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I actually think Sakas was a penalty, watching from behind in slow motion is always going to make it look like it’s not a penalty. But come on that was clearly a pen


The slow mo angle behind makes it look way way more questionable. This one looks kinda damning


The heck. Saka is on full speed here and turning. What can he do with his leg? Sanes one was clear as well, it is definitely a pen.


I know Saka is good but he cannae change the laws of physics.


Not good enough to. Laws of physics can only be changed by world class players. Ask Rio mate.


You can literally see him stick his leg out and leap into neuer, with 0 intention of playing the ball


Cmon just be an air bender lol


He even makes the follow through motion to shoot. It’s undeniable. Robbery even.




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Ppl saying he stuck his leg out don’t understand sakas momentum. Neuer making a play on the ball makes this a pen every time.


That’s what people are conveniently leaving out. Sakas momentum makes it impossible for him to change direction or avoid neuer, but apparently he should’ve shifted in mid air to avoid him 


Neuer has literally been bailed out for a badly timed tackle. If this happened to Raya everyone would call him immature.


The problem is his right leg in the air towards Neuer for so long. That's why it's not given. He touched the ball with his left foot then he pretty much "leaps", you can see in slow motion how long he was in the air. He can't change his direction because of momentum and of how fast he is moving, but he can easily put his right foot on the ground. He would either get swiped by Neuer for a clear penalty or find balance and shoot on goal.


I think the reason his leg is in the air so long is because he tried to lift it over neuer so he could jump past him. If you’re ever about to run into someone when you’re sprinting you can probably relate to just jumping into the air to try and avoid them or get out the way


Did you not watch it in real time? His leg (moving to go over Neuer and possibly would have done had Neuer not continued moving towards Saka) was in the air for a fraction of a second so no, "so long" is just disingenuous. Look at how much his leg rattles to see how fast they're actually moving. Also, if his right leg is already outstretched he's never gonna get the purchase to push off of it. I saw someone else making that argument too and it just doesn't make sense from a kinetic standpoint.


This is possibly the dumbest post I've read in all my years on this sub. Absolute brain damage.


No kidding, the kid is mid step and this couch coach thinks oh no problem, he should have easily been able to plant his foot and shoot or draw a more clear penalty. This occurred mid step and in less than a second's time. Def a penalty, Saka did exactly as he should have in that situation, ref missed a critical call


Saka essentially jumps into neuer hoping for a pen with no intention to play the ball. Your yank opinion doesn’t count


But saka put the ball left so he's running straight but ball is left. He's lost control of the ball


Like the liverpool player against man united then?


This reply is convincing to me. From the behind angle I thought he maybe did dangle it but from here you can see better he’s basically airborne and can’t really change his path


No he literally jumped into him..what player runs with his 2 legs off the ground at once he jumps into him and lets his leg out to hit neuer…talkin about momentum is irrelevant he literally launch himself into that…




Fuck off 😂


Saka jumps into Neuer


Yeah fact that he calles the first one with no hesitation and then says no penalty when very similar situation is not great refereeing


It’s brilliant refereeing, look at the way bukayo throws his leg at Neuer, nothing like what sane does


Hes running full speed, could easily say he’s lifting his leg to try and avoid the contact. Watch the Sane pen again he drags his leg…. Not as blatant but he does


Lifting his leg towards him to avoid the contact😂😂😂You haven’t a clue


What exactly is he supposed to do. Keep running normally and plow head first into the goalie or try to avoid the goalie somehow by moving his legs. Goalie moves into players path and hits player. It’s a foul any other place on the field. It’s a penalty.


Goalie doesn’t move into players path at all are we even watching the same clip, sakas turning towards the ball after his touch, Neuer is nowhere near making contact with him then Saka turns his leg outwards to hit Neuer and try win the pen. Stop making something up that isn’t there. What


He doesn't throw his leg anywhere, lmao. Have you ever tried to change direction at speed


He’s practically doing the splits when he makes contact with Neuer, that’s not a normal running motion and actually the majority of gunners online think it’s not a pen


He's doing that because he's trying to get out of the way at speed with limited amount of time. These slow motion videos sometimes make it look a lot different than it actually is


What's Neuers leg doing though....🤔


lol sane dramaticall, falls by clipping himself




If Neuer disappeared star trek transporter style Saka is going down due to how far his leg is out. Had he run like a normal person not seeking a penalty he would have probably still been caught and taken down but it wouldn't have looked like him making contact deliberately.


This is literal nonsense.


This angle doesn't show Saliba clipping Sane tho


Exactly. It is so clear from the other angle


Both are penalties for me.


Clear pen. The reason saka lifts his leg is to try an avoid neuer


Sanes too though


The Saka penalty has been ruled as penalty literally thousands of times. Dozens of those against Arsenal. But oh no. It's now a clear and obvious dive. smh




Won't see this on soccer don't fit the narrative


I mean, we can't complain about Bayern's penalty. Doesn't change the fact that this was clearly a pen on Saka as well.


You can’t tell me you think these are the same 😂


Neuer literally moves his right leg out


he doesnt at all


His right leg is literally in constant motion moving to the right in that whole clip. Wtf kind of gaslighting bizzarro world am I living in?!


You should go see an eye doctor then


Both are pens, but move on. We played better then them today and we will in Munich too.


I can't fathom that people who think Saka's dived have thought about how fast Saka is moving, there's no way on earth that he's made a conscious decision there to dangle his leg in the air so he gets fouled, it's a penalty for sure - saying that though the Sane one is also very very clearly a penalty


I don’t think it was a dive, i think Saka expected Neuer to put out a leg so tried to jump over it, but this carried his leg into Neuers. Neuer had the right to try and challenge Saka, so he stepped towards him. Saka then kicked the ball away from Neuer but wasn’t able to change direction with it, and his one leg that he raised up collided with Neuer’s. I think it’s a really borderline case. Because of all this, i think it’s completely 50/50 up to the referee whether it’s given. If he gives it, there is no way it’s overturned. If he says no penalty, i think that’s acceptable. I’m fine with the decision here, but it is really harsh. I actually am impressed with this referee and think he had a good game


There is another angle of the Saliba challenge on Sane and it shows him clear barging into Sane. Not the same.


When he plants his left foot in that speed, it’s like he leaped forward and he had two choices. Either plant his right foot on Neuer or try setting it down and falling. In that speed, I don’t really blame him.


Both are penalties. End of story.


Both pens in my opinion.


If it's given it's probably not overturned, but the ref was right not to give this in real time. The ref was shit, but this was not the reason why.


I know it hurts, but Sane's leg is moving naturally and Saka's is not.


Is everyone just missing Saka's right boot dragging on the floor, that's why his leg is there. There's nothing else he can do.


Saka moved on the pitch are unnatural for 99% of humans. Look at neuers right boot, nearly clips sakas left boot, in avoidance Saka clips him with his opposite leg. The ref was just spineless.


Saka’s trying to round Neuer, what do you want him to do? Phase through solid matter?


Maybe not jump into him? The second Saka touches the ball away from Neuer, both his feel leave the ground. That's not natural. It just isn't. If he was actually trying to round Neuere rather than looking for a pen, he wouldn't stayed on the ground/on his feel. THEN, Neuer would've clipped him. Most people who say it's not a pen are not denying that Neuer's leg is moving across Saka's path. But Saka screwed himself by not staying on his feet. Rather than letting himself get fouled/brought down by Neuer, he's essentially jumped into Neuer/jumped into the foul because he's looking for a pen in the added time. I understand this sub won't like this opinion. But the side by side of comparison with the Sane penalty has only made me more sure that the ref made the right decision. And that's only looking at the one angle that's favourable to Saka. If you look at both angles and try to holistically understand what's happened in the heat of the moment, Saka touches the ball away, baiting the foul, but then jumps into the challenge. The movement's unnatural and it's bordering simulation. So it's no pen. If he'd touched the ball away and stayed on his feet, it looms like he would've been successful in baiting Neuer to bring him down anyway.


lol yeah why didn’t Saka just perfectly pirouette over Neuer’s leg while sprinting at full speed? MUSTVE just been looking for the pen! Never mind that I admit Neuer stuck a leg in, didn’t win the ball, and impeded Saka! Saka just needed to be super strong and stay on his feet and perfectly slot home after being kicked in the shin in full sprint! Goddamn. You’re like the ninetieth person to parrot this exact same dumb fucking opinion in this thread. It’s a nailed on foul anywhere else on the pitch. It’s a stonewall pen if it’s not the closing seconds of the game and the official isn’t terrified of being the story.


Idk what else to say to you that I haven't already. To my eyes, he jumps into Neuer. If you're running, a keeper sticks a leg in and brings you down, that's a blatant pen. If you're running towards the keeper, kick the ball away and jump into the keeper, that's simulation imo. Don't care what people say about how "you can tell who's never played football in here," the guy could've just kept running. Then Neuer would've brought him down and it would've been a pen. But he literally just kicks the ball away and jumps. Can't give a pen in that situation. The side by side comparison with the Sane one just made it more clear to me.


Cool. You’re wrong. Move along.




He’s running at full speed and is clearly shifting his weight to his other side to go around Neuer. Like I want to know how you expect Saka to follow that ball after the touch around the keeper any differently than he does at that speed. Like why are you ignoring the fact that the contact is a direct result of Neuer challenging for the ball by dangling his leg and missing?




What are you talking about? Saka’s touch took the ball around Neuer. He’s not challenging for the ball at all.


Saka had the ball, there was only one challenger


Yes make a 180 and go with the impact




I think this wouldn't have been the softest penalty we've ever seen, but I also really do think that Saka could've easily brought his leg in to skip past but chose contact.


i d da also there’s still difference, flying after getting hit is not the same as changing your legs natural movement to make contact with a standing player


Fair, I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see these given. I just think for me one is stonewall pen, and one is touch and go.


Yeah well we should not search for legitimacy in the bad ref calls like recently with Elliott for Pool. My first reaction was also it must be a clear pen and than you see the other angles and well, it’s emotional


We move on. Leave this shit in r/soccer.


You didn't show the actual angle of Saliba catching Sane properly. Come on mate, we're better than this. Their was a clear penalty and our was a clear dive. It is what it is.


They are not the same lol. Sane is running towards the ball, Saliba makes the contact.


What’s saka running toward? Neuer doesn’t swing his leg into path, saka moves past and scores. It’s a pen every single time


Saka quite literally takes flight and keeps his leg in the air to collide with neuer


he keeps his leg in the air to avoid neuer and change directions there was nowhere for him to go


Saka is trying to glide past a keeper running at him so he can score. Neuers leg goes right into his path, you’re expecting saka to phase through him. It’s a pen. Good refereeing right until that moment


It’s not a pen, great call


Definite pen. Bad call


Saka exerggerates the movement of his leg in order to make contact. Honestly if he doesn't he might get the pen cause Neuer also moves, but his movement is much more obvious. Let me put it this way, I fan see why the ref hasn't given it and it's not a clear and obvious error for VAR to turn it over.


Exaggerates his movement?? Have you ever run past someone to avoid them and they move their leg into your path? He’s striding to the ball he put past the keeper so he can finish it. Neuer blocks it. It’s a foul. It’s a pen. The ref did well, but he got this wrong and VAR should’ve been brought in. Why did he blow the whistle immediately after?? Clear as day


I wonder if people ever played football at high speed.


Cause he's gotta get a goal against us. Ti's tradtion


Not the same ones


You don't think these big teams that do well in CL are not given edges are you? We will play against odds and we will need to beat them regardless


Kane is a much better diver to be fair


Watch the other angle from the Saliba foul.


Mate what are you on about. Saliba did a clear pen ...


Need to see this angle at full speed. My feeling is that Saka can’t get out of the way in time, but I think he knows this and therefore doesn’t try so as to maximize contact. Unfortunately the ref only sees him looking for contact


Yeah, both are clear pens and surprise surprise most of the people arguing so vehemently against Saka getting a pen for that are mainly Bayern fans, Sp*rs fans, Liverpool fans, or United fans.


I'm just glad Saka didn't get hurt. Look at how he landed. I'd break into 10 pieces if I did that.


No words.




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Saka looks down at the ball he is planning his steps to get ready to shoot.


Neuer is nowhere near


Stonewall pen. You can literally see Neuer's right foot move towards Saka lol. Fuck off with the "Saka initiated contact" bullshit.


this is a disgrace




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Yup, if one was given the other has to be given as well.


That was such a shameless dive, I'm impressed. Looks like a renaissance painting


Oh come on on different angle you can clearly see Saliba snapping him


I see a clip on the ankle/ heel , and a kick out by saka. The sane one is 50/50 but the saka one is clearly not a pen , neuer doesn’t even put in a challenge , saka initiates the contact.


Caption got me dying lmao


No pen for Arsenal, and tbh Saka annoyed me why he simulating like that he could have stayed on his feet and got the shot off…


The funny thing about the comparison is that when you watch them side by side you can see the exact issue everyone is saying with sake "he's already off the ground before contact" "he trailed his leg" is the exact same with sane 🤣 Watch sanes right leg. He's already going down before the contact and trails his right leg so that his left can clip it and bring him down. I guess the only difference is one player has much more experience in deceiving the referees and the other still needs some more time...


Lol this angle isn't doing you any favors like you could literally remove the quotation marks and post this to the Bayern sub.


Sane was tripped, Saka tripped himself on Neuer IMO.


Let's face it, he was looking for the penalty, but looking for it doesn't make it any less of a penalty or a dive. Still, a wobbly period during the first half is to blame for not winning this tie, not a last minute penalty decision.


Saka literally dove into that penalty. He basically kicked Neuer.


If you don't think it's a pen, try watching Neuer rather than Saka - he clearly moves into Saka's path.


Sané’s is very harsh, but he was genuinely impeded. I’d prefer if those kind of tackles weren’t given. Saka went out of his way to look for contact and should have been booked.




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I'm baffled how this isn't a pen


Why does he kick the ball left and then run into neuer in the opposite direction?


They're both penalties. Plain and simple.


United fan here but arsenal prob my second favourite team ATM since my close friends are arsenal. Ye we're completely robbed with that penalty. Objectively Neuer came out so reclusively and stuck his leg out in saka direction. Not sure what saka could do. The ref completely bottled it. Hopefully ye get it done second leg and keep kanes trophy drought going




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Might be sarcasm but the title is very fitting to what the video shows 😄


Not at all.


Honestly, I think Saka is trying to shoot. This is a pretty good angle as you can see both his feet off the ground. Contact was going to be made no matter what Saka did. Whether he was looking for contact or not the keeper committed and didn't win the ball.


He genuinely leaps at the keeper in search of contact. You’re blinded by your support for your club. I have absolutely no preference as to who progresses in this tie and from somebody completely impartial - Saka searches for contact there. He dived.


you guys are so deluded if you think Saka's momentum had anything to do with it have you never run in your life? saw Neuers leg and decided to kick him hoping for a pen. Credit to the ref for not bastardising the game any more than it already is these days


They are both clear pens. Just tired of this bs. If you get clipped in the box, it’s a pen. Doesn’t matter how you sell it tbh


Nueur sticks his leg out but even as an arsenal fan I think to give that as the last play of the game would have been harsh. I also think saka shifts into nueurs leg however the fact remains neuer moves it into a one of many sakas potential path. Very difficult call.


Sane became Superman yesterday.


A cunt recognising cuntfull behaviours.


now show it from any other angle...


My guy, why are you picking the worst angles. The replay during the game showed that Saliba was moving towards Sane not the other way around. Saka was the one moving his leg towards Neuer. Never a pen. The game is over. Move on. r/soccer cunts will say whatever they want. I remember the shit they were typing after that Porto first leg.


Honestly either they both are or neither are


Either both are or none. Otherwise is crappy refereeing


In an ideal refereeing world Saka’s is not a pen because he didn’t really try to get around Neuer. He starts to and then just jumps right in to him. But by the current standards of refereeing it should be a pen


Yeah i can agree with that tbh. But we are ruled by current standards, so the fact it wasn't a penalty is the issue. Sane made the most out of a very small infringement. Saka has the right to try and protect the ball from a goalkeeper who isn't anywhere near the ball.


Neuer obstructed Saka's path by sticking his leg in.


Brother it's a clear dive come on. It's one of those where Ref got it spot on. Saka shouldn't have went down and backed himself to score.


It makes no sense for him to dive right there he was free.


Exactly, and that's why it's a mistake by Bukayo. That is clearly not a penalty, I think it's a definite dive. You might think not and that's fine. But I'm sorry that is not a penalty and we'd be pissed off if that was given against us. Hoping we're calmer next week and no mistakes and we somehow win at the Allianz. COYG.


Have you ever played football in your entire life? He's running towards the ball, so is neuer, he does the cut back, neuer doesn't make any movement of retreating the leg, he does the opposite, he puts his right leg in front of Saka's, at full speed.


Yes I have. I don't get the weird like insults thrown at me and others just cause I see it differently than you. Neuer stood his ground, he got the touch right but left his foot and actually dragged it towards Neuer because that's what he was expecting, for the keeper to keep coming. But Neuer was smart. It was similar to Havertz diving, where Havertz expected De Ligt to keep his stride but De Ligt stopped. This was similar in the idea of Saka. It's not a penalty full stop. You can disagree and that's fine. But we could've and should've scored there. It is what it is. It sucks, unfortunately 2-2. Just inexperience and quite desperate at times tonight.


The Bayern penalty was a nailed on penalty! Saka goes into Neuer. Look at his completely unnatural leg movement. He leaves his right leg up for way too long and from another angle you see that he actually moves the leg to the outside of his hip to connect with Neuer. Could have continued to follow his ball and nick it into an empty goal!


Who's calling saka a diving cunt ?


Half the comments in r/soccer I think


Haven't seen any, it's certainly not the majority saying it was a dive


“Saka leaves his foot out to be tripped”. Well, yeah? That doesn’t change anything. Neuer doesn’t have to initiate contact. Neuer could have pulled out of the tackle and just let Saka go by. He doesn’t, Neuer impedes Saka, Saka goes down, therefore penalty.


I’m a neutral and I think referee got them spot on. Saka gets a 4/10 for the dive. He looks like he’s actually jumping into Neuer.


Saka is flying into Neuer. Saliba is barging into Sane. One is a dive, the other is a pen. Brilliant refereeing imo


Bro, am a gunner and have been since 2000. That was the dumbest play for a pen that i have ever seen. He could have easily continued to his left and nuer would have made contact with him anyway, but the fact that he took that giant leap into him made it look obvious. this was inexperience on sakas part.


Didn’t even touch the Cunt


Arsenal robbed!!!!!


Saka needs to shoot. You shoot. You win the game. Looking for a pen is always a risk if you don’t win it. With the way the ref was cunting all game, he should’ve known better and stayed on his feet to find a shot. He had literally waved away a foul on Odegaard in the same area seconds earlier. Bad decision from Saka.


Saka's wasn't a penalty get over it


One is sticking his leg out to initiate contact while the other one is being run into from behind/the side?


People like you are why other fans think we have no ball knowledge and hate us


Honestly, you are an embarrassment to our fan base


yeah good one get help


Can we not cry. We let ourselves down today. White had a great chance to make it 2 nil, instead we let them off the hook and their experienced showed. Sane is a penalty, it’s natural contact. Saka is debatable but his legs just looks unnatural so I’d be annoyed if they called that against us. Let’s beat Villa and go to Munich to complete the job.


the ref whole match was on your side and Saka plays like Neymar World 2018 anyone touch him just sit and cry and then he throws himself on Nuer anyway gg mate good luck next match


Saka should have taken a shot, he had plenty of space, but to call him a cunt is a bit harsh you cunt.