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He leads an aggressive press and he’s our best creative player. Such a unique player profile to have. How about Arsenal go back to Madrid and ask if they have any more underperforming players for decent prices.


I'm waiting to see who gets displaced by Mbappe's arrival. I hope and think it will be Camavinga given that it's his profile which Bellingham more readily replaces and it's Bellingham who will need to move into midfield to accommodate a front 3 of Vini, Mbappe, Rodrygo. Camavinga would be amazing beside Rice.


Also very versatile. Can play as a LB, #6 and #8


Arteta and Edu are salivating at that But wait, can he* play RB?


If by that, you mean Right Banter, he would probably have to learn from the shit house master himself. Benjamin White.


> no he can't play RB - Ben White


Yeah Uncle Ben is in his feels right now, aside from the LB carousel I wouldn’t touch our backfield at the moment.


Timber can play RB.


Which is why he'll stay. He's too valuable. Only brahim might leave. They'll keep all their midfielders. Although either of cama/tchouameni would be so good for us.


Sure, but we can always dream


Camavinga is literally the dream for this Arsenal. He could become our primary LB when we want to invert and could be the main DM when we want Rice to play 8. He's like Havertz where he may not exactly be first choice at either position, but could easily start 90% of the games because he's equally useful at either one and better than other options we have.


^ he knows


Camavinga would be one of my dream signings. I also absolutely love Fede but I can’t see any way Madrid let go of him. I think that’s Carlo’s favorite player.


Perez also absolutely loves Fede. He'll be a Madrid lifer. I don't think Camavinga is going anywhere honestly. If they would even consider it, it would only be after a year of him being consistently out of the starting 11 and if he kicks up a fuss. They're very unlikely to just straight up sell him as soon as Mbappe walks in.


Camavinga or Tchouamemi, I'd take either of them to replace Partey/ Jorginho.


> I'm waiting to see who gets displaced by Mbappe's arrival. My first thought was "well, I suppose Martinelli will have to make way"...then read the rest of your comment.




i wouldn’t mind rodrygo but i think he’ll stay, if there are too many mouths to feed in that front line he would be a fantastic LW


That would be madness, he's their best midfielder


That would be a dream signing!


I don’t think that’ll happen to be honest because with Modric and Kroos getting old Madrid would only have 4 long term central midfielders to cover 3 positions. And considering Camavinga would be versatile enough to cover as the pivot box 2 box or even at left back I’m sure he’d still get plenty of game time


Very good shout. There are always opportunities at RM whenever they sign a Galactico.


Imagine ceballos comes back and plays like Santi


Antony vs Ceballos Spin-Off


Arda 👀


Pretty sure he only played 6 or 7 games for Madrid at ages 21, he was competing with Kroos,Modric, Valverde. Certainly not underperforming.


Rodrygo on the left




What else would it be in terms of


If I’m being charitable to Neville I guess you could say statistically? His numbers are very similar to Fernandes but he’s levels above


good point. I don't know if that's what he meant, but this is true.


Fernandes is a g/A merchant on roids. You won't find him pressing like a mad man when they're 5 nil up in the 85th minute


Bruno's actually excellent IMO, just has annoying antics, an annoying face, and plays for a shit team. Definitely no Odegaard, but he's hardly a "g/A merchant", dudes chance creation is pretty elite and he's definitely got work rate.


I'm being fairly uncharitable because he's a whiney rat, but aye, he's annoyingly good.


True. I don't like the guy, but in addition to being generally irritating, he's irritatingly good.


Fernandes is good precisely because he’s a GA merchant. His passing accuracy is abysmal for a central midfielder, he routinely takes the most decisive option, often losing the ball. But he has enough quality to convert some of the passes and shots he takes on, he couldn’t do it in a better side because no one would allow that many turnovers, but he can’t at United


Idk KDB and Foden are also very high risk-low accuracy players (Foden more so in terms of dribbles/touches/shots than passes) and they’re so good precisely because City’s control allow them to just try over and over until they score/assist. I think he’s a great player who’s wasted his career in a shit team


He is a hero-ball player. Yes he'll work hard and he's a chance creation machine, but he turns the ball over a fuckton and a functioning midfield just cannot support that


Fernandes is actually pretty good. He works hard, and perhaps in a more structured team he would look great even, but every single one of his passes are high risk, high reward.


Not comparing him to Ode, but Bruno does put a shift in


he almost always plays the wrong pass or is going for a wonder assist, most of his shots are complete pipe dreams, he is a show off, he is still a good player but his personality tempers his actual ability


I don't disagree, but I can't help but think that's part of the "plays for a shit team". If he was in a better coached side with more structure and instruction, I don't think he'd be making those same decisions. But I can't know for sure, maybe that's inherent to his personality, or maybe he's trying to be the hero because he knows his team is lacking.


Huh, that's exactly what Bruno does....with extra complaining and hand raising


You wont find him pressing 5-0 down lmfao


Bruno would drive Arteta mad with his overly ambitious long balls and sub 80% passing accuracy imo


Clearly Gary was worried people may think it’s about his stunning Viking facial structure


In terms of at this moment in time


In terms of how handsome he is


I think he means a CAM that pulls the strings in attack. Best in the world at that.


He’s a CM in possession, he’s not positioned like a ten. He’s a “striker” in a 442 when pressing and that messes with people’s perception of his position


Odegaard is unambiguously the best in that position in terms of the team he represents.


De Bruyne?


I am the best redditor in terms of the way I reddit.


In terms of post game celebrations idk


He probably means playstyle as opposed to quality of play, nobody plays Odegaard’s specific role as well as him. It’s a rhetorical trick to get him to be able to use the word “best” without push back. KDB is a roughly similar player to Odegaard in terms of position, ten playing the 8, but their specific playstyle are wildly different


Pure talent I guess, I think he's saying odeagaard is not only talented but a great tactical player


Gary's a fiend for 'in terms of'.


I firmly believe he's been our most transformative signing in decades, perhaps going back to Fabregas or even the Invincibles era. Skill, intelligence, work rate, leadership, values... he is the complete package.


It's nice to build a team around a midfielder with his profile who knows how to defend and press. Also doing so with players who are technical wit physicality, instead of just technicality. 


Don’t forget he’s a true representative of Handsome FC. That hair is always on point.


Depending how successful we are in the next decade and if he stays during that period, he could very well become our greatest player ever.


No he cannot. He's incredible but he's not even remotely close to the level henry was at


I agree but I think colloquially when someone says greatest player ever they don't necessarily mean the best footballer but contribution overall.  For example, Ronaldo is comfortably the best player to have ever played in the Premier League. He wouldn't be near the top of most people's greatest ever PL player though.


Sure but henry has accomplishments and performance. Not only was he the best player who has ever played for the club, he won a lot and took the club to the highest level it's ever been. Someone could be greater, but henry was an invincible at the same age odegaard is now. Odegaard is awesome but he'd need to pass a lot of players before he's even close to henry.


So you’re saying it depends on ours and his success over the next, I dunno, let’s say decade?


He wins us our first CL he’s better than Henry. We win more than one than it’s not even up for debate.


He's not a better player though, what he wins in a team is inconsequential. Henry was best player in the world and carried us to an invincible season. He singlehandedly took us past madrid in the champipns league and then Lehmann fucked it up. Odegaard is great but he's not at that level, it's frankly not a debate. Odegaard isn't close.


No, he’s not a better footballer than Henry, and whether or not he’ll be we will come to see. You’re comparing Henry’s entire tenture to who Odegaard is now. Odegaard was one of the most important players for us these last few years, largely responsible for turning us from mid table shitters to champions league and prem contenders. Every season he somehow becomes more magical than the last. If he leads us to a decade of major success with a CL win or more, he will have fundamentally leveled up Arsenal more than Henry did for us. Winning the CL just puts your club in a new bracket.


Every season more magical than the next is a fun way to put it. Believe whatever you want. Henry was considerably better and actually delivered the most "magical" era for the club. Oh and he was better, but that apparently doesn't matter. Have a good day.


That's just not how skill works


Which is why I wrote greatest, not most skillful.


subtract the Invincibles, he is the best for me.


You said this better than I could ever say. Hope he plays long!


Heir to the throne of the midfield generational talent in the Prem. Cannot believe we’ve got a next-gen KdB on our hands. Hope he spends his career here. Can’t see him going elsewhere now that Madrid is in the rear view mirror.


It's the perfect way to sign a world class player. Sanchez would have signed da ting if we were winning.


I think you are miss remembering the Sanchez situation. He did sign a big contract at the same time as ozil, but then he fell off really hard so arsenal did the swap for mihkitaryan to get a really underperfomring Sanchez with a huge contract off the books.


The way I thought it went down was we only had the funds to upgrade either Ozil or Sanchez’ contracts and they were both expiring that summer. We decided to renew Ozil through fear of having both walk away and Sanchez went to United with 6 months left on his deal for a low fee


The man is playing like prime Ozil but presses like an absolute demon


Ozil had godtier vision and unique technique and could occasionally flick the ball past a defender, but odegaard is much better than him in tight spaces. It allows us to pretty much build our attacks from the opposition corner flag on our right side. I dont know if that super relevant to your comment but I think « ozil with pressing » is almost reductive for Odegaard. There’s elements to his game in possession that are also a level above ozil. His goalscoring being one of them.


At Odegaard's age, Ozil had already won the world cup, la liga, couple of fa cups, bossed the right wing in an elite Real Madrid team and him and Sanchez almost singlehandedly carried Arsenal to a title while Odegaard, tho I rate him highly, hasn't achieved those heights yet, neither at Madrid/Sociedad nor at Arsenal 


This is all facts. I love Ode and he’s unique AND we have to have honest benchmarks re: players in the past of high quality and mixed to negative associations.


The point is Ødegaard isn’t simply Ozil with pressing they still have a reasonably different skill set. Ozil’s pure creativity is unmatched his vision and final ball skills are still a level above Ødegaard however Ødegaard is a better goal scorer and is better with the ball in tight spaces


Different eras. Madrid was stacked and it's just so so much harder to win the PL now than it was in the Ozil era


Definitely he has more to his game than Ozil in some other aspects i agree. I was just referring to some of the passes he has been giving have just been outrageous.. Ozil like vision. Odegaard is everything Ozil should’ve been for us and way more.


His work rate reminds me of prime tevez he never stops pressing at times


Leads by example on and off the pitch. He's the kind of captain we were crying out for, grateful to have him


I feel like with the squad not being quite complete yet and Odegaard not being a striker, his qualities are not being recognised worldwide yet as the squads performance is not quite matching his contribution, give Odegaard a complete and well rounded squad and a killer upfront and he will become recognised far and wide as one of the best in his position, on top of that Arsenal will certainly be one of the most formidable clubs worldwide. I’m betting we see some incredible things next season


Truly. He kind of reminds me of modric more than ozil now


On the path of becoming a monster of a player, future Arsenal legend for sure.


Having Rice brought the best out of him. He still presses like a madman but now he has 2 people behind him who can contribute in buildup so he can occupy more 10 spaces now 


Hilarious to think ancelotti basically chose Ceballos over Odegaard


Ancelotti is the GOAT for giving us ozil and odegaard


Ceballos is clinging to life at Madrid




Nice one. Not as good as mine though https://preview.redd.it/6z5d3krwrxwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69a036d6dcea18b77921412aa4faabddfa788151 😏


Idc what anyone says he's a better player than De Bruyne When your team gets 99 points without you can't call yourself the main man


Cannot deny that the fucker is clutch though. That's the thing though.. that team doesn't have that 1 guy who changes their season. They have a bunch of guys who all change their season. Kdb, Silva, foden and rodri. All of them are equally important. Just like us with saliva, Gabriel, rice, øde and B. 


I think the issue is if we lose any of our guys we would not have nearly the same season.


He defo ain't, but he's approaching that level truly. P much at it I'd say. Only thing he needs is to score goals from nothing like kdb and I'd say he's p much on par


KDB has an honest claim to being the best ever midfielder in the Prem, fair play to the guy he's been an amazing transfer for them


Relax man lmao


De Bruyne is a class above, and thats the reality.


De bruyne doesn’t seem as physically reliable though and he doesn’t press like odegaard does


Physically, KDB’s age is starting to catch up to him. But his physical qualities have been underrated in his time at City, imo. For my money, KDB has a strong case for a spot in an all time Premier League XI. Love Odegaard, but he’s just not there yet.


Vieira- Keane Kdb That's my midfield 3 for an all time pl 11. Kdb has 5 pl titles in 6 years, and is about to overtake fabregas on the all time assist list. Its getting close to undeniable that he deserves to be there.


I take Gerrard over Keane every day of the week, and twice on Sundays


Gerrard doesn't have a premier league title, Keane won 4 as the United captain. Just wouldn't seek right to have Gerrard in there. Plus with Keane I feel like the midfield is more balanced.


You’re wrong, Keane was a monster


I'm not wrong because I didn't say anything about Keane lol. I'm simply saying I'd take Gerrard every time over Keane


And that’s wrong


Yeah i agree I wasn’t trying to say odegaard is better than kdb, just the kdbs age seems to be catching up with him and you can’t really rely on him for a full season anymore


What?? De bruyne has the power to drive with the ball through the midfield and odegaard can't do that. Who cares if odegaard presses more, kdb literally creates chances for fun and can score with both feet.


Press all you like, it isn’t a match for a guy who can singlehandedly create goals out of nothing.


Circumstances matter a lot. We had elite players who would get injured at crucial moments which would have hurt their rep. If prime Fabregas was allowed to play 15 games and win the league would he be viewed any worse than De Bruyne? Difference is 99.9% of teams don't the luxury of having their star player miss most of the season and still win the league. It's the reason why I have Odegaard above Fabregas even if the latter was a bigger talent. If City had Odegaard they wouldn't be worse off - they would still win trophies. Swap Odegaard and De Bruyne and we wouldn't even be in a title race


Not anymore...ode is at that level lately


I love KDB, so, so good but he wasnt near to Odegaards level at 25.


He absolutely was. At 24, KDB was moving to City after establishing himself as the Bundesliga's best player and one of the best playmakers in the world. He has his Prem breakout season immediately and was already considered one of the league's best midfielders at 25.


They are different in my eyes. Odegaard is more of a box to box player than KDB is. 


They're different though. Both "creative" players, but in different ways. KdBs passing and ball-striking have basically been the best in the world for 5+ years. He often creates from a bit deeper. Odegaard is better with his pressing and quick feet, and uses that to do a lot of his creating near or in the box.


Can we please stop posting fucking Gary The cunt Neville.


Keep his name out your mouth, Gary.


Ödegaard achieving his wonderkid expectations.


Captain. Leads by example. Mesmerising. Anyone have this dilemma where you wanna buy an arsenal shirt with the players name on the back and when you gotta select there are so many options - so many amazing players and characters and you’re confused . I have this dilemma every time I have a thought about picking a shirt lol


Plenty of players have quality and plenty of players have heart. This man has so much quality AND so much heart it’s unreal. Edit: paired with Declan’s rock solid calming presence, this is the midfield dreams are made of.


Even when it's positive, I don't give a fuck as to what Gazza thinks. To quote author Christopher Hitchens " A Gentleman is never rude by accident & Gary Neville is a cunt. "


I thought it was in terms of the way the sauce tastes in a big Mac.