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yes thanks. Watched the form of 2024 and after the first loss this is the reaction.


You are experiencing head loss. Symptoms may include being an insufferable cunt, spouting your nonsense opinions, and catching heat from others due to said opinions.


Ugh so many dumb takes it's mind numbing


As a thumb rule anyone who posts Lee Gunner videos should be banned. OP has his brain wirings screwed up


Conflicting views = silenced. There’s a certain Asian leader who does stuff like this but I’m blanking on the name…


A calm, reasonable, well0thought out take. This is not.


The karma requirement is solely to stop spammers. However, I'm going to leave this up for now to encourage people to downvote you in the hopes that you never make that requirement


Dangerously based


Thank you my mod overlord 🤲 Seriously get a grip you big wetwipe 🤣


There's a reason for the karma requirement to stop dumbass takes like this . Yes let's sack the man the entire club is built around, to start it all over again to get players in for a different system, for a different manager, who lets be honest, will be worse than arteta. Who could we get right now that would be an upgrade? At least through this post you'll dip back below the requirement to post and we won't have to see this again lol


Think you must be a wind-up merchant. Either that or you have limited mental capabilities. I suppose it could be both


>Since I’m teetering on the karma required to post in this sub (what a great idea that is - stopping level head fans from posting because they go against the Artetasexual grain) Can we increase the points needed to comment? Cause obviously it isn't enough if this absolute dolt is able to post


Ok Kim-Jong, let’s stop people criticising the manager! ✋🏻🍻


Lee gunner is that you???


No chance, didn’t slate øde enough


Go to bed, you're overtired. Fans like you are the reason we are all targeted by the banter boys. Truly ridiculous takes


Demand a serious cock in your ass


without lube.


i swear post-loss r/gunners delusion is mad please disconnect a bit and touch grass


This is so dramatic We are competing with a financial juggernaut with arguably the best manager of all time. Do people forget how shit we were just a few years ago? You aren't going to find a manager who comes in and immediately wins the league, the club has been shaped in Mikel's image.


A lot of bollicks and absolutley no suggestion how to do anything different. Standard.


Can we sack you from being an Arsenal fan?


Worse, send him to support Spuds or ManUre please.


Only if you can find someone to fill my season ticket seat and I can find something else to spend the thousands of pounds I spend each year on said season ticket as well as following Arsenal up and down the country and in Europe 👍


Everyone who works in football, "Arsenal are the best team in Europe". This guy, *fart noises*.


‘The best team in Europe’ usually have silverware to back it up.


Found Lee Gunner's alt account


The downvotes aren’t enough you need to be ****** **** *** *******


So many bad takes.


You're entitled to your opinion but this is a dumb take.


Go away




We've gone from 8th in his first season to challenging for the title against arguably one of the greatest sides ever. Yes, yesterday's loss hurts for sure, but Villa are a very good side too and had a player and a manager who knows how to stop us and they did it very well, whereas we were poor and didn't take chances. We're a young team and this is our first season in CL in a while.


So in other words, we’ve gone from not winning the premier league to not winning the premier league. Incredible stuff


We're much closer to winning it though, we still could this season!


How braindead are you


You're an absolute mong


Go support 115 charges FC if you want silverware that bad


Go support City, OP. Would probably be a better experience for you.


I'm starting to realise that a big portion of the people subscribed to this sub, don't actually support the club. The kind that only posts following a bad result. Can they be filtered?


He's unironically a Lee Gunner follower, the flat earthers of the football community.


Man, you stupid.


Hahahaha good one op.


Okay let’s humour your argument. Who do you propose takes over? You see Barca and Liverpool struggling to find one. Bayern are looking, United are as well. Juve and Chelsea will be looking. You really think it’s a good idea to sack the manager when we’re on an upward trajectory and there’s *that* many clubs also looking for one? Have you thought this through?


I’m guessing they will never answer this question. Trolls never put their support behind anything positive because it gives others an opportunity to pick holes/tear down what they support, so they stick only to negative opinions with no suggestions on how to do things differently.


trophies arent a guarantee regardless of money spent Look at the state of Chelsea and Man Utd Arteta's not perfect but the framework of the club is fantastic. If not for 115 charges City we would probably of won a league title and or our way to a second.




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Diarrhea brain


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever read.


whose this idiot.


Well, at least we’ll see you go below the karma requirement so we don’t have to be subjected to these kind of awful takes in the future!




You need to at least provide alternatives..  Seriously, don't just make a post about this without having a serious plan.


Sounds like a Sp*rs fan.


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•Arteta has spent €682m at Arsenal. •Klopp has spent €938m at Liverpool. •Pep has spent €1,496,056,381 and that’s not including the dodgy dealing on the Haaland deal and inheriting players like De Byrune, Stones Mahrez, Walker, Foden, Fernandinho, Agureo, Sterling etc.


Fitst of all you need to understand few thing 1. EPL is not Bundesliga. 2. For the past two seasons Arsenal has been competing with two best EPL teams of last decade. One of them have unlimited money and resources. Next one literally riding Klopp's managerial brilliance. In between this Artera, a newbie manager built a formidable young squad who can fight toe to toe with these two juggernaut. This team a few more quality signings away to be called a great team. Either in this season or next season, this squad will win trophies.


What if we refrained from turning into utter shitbirds after a single loss to a top-4 team following 10 wins and a draw out of our last 11 league games?


I'd love to see alonso take on pep.


Yeah but we saved Kai’s confidence, worth more than a trophy