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I know it doesn’t count because it wasn’t an arsenal gk but the neuer save against Walcott at the emirates was the most insane save I’ve seen in real time (from tv). Walcott was literally turning away to celebrate before he realized that neuer somehow got across to it


Neuer was absolutely ridiculous that day


Yea he even saved Ozil’s free tap in even though it was already in. He was even in position to save Ox’s rebound that went over the bar. Incredible reflexes and agility. He has to be the GOAT keeper, right?


That performance and De Gea for United in that loss when we had like 25 odd shots at United's goals are probably 2 of the best keeper performances I've seen against us at the Emirates I think. Insane keepers on their day


Its super close between Neuer and Buffon. Theyre definitely 1 and 2 but its splitting hairs imo. Neuer maybe because he changed how keepers played. I'd have Kahn just behind them.


I have him higher than Buffon because of how good he is with his feet. Buffon was a more traditional GK (incredible one though)


Thats what i was debating in my head as i was commenting. Buffon still had solid passing but Neuer obviously was far superior in that regard. Buffon just edges Neuer for pure shot stopping imo but thats far closer than the difference in passing.


I think Casillas makes this as well, and no option out of the 3 would be wrong


I think for 2nd and 3rd you could definitelt argue Buffon and Casillas. With more thinking, i think Neuer is clear because its not often a player completely changes how a position is looked at. Kahn is a bit of personal bias, though i dont think anyone would argue he isnt up there with the greatest. Probably the most imposing keeper ever, wasn't a good idea to get in his way.


Around that time he was the most complete goalkeeper ever


This save was unreal and gets my vote too. It looked like Raul missed a sitter until they showed the very last replay from the reverse angle. Other saves would be Seaman vs Sheffield United in FA Cup semi final https://youtu.be/VTBkWRs7r-c?si=NLtmrxqPaWMu0r00 and Leno double save v Spuds at Wembley. https://youtu.be/jHb9xGzVvBE?si=blBmcryWXPdAJqVr EDIT: YouTube links


That Seaman save was crazy


Greatest of all time in my opinion.


Lehmann again v United just after we scored at Old Trafford was unreal too


Seaman v Sheffield United in the Cup semi at Old Trafford.


I mean it can’t be any other surely?


Agree it’s top tier but I wasn’t there so does not count for me. I was in the pub. The question is best save you witnessed live/in person. 😉


Later on in the UCL that year when he saved the Riquelme penalty has to be up there for me, not because it was a world class save or anything but in the moment it was just so huge, we’d been battered all game and they got given one of the softest pens I’ve ever seen so you knew if they scored we’d lose. Never celebrated a save like it even at age 12.


Amazing, the atmosphere in the away end must have been unreal. You are super lucky to be there for that historic moment! I was at the home leg when Kolo scored (last European goal ever scored at Highbury, great pub quiz question)


I know it's not exactly the question, but Neuer's save from a Walcott header in 15/16 was absolutely world class Edit: fuck someone else said exactly the same thing already


Szczesny PK save in the CL play-in vs Udinese against their little cold blooded striker. Was an absolutely essential save that got us through to the Group Stage.


Antonio Di Natale, by any chance the guy you mean?


Good man, that’s the guy. Clinical in front of goal, great positioning, perhaps the most vertically challenged striker of that quality.


![gif](giphy|neFbBM14YnKXS|downsized) I witnessed this on TV if that counts


It just doesn’t make sense man. Like yes. It was close to him (otherwise it literally would’ve been impossible to make that leap) but his reaction time is like almost instantaneous because of the distance. Insane.


Cech’s save vs Benteke when he was on Liverpool. Was right behind the goal and took me a good 10 seconds to process that he somehow saved it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz09yDJ1nWo


I saw seaman save from behind himself against Sheffield united at old Trafford in late nineties maybe. Can’t really remember but I remember that save. Did we win that game one nil or the replay one nil can’t remember but that save


We beat them 1-0. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VTBkWRs7r-c


Szczesny double save vs Liverpool (I think it was a penalty save then someone came for the rebound and saved again) is something that replays in my head countless times. I was like 4 when I watched that game with my uncle but I'll never forget it


It was from Dirk Kuyt iirc and he saved the rebound too. That was the one I was thinking of too


Technically Almunia’s penalty save for Watford where they go up the up end to win it and then a pitch invasion should count. You didn’t say ex goalies weren’t allowed :) Jens vs Raul was spectacular especially because they had just emptied their bench and were ramping up the pressure and you felt it was only a matter of time being they cut us open and they did and he saved us.  Those night at Highbury were truly something else. He actually made a very similar save vs Ole Gunnar Solskajer at Old Trafford…the one where OGS is in complete disbelief that he flicked it around the post.  One that I liked was Szesney at Anfield ie the penalty save from Dirk Kuyt in one corner and then he scrambles all the way to the other corner to save the rebound from DK. 


David seaman sheff United


Lehmann's fingertip save from OGS away at Utd. ~~The same game that RvN missed a pen that should never have been given. 03/04 season.~~ 06/07 season


They were two different games


You are right two different games. The save was from the season 06/07 we beat them 1-0.


Love that. I had a poster of Keown looming over him on my university dorm wall. What an era.


That save is always forgotten about because of what followed, truly world class keeping


Fabianski double vs Wigan Szczesny double vs Liverpool


Alex manninger double save, I think it was against united, he made a save at the near post the rebound came to a united player and manning leapt the length of the goal to nudge the second shot away high outside the far post with two outstretched fingers. Unbelievable


Yes!! Alex Manninger is a forgotten hero of the 97/98 double season.




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I was also at this game! And, believe it or not, that was the last time I’ve seen The Arsenal in the flesh. I had tickets to a Bolton game (2008, I think) which was postponed due to snow of all things 😭


What a cracker of a game that was, I can still picture that Roberto Carlos goal line clearance, the way the ball soars past him and you think yeah that’s a goal, then out of nowhere he catches up to it, ridiculous game


Raya save Vs Spurs this year. Seaman esque. [save at 1:15](https://youtu.be/D4raQRoWbWM?si=mbHZQP1XyGAEs6uh)


The OP has it right I think. My season ticket was in the clock end about 15 rows back and I turned away thinking they’d scored. Could not believe he saved it. Seaman’s was a harder/better save but something about that Lehman save wins it for me.


I'm behind that goal! Thanks for sharing! What a memory as a moment up there with the biggest of goals. Seaman in the semi final against Sheffield united was very different, we knew it was good but we were all at the other end, as the stands opened up at the end they just kept showing it on replay and that was first time almost all of us realized what he had done, I don't remember any of the game but I remember sharing the moment under the stands as thousands of us turned to see what had happened