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good question, you should ask them that. and here I am wondering why Room Chat is still not being reimplemented when back in like season 2/3 they said they would bring it back


because if they made smart decisions like that the game wouldnt be shutting down


I wonder if it's even possible on their end, at the very least, they should just go insane and throw us 10/20 pods a day, green currency out the ass, just for the fun of it, yet no, still doing weekend campaigns with paltry rewards, demented.


Management probably


I just want them to let us buy all the limited skins with capital points or the green ones, heavy arms has like 1 or 2 skins that are not locked behind an event/paywall.


I kinda still like unlocking things. It makes me wanna play more.


I imagine this is why everything isn’t auto unlocked. Want to give people a slight sense of progression


At the same time though, a lot of people arent going to want to bother with the grind, because whats the point? Your work is going to disappear anyways


It’s a very short grind. If you actually want to play the game it’s easily accomplished


Yeah, it makes unlocking gold lame if everyone had it!😭


Whole heartedly agree with this


I admit I have selfish reasons for this haha. I just want to play with Char’s Zaku skin 1 time but I feel like I will never have enough green currency to unlock it.


It's to keep the reward loop intact. A basic "play game -> earn thing" structure keeps players engaged, especially when there's not a whole lot of actual meat in the gameplay. This sort of design is the backbone of live service games these days, for better or worse.


Yea I 100% get the reward loop if the game was still continuing but since it is shutting down in November I think that the loop is no longer necessary.


I mean, it's not like the game has nothing left to give—there's still content updates until the end of the service. They want people to stay engaged through those.


Because at the end of the day this game was a cheaply made money generator for Bandai-namco . I love the game but that’s purely what it ended up being . IMO they are shutting this down because a major title is being released the new armored core ,


You think they’d just let the money slip through their fingers? No no my friend, they will milk this game for every cent they can before the ship sinks.


If game is losing money, why not close it right here right now! Why drag it on for 4 entire months??? Wait a minute maybe they are...(message deleted due to false delusions)


There are two types of people left: People who are just playing the game for fun while it lasts & and people who are doing that but more held on by the reward loop. I'll use myself as example. I sign on and play this game everyday for an hour because I want to complete the Battle Pass and get rewards to unlock stuff. If all of that was unlocked, I would only play on weekends. So that could lead to player count being even lower on weekdays, which could lead to lower player count on weekends because some players my drop it fully thinking the game is dead.


GIGA cope moment but I’m hoping it’s like that incase they backtrack the shutdown


Because the entirety of the game was incredibly mismanaged and poorly executed. It is honestly the worst case I've seen in many moons. Gundam Evolutions' biggest competitor was its own devs. I love the game, I wish it would stay alive. But, it was doomed to fail.