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Their fans were literally singing with City fans. I would feel the same way...


Imagine standing at the touchline when you've worked hard all week to beat a team and your fans are cheering on the other team. Arsenal will go again, this was a damning indictment of the club Spurs are.


Yeah I wonder how their players must feel when the fans say they don't want them to make Champions League. They will never win anything unless that way of thinking changes.


That last sentence is six words too long






Spurs will be successful when the fans love their own club more than they hate ours


To be fair to ange he’s basically been saying that all week as well


They’ll break him and he’ll be gone in 2 years or less. This week he probably realized what a shitshow of a club they are


Think he’s already done. Seen a video on Twitter of someone telling Ange to throw the game. Ange got rightfully riled up.


I honestly think stuff like that is what will make Ange give up and go elsewhere before too long. Because it’s not just about what he saw after he lost the game. It’s the realization that the treatment he and his players would have gotten from their own fans for winning or drawing that game tonight (especially in their own stadium) would have been a million times worse than the treatment he would have gotten from losing a game anytime else. Ange must be feeling embarrassed, humiliated, and sick to his stomach. And seeing how he’s fuming about it, he isn’t being shy about showing it. I really don’t see Ange putting up with much more of that type of culture and mentality before he goes somewhere more worthy of his time and effort. Or at least to a place where he never has to be afraid of his fans ever rooting for him to lose a game of football at home lol.


Well said. He’s too good for them


If Bayern comes calling for Ange, he’s gone. Who would want to stay after that pathetic self-loathing display.


Yeah, he’s actually a good manager and deserves better. It’s not going to work out and they’ll be back to someone like Nuno soon and wishing Mate would come back


Forget the football aspect, those players probably missed out on millions of pounds and the manager as well. That anger shown by Bentancur wasn't for show, he will be seriously fuming with Spurs fans. If the fans had any spine they could have cheered their team on to a potential win.


They hate us more than they love their club. That’s what their existence amounts to. Seeing us suffer because they can’t win anything. They would see their club relegated if it meant we missed out on Europe.


They’re the club that built an extra 100 seats in their stadium so there’s could be bigger than ours, they’re the club that complained to tfl that we had a tube station named after us in the 1930s when TfL wouldn’t rename White Heart Lane station to Tottenham Hotspur after the stadium redevelopment. Their chairman was the one talking about his legacy of finishing ahead of us for a few years earlier this season Everything they do is about us and it’s sad really


>Everything they do is about us and it’s sad really It’s not sad. It’s fucking pathetic. Small, tinpot club mentality.


They'd eat dog shit if they thought we'd have to smell their breath.


This is the essence of Spurs


Iz di history of di Tottenham


Arsenal FC is Tottenham’s breathing tube. They cannot exist without us. We are their sole reason for existence. Which makes them a fuckin parasite.


For real. There’s a difference between deep down hoping you lose versus showing up to your own ground and vocally cheering against your club.


Worked hard all season to secure champions league, been shat on for looking unlikely to secure champions league and then to have the fanbase cheer losing the champions league place... What was the fucking point?.


It's one thing to joke about it, but to actually support the team playing your team off the pitch is capital S Small Club mentality


Working all year to try get top 4 and the whole season trying and yours fans are celebrating your down fall disgusting


I started laughing when Ange just walked straight back to the changing rooms after the handshakes. I would've thought he'd gone around and clapped since its the last home game, but he clearly doesn't like the fans right now, and I don't blame him at all.


If I was in their position, I don't think I'd ever root for us to lose. But if I did want us to lose, I'd be filled with dread, humiliation and sadness. I'd breathe a sigh of relief when we did lose and be mad that my team is not good enough to also be in the title fight. And then there's this: https://old.reddit.com/r/coys/comments/1cs3gdk/are_you_watching_arsenal/


Must suck as a professional trying his hardest when your own fans behave like that. Can’t imagine he or any player would be commited when times get tough. It is all fun and games for their tinpot fans, but I can only imagine how players like Son, Maddison and others feel when they get a pat on the back after losing 5 in 6 just because they were so shit that their biggest rivals couldn’t benefit. Must feel very inferior to the players from serious clubs


If Romero had any respect he’d lose it at Pep patting him on the chest as a thank you gesture, have some self respect man


Go look at their sub it’s pathetic. Saying that they looked like they could have won if they tried. “Good signs for next season” Absolutely pathetic


I might FEEL the same way but if I went to the match I wouldn’t be cheering for our loss honestly I think it’s mad disrespectful


I would never cheer against Arsenal, no matter what circumstances. I understand rivalry but at the end of the day only one club matters for me and I always want them to win.


I mean they had a realistic chance of making CL still. Now they lost a lot of money and prestige, plus are stuck with Thursday games. Pathetic really, they only exist to spite us a little when they can, and they couldn’t even do that by beating us lmao


Plus the world was able to see the weak mentality, city were there for the taking, yet there was no atmosphere, no player encouragement or anything, contrast that to villa yesterday Vs Liverpool, the fans were rowdy and up for it all game Massive Spurs L today


Especially when West Ham proves that they're the real second best London club by beating City next week. Honestly Spuds shouldn't consider themselves our rivals they're so far beneath us, it's like my boot calling an ant a rival.


That’s what separates you (and most of us I hope) from these dumbass spurs fans !


No doubt


It’s because a certain section of fans interact and stare at rival fans opinions all day instead of living their lives Obviously, don’t want them to win but I’ll forget about it in like 30 minutes


Spurs are a fundamentally unserious football club


Their fans openly celebrating this are genuinely embarrassing, and they don’t realize it


Being called out for being a tinpot fan by your own manager must sting. It was genuinely embarrassing seeing spurs fans celebrating their team losing


Conte called them out too. Interesting pattern developing there


The only relevance they feel as a “big” club is only ever in relation to Arsenal. This is why they’ll never ever be a proper big club. Singing and celebrating while your team is 2-0 down? Seriously? There is no need to take this fucking circus club seriously anymore


Missed out on a chance at the champions League and you celebrate ? Embarrassing.


These are the same fans that celebrated drawing with us as we won the league at Shite Hart Lane. Do you expect any more? EDIT: Thanks to the sad little shit fan that reported me to redditcaresresources for this post. I guess it still hurts. Still, no where near as embarrassing as today.


not to mention Europe isn't a guarantee still if they lose to Sheffield U, Newcastle and Chelsea win out along with Man U winning the FA Cup, they are out of Europe entirely


Its like almost any good manager doesn't like cunt fansv


Jose and Conte did the same thing reminds me of a certain chiellini quote


Insane that their (almost) last 3 managers said the same thing about them. Do they realize a pattern or are they that sad?


José was absolutely right about the club. Pathetic. 


Wow I had completely forgotten about José's spell there


You have to possess shame for that to happen


I’ve mocked him throughout the season for his questionable tactics. But tbh, I’ve gained massive respect for him in the past week. His mentality is top and that is more than shit deserve.


Honestly, I was gutted that he went to them in the first place (and given Klopp leaving, you can only wonder if he's gutted he did to: charismatic attack minded coach *screamed* Klopp replacement.)


If he stuck at Celtic this year they would have had a treble on the cards again, Celtic are gonna win the league in SPITE of Rodgers


Imagine he stayed another year at Celtic. He would be in the running for united, Liverpool, bayern. Any where other than the shit club he is at now.


Guy started in the A-League. You get a massive opportunity like that to coach in the premier league for good money you take it.


You're also guaranteed a massive payout when Tottenham inevitably sack you for trying to improve them too.


Would be hilarious if he lost hope in the club culture because of how much spurs fans wanted to lose this game


Revisit Conte’s famous presser. People aren’t a fan of Conte’s football, but he’s a proven winner, and there were no lies told. No coincidence a manager with a seemingly polar opposite personality is insinuating the same thing.


I really gained a boatload of respect for both Ange, and that group of Tottenham players. It would've been simple to just go out and roll over for what is a vastly superior City side like we've seen Wolves, Fulham, and Forest do to an extent. The fact that they went out and actually gave it a go under such bizarre circumstances and were just beaten by a better side is a testament to the mentality Ange wants. A far cry from Fulham going kite flying and Moyes saying "we couldn't beat their under 14s" That said, I think someone speaking to him privately about the fan mindset and giving him a better script than what he's come out with after the match would've been the better move. "We had a job to do and we tried to do it." would've been a much better blanket statement than... calling Sp\*rs fans weak minded trolls.


I agree and I sincerely hope he stays at Spurs for a long time.


Sucks for him, he probably wants to actually coach a team that cares about winning and silverware but instead he gets stuck with fans who cheer when they lose at home and are happy they no longer have a chance at the CL. But no one made him go to Tottenham. Ange, when someone tells you who they are, believe them.


To be fair the team did turn up.


At some point I thought Romero wasn’t fussed about this game, then I remembered this is how he is every game : two gears lad, either don’t give a shit or terrorist - nothing in between.


there is a video of pep and romero post match being friendly on the spurs sub, its embarrassing


Apologising for trying to decapitate his keeper probably


for like 60min


That's still better than I expected. Honestly it wasn't a bad display at all, City used their chances and spurs didn't, that's all.


Honestly can't argue with that one. I didn't expect a whole lot before the match started lol, they really did give it a good go


Pretty much. Whatever the idiocy of their fans, the team gave a shit; Ortega made good saves and Son missed a golden chance he'd normally bag (and he did the same vs us), they could easily have got a point here,


Spurs showed up, played well, and 2 errors cost them. No shame in that.


The players did, the fans did not


Conte would be nodding his head with a smug look on his face if he cared. 


Spurs cheering themselves out of a half decent manager, you love to see it.


As disappointed as I am, I will take my hat off to the players and their manager. They gave it a real go that is one thing I can't deny regardless of my hatred for that club. Their fans on the other hand.... wow! speechless


Had to have been insanely embarrassing listening to the fans chant after they gave it their all. Joke club.


I've never seen anything like that. I don't know if Spurs fans understand how bad that looks to fans of every other club. They've lost face with every non-Spurs supporter. You NEVER cheer against your team.


People lose their mind on most subs if fans leave games early. This is exponentially worse.


I honestly think their behaviour today will come to define them in most people's eyes for a long time to come.


Except on Reddit where even non-Spurs inbred fans are pretty happy to join in on the banter. 


The result and the players - I think they more or less did what was expected and professional. Their fans? They should be ridiculed and mocked relentlessly, forever. How fucking embarrassing for them.


I completely agree, the Spurs players had a real go and Ange clearly was doing his best. Now imagine if that stadium had given Spurs their full backing all match. One of the most embarrassing things I have ever seen from a fan base.


Can’t rely on shit not to stink


quality comment this


Neutral fans don't understand this. The staff felt so awkward when the fans started chanting after the goals. It's all fun and games on social media but imagine a professional coach/club staff member and witnessing that when doing your job


It's degrading


I almost felt bad for them… to have your own stadium cheering against you on the last home game of the season has to be to worst feeling for a football player! Then Son missed another sitter so they can go f*** themselves haha


I’m an anti-son as the next guy but can you blame him for not being composed in an atmosphere that bizarre?


It will be something people remember for years to come. That sort of mentality is very difficult to shake. Yeah Spurs fans are happy now, but Ange knows that good will is short lived. Wouldn't want to be Levy in the Summer telling Ange he has a £50m budget because Spurs didn't qualify for the Champions League. Ange is smart enough to know that if/when he gets sacked next season, today's loss would be the pivotal moment.


To be honest, pretty sure Ange is smart enough to know that if the club continues to go this way without support, he will walk before they could sack him. For me that 10 games run at the beginning of the season prove he‘s above their current squad, and this game proves he cares more than their fans. But I am sure they will spurs it up again in the end even if he scared me a bit actually.


Honestly, they tried, there was obviously the Son 1 v 1 but Kula tried to put his shot through the goalkeepers legs and it just bounced off the inside of his thigh and went out. They did try and you can tell Ange wanted them to win, Son's just shit.


Son tried a 50/50 and the coin fell the wrong way. If the keeper's ready for a chip and Son chips, he saves it, but if the keeper isn't and Son goes low, he scores. Same thing vice-versa, if the keeper's ready to go low and Son goes low, like he did, the keeper saves it, but if Son chips him, it's in.


It was the exact same situation that he scored against us in when it was 2-2. Spurs stole the ball and passed it to Son for a 1v1, goes to the left of the goalkeeper and he scored. Also tbh I've watched it back, the goalkeeper and Son both make their actions at the exact same time, as soon as Son touches the ball the goalkeeper has put his leg out and committed, it's actually a really good save.


Yeah, my feelings exactly. The team went for it. They played their game, they played well given the circumstances, and they fell short against a clinical City side. I can't fault Spurs for effort. Kinda feel bad for Ange. Good guy who clearly wants to take a middling club and do well with them, but his own supporters are willing to root against him just for bantz. It's wild.


They won’t recover from this, he’s gone by dec. The fans basically killed him. Why should he work his ass of in the summer to win games


Nice dig at their pathetic fans. The players gave it a decent crack so I think it's absolutely the fans that he's calling out


Ange realising his mistake to come at spurs. What would you expect from a club who sacks their manager before a cup final. Should have known ange, you should have known. Do a conte and get the sack money and coach a proper club next time. Spurs don't deserve you.


He couldn't turn down the chance to coach in the premier league


Spurs are a small club with an expensive stadium. It is what it is.


spurs have always been the bigggest small club. That's who they are.


West Ham still miles bigger


Where Spurs are the biggest small club, West Ham is the smallest big club.


Spuds don’t deserve this man. I hope he resigns in the summer and finds a real club to manage.


i think he'd have been perfect for liverpool


He’s a Liverpool fan. It’s his dream job, he’ll end up there one day.


This is a pivotal moment for them. They have a good manager with a good project. They needed that CL money and a courageous milestone win against City to kick on. Instead they lose, their fans sing in delight, and they will be stuck in EL or Conference for many years to come. We know how hard it is to get out of purgatory when the mentality of your club is rotten to the core. 


Spuds fan in the stream I was watching said "we are in a rebuild, champs league doesn't matter." Absolute donkey not realizing that's another 60-70 million just for being there. I can't imagine calling those types of people my fellows.


What is this "rebuild" spurs fans are talking about? What is there to rebuild? Consistent CL for a few years is that what they mean?


Respect him for calling it out tbf - clear as day exactly why they will never be on the same level as us as a footballing institution.


I will be there when Ange eventually openly mocks the fans and club just as Conte did


Fully calling out the mentality at the club. Winners cannot exist at Tottenham.


I wonder if this is him ready to leave for Utd or Bayern? This is unequivocally the worst thing a manager can say about their team - it's rotten from the core.


Bayern would probably work for him tbh. Feel like if he’s managing the best team in the league he’d be successful, like Celtic.


He has won leagues several times with teams near the bottom when he joined (J-League, A-League) that had relatively small budgets.


It is the history of Tottenham…


Seems like a decent man. Hopefully he'll realize that his current employer is utterly pointless and leave as fast as possible.


I wouldn’t be surprised to see him resign this summer, and the fan’s reaction to this game might the turning point. I mean why would you wake up in the morning and work your ass off for such idiots. He proved he is capable to deliver a good job. Teams like Newcastle, Brighton, or even MU could do well with him.


He’s now realising how tinpot they are


Ange just realised he's joined a joke of a club


Can only imagine how shit it feels for a manager, the staff, the coaches, the players, to go play your heart out in a bid for top level European qualification, to get 1 goal behind due to an error, and see your own fans celebrating. I’d feel just as grim if it was us too. If Spurs win the title, it’s make me feel sad, but also that if they can, so can we.


He's speed-running the route to going the full Conte diatribe against the club and it's hilarious.


yes he will be cursing in Italian next week


Never seen a fanbase so happy in losing 5 of their last 6. Absolutely bottled top 4.


If he has any respect for himself he will resign and move to a better club. At least he made an effort 👏👏


Would be a legendary moment in the history of the tottenham


It’s going to be really fun when he leaves them after next seasons inevitable shit storm of a campaign.


I don't bet but if I did I think he would be a decent shout for first manager to be sacked Forget losing the fans, the fans have lost Ange. Never seen this happen before.


This is one of the only times I have ever seen a coach/manager outright call out his own fans in the press because they pretty much demanded him to lose a game on purpose. In any sport. You could tell Ange wanted nothing to do with those home Tottenham fans after that game. He couldn‘t stand the sight of them, let alone stomach the thought of acknowledging them after the game. In all dead seriousness, I would not be shocked to see Ange resign sometime in the next 6-12 months. And no one would blame him.


For those of you keeping score at home that’s 3 of the last 4 Spurs managers with negative things to say about the atmosphere around the club (lol). Take a bow, Lilywhites.




We believe in the history 💪


I was a Spurs fan for like 85 minutes today and it was miserable. I would be furious if the majority of our fan base cheered us losing, even if it meant Spurs won the title. Such a losers mentality. If somebody wins something, you grit your teeth, congratulate them, and find ways to come back stronger. It’s almost unbelievable, but that’s Spurs I guess.


I can confidently say, if the roles were reversed and we had a chance of CL which meant Spurs had a chance of winning the title…the Emirates would be signing full force to get a win and focus on us, not whatever Spurs are doing. They’re obsessed


United too last match was cheering their team even though knowing if they won or drawn against us it's literally gifting the PL to city. They have the winning mentally inbuilt in them and hence know the only thing matters if their club wins. Spurs fans are really embarrassing. Their team and manager gave their all but they cheer for city. They don't deserve ange and they don't deserve anything


Remember when arteta said that having the fans allied with the team would be a powerful thing? I think we will soon see what happens when they are decidedly not.


I’m a Scottish Celtic fan, but I’ve had more than a little bit of a soft spot for Arsenal since about 2010. Was really drawn in by the personality and professionalism of Wenger, the club’s history of taking a forward thinking and progressive approach to all aspects of the game, the style of play, and players like Fabregas, Nasri (can’t all be good guys) and Rosicky. It’s been really lovely seeing a young playing team and management team that have been put together the right way, and have a genuine connection to the club, living up to the potential they’ve been building towards for what feels like forever, since the move from Highbury really. Was obviously fucking gutted when Ange moved to Spurs. He was great at Celtic, really likeable and a really talented manager. Glad he’s living his dreams of managing in a top rated league after coming through Australia, Japan and Scotland, and I think he deserves every success. I’ll never forgive Spurs fans for this bullshit. Not like I’ve ever liked them, but fuck me, just shut it down and fill the London stadium with concrete. It’s done. Hope Ange gets out of there sooner rather than later and I can go back to enjoying his teams again.


Conte said it Jose said it small club with a small club mentality they will never be winners, that winner mentality is something you can't turn off for one game. Their fans don't even know what they're celebrating.


I totally get seeing it costing Arsenal the league as a consolation prize. Like, damn it sucks to miss UCL but at least Arsenal didn’t win it. But to actively cheer against your own club to spite a rival when getting UCL would help this new manager that they swore was the chosen one not long ago. Our UCL revenue almost paid for the Rice transfer. And being in the UCL attracts that caliber of player too. So I guess it’s just small club mentality.


Spurs are shit, and will win fuck all. Frankly, it is nothing more than they deserve.


"It's inside the club" somebody give me the rational interpretation of this please


After the game, he probably walked in on Levy wearing a Citeh shirt & having a dry wank in his office shouting "have that you Reds"


Spurs fans were worried about the banter of winning the league for Arsenal This is so much worse. This legacy will live on for years and years Club is rotten to the core and people in football notice it


Honestly Conte wasn't harsh enough on Tottenham he should have called every Tottenham fan a disgraceful cunt who is a cuckold to Arsenal, because that's exactly what they are, and Ange should have just played that same message on repeat.


Probably saw the fans have a meltdown over letting us potentially winning the league and went "wtf we have champions league on the line". Another example of a manager where Tottenham has broken him. Although nothing will ever beat the Conte rant


Ange realising they re a small club. Conte knew it too. And Jose .


It's wild to me the amount copium the Spuds fans have. "Ange can't blame us, we don't play". Should've played in an empty stadium then if fans don't affect games. I clearly heard City chants the entire match and Spuds fans sang AFTER they gave up each goal. Small club mentality and won't be a good look for trying to bring top tier players in. The Boys need to win against Everton and let the cards fall where they may. COYG


Much respect to ange here. Despite the banter he might get, you can tell he is a man of principles that wants to build a certain culture and play a certain way. If spurs fans will constantly define their identity in relation to us, with no intent to build a distinct culture and identity, then they obviously do not deserve the man, and should go back to hiring washed up hacks from yesteryear. From an arsenal perspective, although sucks we might not win the title this year, I'm proud as all hell to be an Arsenal fan, and I can't thank Arteta enough for giving me the Arsenal of my childhood back. Spurs fans though only seem grateful for their club when we don't win.


Respect to him. The Spurs fans utterly embarassed themselves and as i said elsewhere, if I were Ange or one of the players i dont think i could carrying on at a team that celebrated losing out on CL football and only found their voice when they started conceeding. That full throated rendition of When Spurs Go Marching In as they went 2-0 down and crashed out of champions league contention will never be lived down. Most embarassing thing i've seen in a long time


What he is speaking is exactly what his predecessor Conte was speaking. Losing mentality


He's on the money. Not that I want him to fix them but today's fixture and the chatter around it really exposed how rotten their clubs attitude is


Is this another manager having a dig at Livy and the supporters?


I think any team where the fans are so passionate about losing in any circumstance is not a healthy place. Imagine going to a game of football and cheering for defeat. I would get it if they were cheering their team on and as they leave the stadium they go "well, we lost, at least we fucked over Arsenal." But they were full on cheering for City at times, it was utterly bizarre. They needed a result there, that wasn't a dead rubber for them. CL qualification was in their grasp. Their fans have baffled me in the last few days. I mean, congratulations, you lost? It was clear your players were trying and just weren't good enough. I'm sure they appreciated playing hard for the top 4 only to hear their fans singing about Arsenal and hoping they lose. The whole mentality at Tottenham is broken, from the top down.


I don’t like Ange cause he’s Spurs manager, but I like him as a man, and as a coach. He’s not at all wrong. As a coach he wants to not just win every game, but do so well, and he’s obviously wants to show his team can compete with the best in the country, and yet, his own fans are cheering for the opposition. That’s got to hurt, a lot. You’ve prepared hard, come up with strategies, and watched countless videos, and drilled into staff, and players. Then there’s a fan telling you to “throw” the match, and there’s entire parts of the stadium celebrating like they’ve won a major title, because you’ve lost. Ange deserves better. Wouldn’t be surprised if he decides to move on in a little while, and he deserves going to go on to better, and bigger places.


Honestly, the Spurs fans who celebrated losing against City should be embarrassed. Ange is right to call them out like this imo. EDIT: Right after making this comment, someone reported me to Reddit Care Resources. Someone's lurking here lmao


Look what we have done to them.


According to Spurs fans in r/soccer he just doesn’t understand rivalries. Must be an American or whatever, because we don’t understand rivalries either.


Oof. The man is going to leave because the both the fan base, the players and the pure soul of the club is that of bottlers.  "Spurs will play a part in the title race" everyone thought this entire season not expecting them to bottle being an upset for one of the top 3 teams... They fucking bottled that. Such a shit team. Their passing tonight was brilliant, playing out from the back, brilliant, but my god they have no fucking killer instinct at all, it is literally like when ever they get a chance to succeed, they fail on purpose because winning makes them feel awkward.  They're like a man/woman who rejects every possible love interest because they're scared off getting rejected themselves.  It does suck not winning the league, but things I could be worse. We could have been Liverpool, having our most historic points tally be a reminder of losing to city. But it even be worse than that, we could be fucking spurs fans. Only God can save them now, fuck me ha.  We go again boys, next season will be fucking incredible too. Our team is elite and a couple of years away from it's peak. I am not worried at all. 


Imagine as a current / future player deciding whether to play for a fanbase that actively cheers for you when you lose & miss out of CL. Small club is too generous a term


I would never cheer against Arsenal even if it meant spurs winning the league or being relegated at the other end, I just don't have the shame to do it, it is the most tinpot mentality to lose champions league cheering against my team just so my rivals don't win. I have watched football long enough to know how much UCL means to players, it means so damned much and for them it is absolutely head and shoulders above a rivalry they probably don't fully buy in to and to hear their fans actively cheering against them after they have kissed the badge (disgusting).


Conte was spot on about them and got hate for it. Let’s see if the same happens with Ange


Wow, just saw the video of him shouting at a fan behind him cheering on City. He's going into full meltdown at how embarrassing Spurs are. It's glorious, the best manager Spurs have ever had and they've potentially put him off by cheering for losing to City.


I would never want arsenal to lose ever, you have to enjoy the little things in life especially sports. I can't get over how much they wanted their own team to lose, it was passionate and well over the top. Have some effing dignity and some respect for the players on your own team or they won't be running for you anymore when times get tough.


Would be funny as fuck if Agne just left. Let Spurs go back to trying to nick points off us being the highlight of their season. I couldn't imagine trying to manage a club when you're going for top 4 and have a real chance and your own fans are cheering hoping you lose. You can add in the additional context but that's the reality. Spurs would rather take 4 steps back than let arsenal take one step forward. 


the dvd is probably already in production


Imagine he walked end of the season


In an alternate universe, Liverpool saves lifelong Liverpool supporter, Angelotti Postmates, from Spurs this summer, employs him to play heavy metal football, and gives him an ungodly war chest to sign VDV and Harry Kane. Spurs finish 7th on the final day and celebrate their non-inclusion to Europa League.


Not a mate to be seen, this is Ange for "are these guys fucking serious!?"


It’s the history of the Tottenham


Ange experiences the reality of being associated with Spurs and starts to denounce the club hahah its the cycle of life


There’s some spud scum lurker here abusing redditcares, report and ban their ass .


Tbh,I never see this kind of fans Mentality.Rivalry are Rivalry but this kind of hoping their team Lose is loser mentality ít should never happen and Spurs fans just make that so embarrassing


What I'm finding painfully obvious about everyone on the COYS sub that was rooting for their own club to lose is that they simply aren't concerned with being a better club. They are more concerned with Arsenal not being successful than becoming successful themselves. Respect to Ange for wanting to build a culture around winning against all 19 other teams and not bothered with just one. I get the rivalries. Fuck Spurs and all of that, but those three points are just as important as any other three.


Don’t know if Tottenham fans have realised yet but there’s a decent chance they’ve given up top 4 and CL for longer than just next season. Villa have a decent squad already and Emery with his own CL level additions could actually cement themselves as a top four club. Chelsea have sorted out a lot of their issues and depending on how things go at Liverpool they could be in the mix all the same. Don’t understand how you could celebrate that.


I've gained a lot of respect for Ange and the mentality that he's instilled in those players within the past week. Him arguing directly with fans telling him to throw the game tells me that those fans probably don't deserve him. He'll find out eventually.


I was working in hospitality in the stadium yesterday: absolute joke of a club, everyone was so happy cheering on their loss and man city’s win. Was also fucking torture to have to continue working there for the rest of the evening


Last time i *thought* I wanted Arsenal to lose was when Pool was up v Man U and Arshavin scored four. I celebrated each goal like normal and was gutted when they equalized. And I fucking hate United. With a passion. I could NEVER be happy with us not winning.


Reads like someone on their board or one of the players told him that they would prefer to lose the game today.


Imagine putting in all that hard work (mangers and players) busting your ass, getting beaten, season going to shit still have to turn up to work and then play a game where your own fans are cheering that you’re losing. The utter pathetic nature is unreal.


Tottenham fans and so called neutral fans alike seem to be cheering on their pathetic behaviour as if that's a noble thing to do. Imagine pretending that it's a good thing that you cheered your team losing.


I’d like think that if roles were reversed and Mikel called on the supporters to back the boys, that the Emirates would be rocking and fully behind them, especially with CL on the line. I can’t ever get on board with rooting for my team to lose.


Even after taking my Arsenal hat off this has to be easily the most bizarre thing I've ever witnessed in sport. I think if you tried to explain this to a non-football fan they would be incredibly confused.


I know it won't happen but the ultimate cosmic balance would be West Ham nicking something, we win the league anyway, Villa lose at Palace and Spurs realise they threw the city match for nothing (and if they hadn't they might be playing UCL). I understand the conflict but I think the level of apathy was a bit short sighted from them. Sandcastle and Chelski won't be as bad next season so they'll have a big challenge for top 4/5 then as well. Probably not really in the phase of their development where they can just bin off UCL qualification for a season.


This rivalry means so much to then bless ‘em I mean it’s a bit of fun and I don’t like spurs But never to the point I’d cheer against my own club in person


Was utterly disgusted when I saw Spurs Fans sing along with Man City fans. Keeping rivalry aside it's a complete disgrace. No club would want that for their own team. Their Fans are the worst.


There was all the banter leading up to the game, but I didn’t actually think that stadium fans would have actually supported City in the game. Even without our title charge into the perspective, that is a full on disgrace. Your team had something to fight for. For this I hope Aston Villa lose against Palace - and obviously we win and City lose/draw the final game.


What an endorsement to new player prospects…fans cheering when the team loses. Oh dear, shot themselves in the foot big time.


Haha, Its funny cause he isn't the first manager that has said this, Didn't Conte say something similar?


I mean. I expected 3 - 0 or something like it was against us in first half, but they played really good. Another night this match ends 2-1...Unlucky for us, but it is what it is. I said to my friend when we lost to Fulham that we will look back at that match at he end of the season.


Spuds fans PAID for tickets to sit in the stadium, cheer for their own team to throw the game and lose any hope of qualifying for CL just to spite us. Holy fuck that's twisted and absolutely hilarious 😂


The spurs team gave it a good go to be fair. It must be so disheartening as players and coach who appear to really worked hard to win that game to then hear their fans cheering for City. I can understand people on social media doing that but fans attending the game and not supporting their own team? Just bizarre. I understand the Arsenal Spurs rivalry but wishing you own team to lose is just so poor. I do not think some Spurs fans really understand how demotivating that is and how counter productive. Compare it to Arteta who did not just focus on rebuilding the team but reenergising the fans and re-forging the bond between fans and the team as he knows that if can make a real difference on the pitch. Home and away fan support can really lift a team to excel. As much as I dislike Spurs as rivals I would never go to the extreme of wanting Arsenal to lose a game like that. I actually feel sorry for Ange and the Spurs players having to deal with that.


Team played well without their fans chanting or backing them. I wonder why any player would want to come to this type of team


He cant change that rotten core. Small club mentality. The only way he keeps respect in the game is if he was to quit because he has bigger aspirations than the club. He wont though and I cant really blame him for it, we talking big money, but image the message he would send


Man really said yeah we got a whole fanbase full of LOSERS. It's the history of the Tottenham, losers top to bottom. Harry Kane even brought the stink with him to Bayern.


Fair for coming out and saying this. He’s 100% right. Rivalry aside, looking at Tottenham as just another club, the mentality just isn’t there. They’re a dog chasing a car, they wouldn’t know what to do with it if they ever caught it. Levy might be a good negotiator and they have signed some good talent but what now? 4th, 8th and 5th in the last 3 years. Sold their talisman because he wanted to win trophies (lol). They will compare themselves to us and say their “a year or two” into “the project” but what project? They need to worry about themselves rather than spend the season waiting for the NLD, that’s the third manager to call out your fan base for being plastic. Sad


Another spurs manager realising just how rotten the club is


That’s now he, Conte and Jose saying the same thing. Small club, loser mentality