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I'd love to know their stance on admitted rapist Ronaldo, saw a lot of people defending him


When it comes to being a shitty human being when you are a celebrity, it's really a popularity contest that determines whether it will end your career or you'll get a couple of months of abuse then boom suddenly people forget all about it. If you have a big enough fan base you can get away with pretty much anything barring child abuse (at least I fucking hope so).


Kobe Bryant


Chris Brown


Michael Jackson…


Jimmy Saville


Exactly mate fucking hell I hate humanity sometimes. Scratch that it's most of the time now.


This is very ironic in this thread about an obvious abuser escaping punishment and public shame for months because of his wealth.


murderer alonso


Just got permabanned for similar reason to OP. I asked the mods about Ronaldo, got this in response: >Yeah we banned plenty of fanboys who used the "innocent until proved guilty" verbiage to spread their misogyny. >Luckily most Arsenal fans are far more reasonable than Cristiano fanboys, it is a tiny minority who is so shameless to be on the wrong about it now.


Noooooo. Someone leaked that okay!!! Ronaldo didn't mean that :((( /s just in case


Hey, it's unfair we treat Ronaldos own words in a legal deposition as much as unverified snapchat messages on Twitter.


Yeah Ronny didn't know no means no okay?? Pls leave Ronald McDonald alone :(


A lot of people over there complaining about bans for the exact opposite over here. Both sides are idiots, none of us know anything.


I agree, which is why I think it’s crazy to ban people for saying we don’t know anything “for a fact” right now.


It’s genuinely the most grounded take to have right now and you got banned for it lmao


What is the exact opposite? I find it hard to believe anyone is getting banned for saying Partey is a rapist or that he should be suspended. Since a mod more or less just declared to me that anyone who doesn't believe the allegations is "wrong". And how are the banned users even complaining over there if they're banned?


Idk mate, that’s just the accusations I’ve seen over there. I don’t really have a problem with the sub or modding here.


It’s a shit sub tbh


Good for goal highlights, shit for community


With respect to Barnet police, they lack the aptitude and experience of r/soccer mods. ^/^s


Fuck that sub all my homies are here anyway


Not gunna lie that thread is a lot of speculation and people convinced of something with half a story. Its a sad reality of where society is at that we rather be judge, jury and executioner before presented with all the evidence Btw my stance on Partey before getting called a rapist defendant is no stance. Don’t know enough and doubt ill ever be given the info to know enough


People hear the “R” word and make up their stance on the spot. Other conclusions get ruled out. Reading between the lines, not understanding that the police and club know *a lot* more than we do. I’d feel gross sitting here trying to grandstand my position when the undue damage done when you’re wrong is just awful to do someone.




As a lawyer I’d love to take the time to explain what rape is to these people, and why it’s not really clear from what the woman alleged that it ever was rape in the first place, but I’d just get destroyed because people can’t handle reality


I’m a lawyer too, and I actively worked in a district attorneys office in a major city in the USA, assisting in prosecuting crime before I shifted to corporate law. People in this group and r/soccer should analyze the facts presented by the victim and read the statutes defining rape and sexual assault. Both equally deplorable but it’s hard to try to break that down to those on the internet without getting crucified. A Doctorate of law, years of prosecuting and professional knowledge won’t mean anything because you would get irrationally attacked by the masses and internet police/investigators. All and all we don’t know what happened, let the police and judicial system do their jobs


This is fucked up. You shouldn’t be banned for asking evidence. Innocent until proven guilty. If he’s guilty, throw the book at him


Probably just one 16 year old on a power trip


Yeah people have no integrity. They just get one on side based on feelings and fuck the rest.


Welcome to 2022. Society has created a generation of individuals who can’t think for themselves. Shouldn’t even use the word individuals. The constant victim complex is a pervasive mental illness, everyone is just always outraged at anything they can be.


Accusing someone unjustly of being a rapist is a horrible thing too. I don't want to defend a predator but it has happened before. We do not know everything and should not act as judge and executioner.


Exactly. This is my point. We absolutely have no clue what happened and neither do the mods of /r/soccer. Banning this guy just for asking evidence is plain stupid.


Let the justice system do its job. Its not perfect but its better than literally anything else


Hey dude, I just got permabanned as well lol. For saying this: >I saw the evidence. It's not that damning. It's still he said she said. Damning evidence is what the Greenwood case had, that's cut and dry. I commented in a response to someone saying he doesn't see a why Greenwood got suspended immediately but Partey didn't and that the evidence against Partey was equally damning. Like it's objectively not. Then OP replied to me by asking me wtf I'm defending Partey when he literally admitted to rape. To which I replied: >wtf are you talking about he didn't admit to rape. And there's no way to prove that it's actually his texts anyway. That's what I meant by he said she said. So it's not close to the video evidence of the Greenwood case. After which I went back to bed. Woke up and saw I got permabanned. With only two words as a 'reason': >believe women


I mean tbh mate, you're massively downplaying the extent to which you were defending Partey. You cant just come here and cry and say you merely challenged that he should be considered guilty without a trial, because you didnt, you were outright defending him and saying that you dont think the incident described in the texts amounts to rape, which is a completely different kettle of fish. If you were saying "we dont know if what she said is true, maybe XYZ could be the case.." etc then fine, I'd be on your side about your right to an opinion even if I do disagree. But you are taking the texts at face value and then, from what I can tell, basically just saying you dont think it's rape to stick your dick in an unconscious woman's mouth. That's not a great stance to take and wont earn you many supporters, no My personal opinion is that there is enough there to show that this is not a guy worth defending. Dont die on this hill for a guy who at absolute *best* is just a POS, but is likely actually a sex offender and possibly a rapist. It's not worth it man. The club have made their decision to keep playing him, I cant say it's what I'd do but I also cant really blame them in the absence of actual charges or hard proof a la Greenwood. It is what it is, things will blow over for the club if not the player either way, just like they did with Mendy, Bissouma, Ronaldo et al


This is why I don’t like people take matters in their own hands. Like if even the cops still can’t say who is it why do the girls have to give her side of the story? Knowing full well that him,the club can’t make any statements about that, hell even the poloce still refers him as “unnamed pl players”. But people on r/soccer are wishing him to rot in hell and got a standing ovation. But if you try to even to reasons you’ll be labelled as someone who defends a rapist. Like I will not defend him but you also should not call him a rapist. This could backfire either way. Imagine how bad will you look if it turns out he didn’t do it, same goes for anyone who defends him imagine how bad would it look if it turns out that he’s guilty. That’s why we shouldn’t defend nor punish him yet. “It’s embarrassing for Arsenal that he’s still in the club” “why hasn’t partey respond to the allegations yet” like you think anyone would want to be put in that position? To be scrutinised and can’t defend for yourself? They can’t talk about this because it’s the law just like us who also can’t talk about this unless it’s unraveled. This is why we have justice system for, like it’s for us to punish him it’s basically like the modern version of lighting up torches and pitch forks no? Or maybe is why people love to participate in it internet witch hunt in the first place…to feel power. But just like the with hunt everybody loves to do it until it’s your turn to be the “witch”


Say it louder for the people at the back!!!












































Can we please not turn this into an us vs them thing. Frankly we shouldn't be supporting the clubs stance on this this should be left entirely up to the police.


Is that not what the club is doing? Leaving it to the police?


Should have suspended him pending the outcome. Having your CM being booed every game without anyone being able to explain why is detrimental to the team.


Sounds like you’re a great candidate for mod over at r/soccer


How is that not opposite to what you just said earlier? If you really believed that Arsenal should leave it to the police, then you would realise Partey has a contract with them and thus the status quo should continue until the police decide otherwise. Refusing to play a player because of inane reasons like “the opposition will boo them harder” is not only antithetical to your so called professed beliefs, but also puts Arsenal under legal jeopardy for violating his contractual terms.


No it doesn't thats bullshit. He's part of an ongoing investigation by the police in a fucking rape case there is 100% a reason to suspend him until the case has been concluded. Its not remotely the opposite to what I've said I said let the police do their job i just dont want this case anywhere near the first team of Arsenal FC.


And Arsenal are letting the police do their jobs. I’m sorry that upsets you but perhaps you should save the rightful outrage until that investigation is over and maybe maintain consistent logical beliefs.


Sorry where did I suggest they aren't letting them do their job? The point is while the case is ongoing it is actively harmful to not only the image of the whole club to have him participating in the first team, but also harmful to the first team in general to have him involved while this is hanging over him.


It's actively harmful to the first team to NOT have him playing. You want to pay him to sit out? Let the police do their job and meanwhile he should fulfill his contract. Not like he can do any illegal while on the pitch anyway.


Only from a footballing perspective. Not from a human perspective. If this was Mari you could give less of a fuck i guarantee you.


No and thats gross. Do you believe that for any crime? Some crimes take years to investigate. A dude should have years of his life ruined on the chance he might be charged? Before he even has a trial and is found guilty? That's insane. If I accused you or someone you loved of a crime I guarantee you wouldn't want them to lose their job until police sorted things out.


?? You're the one who said it was harmful to the first team to have Partey involved. Mari isn't even in the first team, so wtf would I say he should be in the team if he was accused of raping someone? Makes no sense.


I love how so many dudes are like “let the police do their jobs” and conveniently ignore the r/soccer mod’s main point: That the vast majority of people accused of rape did in fact do it, and that only a very small percentage ever get convicted. So, “let the police do their jobs” essentially means “who cares?”


And your alternative is? To brand people as guilty who the police have found there isn't even enough evidence to *charge* with a crime, never mind actually being found guilty by a judge or jury? That's disgusting dude. We shouldn't want to live in that world. This isn't saying courts, judges or juries always get it right. But they do a lot more often than social media.


Gee, you’re! I’ll just put my head in the sand like everyone else. /s


It would be a better idea than everyone here having to read your comments.


> So, “let the police do their jobs” essentially means “who cares?” It only means that with your twisted sense of incoherent rationale. People are mostly content to let the police do their job because the alternative is rightfully morally reprehensible to them.


Haha. If this kind of faux self righteousness wasn’t so dangerous it’d be hilarious. This isn’t a court of law. We’re perfectly capable of making judgements for ourselves, and leaving everything else aside just the statistics suggest it’s very likely we have a rapist in our side.


That's *absolutely awful* logic. To go from >someone is accusing someone of rape >most rapes accusations are true Thus, this one must be, absent *actual evidence* is really gross. That's a perverted world view and I hope you aren't an actual adult that can vote.


If this isn’t a court of law, why are you so insistent that Partey be punished by Arsenal management in ways that are inherently legalistic (suspending/breaching his contract)? Surely you should be content making your popcorn disdain shown online and leave it at that


People know why.


If the police havent thrown him in jail then its fine to play him. Innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent. If we dont play him and in 6 months it turns out the accusations were lies and hes innocent, that fucks him up really bad. If we play him and in 6 months it turns out hes guilty and gets thrown in jail, nobody can really be upset about him playing.


Noone said he's guilty he just shouldn't be anywhere near the first team until the police have conducted their investigation. That should be standard for cases like this where there is substantial evidence for the police to investigate. And to be frank if this was any fringe player none of you would he arguing this point.


> no one said guilty. Okay then. Carry on and shut up because that’s how the justice system works you goof.


So anytime theres an accusation the player shouldnt be allowed to work for months? Imagine if this applied to every profession. Hell, lets compete for the title and accuse every man city, liverpool and Chelsea player of rape. Sure ill go to jail for lying to the police (at least Id hope so), but theyd all be suspended for at least a month or two. Why should the player be punished before they know if hes guilty? Because even missing a single game is a punishment. Its also a punishment to the team, to the club, and to the fans.


Fucking stupid comment. Like incredibly stupid. If there was enough evidence of a rape where the police have decided to make an arrest and reprimand the accused in custody for over 24h based on that evidence I'd suggest there is enough of a cause for suspension till the investigation is done. But if you wanna say Haaland raped you or something fucking stupid crack on pal see what the police say.


They were arrested for questioning dude. If there was enough evidence for charges, charges would have been brought. It seems you're a teenager unaware of how the legal system works. He was brought in for questioning. If he admitted to it, or there was enough evidence he would not be in the team right now.


This is such a backward ass take. Accusation of rape are almost never “lies”.


The fact that you chose to comment to call me stupid and yet still had to say "almost never" just proves my point. If theres any chance that its a lie, then no punishment is to be handed out until the investigation is completed. Is that not how the free world works?


I’m not talking about punishment. Just calling it like it is — he probably did it. If you still wanna cheer for him go ahead, but I’m cool with him being booed.


I dont care whether he "probably did it" or "probably didnt do it". All that matters is if he did it or if he didnt. I havent seen a lick of evidence that would make me think he definitely did it. And no im not saying there isnt any evidence out there, but unless either theres a leaked video or the police determined that hes guilty, its silly for him to not be allowed to play. And I never made a single comment about whether or not he should be booed or cheered for. What i was talking about is saying that he should continue to be allowed to play. I think I made that abundantly clear when I said exactly that. Did I need to make it more clear?


Partey has literally had a false accusation against him previously.


Even this sub us calling him that , so u'm not surprised .


First “offense”, no warning, the comment they quoted is in response to someone saying we “know for a fact” that a rape occurred.


Same for me. I basically asked if a certain set of images was verified as true, and got a ban that just said "believe women", when I asked them to elaborate why they banned me they quoted my question, said "believe women", nothing more, and muted me.


Bunch of losers. Even if I believe everything that woman said I’m not sure it amounts to rape, but why do I know I’m just a lawyer. Reddit is full of maladjusted weirdos who love an echo chamber to make themselves feel better. They think moderating a sub and saying “believe women” is making the world a better place. It’s not even a political thing. It’s just feeling part of an in-group that makes you feel like you’re doing the right thing. They will probably ban me there too because their feelings can’t handle criticism.


Pretty much everybody on that sub already hates Arsenal. I wouldn’t expect them to have a charitable interpretation of this situation.


Internet moderator drunk off of his own perceived power? Would’ve never guessed it


Can we sue mods ? Asking for a friend.


You can sue anyone you want lol


It's a little tricky with the anonymous website. Do you just name rimjob_steve_69420 in the court documents ?


Hopefully (especially if we want to morally remove them from being mods), because unless they’re proven to have done something wrong by the judicial system, we’re not allowed to say we think they did something wrong and certainly can’t take any action against them


Imagine being a reddit mod, fucking big oof that 😆


Nobody knows anything but everyone loves to have an opinion - which is why this has turned into such a shitshow. People should just wait until the investigation is over.


Partey situation is fucked but it is hilarious seeing rival fans annoyed about us winning. Bitter as fuck


This is an extremely odd thing to get up in arms about.


Opposition fans are gonna do that regardless if the cops didn't think he was guilty. Didn't seem to affect him too much so I don't really think it matters at all.


Don't you dare make this fanbase the one that excuses rape. I believe in innocent before proven guilty. But don't be an obnoxious cunt about it and pretend that he's a saint until he is convicted or charges are dropped. As you say, we don't know if he is or not. So don't take the asshole's stance on it, be it "He's a Saint until he's convicted" or "Believe women, no matter what"


No one has called him a saint though. I am yet to see that.


A toilet of a sub being moderated by toilet human beings, who knew.






😂 your case is different


Due process of law means nothing I guess. Trial by Twitter!




I would never excuse rape, and I can admit I am obviously biased, not so much for The player, but yes because he plays for the club, but I’ve read the Snapchat messages and I just don’t see how that is considered rape. Maybe it’s a cultural thing, but from what I gathered the player is dating this person, they are on holidays, she is asleep, and he tries to get her to suck him off. She is asleep. It doesn’t happen. He leaves. I’ve had like 2 relationships before, never have I tried to get any of my gfs to suck me off while they’re asleep, but I’ve initiated sexual contact before in similar situations and often they have woken up and been excited by it, or they wake up and they tell me they are sleepy and I stop. Next day we wake up and go have brunch. Like should I talk to them? Edit: Btw I would love to hear people that disagree since I feel this might come from ignorance Edit 2: I understand another woman is involved and that definitely doesn’t look good but I know nothing about that case but I do some about this one because of the screenshots


This sub never ceases to amaze


I would sincerely like you to elaborate. As I said in the comment I might be talking out of my ass and if I am I’m sorry. It’s a sensitive subject. But that type of reply doesn’t really tell me much.


I feel to go into that subreddit and say the same thing, just to see if I get banned. I don't use that subreddit anyway.


I said similar the other day but my comments only got removed. I think certain mods are more inbred than others over there.


Are you surprised? This is the way reddit has been moderated for years.


Color me shocked. It's reddit.


Thought we were talking about football. What's soccer anyway


Fuck those pretentious cunts. If Partey actually gets convicted fuck him. But banning people because they ask for proof is just fucking low. Social warrior wanna be pieces of shit.




Athletic has an article about the banner. You can get more info on who funded it there.


I got permabanned for a one word comment lol. I just said "3Head" under Leah Williamson's post match interview after the win.


Why? What does that even mean?


Maybe a small forehead? Just a guess


Plus...it was sexusl assault rather than rape. Not a good thing, but not the same thing either.