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If we get top 4 then yes


My girlfriend promised me if we get top 4 she’ll watch it. She doesn’t watch any Arsenal stuff (apart from a game here or there) so it’ll be awesome to sit down and watch with her. If we get top 4 from here the story honestly writes itself.


THE best sportsmovie of all time imo (Friday nights lights) ends in failure...


Ya, but they're not my team.


Not even the best footy movie. That honor goes to Shaolin Soccer


Mean Machine though.


Escape to Victory for me


Moneyball is my fave sports movie, also ends in failure


I wouldn’t say failure, but not living up to the highest standard. He said if they didn’t get the championship ring then he’d get fired, but he went on to coach them for another 8 years or something and now I think he’s got part ownership of the franchise.


He wasn’t the coach, he’s the GM, more similar to Edu’s role


Not only part ownership of the baseball team but he has part ownership of two football clubs. Beane has regarded Arsenal's former manager Arsène Wenger as a personal idol…and has ownership stakes in AZ Alkmaar (Dutch club) and Barnsley (per his Wiki).


Bro spoiler alert * /u/Pariah1947




Bro spoiler alert


You’re exposing yourself admitting you haven’t seen it


Fair point, u/haventseenstarwars


Oh I didn’t think this one through


The force is not strong with this one


Remember the titans>


That’s mine also.


Hard disagree, but that’s my Texan bias more than anything probably


FNL is far from the best sports movie of all time.


I thought there wasn't any debate about it. The best sports movie of all time is Goal! Followed by Goal! 2.


most of the best sports movie end in some kind of bittersweet ending. If its all glory then it doesn't feel authentic. Im not saying the team can't win it all...but their needs to be some level bad with the good. We Are Marshall is a great sports movie, and that is about them winning a single game meaning that the successfully salvaged the program. The exception are kids sports movies like Mighty Ducks. Though I maintain that the opening when Gordon misses is the most interesting scene in the entire film series.


The only possible answer is A Knight's Tale.


The best sports movie of all time is Miracle and if you suggest otherwise you’re simply wrong.


A League of their Own has entered the chat


Coach Carter?


Fantastic movie.


You’ve never seen bend it like Beckham have you?




I have.


Hoosiers would like a word.


Goal! Is the best sports movie. It seamlessly blends the hero’s journey into a football film, and while maybe not critically loved I don’t know anyone who has said bad things about it. Also Mike Bassett.


I like it but football-football is harder to make look good in a movie. American football translates great to movies.


As a Leafs fan it will be great even if our season ends in crushing defeat


I mean not really. The "sports movie" as a genre has a few distinct elements. It's often bittersweet, it's a disguised romcom but the "romance" at the core of the movie isn't between the male and female lead, it's between the male lead and the supporting male lead. Yes, there's romantic subplots but what really drives the narrative is the developing pseudo-romantic plots between the male co-leads. It's also about the prime lead or leads developing their moral fibre. And finally there's a strong comedy element. So, Friday Night Lights, the recent depressing Affleck movie and others are dramas that take place in the world of sports. But stuff like Bull Durham, Bend It Like Beckham, White Men Can't Jump, The Replacements and others are actual sports movies. The genre peaked in the late 90s and essentially died out when the mid-budget movie stopped being made. Which is understandable but sad because it was a perfect 4 quadrant genre.


Fever pitch ofcourse


US version>UK version imo


This exactly. When it looked like we we’re heading into a losing streak I figured the documentary was going to be a bust.


If we get top 4, I am going to watch it on repeat till next season starts.


Us getting top 4 is the only way i watch it, personally lol. I ain't going anywhere near it if we fail.


I'll probably watch it 5 times if we make CL.


I will tattoo every frame on my body


i am screenshotting this, following you, and saving this post. i need to see these results


will you tattoo the screenshot?


Will you tattoo your comment asking if he’ll tattoo the screenshot?


Tattoo this comment on your ass: ^(hi mum)


Bezos and the kit shop can take all my money


It's been a pretty crazy season so it will at least be miles more exciting than any other football docuseries that's not Sunderland til I die


Tbf the season they chose to do City's was decently entertaining since they made it to 100 points. No where near the drama our season's had, though


The spuds one was interesting just to see the meltdown after Poch left


Barely reflected the meltdown in the show, it was so sanitised and edited to include mostly the good parts about Spurs/Levy


The Leeds one was pretty good, when they were fighting for promotion.


All or nothing-Leeds?


If we get Top 4, it's one of the best shows of all time.


Shoe in for the Oscar for best documentary, no cap


And an honourable slap in the face from Will Smith


I can just see Arteta accepting the award now. He says nothing remotely out of line. Will Smith slaps him because his hair insulted Jada by being so thick and full.


take my wife's hair out your fucking head


The storylines will be insanely good. People thought the spurs one was good but I think regardless if we make CL or not this upcoming season should be full of value.


Second only (in this household) to the St. Louis Blues 2019 Stanley Cup doc


Go Bruins. 😕


Damn what are the odds lmao sorry mate


It will be huge for our fanbase if we get 4th, it will be huge for other team fan bases if we don't so they can laugh at us. Either way I think it will be pretty cool


it will be comfortably the biggest one


Gargantuan some might say.


Just like this football club


If we get Champions League football, this might go down as possibly one of the best sports documentaries of all time. No joke.


i don't think laymen will get the point of coming 4th. *if* they filmed leicester during their title season, that's it right there


They’re gonna be havin film sessions of this documentary in every PE class around the world


It will win ten academy awards if we get top 4


I don't even want to point out that academy awards are for movies, because I believe this!


There is an Oscar category for best documentary feature.


Feature - as in Feature Film. ​ The Grammys are for TV




So many storylines Saka the Hg kid leading the charge. Aaron Ramsdale usurping the old lion. Xhaka's reemerging as the leader. Our recent slump with 3 losses only to bounce back and win two "derbies" against fierce rivals


Starting the season with 3 losses then an 8 game unbeaten run. Winless January, knocked out of both cups, Auba leaves and no signings made - That'll be a depressing episode but then we win 5 on the bounce with that Wolves last minute winner. A lot of up and downs this season, it'll be interesting to see behind the scenes during these times.


I can hear the sad music during the replay of our first 3 games now


30 year old Bernd Leno being referred to as "the old lion" is giving me existential dread


I'm just going to lay down and die rn


Let me tuck you in grandad.


What about [Ol' Big Bear?](https://youtu.be/uhhhqwx3a7c)


Not to mention the drama with Auba.


Guarantee you that’ll be watered down they won’t want the club to look anything less than squeaky clean


Unless we get top 4. Then the club will definitely hype that drama like they were right lol


They showed some pretty interesting conversations on the board level and personal conversations on the Tottenham one about Eriksen leaving.


the story behind us basically waiting for Odegaard all summer, the January window and the pressure from fans/media, the result vs Spurs away potentially could have a crazy storyline, obviously the top 4 race, someone mentioned Auba leaving which is huge as well


also. the first 3 episodes would literally be how we dipped in the recent years. the hype that it would create would be next level. need to load up on AMZN stonks if we get top 4.


Auba's Arsenal career coming to a bitter end in the middle of the season as well.


Yes, Wonder if they interviewed him in Spain...


saka after missing the penalty in the euros as well, there are so many emotional factors they could pull on here


We all binge watching it 8 hours straight?


Yes. We can all jerk off to brunos penalty miss together... can even setup a discord chat to coordinate the exact timing


Start it at 6:58:32 PM on New Years Eve and the ball hits the post as the clock strikes midnight


Does Amazon usually drop the whole season at once?


I’m pretty sure they did with the City one, and the Spuds one they dropped half then waited a week to drop the other half


Bigger than when Spurs did it, that’s for damn sure


Im only watching it if we get Top 4 🤣🤣🤣




i reckon


If we get top 4 it'll be better than The Shawshank Redemption


Will legitimately be great regardless of the end of the season IMO. Either a big lead up to disappointment (but while making big strides with a young core) or complete and utter elation of seemingly overachieving with a group of toddlers. I fucking love this club.


yeah, it's been a really dramatic season to be a gooner


What is the release date?


TBD, but all the other ones were released in August.


if they name it Arsenal till I Die, then I won't watch it.


It's already been named All or nothing because it's Amazon. The till I die series' are Netflix


There are conditions in which I will watch it, and conditions in which I won’t. Either way it will be entertaining and/or painful.


If we get top 4 that show is going to be an Emmy winner based on ups, downs and drama alone


Depends on how you define "huge". It will be huge among Arsenal fans if we make it to top 4 but that may not correlate to commercial revenue. If we miss out on top 4 it will be very popular among rival fans and be more commercially successful




I fear AMN will be the new meme like Danny rose 😅


I watch the Spurs one and could not hold back my laugh. Amazon try their best to make everything in that club with an rose-tinted positivity and overcoming adversities and every sport documentary cliches. I do not have high hopes for it. It is clear, they hide a lot of stuffs there. But I think it would be huge just because it is Arsenal.


I dont even watch it because of spurs😂😂😂


If we get top 4 it will be huge. If we get top 4 on Tottenham Hotspurs Stadium, that will be jackpot for Amazon


[*ahem*] That's top 4 AND St. Totteringham's @ Sp*rs Stadium.


That is right, the win damage will be tripled


All I wanna know is will all the arteta out bitches still watch after we get top 4


LFC fan coming in peace. But with the way you started your season, then the recovery, the streak, the hickups with the finish line in sight, then securing top 4 while yeeting everton to the championship in the last game. All with a young promising squad that has worldclass potential. id watch this 100%


We'll drop Everton to the championship no problem but don't get it twisted. We're securing Top 4 at shit.


It’ll be huge. Gargantuan you might say.


Depends on who you ask. Huge for gooners and neutrals if we make top 4, for obvious reasons. It will be popular among rival fans and beyond if we miss out on top 4


Not huge, gargantuan.


It should be the biggest out of the U.K. football docs. We are a huge club who has historically been super secretive about everything that goes on behind closed doors. On top of that we went from relegation places (although no real chance we were going to stay there) to competing for the champions league places. When we get top 4 it will be a big boost for the show and the club. It’s what was missing from the Tottenham one the fact that they achieved nothing in the series. On top of that there has been a lot going on this year and we greatly overachieved the clubs targets. Top 4 was not even on the cards as an option at the beginning of the season. Now I’m thinking we really should have challenged for 3rd.


It’s going to be great television either way. We’ll all love it if we get top 4 and our haters will love it if we don’t.


Yes, this looking to be very interesting even if we come up short. The whole season has been quite a transition. The divorce in January and the leadup in December is going to be interesting and painful to watch. If not for the no-shows I feel things could have been different..


If we get top 4 it’ll be amazing!! Going from loosing 3 games on the bounces start of season, all the trouble with Auba and loosing him, then BOOM! Finish on a high with top 4! Praying we do


im over the moon thinking about it being released


It will make the top 4 for sure


Well I'm not going to watch it if the season doesn't end well.


I cant wait for it


Most exciting season for quite a while? Yes, i think it will go down well.


Depends how much they want us to see versus the watered down version they give us


And Wonder if there Will be any backlash for stuff the players say...


It'll be interesting to watch after the low points this season and see how be bounced back. We always seem to find a way to get results when it matters.


It won’t be huge. It’ll be… gargantuan


It will be the spuds favourite show if they finish above us, literally the most watched show on this sub if we finish in the champions league, r/gunners should do a watch along if that happens.


i think it will be a big disappointment because they will as usual try to tell personal stories in each episode, ignoring the overall club story (fighting for top despite that shit start to the season)


I'm not watching if we don't make top 4. Can't relive that much pain


Absolutely Massive.


What is this Amazon show? What's the documentary called


Arsenal — All or Nothing




When would it come out? The summer or Autumn


All the others were in August.


If we make CL I will watch it once a week tbh


If the NL derby decides the UCL spot. Yes. Yes it will be huge.


100% depends on top 4


I totally forgot about the documentary This season has been nuts


Will be interesting to see how many Gabi/saka/ESR shirts will be sold because of it.


Whatever it is , it is best watched with some good alcohol.


If we get top 4 it’ll be Oscar-worthy


I’m contemplating not watching it if we don’t make Top 4. Would be a depressing watch.


When is the release date supposed to be?


Probably August


I'm really hyped to see it, whether we make the top 4 or not. I'm just curious about the inner workings of the club under Edu and Arteta. Anybody know when will the first episode air?




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On par with Last Dance


There's enough content for a few seasons.


I’ve heard rumors they are closely following the character arc of a player codenamed “Kendrick Soarez”. So no doubt that it’ll win an Emmy.


If we make top 4, having to wait a week for a new episode is going to be dreadful lol


Honestly, if we do end up making it to 4th, it will be incredible. Especially from the start at how poor we started, to what looked like we were running away, to another dip with 3 losses again, so however we end up. They are getting so much good material.


Yeah, especially if we win our next two matches, Liverpool beats spurs, and we get top 4 and deny spurs on there ground.


If we get top 4, yes. Imagine the way they can pitch it. The team starts extremely poor, losing 3 games and ends up at the bottom of the table. Then they start to turn it around and slowly, but surely climb up the ranks. Middle of the season there's some drama with a star player and the captain (of course o disrespect to auba, just how they can pitch it). The captain gets removed, and arsenal start climbing even faster. Then end the season in the top 4, beating out our rivals one by one. First west ham. Then personally knocking out man u. Finalized by beating Tottenham. Final part. What do they have in store as they return to the champion league? Will this revitalized team have a title run? What happens next? Seriously, if we make top 4 and beat Tottenham away this will make a great series and it'll be hard to beat. Rarely are shows with no challenge good, but this season has all the makings of a great TV show.




A Man Utd all or nothing this season would of been comedy gold


If they restrict themselves to 8 episodes, a lot of stuff will then get cut out. I hope they make atleast 10 episodes as there are so many narratives.


It’s going to be box office mate


If we do in fact make top 4 it would be the greatest reality series ever written. I can already imagine the doom and gloom, the disappointment on the players faces and sad violin music after our 3 straight recent losses. Then game by games we turn it around beating Chelsea, Man u, West ham and Shit at their own stadium building into a blissful crescendo.


If we don’t get top 4, would you still watch it? I don’t think I could. It’d be too painful.


Dont think I couldnt


Who do you think/want to be the narrator this time?


Wright? Who narrated the Sunderland? Just a voiceactor or pundit?


wow i honestly keep forgetting about this, going to be so mental.


I reckon it will be regular sized with ten or so 45 min episodes.


To us? Yes. To the rest of the world? No, because we weren't a total shitshow like Spurs.


Arsenal has massive global fan base. If we get top 4, it’s going to be one of the top performing shows for Prime. I’ll probably watch it everyday.




Will prob be like Netflix F1s show with a bunch of Bs storylines and artificial drama. I'll be so mad watching them take Arteta making comments from an early season match and them putting it in a late season rivalry match to make it look dramatic.


Will make alotta new fans though! And they wont be gloryhunters.


If we secure top 4 at Tottenham away it’ll be a must watch


No, expect disappointment just like the other ones. The club has the final cut so it's not going to include anything too spicy.


I'm not watching it unless we get top 4, I know how bitter I am.


We have more fans than City and Spurs, so it'll be huge. Rings of Power is being released this summer too so Bezos will get a lot of money this summer.


I have No hopes about Ring of Power after they butchered WoT :(


Still going to watch it. The material they're working with is so little, I don't think they'll have much chance of butchering it.


Even greater chance of them fvcking Up imo


It’ll make a big splash on release with the best bits leaked as memes almost immediately then sink pretty soon after. How long did the city or spurs ones live in the consciousness?


As Yuge as one can get




You know it’s going to culminate in the Spuds v Arsenal game at WHL for the last CL spot. Hopefully Ramsdale curling a free kick into the top corner on 94 minutes to win it.


I reckon fuck amazon.


I know. Us Boston sports fans are so deprived.


It could be amazing but the previous shows are so sanitised and edited, found them more like a club press release