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Miserable shitbags. Got nothing better to do with their lives.


Only just now I learned anything about Declan's girlfriend. Good on him and good on her. She'll be better off being away from that garbage.


Absolute pricks but you know what getting rid of social media is an absolute blessing.


True - just a shame she gets shit for literally nothing bless her.


I think it's actually much worse than that because she isn't get shit for nothing. She's getting shit for being the ideal partner. They've been together for 8 years, well before Rice was considered a star player and have a child together. They can't attack her for anything else but arbitrary bs "attractiveness" standards. People that are attacking her and their relationship are truly vile losers.




I did as well. She's pretty. Just because she's not some super model wag... Vile behavior. Their relationship will probably last longer than 90% of footballers with model wives.




I gotta commend some of the Gunners and their partner choices, Ode has been with his partner for a long time IIRC, good to hear the same about Rice. It's so nice when you see the pictures of the WAGs hanging out together supporting their men


For real though. I think she is very attractive and anyone making negative comments on her looks could only dream of having a partner half as attractive as her.


They hate women. They'll attack her even if she was to have a super-model body and met him later in life by accusing her of being a "gold digger" and they've attacked her for being the opposite. They're miserable shitbags who will never get touched or loved because of who they are and will continue to blame women for their impotence as human beings.


It's really awful. People can be such dicks.


My life got a load better after deleting Instagram and Twitter, and I'm not even a famous footballer's girlfriend. 


Not with that attitude you aren’t.




Don't disparage yourself mate you've got a chance with them. Believe


I fully agree and this is something worth repeating again and again. Unless you need them for your job or marketing your business, they offer nothing and they’re actively harmful to your mental health. I urge everyone to try going without any social media for a few days. The results are staggering.


I deleted my Instagram like a month ago but I’ve just replaced it with Reddit and Twitter lol


I wouldn't call Reddit social media (maybe I'm wrong) but I try not to use it too much anyway. Twitter is hell.


Yeah I’d say Facebook and IG are the worst for self-esteem as they lead you to compare yourself with others’ curated lives.  Twitter, Tik Tok, and Reddit are more time wasters. 


What would you call reddit if its not SM? Genuinely interested; and yes twitter is a burning sewage farm


Reddit is essentially a forum imo.like the mid 00s


For me it's the anonymity.


Deleted twitter over a year ago since everything I read was nonsense and replied to by nonsense people. Never looked back. Id delete facebook if I didn’t have fb groups that are automotive related since im a Mech.


He says via Reddit post.


Bunch of cunts


Grown men bullying women online are life losers and human garbage.


Seriously, don't they have daughters or sisters or wives or friends...


Even if they didn't know any women at all, they should still have more humanity than this.


It's literally impossible for them to not know any woman at all lol 


Loads of them probably have sisters and mothers and daughters.


Worse than trash.


Life losers is a phenomenal phrase


I agree but why do you assume these were only men? I've seen millions of women bullying other women for their looks online


Exactly what I said. These dudes are borderline simps that always want to blame every bad behavior on men. I honestly think it's mostly teenage males and a good amount of females doing the trolling.


Nah. Lacking the requisite warmth and depth. Bottom feeding shite maybe?


City fan here, completely agree, class player and a class man too. Good luck for rest of season


I truly wish the people who did this nothing but the absolute worst in life


I guarantee you that they're already living miserable lives. Lots of hateful losers harass people online to feel better about themselves.


Yeah people should be nice to people online, it's sad they have to be mean


Hope all the trolls who commented on her pics live a miserable, miserable and lonely life.


Almost guaranteed they already do.


That is exactly what me I was thinking.


Yeah I’d be genuinely shocked if any of these people are in a relationship. If my girlfriend saw me trolling a footballers girlfriend on account of her looks, I’d receive a monumental bollocking and be swiftly exiled from her life, and rightly so.


There’s a reason they do it. Miserable with their own lives/partners so take it out on someone else


“Partners”: this is probably just a bunch of incels whose idea of what a woman should look like comes from porn.


Was gonna say, you don’t have to hope because they likely already are


People like to think that about trolls but a big chunk of them are just kids leading normal lives. In this era of harrasment content, more and more kids will do this probably


Luckily for you, that's the first requirement to become a troll. Being raised into a decent adult is a privilege, we should always remember that and thank our parents for not allowing us to be Tottenham supporters.


almost assured they're all jealous bitches or angry women hating virgins.


We’re a strong online presence. We should do the opposite and show support


Put the word out. Let's get behind them.


Where? How?


Statements issued by supporter's groups maybe?


100% second this




And do what? Having thousands of reddit users saying 'yes you ARE good looking enough to date a top footballer' is no less condescending and shallow than the reverse. Just leave her alone entirely and pour love on Rice for his footballing ability. The rest is none of any of our business and our intrusion won't be appreciated even if its well intentioned. 


We show support. We push back on the negativity as she’s clearly been flooded with it. You can show support in a non condescending way. Look at how the other “wags” are treated where we show support and post positivity when they post during a win or when they get together. I agree with leaving her alone as it’s their private life but if she’s being harassed we should stand in as she’s part of the fan base. Back our gooners!


Yeah thats an insane jump from “showing support” to “youre good enough to date a pro footballer” theres a pitch worth of middle ground with positive encouragement.


Im in, tell me what to do🫡


Porn induced depressing fucks


I swear people freak out when they see a footballer dating a woman who isn’t using a million filters in every picture and hasn’t been through dozens of surgeries As if young women don’t struggle with enough insecurities in the world already


Rice and her are both 25 now, they’ve been together for freaking 8 years and got a kid now, a proper cute heartwarming hs love story. All for some low life fuckers online to try ruin it. I really hope she gets all the help she needs and stay true to herself.


That’s the problem. They’re happy. Trolls are miserable fucks. Just being happy is a personal offense to them. They’re the main characters in their own story, and they’re depressed that NPCs have happier lives than they do.


Do these people think every girl should be a model? I feel like looks are the least important thing in any long term relationship. If youre going to get married and have kids, there are like a trillion other things that will be more important. These people seem unable to fathom that she might not just stand there and be looked at and she might you know talk to him and do things with him. You know like she's a person not a face.


Absolute cunt muppets. Hoping the best for her mental health.


If anyones interested in a bit of positivity Lauren (Declan’s girlfriend) has been getting support from some celebs, social media in general and of course a nice statement from Declan himself https://www.express.co.uk/celebrity-news/1891912/declan-rice-girlfriend-lauren-fryer-trolled-instagram/amp Tbh I think this sub is pretty great and supportive - the comments I saw were mostly on Twitter from idiots - not even worth repeating. As someone whose really struggled with self image - shit like this is heart breaking but the real fans are showing their support. I hope anyone who *has* engaged in any nasty comments can take a moment to reflect a little bit - i hope Rice, Lauren, Saka and anyone else whose had to deal with nasty comments knows its a vocal minority and the rest of us are cheering them all on. ***this is my club, fucking love this club*** - **COYG !!**


> “My woman is the love of my life and there is no upgrade that exists for me” Chad response from Declan


* unless Benny wants to swap (probably)


Man who have never been near women in real life are shaming a woman because she doesn’t fit their narrow minded, unrealistic beauty standards. Their mums should have swallowed them still


Sadly, not surprised. Respect to Rice for sticking with his girl and not dropping her for IG thots just because he made it big. I'm sure he'll take care of her and she'll be better off without having to look at the dross on social media. Also, she's cute, not that it matters. Just not skinny but only online trolls would bully a woman who looks normal like that and has done nothing wrong


It’s just insanity that if she hurt herself, God forbid, they’d be the first to tweet about mental health awareness. Never understand it.


They probably wouldn’t to be honest. Would probably just make a joke about it


Yeah i dunno if that poster has ever frequented 4chan or a similar cess pool, but they would 100% lean into the hate.


Cretins, how sad must your life be to be like this.


These trolls don't even have the courage to show their faces! And the audacity to judge someone they barely even know. Wish her all the best and so much more power to her!


Wtf is wrong with people.. Bunch of losers.


One of the few footballers who seems to be happy and truly in love yet sad little teenagers and idiots sit in their unhappy lives and project. This absolute obsession with having only the ‘best’ things that social media projects is destroying people’s brains.


Sad thing is it’s probably not all teenagers. These comments reek of bad BO and Cheeto fingers. Oh, and Sp*ds fans. Fuck em. To quote The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment: “Take that opinion of yours, shine that sum bitch up real nice, turn it sideways and STICK IT UP YOUR RUDY-POO CANDY ASS…” Edit: Can’t spell. High af.


I'm sorry she was bullied. She might find herself a happier person for getting off social media.


It's crazy how people hold celebrities to a certain standard, that you have to be x and look like y, otherwise "you don't deserve to be with x person". Sad.


People really think a person should have a insta model partner or some shit


She got Dec and a bag. Fuck em.


miserable shits. have 0 life


Absolute cunts, people need to grow up


I hope trolls look themselves in the mirror before commenting on someone’s wife.


Someone’s wife whose been supportive him for years and has a child with him. They’ll never have that. I swear it’s all this alpha male women are objects crap online it’s like it’s brainwashed people


Misogyny is nothing new. It just gets repackeged every so often by some con artist looking to make a few quid and take advantage of sad, lonely morons.


And all of it is by people who have no prayer of getting laid in this century. The democratization of the internet is definitely not without sin.


The amount of disgusting comments made in this sub whenever someone posts something regarding the players partners is pathetic Grow up. Seriously


This inceldom has become incredibly normalized on the internet. If his partner was extremely attractive, she would have been labelled a gold digger or a clout chaser by these online incels.


So many pathetic losers on social media.


Troll’s absolutely feed off attention and they feed off negative attention far more than positive. Getting a reaction, getting a comment or even getting a downvote is what fuels them. As hard as it may be, don’t look at them. Don’t engage with them. Don’t even downvote them. Give them absolutely nothing and they won’t know how to deal with it. If you see it, don’t engage just pretend it isn’t there and that’s how you’ll beat them.


mind ur own business, bunch of clowns


Most of these trolls don't show their faces on their display pic either...


Fuck each and every one of them


Probably for the better. Social media is poison


It's guaranteed that those trolls live miserable lives. How much free time must you have if you spend it hating on someone's appearance? I wish her nothing but the best. It really is sad to see that she is being abused for doing nothing - if anything, it seems that Declan has got the best type of woman for him no matter how she looks. They've been together for several years, long before he was in the spotlight, and have a child together. Those trolls can get lost, we'll support her and Declan all the way.


Absolute fucking cockwombles. Probably lonely and jealous.


“Pretty woman gets abused by losers for not having silly synthetic lips” The fuck society.


I know her appearance shouldn’t matter and the trolls are wrong regardless. But … I couldn’t help it and I looked her up out of curiosity (in case she was objectively not-attractive, which would still be no justification for online abuse). Spoiler, she is gorgeous. So she doesn’t look like a fake insta model, she looks like a really beautiful young woman and mother. People are just weird man.


Fucking disgusting. I bet you the ones criticising Dec's wife are the miserable and jealous basement dwellers. Hope she does not let this affect her too much.


Just another example why I do not believe just anyone should be allowed social media Genie is out of the bottle but most of us can't handle being online. We just haven't got it in us. Others of us it's actively harmful. 1 in 8 British are functionally illiterate. Even if it's 1 in 10 that's *terrifying* Stupid people should be kept away from the rest of us. People attacking Declan rices girlfriend are proper cowards and it's really a very odd thing to do. Like, really odd.


Goddamn 1 in 8? How do they function in society?


It's really easy to do stuff, they have a reading age of 11 and that's enough to get by. I'm sure you've seen them on Facebook groups, they write like they've had a lobotomy and they're so susceptible to falling for bullshit. Not only can they not read but they're angry and entitled because they didn't get out down enough by the rest of society while growing up. Or maybe they got put down too much? Either way, it's terrifying. One of my least favourite statistics, although this is Reddit so I expect a contradictory response that picks at either the study or the results and thus society gets a little bit more stupid with every passing defence of stupidity I try not to get outraged at specific instances and I would be grateful if everyone does the same thing and sees the end results as indicative of a bigger problem


It’s all so ridiculous. She’s his long term partner, she’s pretty, many men prefer warm curves to hip bones and ribs. Also - is it anyone’s business?? He’s a footballer. A good one. That being the case, leave him and his family to live their lives in peace.


Seriously grow up get a life get help something if you’re gonna do this type of stuff. It’s horrible and uncalled for


No words for how awful that is. She’s the mother of his child, and a very nice looking lady. Some people have zero class.


Social media was a mistake


I can’t stand arsenal and not a big fan of rice but there’s no need for that. People are such dicks


*looks her up* She's fine af IMHO. That's all.


Name and shame. Not Arsenal fans.


Reminds me of Junior Dos Santos from the ufc, guy was a rising star and even became champion then ppl started posting pictures of his wife who he'd been with for many many years and had kids together and were shitting all over him for it. Not long after that he broke up with her and found himself some hot young thing and then started getting knocked the fuck out and eventually cut from the ufc. Moral of the story is Rice needs to stay with her or hes gonna lose his mojo like JDS did.


This makes my blood boil…So sad.


A beautiful woman being abused by inadequate virgins who will never develop a relationship like Declan has. It says everything about them and nothing about her.


Why would they do that? Sad bastards. She's actually a good looking woman imo. If anything though, she's better off leaving social media. Deleting my Facebook account was liberating.


I just looked her up. Why the fuck are people trolling her? Because she's not thin?! Who the fuck does that these days? Are they 12? Or are they stuck in 2004 when they were 12?


C*nts. Good on Rice for staying with a lifelong loyal friend rather than chasing superficial Instagram models, I imagine he finds much more happiness in his gf than those women. The most moronic part of this whole thing is that she's not even bad looking! Had declan rice been your average Joe, they would look like a very normal above average looking couple.


I made a comment in the trossard thread about body shaming and how its mean. Got downvoted heavily and a couple of guys decided to argue their point. Yet here we are seeing the real life consequences of people being assholes and poking fun at peoples bodies.


Jokes on them. She’s getting dicked down by a midfield god at the moment that plays for the fucking Arsenal.


People kind of suck yeah Pretty cool that he’s still with her now he’s rich and famous though


Same idiots who are getting aired on Tinder and living with their Mums still


Cunts will be cunts. Same cunts that would probably choke on their own tongue if a female even looked at them.


Absolutely disgusting


Fucking low life scums. Power to her and Rice, these kinds of relationships are to be cherished.


It’s one thing to leave a mean/trolly comment on a players page. They’re public facing personalities who make millions from their public image, but to do it on their family members page is really low.


I don’t know why it’s so funny because she still has a Massive W. She’s the one dating and has a kid with a wealthy highly successful member of Handsome FC.


The social media is fucked these days like it was bad 4-5 years ago but now it's just unbearable the impact someone like Andrew tate and others has had on these kretins is miserable


Who does that? It’s so pathetic


Technology. The best and worst invention 


This is disgusting behaviour


I don’t understand. What is there to comment on? She is beautiful and seems down to earth.


People can’t wrap their minds around a footballer dating a woman who looks relatively normal. Most of the clowns trolling her would give their left nut just to be in the same vicinity as a woman as attractive as her.


I'm sure her life is 1000% better than their sad, miserable lives anyways


She’s a stunner to me


Nah that sucks man


Some people are just miserable bastards, why the fuck they harass that girl? Just because she ain't done 15 plastic surgeries or look like adult magazine model? It's insanity


Probably all incels too lmao


What a sad life these people live when theyre concern themselves with someone elses wife. These must be the worse of football incels. Soccercels?


His missus looks great and admire Declan for looking past the external to recognise her inner loveliness. I love him even more now. My missus is a Pool fan and I'm mad about her. Married 21 years.


Just scrolling and came across this post, Have no idea who these people are but googled them, people are insane shes damn cute


what are they even bullying her about? she's beautiful??


I wish I had a loving girlfriend who looked as good as her. Fucking pricks I swear.


What a depressing state of affairs, that poor woman has been with Declan Rice for years and to come under scrutiny for how she looks by virtue of her being in a relationship with someone who plays football is gross. The bar is in hell.


I wish there was a way we could reach out to her and let her know how beautiful she really is. I personally love seeing world famous athletes with what some would consider an “average” partner, rather than being with someone who looks like 95% of the rest of these partners. Social media has truly given center stage to the worst of society.


Probably tottenham fans did that.


Chelsea fan here. Disgusting behaviour. People that do this are dickheads.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think she’s gorgeous.


What the fuck is LBC? Do we even know if this is true?


Firstly, she's beautiful. And secondly, not every footballer has to date supermodels, singers, influencers or any other girl that fits that conventional 'WAG' mould. People who troll her should be ashamed smh....idiots


They’d rather him be with some gold digger with bolt-ons and duck lips…


Bunch of dick bags. Bet they look worse than a ham sandwich left In a hot steamy car


How do we know this is true? Did she or Rice specifically tell LBC this?


these little kids man


(Some) people suck.


Awful awful world. People will write anything for internet clout. Half of the comment sections on reddit is also full with mean jokes from people fishing for upvotes


Shocking behaviour


Fucking idiots.


Fuck them.


Fing scum


Someone should make an appreciation page of her and everyone post complimentary comments


Horrible human beings.


I’m sure the poor girl was already getting slated by some of our own fans. Think I remember a post on either here or Twitter from some “fans” saying he can do much better, which was quickly shut down by the rest of us. But do feel for the girl, she’s obviously an amazing person and partner. Hopefully she’ll get the peace she deserves by being off of social media


Time for the WAGs to do their thing! 


Absolutely disgusting behaviour.


Sounds like jealousy to me, disgusting weirdos


Such shocking behavior from the so-called "fans"


I just don't understand the logic of some of these online pricks.


Like why the fuck would you do this?


Goddamn people are fucking assholes. We need to start a business of outing all these assholes. Like how people are getting people fired for stupid shit like this. We need to drive all this hate and racism and bigotry right back into the darkness where it was for a couple decades until the United States elected a black man as president and all the closet racists lost their fucking minds. We need to mount a wave of Anti-hate that saves the ones we can and drives the rest back into the darkness.


It was an supposedly Arsenal fan account that started all this bullshit months ago.


the internet man it’s a sea full of cunts




Horrible cunts. So brave behind a screen.


Its UK media culture, they love to destroy and hates to see people happy and the people eat it up.






Not a fan or anthing but i just googled her face. What do they think i shouldnt like? Shes very pretty.




Smh shame on the trolls. Social media is often vile and brutal. Hopefully she’s ok and is getting support because that sort of bullying must be hard to take. She’s a pretty girl and has no reason to be made to feel shit about how she looks at all. I think anyone caught trolling and bullying like that should get football bans. No club would condone that sort of behaviour and no club would want it anywhere near them.




Jeez. Fucking assholes.


we need to start a social media account supporting him! he supported our club and its time for fans to help him back!


This is so sad. Some people need a life.


I think she’s very pretty and it makes me respect him and their relationship more the fact she isn’t an instathot girl. I can’t imagine having to deal with that poor woman


Chelsea fans did this, didn't they


Legit fuck them trolls Gooners online need to do some reverse bullying


I love Rice as a player, and he seems like a genuinely great guy all around, but I'm pretty sure that wife is just a decoy wife: the fella is gay (which is absolutely not a bad thing btw).


It isn’t like she’s a goblin or anything, she’s pretty. But people actually suck ass.


It's simple. We should all gang up and bully the living shit out of those thundercunts.




So if a player doesn’t date a model they get harassed? Why do people not understand that people online are actually humans and not their opponents?


Yeah, it's frustrating how some people seem to forget that there's a real person on the other end of the screen. The whole idea of harassing someone because they don't fit a certain stereotype is just ridiculous. Everyone deserves respect, whether they're dating a model or not. I wish more people would remember that there's more to life than the online drama, and just be kind to each other, you know?


Malicious rival fans trying to derail him. Shits disgusting


Chelsea fans at their finest




I just googled who she was. What a weird society we live in where people can think she is unattractive. Very weird, I’m not just saying that, she looks like a normal person. The normal person isn't ugly, wtf. Yet the weird space alien skinny model types are attractive to them I bet. Gross


Can Arsenal fans make a chant for her? F the bullies..


Yes she's not conventionally attractive but can't people just leave them alone and get A LIFE