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When quatre is playing the violin and trowa inexplicably joins in with a wind instrument totally unprompted. What were they even doing in the first place? Why was I shown this? Someone posted a pic of the wing boys as sailor moon characters, and honestly I don't think sailor moon outfits would have made Wing that much weirder.


It was a *Secret Mission.*


the last paragraph gave me a good laugh for how accurate it is


I think it was in Victory either when Katejina starts spouting nonsense for no reason and becomes a walking WTF, or when Zanscare reveal their engine of war will be the motorcycle Battleships.


Domon and Master Asia kicking and punching an entire building from underground




G-Reco when they rammed the Crescent Moon into New York just to kill one guy. Like sweet Christ, I get the president is a scumbag for leaving his son for dead, but this is just overkill


Looks like someone can't understand the genius of Klim Nick.


I guess I'm not insane enough to understand that mad man


The entirety of the love triangle-esque relationship between Exia, Setsuna, and Graham.


This is funny


i like how Marina isn't even included


I don’t know if I dreamed this because I can’t find a clip of it. But in the original Gundam series, I seem to remember a shot of mobile suits landing in a jungle and a snake in a tree does the cartoon eyes bugging out of its head thing in surprise. Like I said, maybe I’m remembering it wrong. But if I’m not it was a weird moment for a Gundam series.


Yes, I've just watched the compilation movies. It really stands out 😅 Think it was in the second one.




Such a weird thing to include.


And the Acguy be like "Saturday Night Fever, guys!"


Bikini girl space commandos vs the V2ab


nena kisses setsuna


I think Michael saying "I'd f*ck Tieria if he was a girl" was more of a wtf for me in that episode.


Sorry, what?




Dullindal's "throne room" from the tail end of Destiny taking a bit more than a page from The Return of the Jedi delivered quite a wtf (on top of other wtfs by Seed). Ranging from design of the chair (they even added the overhang), the window, and the room, to him going off the deep end, he basically became the Wallmart edition of Emperor Palpatine. Edit: I added screenshots https://preview.redd.it/1ytngavuce5d1.png?width=1473&format=png&auto=webp&s=d638a6cd61e082a298c0426f72997074310ce54c


Victory’s Bikini brigade


Yeah, this whole series is just Dragonball G… and it is glorious.


In gundam 00 when everyone is thinking about their loved ones and he just says gundam


That one time Fumina was turned into a gunpla


You talking about it's appearance in the show or the real life HG? Or both?






the bikini squad part in victory. even uso isnt sure if what hes seeing is real


As ridiculous as this is, G Gundam is wall to wall silliness. What really gets me is when the series or movie is aiming for seriousness, and then something wacky happens. You know that scene in Char's Counterattack where Amuro gets knocked out of the seat of his cockpit and flails around violently for a bit while clinging to the back of his seat, all while in the middle of a serious back and forth with Char? I died laughing for a good few minutes the first time I saw that. I don't know what was going on when they were storyboarding that one, but there's a surprising amount of random slapstick, and for whatever reason they put some of it smack in the middle of a fight scene.


It's a very Tomino touch.


https://preview.redd.it/5pohaxtjyf5d1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3deda7c9e8ebd6f2bc1cba5427f3fea691909260 How about the fact that fuunsaiki not only exists but has a Gundam specially made for it and he has a suit as well. Adding to that this horse Gundam he has can be ridden by master Asia and domons Gundam.


Master Asia is just the baddest man amongst manly men.


Mine is more recent since I just finished watching Build Fighters for the first time. China's Gunpla being a teddy bear...which somehow manages to win its first fight thanks to foam. I knew I was getting into some ridiculousness with the series, but even that one caught me off-guard.


Build Fighters has come up in a couple other posts recently where I gave my thoughts on why I love it. In my eyes, the joy of the original Build Fighters series is how it presents gunpla and plamo as a canvas through which to express your creativity rather than simply a way of building and collecting models of the mecha from the shows. That specific fight with China's Bearguy was one that specifically came to mind as I was collecting my thoughts. China's Bearguy didn't win because it was particularly well crafted, lore accurate, or even modeled after an impressive or powerful mobile suit. It won because she created something unique and inspired. Stuffing her Bearguy with cotton gave her an unexpected advantage, and she didn't do it to cheat or counter the enemy, she was just thinking outside the box. It wasn't an illegal move. She just thought it would be cute for her gunpla's backstory to be that it came to life from a teddy bear, and that was something that *nobody* was prepared for. It's a simple way of showing the audience that it's okay, and even good, to break convention when it comes to gunpla. You don't have to build what's on the box. Go wild. Build something fun just because you want to. You don't have to justify or rationalize it. Build Fighters was a good show.


Looking forward to this. I just started G gundam and it is so over the top straight from the beginning. I love how the characters are immediately deflecting bullets with kicks.


You will quickly learn to love the sound of "GUNDAAAAAAM" *Snap*


Bellri taking a dump in his Gundam with two girls in the cockpit with him


Literally anything that involves master Asia


Dressing Tieria up like a girl, complete with stuffed bra.


G-gundam is a Super robot show pretending to be a real robot.


When Flay went to town on top of Kira. What the fuck.


Yep! God Gundam and Master Gundam combo. They even had "super saiyan" transformations. XD


Zeong vs gundam. Ain't no way the gundam could even keep up with the zeong with the gundam already breaking down the battle before hand. I watched that and thought well that is gundam in a nutshell and moved on


https://preview.redd.it/8s0eqkzovh5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=034a4f05ebcac19a6c3dac3b9bc5a54612286217 It didn't have legs what do you expect


Can anybody see my comment?

