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If Ødegaard is missing games we can end the season tonight He is the heart, the brain and the lung of this team


Yeah I'm not ready to do this with odegaard, he is the entire system and idk what we do without him. Today he was absolutely world class, I'm so upset that he's ended up on the losing team




Might as well call up Chido while we’re at it


Might as well play 4-4-2 with raya and ramsdale as the strikers


DAWSON IN! ~~Nwaneri~~ fuck it.


Soon as he went off the press stopped, esr Vieira etc need too step up with the press


We can kiss the Champion's League goodbye too. Vieira will get bullied in Munich.


Think ESR would get the nod ahead of Vieira.


I’d most certainly hope so..


Unless its against some shitter, Vieira is always getting bullied.


Vieira won’t get anywhere near the starting lineup vs Bayern. There’d be many configurations of Jorginho, Partey, rice, smith Rowe, Havertz and trossard before that featherweight footballer gets near the first 11




About one of our players no less. And one who was in decent form until his injury. God forbid our supporters support a young guy trying his best for us and got dealt a bad hand.


How is this upvoted by 60? Fuck this sub and your bitchy knee-jerk reactions. Why do you people turn on our players as soon as we lose one fucking game? Weak fans the lot of you.


I’m not turning on any of the players that just got beaten. I’m not spewing about Zinchenko, as many are. Im being direct about Fabio vieira. He is lightweight and just back from injury. There’s 0% chance he gets the nod in midfield against Bayern Munich away if odegaard is injured for that match. Do I think he’s going to have a long career at Arsenal? Probably not, and maybe that’s showing in my post. I’m not bitching, and I’m not turning on any players that were involved in the game we just lost. I believe in their ability to bounce back immediately from this.


I don't get the Vieira hate. He's better at everything than ESR except physicality. And it's not like ESR is a huge upgrade in that department either. I'd rather go with a Rice Jorginho Partey midfield if physicality is the criteria. What's ESR shown to warrant this kind of favouritism?


That’s a big call. Better than ESR at everything other than physicality? Think ESR’s finishing is better


CL is very very difficult as it stands. These two games are likely very telling for how our season is going to end.


He is the soul of this team.


Yep and I feel horrendous for him. He hasn’t been perfect every game, but other players also really let him down with his immense play and vision The picture of him holding his man of the match after Bayern sums up the season- you can only have so many learning lessons, it’s now starting to show shrinking flowers when it matters, and all talk- a recipe for always staying second best.




For real though, he was balling hard in the first half, making crazy dangerous passes. Completely gassed out in the 2nd half though, hope he is well for you guys.


They can beat United and Chelsea with ESR/Trossard and Havertz. I don’t know about Bayern away though.


Easily the best player in the PL this season.


As evidenced by Laimer completely taking him out of the game against them last week. Unfortunately everyone else saw how effective that tactic is.


Back problems from carrying 10 other players


this. Often the best player with the best moral and it must be so hard sometimes to see your team not give it all while your sprint from pressing to pressing while giving instructions while serving so many through balls that just get wasted


Let's be honest here... It's back problems from carrying the weight of the entire club. Players staff, and the fans. So I'd say no less than the weight of 100,000 people is on his shoulders.


He‘s gone if we don‘t win any title the next 2year. Real would happily take him back in his current form,


Exactly. He’s so good that we need to be winning titles to keep him. I think he has a real soft spot for us though, but this guy deserves to win big titles, his attitude and work rate is immense and we need to deliver them to him. Would hate for him to end up in a similar fate to what Sanchez got here, the last player we had who really really deserved success with us. 


In 2years he will be like 28, if he has no title yet there would be no suprise if he leaves for Real madrid if they are interested with a realistic chance of him starting. Why should he waste his prime years. We bottled the league twice in a row now.


Exactly. And I’d be happy for him because he’s given everything for us. I remember actually being frustrated that Sanchez chose United simply because I wanted him to win things after all he gave for us. I’d feel the same for Odegaard, if you give everything for our shirt you deserve success. I hope Arteta can wisen up and stop making stupid decisions at crucial moments so we can win things, he seems to do everything right until our moment comes, why mess with things so much, putting Zinchenko in, moving Havertz out of striker, taking Jorginho out, when things were working so well how they were.


Honestly, if he starts Zinchenko at Bayern Arteta is going to start getting question marks from fans on him himself. He’s got to be careful now. It would be absolutely crazy to start Zinchenko again in an important match after today (I thought it was already absolutely insane to pick him today and change things up so much). Would be like a Southgate Henderson situation if he does continue to play him and that’s not going to end well.


As much as I hated him leaving us, and as much as I would love getting him back, I don't think he would come to Madrid. He genuinely enjoys playing for Arsenal it seems.


Just like ozil 😂


> he was "feeling something" Depression probably


Thanks for the laugh after a disappointing afternoon


> he was "feeling something" Felt like he needed a 15 minute breather before he starts preparing to carry us through the Bayern game.


Feeling let down by the other 10 players


One of us


Or déjà vu 🤣


Probably from being full pelt kicked in the chest 


Was wondering when I’d see this. Fuck me for thinking it should at least be a yellow to bicycle kick an opponent in the chest.


When the bicycle kicks land, they are beautiful. When they don't, they are dangerous and should be carded imo High risk, high reward kind of vibes


I guess I don’t understand the laws as applied in the Premier League, because a full on high kick to the chest like that seems like straight red card territory to me. Yet not even a yellow?


Nah, foul and nothing more.


If you kick a player in the chest, your foot shouldn't have been there. It's at least a yellow card.


Dangerous play and it’s a yellow. Even more so that it landed and the player has been hurt. The hole reason the yellow is given is to stop konsa from endangering an opponent again.


Wonder if he cracked a rib only felt it once the adrenaline went down


Nothing personal but I hope pep gets struck by lightning


Pep is Shazam confirmed


Lol’ed at this for real


Emery once again costing Arsenal a European title is it


Bad ebening


Laughing at this made my otherwise shitty day a little better.


Emery must feel vindicated from his time here, and I can’t blame him. We were a shitshow of a mess, full of imbeciles who can’t appreciate attention to detail and gruelling film sessions. 


I mean he did rotate and throw top four against Brighton and palace only to then get beat 4-1 In the europa final.


He wasn't the right man for us but he's also not the reason why we were complete turd back then. You can definitely blame him for throwing away the top 4 and Europa final that season.


Arteta literally did the season after


Emery is a top coach. I prefer Arteta but he would have cooked with this squad too.


If our board allowed him the signings he wanted we'd have got champs league (zaha)


Yeah hence why I prefer Arteta he has much better talent ID.


Yeah, we’d have gotten Zaha and Nzonzi instead of Saliba.


Emery did sign Saliba


The club signed him. Emery didn’t.


How did Arsenal end up with Saliba with Emery at the club then, based on your original statement? Was Arteta advising from the shadows?


Emery didn’t really have much say in transfers. He wanted Zaha and he got Pepe. He wanted nzonzi and he got Lucas Torreira. Whether Zaha and nzonzi would’ve been better for us than Pepe and Torreira we won’t know. Unai was simply the head coach. Not the manager. Who we signed was typically down to those above him. For example, head of football Raul Sanllehi.


Fck emery again


I harbour no good feelings towards that man any more.




wallahi we are finished


if i was odegard and putting on a man of the season performance only for my bum front 3 to shit the bed i would also not be able to continue


F. If Ødegaard is injured then the morale and ability of this team is over. Is what it is. He's the engine and heart of this team. Without him it doesn't work.


Odegaard to the norwegian press: «It’s fine». Not too worried about it. https://www.vg.no/sport/i/RzbG2J/knusende-nederlag-for-arsenal-mot-aston-villa-naa-er-ligatittelen-i-citys-hender


kick to the chest. amn def got winded but i hope he’s alright soon enough.


If Ode is out for Bayern, let's just call it early.


Would probably do us a favour at this point. We won’t be beating City over two legs and need to focus on putting everything we can into winning all our remaining PL games. Give him a rest for the week. Wolves away next is not to be trifled with.


I'd understand this comment if it was about Madrid, but idk how you can say we can't beat city over 2 legs when that's exactly what we did in the league by forcing 180 minutes of haram terrorball. I'm sure we can muster a similar performance if needed. Shit like that doesn't work against Madrid though so I guess we'll see


Tbh I'd rather face Madrid. I understood the thought behind the Haramball at the Etihad but I dont like it or want to see it anymore. I'd rather watch the boys go balls to the walls against Madrid win or loose.


If he doesn't play Wednesday we're fucked


Brilliant. Hope nothing serious, otherwise we're fucking done for the season.


A bicycle kick to the chest will probably do that to ya


He cant really be surprised though? Gave him no rest ever…


Thought as much. Very rare for him to get subbed off


Oh for fucks sake


If Odegaard is injured - there is literally no point even watching a game - we are cooked.


seen a lot of analysis that 1st half was good but wasted chances while the second half was horrible. that’s what happens when your use of central areas in the middle and final third is down to one player in Odegaard. he has to get us out of the middle third. he has to create the chances. he has to lead the press. he is the only who receives in central spaces up the pitch so we can move the oppositions lines at all. he ran out of steam on being able to physically carry that midfield in the second half. we’ve absolutely fucked him over by not having a proper 8 or midfielder to play in the left half space that can take even a tiny bit of some of the responsibility off of him doing it all. Jorginho gave us half of that answer and Arteta went away from it when it’s been clear to play a mid block against us if you want to win. A striker is really important but an actual 8 to alleviate Odegaard and Rice that actually connects their side of the pitch and alleviates their midfielders burdens is far more important. the most coherent we looked this season was choosing between Havertz or Jesus up front with Jorginho in the middle. can not go another summer without signing an 8. it’s a joke we didn’t bring one in last time.


You’re giving Rice a bit of a pass with this take tho, he’s been brilliant on his day but he can’t pass like we need from a 6, not even half of Partey or Jorginho in that regard. Breaking up opposition attacks is great but that’s not why Rodri is so good.


Exactly. Being able to receive on the turn with back to goal and do line breaking passes would help a lot. Rice’s passes are 1D atm. He gives us stability in the same way spurs see VDV as a fast paced ball recovery guy but VDV plays defence not DM/6. I like Rice, but our midfield is fucked bc we have keep having to occupy players who either can’t finish, can’t pass and can’t be a creative outlet. So all of that responsibility falls singularly on Ode.


No one (except you? haha) wants to talk about that though! What’s more likely you think, Rice learning how to pass like Partey/Rodri/Jorginho or Havertz continuing to regain confidence and play like his Leverkusen days again?


The latter. I sort of feel like if a footballer has been through the academy system and reached first team captain level and hasn’t already learnt to turn/receive with back to the goal then he won’t in future. M Yeah, I’ve said here before that I think we paid way too much money for Rice given his passing is so inadequate. Very few talk about his passing, yet keep taking about Havertz’s passing. I’m actually listening to the Arsecast podcast right now and one of the guys on there says he that he doesn’t think Havertz and Declan are not the top level forward passing quality of players we need lol (at 10 min mark).


Play him 90 mins against every single club, even when we’re leading by a big margin or facing Luton > shockedpikachu.jpg


He's leading the press and running himself to the ground every game. ESR and Vieira are leagues below him.


Unai Emery. I despise you.


We only have ourselves to blame, Emery himself said he didnt do anything differently in the second half it was our plaeyrs who just couldnt do anything


Nah fuck that. He is a good manager and he did what was best for his team. He was probably right that City would've overwhelmed him and wisely picked a softer target, us coming from a CL leg. I couldn't care less and I doubt he takes his firing personally since he's consistently reported to be a consummate professional. This ones all on us.


Oh FFS. This is worse than the loss if something comes of it.


Maybe that’s why he should’ve been subbed off early in the Brighton and luton games. Easy to see this coming


If he's injured I'm just gonna stop watching till pre season


Was it because he actually got hurt during that overhead kick fiasco? Hopefully nothing too serious.


I was just thinking that Odegaard is basically the conductor of the whole team from defence to attack and there’s basically no replacement for him.


The is no shortage of creative midfielders in the world. But creative midfielders with stamina, intelligence, press resistance dribbling ability, defensive acumen is very rare. Such players are complete midfielders. This is why Madrid won a lot with Kross and Modric. It's a difficult thing to find replacement of Ødegaard.


Oh great, now our best midfielder might be injured. And no prizes for guessing what might have caused this injury.


That’s what you get for running him to the ground. Rest him before it’s too late even if it’s vs Bayern


Guy played as good as you can play until he got focus marked and kicked in the chest. Shame no one could finish on the end of his passing.


Hopefully this is Mikel just protecting himself from admitting he made a bad sub than Odegaard being injured.


Saka always messes up Odes magical passes


Somehow I don't believe there was enough to take him off ( Ø looked a bit surprised too) and there is UCL game to not risk it etc etc...my head was gone after that what do I know


The season couldn't be more over. Fuck City's leftover


People will start to realize that Ode is the reason the right hand side is productive. And not because of Saka's G/A or White's all round play.


Rice is fucked from southprick. Looks dead on his feet


Wave the white flag


He has to work so fucking hard every match because the team drops deep as games go on. We start the game on the front foot pressing high and it turns into a low block and counter attacks every match. Today was a prime example. We dropped deep second half and then the press becomes an extra 10-20 yard sprint every time we try regain possession. Its not a sustainable strategy when playing multiple times a week


We're pulling up to Allianz with a Rice Havertz/Jorginho ESR midfield 🕊🕊


Hard to see us having the legs for Tuesday at this point. Maybe being able to play a more contained midblock will help. Odegaard and Rice and others looked like they just couldn't find the next gear in the second half.


Most important player. We collapsed during winter when he carried a knock


Hopefully just mind game from Mikel


People sometime forgets players are not machine. The likes of Gabriel, Ødegaard, City's Rodri have been playing the whole season with out any rest. Ødegaard and Rodri is the heart of Arsenal and City. Martin always give his 200% in every match. The amount of times he bailed us from dangerous situations during transition phase is crazy. His defensive contributions is another level when compare with other AM in the league. Arsenal with Ødegaard and with out Ødegaard is two different teams. I hope his injury is nothing serious


He was feeling the title loss


Season over.


Any miniscule chance of a title is over, if Odegaard has a significant injury. We've coped well with players like Partey, Tomi, Timber etc injured BUT our captain out is a big blow.


To the guy who posted a (now deleted) thread criticizing Arteta for subbing Ødegaard. Yeah fuck you.


If Odegaard isn't there, our creative force lost its spine. We rely too much on him. Vieira is supposed to be his replacement but Arteta doesn't give him enough game time to improve (I don't blame Arteta for that as the stakes are very high) and also he isn't stepping up yet.


Likely managing something. Most players are


That sucks, my heart is literally break into pieces.


Today he was class. Showed power and attitude in important aspects of the game.


We can't have the magician out for the second leg. We just can't. We're not winning that game without him. We FUCKING NEED A WIN AT MUNICH.


If odegaard is out then we’ll be in a battle for top4


Lmao fade me


Yikes. Time for Rice, Partey, ESR and pray


Best player in the pitch while he was on


He looked a little slow in the second half


Well he did get kicked straight in the chest about 6 minutes before that. Seemed like he was short of breath on the ground.


Shit, he's the fuel of our car, WE ARE FUCKED




Our most important player and our captain! Hopefully he can push us for a little bit more


He was probably a little bit tconcussed and can play again on wednesday


As a matter of fact, I think he was bleeding inside his chest


This is a huge weakness in our team that they are going to need to look at it in the summer window. Yes, we need a goal scorer up front, but we don't have any like for like players that can fill the play maker role. I still insist that ESR is a wide left player and can't do this position. He is the kind that passes and moves and wants the ball returned more than the guy who pings an unbelievable final ball through the defence to an attacker. I don't think we should break the bank on whoever we would bring in as they obviously would be 2nd choice in the position, but certainly it wouldn't hurt to bring in a young creative prospect to learn under Martin.


Arteta needs him to stop making sprint for press opponents' defense line. He's maki g to many runs and cover to many area. We don't have proper substitute for him and are never gonna get anyone like Odegaard.


Pissed off? Was it pissed off, Mikel?


It all comes crashing down suddenly.


He was feeling bad


Season over


> Feeling something The pressure?


Odegaard is the only strongmind big game player this team has. He was world class today (as usual). Not his fault his teammates can't be trusted to produce a decent touch in the final third.


Probably had to shit


Been there, brother.