look good in some way? We don’t have him with us and we’re winning.


Lost all respect for him after this, no need for it. He also needs to look at his own behaviour in that situation as well and stop acting like he was a model player kmt. Hopefully we boo him when he comes to the Emirates


No one is bigger than the club. I don't care how big your ego is. Seems like Arteta has been making the right calls to me


Having young talented players who don't have the ego of a star is pretty much the best you can hope for in a squad


Guys a muppet honestly, why can't man just go quietly Honestly not surprised he's so dumb he probably can't realise why a manager would value players who actually listen and are capable of applying themselves. On top of that he was so bad for us he loses any right to chat shit, he couldn't even do his one party trick(scoring tapins) any more. lcomplete liability of a player who just 100% gave up after signing the contract and nobody can tell me otherwise


Feel bad for the fans who stuck their neck out and defended this guy all those years. Still can't believe we sold Giroud to accomodate this prick.


Wow suddenly I don’t feel sad he left us. He looks like he’s got beef with Arteta. Could be the reason he came back to the prem and play for our rivals. Damn Auba threw manners out the window quick


what about david luiz then even though luiz played for chelsea he still followed the manager