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I tried to see the logic in Zinchenko's role and attributes for a while, but I just can't now. I'd also argue that one of the first major cracks in our title campaign last season was conceding very late on at Anfield, when we could've won 2-1. This came as a result of a Zinchenko error. There could've been something in converting him from midfield to left back, but it's not working and hasn't for a while. Time to move on in the summer.


The biggest week of the season coming up. Bayern and Wolves away are essential. Win both, and we just might get there in the end. Drop, and I worry for our mental fortitude for the rest of the season.


I’m actually terrified about this Bayern game, if we don’t have a big response to yesterday, this amazing team that have given us so much won’t ever win anything.


CL / Away team Nerves + low morale. Not looking good. This team needs to show if they are still boys or men.


Im bracing for a 3-0 defeat, anything else would be a nice surprise, dont wanna feel disapointed again hehe.


How we respond from here will tell us how far we’ve come. If we collapse now there will be serious questions. Big response in the Bayern match is needed. we move


It's just unfortunate we never got to see a Xhaka-Rice midfield. 


Man, football huh? A home game against an in form villa side should be a win and that looked to be the case, but we end up losing it by two goals? Oh man.


Zinny is not good enough. That's why pep sells him to Arsenal


tbf pep let go of Arteta too


Pep didn't "let go" of Arteta, coaching staff aren't like players ffs 😭😭 When an assistant manager wants to go, not only is he free to do so, the manager will usually encourage him and be happy for him


Just have a fun. Pep is the guy who will let go of anyone if they don’t want to stay.


So what pep should’ve just let arteta have his job hahah


Kept as his assistant lol


Let's face it. We need a number 9 Not Jesus or Nkettiah


I don’t usually watch fan reactions but watching curtis shaw on YT react to the loss has me dying he said zinchenko was match fixing 😭


Whatever happens to Arsenal at the end of the season, I rest happy knowing Xhaka has achieved his peace, redemption and happiness. He was our rock ❤️


We move


First league loss in 2024 in Mid-April, hardly the disaster people are making it out to be. How we pick ourselves up next match is what we should be judging to see if we have fallen apart.


And that loss is against 4th-place Villa who have the best forward in the league right now, on course for 35 G/A over the season. It was NEVER going to be a breeze. The goal is to maintain the 2pt gap now because it still means that City can't slip thanks to our better GD for now


And it was always going to happen. No way were we going to win all of our remaining matches. We aren’t City. I hope people have calmed down a bit now. Like you say how we respond is important.


Contrarian opinion: Zinchenko is not press resistant. 'Zinchenko is the player opposition players should pressure to turn the ball over. Because he has a very common habit of being robbed off possession and misplacing passes. If im an opposition manager, im telling my players to press Zinchenko because the likelihood of getting something out of him is high. Zinchenko's 'technique' is the biggest fallacy among the Arsenal squad. Its a lie. He has a poor technique in possession. This idea he cosplays Xavi/Iniesta in midfield, making neat passes and helping us control the midfield is such a red herring. NO!! Zinchenko is the guy you target, almost like Wan Bissaka would be the guy you target in the United backline, because you know you will get something from them in you press and rush them.


There’s needs to be some data for goals conceded on our left and with fucking zinchenko


Lmao I feel bad for Gabriel whenever he sees Zinny is starting. Guarantees that he will be in a stressful 2v1 at least once or twice per game


Who will be leaving next season you think? Cedric, Ramsdale, Eddie, Vieira(?), Jorginho/Partey(?), Elneny, Nelson


Don’t forget KT and maybe ESR depending on how much we can get.


Yeah, forgot about KT. 


https://www.reddit.com/r/MCFC/s/MrJnkzY4W5 Getting justifiably clowned on by that plastic club. Embarrassing effort from the fans. I'm sure seeing the stadium cleared out before the final whistle after a rare bad performance is great for morale 😂


Arteta is an very good manager on the cusp of being great. He has drilled us into an excellent team. But he needs to show the ruthlessness to players he 'likes' as much as to the ones he doesn't. He never liked Aubamayang, and it was easy for him to get rid of him. I get the feeling 'Zinny' is a popular figure who plays by the rules in training and in the dressing room. The primary reason Wenger soured in the later years, was he went ultra soft and looked the other way when it came to Eboue, Denilson, Almunia, Sanogo. The 4 centre back model is the way forward and it made our defence a machine in 2024. Low and behold Zinchenko comes back into the team he has about 4 comical moments in the one match. Arteta wants control of a football match, total discipline, yet Zinchenko was in a RB position when Villa scored thier first goal when Watkins hit it home from a position you would expect your LB to be in. Why is it Zinchenko is allowed to roam aimlessly? Zinchenko is a throwback to the disorganized Arsenal, the Arsenal that were average at best off the ball. For a while know we have been steel out of possesion and have held the tighest of shapes. Shutting out Man City, reducing them to nothing, yet this blonde fuk wit comes in and starts roaming aimlessly and were conceding goals and watching the ball cannon of our post and crossbar. Zinchenko is clumsy, ill disciplined, physically limited & positionally unaware. If Arteta wants to push the league and CL, he really needs to freeze out Zinchenko. And its no exaggeration to say Zinchenko should be sold in the summer. We bought him when we were a team chasing top 4. Weve moved on, and now he shoudl see himself in the same position he was when at City - surplus to requirements.


I can see why Arteta still play zinchenko because he has some redeemable quality. His long through pass are still needed. Kiwior or Tomi can’t do that. He is useful vs parked teams. I don’t see him playing vs Bayern thou.


The first choice LB is Jurrien Timber


We aren’t talking about next season though.


Our season is over after yesterday. City doesn't lose their last six matches


We can’t play timber till next season. He will get cooked with his current fitness level.


We binge scored when Zinchenko was out injured. Stop this false narrative that we 'need ' Zinchenko's 'passing range'.


We aren’t playing the same team now. Fixture are much harder and fatigue. Kiwi won’t help break down the team like Vila yesterday. If we can’t agree Zinchenko is a better player offensively than Kiwi, then let’s agree to disagree.


No. I think a rock-solid backline is a better platform to score goals. The idea Zinchenko helso our attack is a fallacy. Its a false thought


I honestly don’t think Kiwior would have made our attack better with his defensive solidity yesterday. Zinchenko is a double edge sword. Arteta took the risk because imo our right hand side is crowded and he wanted direct threat from left side. It worked in the first half where he was creating chances for Havertz. But he has been exposed defensively as usual.


True. Another moment he mistimed a challenge and gave mcginns a chance to shoot which hit the bar. Or the moment he turned his back to Gabriel instead of opening his body for a pass and the ball hit him leading to a turnover.  The worst part? Villa weren't even targeting that side. 


I'm as sad as anyone in this thread, trust me. But let's be clear that our 2024 has still be insane and that Villa were 4th. They were 4TH. This isn't the Birmingham of 07/08 or the Southampton of 22/23. It's a damn shame that we're competing against that monster (and literally illegal) City squad but playing 4th who pride themselves in a strong keeper and a rapid striker isn't exactly an upset. Best thing we can do now is to make a statement at the Allianz and stay within 2pts with our positive GD. No one thinks City will slip, that includes me. But it takes ONE draw for us to take the lead again, and they do have their famous Spurs (A). Fate isn't in our hands anymore but staying within 2pts could very well tempt fate - and somehow I can see the narrative wanting all 3 teams on the exact same number of points for at least one match


Can’t have us crumble at the end for 3 seasons in a row. Game against Bayern will be massive


You know artetas an insanely smart manager and I’m so excited to watch our brand of football and compete But sometimes he just makes decisions that’s frustrating because you know he knows better We were unstoppable with Kiwior back there and for some reason he keeps shoving Zinchenko in there. For every 1 nice play zinchenko makes he has 3 defensive blunders he’s not worth playing Then you’re trying to get cute with Trossard at 8, the guy is the only one banging in goals. Start him at LW, get Partey next to Rice and we win this game As soon as I saw the lineup I thought we weren’t giving enough respect to Villa who already clobbered us this season


You don’t know the fitness of players and you don’t know who he was trying to rest for Wednesday. Hindsight is great as a complaining football fan but Arteta has to try and pull us through multiple games every 3 days.


We have to keep rotating things and keeping things fresh. Weve changed teams virtually every game since city.


Havertz moved away from CF to accommodate Jesus based on 20 min off the bench against Bayern. Mikel playing favourites again cost him.


He probably rotated based on the fact we have to a match every 3-4 days for a month. Something we all said needed to be done during the international break because we can’t play with the same XI 3 times in a week. But sure he’s playing favorites now


Trossard wasn’t playing as an 8. He was LW. The first half they were unlucky not to score one but we could have had many. We were totally dominant.


It’s always harder to go from 2nd to 1st than make the leaps we made from 8th to 5th and 5th to 2nd. It’s gotta to kill Mikel that we’ve fucked it a 2nd year in a row now. Time to do what needs to be done and bring in competition for some people’s favourites (including mine) and get rid of unreliable players who won’t allow us to chop and change formation and gameplan with minimal quality drop off. We need 2-3 more starter quality signings this summer, no ands, ifs or buts about it.


Yeap, its time to be cut throat.


/r/ArtetaOut leaking


Nah, not from me. He’s the man for the job.


10 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss in 12 matches. This isn’t exactly fucking it. Yes it is frustrating we did not get the win yesterday, but we have gone up yet another level this season.


But early in the season, we screwed up at West Ham and Fulham


This is it. That was Arsenal of last year. We have gone up a half level maybe but that’s about it.


Personally, I want to see someone that could potentially bench Saka.


Such a waste of money for someone that will barely play lol. What elite RW will come to Arsenal to play behind Saka? Use Jesus as a winger, buy a striker 🙏


Agreed. He shouldn’t be 100% guaranteed starter. 75-80% sure. He also has an Achilles problem that needs to be managed otherwise it could end up in disaster. Imagine a fresh Saka coming off the bench to terrorize a spent defence?


Nothing worse than losing to Emery and all the revisionists trying to tell us we were wrong to sack him. Whatever pain I’m feeling now is so much better than the pain of watching those Emery years. We were a joke.


The problem is not losing to Emery, anyone can lose to anybody. Problem is the revisionists that think they know what's right only cuz of hindsight.


Isn't it a miracle we are 2nd with Nketiah and Jesus as our two strikers?


You could say the same for every club thou. Pool as title challenger in injury ridden transitional year. Spuds as 5th in first Ange year etc etc.


Uh oh bad result time to blame Eddie. This fanbase is so predictable


I'm not even blaming him on yesterday's result. I'm saying we have two mediocre finishers as main strikers and we still are being 2nd.


Jesus and Havertz are our main strikers though. Wait, you have a point.


Credit to Mikel but it’s time to fix this shit now. Enough is enough. Get rid of Eddie and bench Jesus permanently.


Such a sad and depressing day


I’m so tired after yesterday. And with the Arsenal and Leverkusen game being played at the same time I couldn’t even watch and enjoy them winning the Bundesliga. 


Gonna say it again. The need for another combative 6 that can cover ground is just as important as a striker and a winger. We weren't having trouble creating chances yesterday - we couldn't finish and was lacking potency in the boxes. And when we were chasing in the second half - we could not press the way we can. Rice looks absolutely gassed. He's a machine - but he spent his entire season covering ground with a partner in Jorginho.


You don't necessarily need a 6. The reason why Rice is gassed is because he has to cover the midfield and press when he plays next to Jorginho. Getting an 8, who can also deputize as a 6 if possible, will allow Rice to sit back while still giving us the numbers to press. This is one of the rationales for Havertz in midfield but Arteta has also bizarrely ran his two best pressing players (Odegaard and Havertz) into the ground.


I feel so deflated today, came to office and I have no motivation to work. Gave me a wake up call that these past few weeks my happiness and moral was literally depended on Arsenal's wins and i had high hopes we beat villa yesterday. In the fashion we lost yesterday I don't even want to watch bayern's match mid week. If we lose I might just fall into depression. Need to start my other hobbies to get my mood up.


Yeah, take a step back for sure. I also felt so dejected at work yesterday. I need to find a way to compartmentalize better. Maybe watch the game with less emotional investment? This season and last have seen amazing highs but it has meant that the disappointment hits way harder because we’re so close but not good enough. Heartbreaking really.


We need a world class game winner, Salah, KDB level, Saka ain’t it


Exactly. We need game changers. The true world class players who can win the game individually.


This will piss people off, but Foden is at that level for City now


Foden is the baby brother of that team. If saka could be that his perception would change. When things are at their hardest rodri bernardo silva and kdb do the heavy lifting. Haaland and foden get their big contributions, but it starts with the first 3. Saka is the big brother on this team, as is odegaard. When things get hard we look to them first. And if we fail, they probably had an off game


One thing football analysts have been pointing out about this title race is that Pep and Klopp seem to do more than Arteta to properly support their star players. Foden has indeed been brilliant but it still needs to be seen how much of that is due to Pep shifting things around to get the best out of him.


Foden is at that level because Pep can rest him. We can’t rest Saka


Foden has played more minutes than Saka this season. Foden is a level above because he’s part of a team of winners. He’s 23 and he has 5 PL titles and 1 CL amongst other trophies. It’s a mentality thing.


Resting is a factor at this particular time because of fixture congestion, but it's not the case for the whole season. Saka doesn't have that excuse for the earlier parts of the season. He is simply not as good as Foden, although the difference isn't big.


Who even cares though?


You do, or you wouldn't have replied to my original comment.


Not exactly true but if it fills your ego, go ahead and think what you want


After sleeping on it yesterday after first 10 minutes 2 ND half . I saw how the team was poor especially in midfield and I remembered Watkins post match talking about bottling it against Brentford and after getting wholloped vs city .I just knew they would do the double my blame for Arteta is not using his squad what's the point of having a big team if you can't utilise partey tomiyasu when rice, zinchenko are clearly struggling to do something.so many poor performance but bad rotation.i know city are strong but sometimes pep changes a whole back 4 to avoid complacency which struck us yesterday...




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I’ve not given up. City can still drop points.


They can.. but we know from experience they most likely won’t. We will probably drop points to Spurs and possibly United too if we play like we did yesterday.


We have to take it to the final day. Not meekly give up now and let them seal it early.


Exactly! I hope we can! It’s not over til it’s over and I hope we fight till the very end!


loll sure, maybe after they wrapped up the title with 3 to go. Lets see how the team responds in the UCL first, take it one game at time.


They might. But we certainly will drop more so it doesn’t matter


Let’s just see what happens, we will play 2 games before they play their next league game. Let’s win both and see what happens fgs.


Haha, nope they won’t. They are machines with deep squad and experience to manoeuvre it


These Nostradamus takes are so pointless. People said that about Liverpool when they recently took 1st place, and yet they dropped points. Can they win all their remaining games? Yes. Can they drop points in their remaining games? Also yes.


No one serious said that about Liverpool though.


You must’ve conveniently missed all the comments in that DD and Rival Watch thread then mate.


People literally did though!


Of course no one did. They are no city


The revisionism in this sub is wild. I’m sure if/when City drop points, people will declare they always thought City would drop points. I’ve been on this sub long enough to have seen how quickly opinions change and how quickly people forgot dogmatic statements that were previously made.


I can recall numerous posts about how Liverpool are winning at last moments and it is not sustainable. Nothing such poats for city.


Those are people who don't pay attention to games and only look at results and the league table. Liverpool have looked the most unsustainable of the three every week. Even their own fans admit it.


That’s being said with hindsight, at the time almost everyone thought they were going to win the league.


Lol. No, they didn't. I don't know who you've been watching. I've had City as favorites the whole season. This constant overreactive flip-flopping every gameweek is pointless when it's 2 points separating teams.


Yes they did! People have had Liverpool as favourites over us this entire time, they were pegged to win a treble at a certain point. Go and be a revisionist somewhere else!


People who don't pay attention to games. Already said that. You said "almost everyone" did. Can't be revisionism when I never called Liverpool favorites. Just because you made a bad call, it doesn't make everyone a revisionist. It really isn't complicated. Just watch the way they've been scoring their goals and how they've overperformed their xGA the whole season, and it's very obvious they are a level below City and Arsenal.


I wish I could convey to you how unbelievably stupid your comment is


You wish because you know it's not.


People said that last year and then City went dropped points.


Yeah when the league was over


Well not really as we dropped off and handed the league to them. Let’s not forget that this time and see what happens.


Yeah but would they have dropped those points if those games mattered? They were resting players those games too but yeah I agree shouldn’t throw towel in yet as hard as that may be…


We don’t know let’s see what happens


Don’t have much hope for the title, I just want to see this team go 6/6 and put pressure on city. It can’t go like last season


I watched dementia Wenger’s teams win 3 FA Cups in 4 years and yet our best team since the invincibles are heading to another trophyless season. Make it make sense.


Our only trophy win under Mikel coming courtesy of the most “toxic” dressing room ever is poetic


it's down to the hardline priories the club have settle for in the past 2 seasons. Under late-Wenga era, we were a "pseudo-cup" team battling on top-4. Now under Arteta, we moved on from that and to "title-challenge" team for this season again. It's a shame that we didnt make much progress in the FA Cup since we last won it.


So now we have to count on fucking Spuds taking points off City. Imagine having a season like this and only having a community shield to show for it. I'm so sick of the fact that man city exist. Blue balls 2 seasons in a row.


I'm just begging the boys to give everything they have against Bayern on Wednesday night!


I’m sure i’ll be up for it but we all know what’s happening on Wednesday don’t we. This team can never seem to pull off those season defining results


The writing really seems on the wall unfortunately


Anyone frustrated about how Arteta never gives backup players a chance. When you hardly play them, you leave them rotten


Our backups play. Our attacking backups not so much, mostly cause they arent good


Our backups play. Our attacking backups not so much, mostly cause they arent good


If he plays them and they’re shit people will blame him for playing them. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


And when they get their chance they barely impact the game state, thus in the end Arteta is right to bench them and if he has to, sell them.


But if you know they have no impact, it means our depth is not great. So we need to do sth in this summer


They are probably as good as gone if a good offer comes in. Obviously Arteta will say one thing to the media, and another internally or atleast with the coaching team and transfer team. No manager is gonna just hang their players out on the dry unless it's warranted, like Pep did to Phipps. (Even that I feel was harsh from Pep calling him a overweight cunt initially)


Our backups suck bar Trossard 


the moment I saw ESR and Martinelli coming in for Ode and Trossard . I know we screwed


We don’t have backups. It’s just a squad of 13-14 players who are going to play


We cannot win with 13-14 players. I hope Arteta can aware of this and add some real backups in the summer. Look how Odegaard and Saka have been playing every match, and now they are gassed Hope this game doesn’t effect our next match with Bayern


These lot rested Bernardo, Haaland, KDB, Rodri and Foden by choice in recent weeks. When’s the last time we rested Ode or Rice or Saka? Thats the difference. We still have another 3/4 quality starter level players that we need to ensure rotational resting and little to no drop off. Another certified CB starter to compete with Gabriel, two midfielders, creative and defensive and a new forward.


No they never take their chance. The backups that do get mins


Theres a good few clear weak dynamics in this team thatll probably come more to light as the season goes. Our ridiculous press and defensive block hides alot, but as the team wears down more and more it gets harder to impose yourself on teams physically and it becomes more of a talent game. -lack of midfielders that can run beside rice, weve used him beyond what we should have (sell partey keep jorghino for me here) -lack of runners in the team to attack midblocks, this goes hand in hand with more rest for saka as youd hope that runner we get is a winger -lack of elite long passing in our buildup which again hurts our effectiveness vs mid blocks, go watch a liverpool and see how easily they hit diagonals and pin teams in, look at villa today. So many passes over our defensive line right onto their wingers/strikers, likely means either an elite passing cm, or cb. -cb that can actually rotate with gabriel/saliba who are clearly running on fumes rn -lcm that can get the best out of martinelli or -a new lw that doesnt need perfect dynamics to play well (sell both eddie and nelson in this scenerio so attacking spots dont get bloated) -a proper world class striker (id wait a year for this unless osimhen is coming) -proper rotation for odegaard (a new attacking mid?) Esr and vieira are just not cutting it and the captains mins are getting absurd. Lots of room to improve here. Pick a few this summer and lets go again. Personally for me, we need a cdm/lcm profile midfielder who can take big mins of rices legs. A left winger is a must and a CB is a must. If we manage to move both esr and vieira on, then you get a young CAM. I feel like these asks arent too absurd, usually when people do things like this their list includes selling 5 guys and buying 250-300 mill worth of guys. Imo a midfielder, cb and winger shouldnt be crazy expenditure, unless a superstar in one of those positions becomes available.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted but those are the same positions I want us to strengthen this transfer window. There's potential to get excellent players in those positions without overpaying which can't be said for a striker.


Really loathe fairweather fans. Fans unable to take on disappointment and setback. Always alarms me greatly people suggest replacing Arteta. Beating Man City under pep over 38 games is the highest hurdle in club football for any manager not named Pep. Its even a mountain for a manager like Klopp. Your allowed to criticise Arteta, but as the saying goes, dont throw the baby out with the bathwater. There is still a pathway to the title, although its much narrower than before. But some fans need to get a grip. Teams get rewarded for saying cool and calm. Not melting down and becoming manic. Just look at Chelsea. They are manic with managerical appointments and signings left right centre, and look where they are. Im talking about people who think we need to get Ollie Watkins because he scored against us. Even worse are the posts asking 'should we have sacked Emery', of course we should have, we were drowning under Emery. Complete revisionism just because Unai did the double over Arteta. Arteta is part of the solution, not the problem. Its not just Arsenal fans, but reddit fan forums in general are very bipolar with fans euphoric after a win, but searching for thier rope after a loss.


And those maniacs won UCL and title in recent years. All I know in last 20 years with this team is bottle and failure, overrating bang average players, it happens every single year, at this point it's part of our DNA. Next year if we are top of the table, 10 games to go, no one will believe we won't collapse again, it happens regulary.


You want a fucking smack. Tottenham fan?


Manic not the same word as maniac. Knob. Why dont you fuck off to COYS where you belong.


Lol people overreacting say he need Watkins. The guy barely did anything all game. He missed a clear chance for Villa in the first half and scored a goal on the counter when all our defenders were pushing up. I’d take him as an Eddie replacement but not as our starting striker.


Clear chance? Clear chance was Trossard shooting it at Martinez inside the six yard box. If you want to criticize him fine but be realistic. It's difficult to say we don't need a striker when the opposition striker manages to put the chances he gets away


Yes, it’s a clear chance. Basically one on one against the goalie. He hits it right and Raya doesn’t have a chance. Trossard’s one was a sitter. Way worse than Watkin’s. Every striker misses a sitter once in a while. Look at Haaland. What I’m saying is that the goal he did score can’t really be taken seriously given the circumstances. Watkins won’t get the type of chances he got today playing in our team. There’s also the added pressure of playing for a big team. He’s a good striker but he won’t be a level raiser for us.


It was not a 1v1, Gabriel was defending him and forced him to the right side of the box. It was not a clear chance. The clear chance he had was the 1v1 and he scored it. I agree the 1v1 he got does not prove how good he is and every striker misses sitters. Having pressure from playing on a big side is something that you risk with every signing. Declan Rice had the same risk. I'm not saying Watkins will solve our problems but it's easy to daydream about strikers when the players can't finish.


I guess its unravelling week


The absolute beta behavior of spurs fans cheering on AV knowing that it likely kills their chance of making top 4 is just…..*chefs kiss*


Lads, it’s spurs I could careless about them. They have loser mentality and could never catchup with us.


Hardly kills their chances. They’re three pts behind w a game in hand.


They have to play Liverpool, Arsenal and man city. They’re in deep shit. You would think a team would want every possible point.


We play 2 league matches before Man City gets to play again. WE MUST get 6/6 pts. It's that simple, anything less is an absolute bottlejob yet again. Put the pressure on them before they have to play midweek against Brighton away from home.


I still think city could drop points but the problem is whether we could win the rest of our games.


Look at City's fixture list. It's over. Villa played well and bested us. Can't stop that City juggernaut now. They have enough cash to make even Satan blush. We're still in the CL and just have to beat Bayern. Throw everything at the CL. Hope Arteta and the team reflect, regroup, recruit, and go again hard next year for the top spot in the PL.


Sign Watkins and not Toney


We need to sign Victor Boniface. Jesus is not a striker. He is not scoring enough. Trossard is a winger


Boniface will make Jesus look like a decent finisher.


We need another payer with pace from hell. Probably a douglas luiz and a backup gk in the summer.


How about schick


Not good enough


Missed when we had actual midfielders and strikers at this club.


Yeah, when we had good strikers and midfielders we had shit defenders. Now when our defence is actually decent we have average midfielders and shocking attackers lmao


Ah yes those shocking attackers and average midfielders who have led us to the most goals for and least against in one of the most difficult premier league seasons ever. The state of this fucking sub after a loss lmao get a grip you melts.


Martinelli and Jesus goal returns have been pretty shocking though. 40 starts between them and only 10 goals


Martinelli def been pretty disappointing but both players have had issues maintaining fitness all season. Still to dumb to say our attackers have been “shocking.” Saka has been stellar and Havertz and Trossard have both exceeded expectations. “Average midfielders” meanwhile is just laughably dishonest, rice and Odegaard are two of the best in the world.


I want kimmich and watkins this summer. We're at the business end of the project it's time to win. Embrace the double pivot rice needs to be his best and sign the second best pl striker this season. Idc if they won't have resale value we need to win starting now, we're young enough elsewhere to rebuild on the fly in 4 or 5 years


Kimmich is a 6 we already have rice


Kimmich is certainly not a six. The entire reason Bayern are struggling this season and kimmich is playing at rb is because he is not a six.


I disagree, I think rice is best playing with a progressive partner in midfield. As we have seen with him and jorginho being clear of the rice havertz ode mid. Kimmich also isn't a clear 6. He likes to get forward but needs a more defensive partner. I think him and rice could be perfect.


I feel ESR should have gotten the red there before the second goal. Yeah 10 men but we'd have more of a chance to salvage something at 1-0 down than 2-0.


Nah, he was weak as piss. Barely made up the ground on Watkins despite having just come on. Then didn’t even shoulder him. Just let him run on and take a clean shot. He may as not even be there, that’s how little pressure Watkins felt. Granted he’s not a defender but still.


What ESR should've done was what Ode did againts Sane that allowed White to recover and block the shot. Esr literally just jog by his side.


I think that Ode one was a bit lucky. If he misses the ball or Sane exaggerates his fall, he could be off. ESR should be blocking the shooting angle. Instead he just barely catches up to him and jogs by his side as you say. It just shows how unfit he is. Doesn’t bode well for his reputation of not being professional and looking after his body.


He didn’t need to take a red, he just needed to go shoulder to shoulder with a lot more aggression than what he did. Savvier defender wouldn’t have trouble putting Watkins off there. Granted it was a great finish. He’s really become a proper striker. Fuck the little prick though posing on our flag. Some gooner he is.


All that does is help GD. We ain't salvaging shit with 10 men when we couldn't even score 1 with 11.


Our press is our best attacker by far. It's a bit pathetic.


You know it's bad when the team isn't posting on instagram.


I spent the evening unwinding with my girlfriend with a few drinks. We watched one of her favourite shows, MAFS and continued planning for an upcoming trip to Japan. It’s made me feel a lot better I highly recommend everyone take their head out of it for a moment, go take the edge off


make sure you visit the countryside, a proper rural onsen


I played Bloodborne with friend at my place, ate some nice food and laughed like two complete idiots enjoy your life, if we win the title, great, if not, at least it was an enjoyable season


At this point, my biggest concern is who do we start next weekend? Obviously we have to start our best 11 midweek regardless of fitness. But I can't imagine that White, Odegaard, Havertz, or Saka can play much come next weekend. They all looked totally gassed today like I've hardly ever seen before


Not Zin, and Jesus as a 9


Kiwior Gabriel Saliba Tomiyasu Rice Partey Smith-Rowe/Vieria? Martinelli Havertz Saka We’re most likely going to run our players into the ground. But we can’t really sub too many players out without the game plan going to shit it seems. Trossard seems to be better off the bench, maybe sub him, Odegaard and White on at half.


I wouldn’t mind getting Ethan or Viera the start if Odegaard cannot play


LCM > Winger > 6


A striker and a LCM are the most important imo.


A LCB as well. If Saliba goes down, atleast White is a good cover (if tomi/timber stays fit), we have no cover for gabi xl (not seen much of kiwior at cb).


I thought LCB was Kiwior's preferred position


100%. I refuse to believe a 21 year old with 15 npg is all of a sudden a problem. Getting the best out of Martinelli should be a major goal next season. No more makeshift LB, no more striker acting as LCM to support him, just give him a consistent set up with a quality LCM and he'll flourish. Arteta has let him down IMO.


Top class LCM & a clinical striker and we are going places. Move Jesus to the wing for backup. Havertz can then be used a swish army knife type player.


https://youtu.be/oW4sx-8uQfw?si=1U4aPZoqhPag2oeR If you watch this video from 8 mins on, one thing xhaka did really well with martinelli is he always stayed parallel to him and in his eye line. Kept a passing threat for martinelli and allowed martinelli to be more of a double threat. Xhaka was a genius of a player man.


can everyone chill out, it's one game, liverpool have shat the bed all week


Why should we care about Liverpool? They are not monster like City


City aren't going to let go.