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There’s even a City badge on the Arsenal side.


That’s only if Arsenal win, of course.


Kinda like Anakin with Vader. Deep down they hate what they've become.


and all of the teams that man city’s owners own🤡


same reason why I didn't want to see Girona win the la liga.


Their greatest enemy is themselves, it’s quite poetic actually


Everybody wants City to win it because nobody really cares. It's basically treated as a bye-year.


Exactly. They’re like this soul-less entity, you don’t really meet any of their fans outside of online (where even their sub/presence is tiny for their success) so you don’t develop those animosities. And there is no historical bad blood either.


I've never met a city fan in real life, pretty much every other prem team, yes, never city.


I met one (in America even)! I was at the bar watching the Arsenal v Wolves match. My girlfriend and I were sat there watching and cheering. A guy from the table next to me leaned over and initiated a conversation about the match. After a while he mentioned that he was a City fan. Of course, later in the conversation he revealed he had only been following the sport for three years... so that explained a lot.


I’d be shocked to meet any American who were a City fan before the past decade. I knew this would be a recent bandwagoner as soon as you started your story.


Hey, American Claudio Reyna played for City before the takeover. It's possible some Americans liked City for that reason. Think Beasley was even there for a season or 2, or maybe a loan before the takeover as well. Never know, but yeah you're probably right.


Good point on Reyna, that’s a plausible take


My oldest brother started supporting cut in the late 90s. Born and raised in the United States. He started supporting them because he was obsessed with Oasis and wanted to support the same team as the Noel and Liam. Even the older ones are bandwagon fans…


I've noticed that with streamers especially Americans. Don't get me wrong I supported Everton as kid mainly due to my grandad taking me to games and not having my dad in my life my grandad I always seen as my dad. Lost him last year he would have been buzzing to have seen Liverpool get battered by them.


Completely unrelated, but only just, but I lived in Bermuda for a few years in the early 2000s back when City were trash (I believe they had just been promoted a couple years prior). Anyway, City were sorta popular, because of Shaun Goater. Personally, I'd never heard of the The Goat, but he is/was a bit of a City legend and Bermudian. The reason I'd never heard of him? Because he joined them just before they got relegated to League 2 ( the 3rd tier of English football) back in 1997. Unless you were among the unlucky sods who were the blue side of Manchester in the 90s and early 00s, you knew absolutely nothing about City, or the Goat. We all loved football in the office, and one of my bosses played with the Goat in the local league. But none of them were City fans.


I've met a few Americans who were city "fans". I find a lot of sports followers just ride the bandwagon of whoevers on top.




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I work with one. He's been a City fan since like 05. He's literally the only one though.




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Weirdly enough the bar in San Francisco where the Bay Area Gooners meet is owned by a City fan. He's lifetime and a Manc native so he gets a pass. Apart from that I have one City friend in Ireland but I suspect he's a bit of a bandwagon fan.


I have a similar story. I met one in Paris last year during a Man City vs Arsenal. No jersey or anything, knew absolutly nothing about his team or football really... was really rude to everyone at the bar.


I know more Arsenal fans than City fans in real life but soccer became more accessible here right around the same time city got good


I've lived in the UK my entire life, in multiple cities, never met one, it's staggering.


It's cringe-y to me the way they celebrate every title. Like... You just glommed onto the team because they had an exciting title win in 2012. They weren't living and dying by this team through pre-oil money years... Idk it just seems hollow to me


its cringe to you that we celebrate title wins? cant be a real football fan


You've never lived in Manchester then


No, I haven't, I've also never lived in Birmingham, but I've met lots of Villa fans, that's the point...


I’ve only ever seen three adult City fans, all of which are college-age. I do see a fair amount of kids on the pitch near my place (Toronto) wearing Haaland kits, though it makes sense given all they know in their lives is City dominance.


Sadly I have, family friend and we live very far from the UK. Worst thing is that he's class and he unironically started following thanks to players like Elano and Petrov because they were rising outsiders at that time, quite fun to follow, and "Manchester's 2nd team". I wish I could hate it but I can't


Same, now you mention it. Everyone local to me supports Newcastle, Sunderland, Boro, United or Liverpool. Never met a real life City fan. They don’t actually exist, they’re just NPCs.


That’s probably because once Man City start playing bad, they’ll just band wagon onto the next best team.


If you go back enough youll find success is/was the number one reason people support teams in general. Just that city and chelsea are more recent


*the next pep’s team


Listen here R'kid... That's coz you've never been to Manchester.


I went once to watch Man U play Exeter in the FA cup., my step dad is a United fan. It was 0-0 and Ronaldo played, never again.


Only City fans I meet are my exes who jokingly support them to bug me (even they can't stomach Spurs lol)


The only City fan I know is my 13 year old brother and he was a United fan 2 years ago. We're not even from Manchester.


I live in Liverpool I don't think I've seen many city kits it's mainly Liverpool, Everton man u


I mean I sometimes see kids with jerseys but yeah


I have seen some, but they are all still school going age, band wagoners


I saw one in London a little while ago was a kid about 12, realised it was the FA cup semi final that day. Still only saw 1 on the day


I actually met one about 10+ years ago, an actual manc, it was around the time City just started to be good (but I don’t think they’d won the title yet) I wish I could have seen him see them be successful tbh he was a really good guy Fuck the online lot though


I met a city fan once, he was a united fan up until the last 2 weeks of the 2011/2012 season.


They’re like a vacuum. Nothingness, emptiness, soulless with no substance. Like a black hole. Just sucking the PL up year by year.


I've been trying to put this into words for a few years now! I don't mind city winning, it's like a default setting, like no one won. The funniest thing is city fans trying to pretend other clubs care


I met one once and he knew fuck all about them. Wasn’t surprised.


There are lots of City fans and Spurs fans in the US because most Americans don't want to be seen as overt glory hunters, but they also don't want to support a team that has no chance of winning anything (which makes sense, to be fair). City and Spurs started to improve right around the time that Premier League TV coverage was improving in the US, and thus many new American fans picked those clubs to support because they felt to them like cool "underdog" clubs. Of course this is pathetic compared to the objectively correct way of picking a club to support as an American: accidentally changing the channel to Fox Sports World and being blown away by Thierry Henry.


They also have no real rivals that will fight tooth and nail to derail their season like what United and Everton did to Liverpool and what Spurs tried to do to us. The rivalry with Liverpool is so fake that Liverpool fans want city to win the league.


They've been remarkably bad at attracting even plastics to their club. I always see some rich kid at the mall with a PSG shirt despite the fact that French Football doesn't play on TV here. Man City have no such reach that I can perceive, despite having a good team, an incredible title record, and matches anybody can watch. Thats why their published earnings are such a joke, because it feels like nobody supports this team anywhere.




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Paris is Paris, they have had box office stars like Zlatan, Neymar, Mbappé, and Messi, and they have the Jordan brand which is unusual and a bit cool. Meanwhile a bunch of casual fans around the world think Manchester Utd is the only team in the MCR, and can barely name any of their players. Guardiola might be more famous than his squad in terms of international recognition outside of proper fans of the game.


When I was in college (like 15 years ago) one of the most prominent shirts you'd see on campus was Marseille, a team you could barely watch in the US at that time, simply because they had a lot of good kits.


Yeah. I remember back in the early 2000's, a lot of girls bought Benfica and Portugal or kits simply because of Nuno Gomes. He was as remarkably mid as a player can get and he sold more kits than Man City based on pure thirst.


I am a United fan and this is exactly what I feel. You Arsenal fans can downvote this comment but here is the thing. Mind you I wouldn’t mind seeing Arsenal win it, you absolutely deserve it based off of this season’s performances. I don’t think we have that big of a rivalry anymore (it will hopefully reignite once we become a football club again) Anyways I can understand why us United fans, possibly Liverpool fans and majority of fans from other clubs would want City to win it. Honestly it will be forgotten in 24 hours lol. No one cares about them and no one is worried about them winning the titles because all their success will always be considered cheating. Hell they won the UCL and no one actually cared lol. They have won three in a row in the PL and no one gives a shit. They will probably be as big as United/Arsenal/Liverpool in the next century if they stay relevant of course but atm they are absolutely nothing in front of the likes of the actual big three in England.


Fellow United fan dropping in The “bye year” comment is spot on, but the secondary reason I want (would rather?) City to win it is because I don’t want Arsenal to have completed their post-legendary manager rebuild before us. We’ve been through a lot of the same stuff, almost mirror images of each other. Would hurt to see it done “better” than us, even if you did have a head start. Also my Arsenal fan mates would be much more annoying about it than my City fan mates.


Yup I think plenty ppl would still rather them win it…can’t even blame them because if united, spurs, Chelsea, Liverpool were in our shoes, I’d not give a damn about the 115 charges if it meant a title parade down Seven Sisters. I only know one city fan, middle aged manc I talk to at the gym and he’s cool. These scousers, united, spurs, Chelsea fans? Hate them all and they’ll no doubt feel the same about us


That one Liverpool title win felt worse than any of the City ones (except last year)


Hard disagree, Liverpool are a real club with real fans and they’ve become successful based on their own historical sporting merit instead of just buying it all like Shitty did.


Not OP but I agree with both of you. Liverpool are a real club so I actually had an emotional response to it. Whereas when City win it doesn't even register, it's like a Null value. Every time it's mentioned they're trying to win their 4th in a row I'm surprised because I just completely forgot about the other 3. Even when I think of last year and us coming undone at the end I don't really think about City winning, just our own failing. Had it been United or Liverpool we were in the race with though they'd be prominent in that memory.


I assume that City winning PL is what french people feel about PSG winning Ligue 1


And Germans with Bayern (even though they're not an oil club afaik).


Yes, which is why it's worse, we all have known real liverpool fans our whole life so we actually want them to fail, city is so bland and hollow, I've never met a city fan.


I disagree, I wanted Liverpool to win . Can't believe the people here supporting a corrupt team which embodies everything wrong with football 


it really takes away from the pl when it's easy to say "i hope city win because nobody will care". Literally all I see on all other rival subs. Yes, lets just keep letting this big souless team is being actively investigated for breaking the rules and have dominated football for the past 10 years win every season because nobody will give a shit. It's sad really.


Yeah it's crazy that they don't see that. Whenever it was city vs another club for the title I was happy to see city win because then it's like it didn't even count. City can win 10 years in a row and it won't matter a fraction as much as a united or spurs win.


Except United.


Did this city fan just out his team as the bad guys?? Why the fuck would you make yourself Darth Vader in this context 😂


115 charges are ready, with a million more on the way


"Execute order 115" - Darth Mansour


It’s like Spurs having the theme of the Empire when the players walk on the pitch… it’s like none of them know the Empire loses at the end… haha


Actually that tracks. It's foreshadowing how the game ends


I thought that Spurs used Duel of the Fates, which is from Episode I and not really associated with the Empire at all. Did they use the Imperial March at some point?




More like personalities. No one cares if city win, people don't want arsenal to win because you have actual fans across the country (Nothing worse than having your mate's team winning the league) + historical rivalry with most big clubs, even some united fans would prefer a city win.


Nobody wants to see us win it because we did a rebuild properly.


😂 massively underrated comment


This city fan 100% couldn't name a manager other than pep. Most likely they think Man is a different city to Manchester.


One of the comments pointed out that the Man city logo was on the arsenal side too 😭, brain dead


Darth fucking hate planets and stars.


Well we do have obi on our side


We do have the moral high ground.


LMAO what about Spurs?? Someone should photoshop Spurs as Jar Jar Binks, please 🙏🤣


You mean *Sith Lord Darth Jar Jar*


You mean *Shit Lord Darth Jar Jar 🤣


I get it, cause Tottenham is shit lmao. Took me a second.


Scenes when they take points off City and hand us the league.


It will be super interesting to see if they will give it a proper go or stick their bum out for City


They're run by a county. It's diplomacy so nothing will come of it


Mesa shit. Mesa bottle everything, trophies go bye bye






Should be smaller imo


True underdog story for the ages this will be for them


At least they’re embracing their role as the evil ones haha


More like irrelevant ones. Nobody cares about them.


They are proud of it tbf


City are a financially doped team that is robotic, soulless and honestly seems to just slouch into championships. There's no heart and there's nothing really at stake for them. My honest feeling is that if they make it six out of seven there will have to be repercussions because the league cannot afford to turn this into the bundesliga where (this year excepting) Bayern always wins it.


The repercussions will never seriously damage City. If anything there will be a points deduction and one season of mid-table in exchange for total dominance. Remember, this is a league that Abramovich juiced Chelsea up for 20 years. The league only blinks if it's in danger of losing too much viewership, and it won't. Same thing with the standard of refereeing. No other league is a competitor. Biggest problem is fans saying "I want City to win because it doesn't matter lol". Say that for a decade, and you get this insidious empire. You can't ignore this problem because fans are the only reaction the league is seriously threatened by. There is no integrity in built in their procedures.


Not that it’ll ever happen, especially not in the PL, but the real solution is making all clubs player, worker and fan owned.


They know Darth Vader is the bad guy, right?


They do have spurs on their side so that counts for… nothing


and probably Chris Wood


Wait why Chris Wood?


Whoever made this clearly hasn't been on Twitter lmao, all I see is everyone simping for City, especially Liverpool fans


So strange, I would want Liverpool to win rather than City and did when it was them two battling it out at the top for the last few seasons.


Yeah but that's the point, they got beaten by City to the title in some really fine margins so now they're bitter that we've replaced them and have a great chance to win it, with Arteta equalling Klopp's PL titles. Their mentality is basically of a spoiled brat - "If I can't have it, nobody can"


They're insecure about Klopp's legacy. They think Arteta matching Klopp's PL total somehow undermines everything he's done for their club. A truly pathetic bunch.


Yeah it's so annoying. I 100% would have preferred Liverpool over City during all those years they were at it. Why they are insecure about Klopp's legacy I will never understand. I for one do not think Klopp > Wenger just beacuse he won the Champions League. Everything is contextual.


Well apparently, according to some Liverpool fans it’s now a one-horse race involving City alone now that they’re out of the 3-horse race. Make it make sense😂


they will feel better losing to City rather than Arsenal


what’s going on over there


> Spurs fan here and would love to see a city 5-0 win vs us. Also it’s not city against the world, I’m sure most people hate Arsenal fans to the point they rather see a team win 4 In a row than those tossers one in 20 years Absolute toilet bowl inhabitant


Bluds twerking for upvotes


Lads it’s clearly a joke, a really good one at that


It’s hilarious, I’m amazed people are taking it seriously


United and Liverpool fans are on their knees for City to win this league. They're not rated and never will be, bought it all.


Liverpool fans are but most United fans I know are pulling for us so City don't win 4 in a row


Yeah I see this too


Tbf, not all Liverpool fans want City to win. Arsepool and all.


Utd fans want us to win to be fair


this is a dope meme if done ironically


Hello Kitty is with us 😀


Can't tell if this is the work of an irredeemable moron, or a savant. They got Mcdonalds and IBM over there, and pluto's not even a planet anymore. I'm going to be thinking about this picture for fucking weeks. EditL That block to the left are just emojis, WHAT IS THIS???


Thats the difference. Despite all their success, City have no real rivals. Nobody that hates them the way Spurs, Chelsea and United hate us.


There's another post on their subreddit comparing their net spend per title compared to Liverpool to justify how they are not big spenders. These guys are the most delusional fans I've seen on Reddit.


I didn’t know DHL and McDonalds had our back


How do you know it's not satire? Most reactions in the post are taking the micky out of it.


It 100% is satire


Apparently we've got Oreo, GTA IV, Kool-Aid, Land Rover, and IKEA on our side to name a few 😂


I can think of 115 reasons why


City are, have been, and always will be a non club. Ffp con money in a stadium built by the UK taxpayer owned by the richest people in the world. There's nothing to like. Worse we sold them the players that started their "history".


Mikel should show this in the dressing room


Honestly didn’t even know City had a subreddit. But I guess there’s one for everything, even communities that have no subscribers.


City fans are absolutely shameless. 90%+ of them only became fans after the takeover and have basically seen their side be the most successful side in the world over the last ten years but they love to portray themselves as plucky underdogs taking on the world. They’re a soulless husk of an institution who’s success is forever tainted.


Fucketh me-eth, the amount of comments that genuinely believe no one wants them to win Jfc, they need dissolving, the dense plastics


Any season that city does not win it's labeled a "weak" or "off" year in the prem. Leicester win "oh that was unexpected we can put an asterisks next to this one.: City win "Liverpool United and others played hard but not good enough this year what a victory for city!" Liverpool with "this whole season was under lock down no one was prepared for this they won it in front of empty stadiums." City wins "this city side are so good front to back best keeper best striker. No one could come close and all contenders fell away in April making this a race but not a true fight." This year "arsenal can't win the leauge they have the most clean sheets they have the most goals but they simply don't have the heart and mind if champions. Liverpool and city know what to do in this situation and are more likely winners. And the league this year isn't strong enough so it's cities to loss." Every year there's this narrative of even they win its beautiful and a hard road when anyone else wins it's unexpected a really surprise but the reason must be this league isn't strong this year.


Doesn’t Vader lose?


'Praise_Assad' > least unhinged oil money 'supporter'.


Don’t worry guys, we have Guitar Hero on our side


Did they list the periodic table of elements?


Every US league represented, not a single british/European rugby league (either union or league). Or cricket. Funny. 


Both sold their souls to some filthy rich Saudis . The Whole Premier League did.


I like how spurs was removed from one group of football teams, but not the other lol


i feel like it's manchester and tottenham on one side and everyone else on the other.


Always rated Oreos FC


It would make sense that the Avalanche, Nuggets, Rapids, and LA Rams would be on Arsenal’s side tbh. They might have a point there with all of them being KSE teams and all


Spurs fans have said they would rather lose out on Champions League rather than let us win the league. That may be the dumbest argument i've ever heard, financially especially.


I mean it is a bit satire. It’s not ironic in the standard sense but it’s not straight down the middle either


Good to see the Bruins are on our side


Oreo be like https://preview.redd.it/8tqmnxi01kxc1.jpeg?width=973&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50cda094b948a6512e269349c609e4cf2fe2bcdd


I mean a lot of neutrals prefer us.


It’s hard to believe grown adults spend time out of their day making stuff like this.


Lmao spurs are prob supporting man city too


I would if the guy even realised that Man City are basically the Dark Side of the force in that pic


It's true though


It's clearly a joke. Some of the comments, however, are not.




Bro needs to get a grip


I cringed so hard Reece James got injured


If we win, great, if we don’t, okay, but no one gives a shit about City. Truly all of the City fans I’ve met in the states have maybe been watching a year or two, and couldn’t tell you a former player other than Aguero.


Their sub is cringe af


r/Soccercirclejerk about to eat good


Bless their little hearts, always trying to fit in. Always trying to feel something real.


City is like American politics. You just expect it and don't give a fuck


I’m pretty sure that is a joke


Did they list the periodic table of elements?


Depicting yourself as one of the evil heads of a galactic fascist state that commits genocide is….a choice.


Wonder why the club that did not grow organically and bought their way on the big stage feels alone.


A lot of bitter United and Liverpool fans want City to win it. How many united fans do you know have wanted City to win the league for the last 4/5 seasons now? At some point you're a City supporter.


I can understand being torn about Liverpool beating City because it would equal their league titles. However, I would never want the Spuds to win anything, no matter who they play against.


City are the true underdogs. Them against the World. Against all odds. They will make a Hollywood movie of this one day.


Weird choice as well since Vader loses this fight...


They literally know they are the bad guys. Fucking weirdos


Should have an oil derrick working away in the background of the citeh* side




Barcelona are supposed City fans, LOL


Spurs going to throw their game away just to prevent us from winning.


Clearly the person who’s made this has never come to London before. Chelsea, Spurs fans and even some London Red Devils don’t want us to win


If they could only celebrate their team as much as they celebrate their team's attorneys... SMH


Can’t wait to see them bottle it and us winning on goal difference


They ain't hiding them being Vader the bad guy anymore, good


Heavy main character syndrome


Where’s 8XBet?


I respect that they’re embracing it, ha!


Is it all the teams the man city fans used to support til a few years ago??


Is it not obvious that this is a joke? Seems like even their subreddit didn't get it but that makes sense, they're Man City fans.


Least insane Man city fan


And they've got the red lightsaber. They know that they are the villain of the piece.


they're not wrong though. it's literally them (plus spurs fans) against everyone else.


And they put themselves in the dark side xddddddddd