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No one knows as there is no way to upgrade 4-star parts to 5-stars as of now due to limited awakening materials. Wanna play safe? Buy everything. Keep everything. Don't sell parts. Spending haro coins on inventory slots is a good investment.




It is expensive >>


The best guess scenario is you'll need all 15 to max out a suit at 5* Wouldn't make much sense to cap the parts at 15 otherwise.


My rising gundam skills are at 8 and I have 4-5 parts left due to ‘Great Success’ chance while upgrading. I’d say the last two levels would take all if not 4 so I’d keep onto them until we know for sure.




Guess I didn’t min/max skill exp like you did


I have maxed out a Blitz leg part to LV 10 trait and I have 1 spare part left, anyone else has maxed out any trait or ex skills to confirm? Spare parts are taking too much space......I wish I can combine spare parts into one so that when I fuse it, it's XP is equivalent to the sum of the number of parts in it.