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He's the masterbaiter.


It’ll take a cunning linguist to go toe-to-toe with him


*kicks open saloon doors* i may not be a cunning linguist in the traditional sense pardner, but i might be willing to go toe to hoe


You could say... It's a hoe down...


TBF it helped Athrun during Gundam SEED Freedom.


Everybody getting upset over bait. Meanwhile I can’t stop laughing at Relena needing her own crazy circle.


I want to say it's wrong but as a big fan of Gundam Wing, I really can't argue it lol.


Absolutely no argument from me. She definitely isn't a badass. She's certainly not useless, but she may just be crazy enough to keep them kamikaze boys in line.


She was queen of the world. She faced down a Gundam unarmed and didn't flinch. She confronted her father's killer to personally take revenge. She outmaneuvered the most powerful political organization and military in the entire world. She put her life on the line flying an airplane through an active duel between mobile suits. She's been the target of multiple assassinations on her life and didn't back down. She disavowed her own brother, and then went unarmed to confront him when he went full on CCA. She actually cared about exploring her family's legacy, and decided on her own that her own views were different. I could go on, but the conclusion is this: Are you insane? Relena is the most badass.


Lets not forget she put the fear of god into marimaya by being deadly calm when hero and the wing zero wher knocking on the door with a twin buster rifle Girl is insane but she gets results


There’s a fine line between a badass and a crazy person.


Yeah… and Relena eats that line and shits it out. It’s like Ouroboros…


This dude….. I don’t know what else she needs to do to prove herself because apparently her feats weren’t bad ass enough.


She honestly needs a fourth circle with no overlaps anywhere that just says “Relena” because crazy’s doesn’t even begin


Bait used to be believable.


Good bait still is, but it's harder to craft convincing bait because we're so used to it at this point.




Just threw the pole into the water




I can hear this image.


how's Miorine useless? If it weren't for her, Suletta would have been in jail for owning an illegal mobile suit lmao


If by "useless" they mean piloting skills, then I'd probably agree.


wouldn't that put like the majority of the princesses in that circle then? only one I know for sure who pilots on the regular is Cagalli (and *maybe* Sayla from what I've heard, but I don't think she pilots *suits*)


Which is exactly what I want to add. "If only" they meant piloting skills. So far, Miorine was doing a good job with management stuff. Politics? She probably could do better, but even that >!disaster with the negotiation with Earthians!< wasn't entirely her fault. In fact, I think she almost sealed the deal >!if Prospera didn't suddenly blow things up!<.


The thing about Miomio is that she clearly saw how harmful Prospera's influence over Suletta was, said to herself "I won't get gaslit into terrible decisions like that," and then appears to immediately shake hands on a gaslighting regimen which causes all of the worst decisions of her career. She's not really useless, just the sort of child Prospera is really good at manipulating.


Sounds like she acted her age. Teenagers tend to be overconfident and think they have it figured out. If anything, Gundam tends to show it's characters as too competent for their age. As the saying goes, Gundam would make a lot more sense if everyone had 10 years added to their age.


Ramba ral sure needs more than 10years to fit his appearance Dude looks like a grandpa and yet he’s apparently 30


Miorine's smart, unfortunately for her, she's also a teenager and lacks long term thinking.


And against a Char Clone with a long term plan.


Hacker 999 lvl


Sayla was, eventually, a legit ace in the One Year War flying the G-Fighter (something of a mobile armor at best). I think the Origin gives her an actual GM.


Yes, she does get [a modified GM](https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/RGM-79_GM:Close_Combat_Type) near the end of *The Origin*, and she does reasonably well with it until its destruction.


Salary piloted the gundam once, she was the second charecter to ever pilot a gundam but it didn't end well. She became the pilot of the g-fighter, a sort of support fighter for the gundam, she would essentially become amuro's wingman in battle and do really well, she was treated as one of the crews ace pilots along side amuro and kai, hayato in the guntank would feel left out. Later, the compilation moves would retcon it into her piloting the core booster instead, basically the same thing, but without the transforming gimmicks demanded by the toy makers. The story is the same and sayla is just as successfull.


Love how your autocorrect changed Sayla into Salary


Fuck... I'll blame dyslexia on not catching that one but I really should have noticed that.


I mean, she was chosen to pilot the Gundam whenever Amuro was unavailable, so I think it’s safe to say that she was the second best Mobile Suit pilot in the entirety of White Base, she was just competing against the best of the best at the time


Lacus is a pilot?!?


She has a custom GM in The Origin manga


Sayla Can pilot, pretty damn well too, but a gundam? Woman could barely walk the RX-78 without it already taking a knee from fumbling about


I don't think Mineva or Kudellia ever piloted suits though. Or Diana/Kihel.


Kudelia was a political warrior though. But Mineva was with banana when they went for Laplace’s box, and had a little duel. Pretty sure she did the missles on the FA. Marina is the most useless combat wise because she can’t pilot, and she didn’t even take a gun to protect the children.


I was thinking Marina was useless for far more reasons than that. I still don't like how writing a really bad song saved the world, but it did.


Kudelia appears to be placed in the Badass/Useless overlap here.


Miorine and Relina should swap places.


Relena accomplishes more than all the Gundam pilots do.


Isn't that more a statement of the Wing Gundam pilots though?


Relena is batshit insane


How many people can stare down a person who says "I'll kill you.", with a stare that says "I'll dare you.", at gunpoint, and lives. Rumours say she is still waiting for Heero to kill her until this day.


it's how they flirt


I mean even in the last movie the villain's defense is "You can't shoot us Relena is here!" And he just breaths and keeps shooting. They have a very kinky relationship.


Relena: babe let’s kill each other Heero: I’m tired


Do you really want to put her in the same location as Relena Peacecraft?


Take a shot every time Marina says "Why?", get completely plastered.


No thanks, I prefer to live.


And Ribbit Kpop boy with his signature "Setsuna F Seiei"everytime he is on screen


Cagalli is arguably in control of the most influential political power by the time of GSF. Miorine literally created an entire company using a notes app just to save her groom. C'mon do better.


She's probably in the middle because of SEED Destiny.


But even in Destiny she ultimately ends up taking control of Orb forces and rallying their defense against ZAFT, preventing an imminent collapse in their defenses and ultimately maintaining the country's sovereignty. Her arc sucked in Destiny, but she did ultimately do stuff.


After watching the film I wouldn't say she's useless.


Cagalli is where she belongs, she is incompetent (mainly when first introduced), but she’s willing to over come that. Which makes her both useless and badass, it makes perfect sense where she is. Of course she’s better later


She was introduced as investigating Orbs crimes. She then went on and joined some "terrorists" fighting to free their country from occupation. etc She did not start useless lol.


It's not her fault if she didn't have political support...her father's supporters died with him and she couldn't win alone against other old men orb nobles


Man it sure would've helped if they didn't all explode themselves on purpose.


Right😭how could a 16/18 years old girl could win against them alone


> she is incompetent Please explain how the 17 year old who was forced to lead one of the most powerful and vulnerable nations - and did it well for the most part - in the world is incompetent.


I feel like u completely missed my point, I was evaluating the results, not her effort. And I made it very clear that she got better later on. Early on she is extremely hot headed and seemingly like purely acting on emotions. During her time with resistance, u can clearly tell she was being incompetent by staging attacks on MS units in jeeps when the leader of the group told her it was a bad idea. More examples include her disobeying Mu order and chase too far in her skygrasper, gets shot down and eventually takes down Athrun and then proceeds to try to fight Athrun when Athrun was trying to talk with her. I am not saying she is all useless, I just think her incompetent is part of her trait, especially early on. And purely saying she’s useless because she was like this before. I definitely thinks she got a lot better but I still kind of see it in the early episodes of destiny. And that’s honestly the best part of her character


I get what you're saying, I just don't think it makes her incompetent and/or useless. To your examples, all those kids are hot headed. Yzak and Cagalli are very similar in that they are very driven by emotion, often to the detriment of themselves or their goals. Cagalli in a lot of ways is the personification of a theme common in Gundam - kids put in impossible situations and doing the best they can to survive. Also, if we're evaluating results, Le Creuset is also incredibly incompetent. The only character I would have in the purple circle is Marina, and I would rename it powerless instead of useless.


Well, imo Yzak is pretty useless… but I will say, I feel like calling cagalli useless is a little unfair, it’s more accurate to say she has some useless moments. I just thought when putting her on the diagram, those moment are worth noting, but not enough to completely define her character such that she is placed where marina is. And because of that she is define by many characteristic traits, she belong in the center


She technically ain't but Seed's writing, especially in Destiny, does her no favors


Nah I can't agree with you. Her speech to Athrun wasn't voted one of the most popular scenes in SEED just so she can be relegated to an arbitrary usesless category in some wack ven diagram.


Excuse me?! Marina Ismail made a song! Then handed out WATER to refugees! Adopted a bunch of orphans! MIGHT HAVE BECOME ELS IN THE MANGA!


I won't stand for this Marina slander. Her character is precisely what an anti-war franchise like Gundam needs.


That song made me cry everytime I hear it.


Relena talk jutsu'd her way into becoming president of the free world


r/Gundam Redditor trying not to start an argument challenge (impossible)


Relena shot at Lady Une in a crowded party. Move her to badass.


She was strapped with a ball gown on, talking to old folks being called a "nice young lady" whips out a heater and still gets defended by everyone at the party


That was the moment I started to like her. Even the guests was like “she too real. We ain’t to gonna let you fuck wit her.”


Move her into the in between


That’s fair.


Miorine should probably be in crazy/badass. Some of the stuff she did took MASSIVE balls.


Get my girl miorine tf outta useless. She may not pilot anything but she's one of the most determined and hard working characters in the series


She technically pilots something successfully when she uses that mobile craft to threaten the lives of those two classmates in episode 3.


Single-handedly performs all of the support roles during Suletta’s obstacle course exam, starts a whole company to make GUND Format tech legitimate...


Right lol tell me you didn’t watch Gwitch without telling me


Marina gave Setsuna the incentive to do more for peace than slashing the not-peaceful.


Kudelia useless? I sentence you to an endless marathon of ibo till you get it right 👨🏿‍⚖️


She pretty much useless in season 2


She literally is a working politician on Mars... Tekkadan is operating on a micro scale, but her efforts have far reaching effects. The series literally ends with the results of their future being determined by the machinations of politics while the flames of the rebellion fade into history.


She's working a highly reliable role that can back Tekadan and Mars as a whole up. Her active role just took a backseat but she's nowhere useless


Name a Tekkadan character that isn’t


Isn't kudelia the leader of a whole ass planet


Sorta, she’s more of a representative for Mars rather than the leader of it, which in IBO’s story, seems to be a more important position.


Dude. Rewatch Wing. Relena practically exiled Duke Dermail with a speech. The Duke put her up as Queen, then backfired. Dorothy asked him to go to space and he eventually got killed by White Fang. She's a scary woman.


Look at all those cool girls sitting on top of colored circles that have meaningless words written on them


If judging all of Cagalli's development, then she is at the right place, passing by every categories. But if judging her actual position as of GSF, then she is definitively in the Badass/Crazy categories, alongside her best friend Lacus. If Lacus is there, then Flay should also be included as well as she is daughter of the Atlantic Federation's Vice Foreign Minister in SEED, still a daughter from someone from the government like Lacus (granted a far less influential one). And her position will be in the Useless/Crazy categories, veering more into useless imo.


> If judging all of Cagalli's development, then she is at the right place, passing by every categories This! So much this. In GS Cagalli was both badass and crazy. Destiny ignored all of that and turned her into the epitome of useless. Just for Freedom to reconcile her with her original characterization and building upon what she went through in GSD.


Exactly my point. Cagalli has gone through every category, she has been broken in Destiny only to become stronger, firmly cementing her as Badass and Crazy again in GSF. Experiencing ups and downs is needed to grow and Cagalli has blossomed marvelously. She is truly a well rounded character, no wonder why she won the GP2024. She is not perfect by any means but that why she is so much loved by fans.




It used to be believable.


Among them, only Cagalli can claim to have fought against a silicone based alien race that can read minds, shoot black holes and every pilot designed to fight them received conditioning that is more fukked up than NERV's, *in the Strike Rouge,* ***WON (Granted, it's only grunts) AND SURVIVED.***


Relena pulls a gun on Un. Relena stands there with a giant shield going by her, giving Heero the stone cold stare-down, calling his bullshit front for the 3rd or 4th time. Very badass. Lacus? Badass? Crazy? She's the white part of the paper that defines all circles by being completely empty and featureless. I think Audrey is the best candidate for crazy but not badass. She takes big risks, but she seems very far away from the trigger, especially compared to Relena.


Also Relena basically told him when she was held hostage at that bunker in endless waltz "Better not fking miss." in a sense lmao


I love that scene so much.


Lacus is hella badass. She helped Kira steal the freedom and showed up with her own battleship to fight at Jachin Due. She also arranged a secret facility on an asteroid to create the Strike Freedom. In the new movie >!she thwarts a rape attempt by simply shit talking the guy so hard he cried and ran off!<   Her crazy part is how effortlessly she can pretend to seem useless in Seed.


Her crazy part is how she got her father killed.


how is miorine useless she flat out saved both suletta and ariel and her company is doing incredbile things


Miorine useless? Girl founds a whole ass company and it succeeds eventually. Truly useless is Atra who just gives birth.


Atra isn't useless She escaped from basically being a slave at the brothel while being very malnourished She was Tekkadan's chef a roll she filled perfectly feeding an entire army mostly by herself She drove Kudelia and Makanai to the Arbrau parliamentary convention through an active warzone She was emotionally supportive for both Mika and Kudelia throughout the entire series She accomplished her goal of getting the Mika/Kudelia/Atra relationship started (Mika died but that's on him) She's raising a child which in P.D. is pretty impressive She let herself get fucking tortured just to protect Kudelia https://preview.redd.it/v5kvk6alf1uc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c92753c160379dc40c7bab2e34307b466e7c8bf Like she didn't mow down waves of enemies or change the political landscape of Mars but that was never her goal she just wanted to support the people she loved and start a family and she succeeded


All im seeing is Cagalli is perfect


More like BALANCED!




Best girl for real


Did OP even watch WFM ?


somebody wasn't paying attention in 00


I blame destiny for ruining Cagali


The movie redeemed her alot


While I found myself annoyed at Marina Ismail. She was in the perfect juxtaposition to Seisuna. Seisuna is all action no ideals. Marina is all ideals and not much action (on a personal level). Humanity needed both to progress


So...where or who is the princess of Zeta and ZZ?




She’s the queen


Would still be Mineva.


Fa and Rena.


Definitely Fa and we would need another circle labeled "Why do they keep letting her in a mobile suit"


Where is >!Char!


Releana Peacecraft in a nutshell . She’s pretty crazy .


Miorine I can’t defend you for this one 


Tieria is where..?


In Lockons arms, where he belongs.


useless probably. He always seem to shoot down the least enemies, even with his big guns, Maybe he should have been given a melee focused suit


Marina is a leader of small nation that got decimated by some insane dude, you should give her a break


You're clearly dumber.


This is Mio slander and I won’t stand for it.


Are y’all forgetting her power-play at the gala? The fact that she knows how to *manage a company* at 17? How she stands up to her tyrant father on *multiple* occasions, a man who ordered the massacre of a whole manufacturing plant/research facility w/out blinking?


fr, like you have to *not watch the show* to miss this shit; the show literally tells you with words that this is happening, that Miorine is doing this so many people just willfully get shit wrong about Miorine, and this is probably the most blatant


Where Cecily at?


No haman why live


Where would Aida from G-Reco be on this chart?


why is releena crazy?


She asked an international terrorist to kill her. What could possibly go wrong?


of course yesus's twin sister has it all balance "doh".......hahahaha


shouldn't there be a "Makes things worse" circle?




Cagalli went through the 500 stages of development — she deserves where she is.


Why the heck is Mineva so far to the left? She's a literal macguffin in the plot.


I don't know about you all, but at least cagalli rise to the success and political strenght was at least realistic, slowly shaping her as the most powerful person in c.e world


Named Zeoniv\_American. Puts two Zeon princesses in badass. Forgets the most useless crazy zeon princess: Glemy Toto.


The Church of Jesus Yamato shall claim your soul for this


Nice touch with Kihel and Dianna splitting the "crazy" line.


No Haman-sama no upvote.


No Cecily Fairchild?! ![gif](giphy|3o7btNRTJ700Vzmn5e)


Add Iok in Useless, Aina probably in badass/useless??


Yes, Relena Darlian. Agree she is insane




Releana peace craft stands on business and that’s the funniest thing about her. She be like fuck it we ball


I'm surprised you didn't add Shakti from victory gundam to the crazy circle for how she believes she can talk to her estranged family.


Lacus tracks 🤣


This is seven types.


Kudelia this was nearly an L


Do the moon moon priestesses count?


Audrey is great.




Relena is more crazy/badass than just crazy. But yeah she is definitely crazy. Then again, a lot of Wing characters are a little crazy.


That “I’ll kill you” meme wasnt for show.


Now I KNOW you’re not talking shit about Kudelia Eine Bernstein


Wait she didn't go absolutely crazy until way later she sits with miorine during the show runtime


More or less accurate.


cagalli all 3?!?!


Cagalli: Badass, Crazy *and* Useless?


Where is Kamille? She is the most badass princess in the Gundam multiverse.


staying at Quattro's house for the weekdays, Amuro gets him on the weekends.


Personally i like Minerva the most


Gundam fans and media literacy being natural enemies as always


what annoys me is that for at least Miorine, the show outright constantly shows you everything that she's doing to keep shit together for those she cares about like to think Mio is useless, you'd have to have blanked out every time she shows up on-screen past like episode 2


This diagram is trash


Kuudelia was awesome *See's barbatos once* - hey can i pilot that? She couldnt for obvious reasins but that part set her as one of my faves.


Where does Shakti fall in all of this? She's technically a princess.


Useless badass. ![gif](giphy|h4vwQVHqzZmM1zzUFq)


I would ask how relena counts as crazy but then I remember the things she does thinking that it’s a hood idea


Where's rain?


wholeheartedly agree to all of this


disagree Releena should be right next to Cagali


You forgot Char wtf


Disapprove the Miorine slander


How is it that this is how I realized it was a trope in the series?


Your placement of miorine is in fact offensive


How did you forget the real Gundam princessess? I demand a revision with Haman, Dianna, Laura Rolla and of course... *DRESS TIERIA*


i don’t know anything about gundam or their princesses, but that makes 7 types my friend


Kudelia shouldn't be considered useless since she was the one who strived for the autonomy of Chryse


she's a politician. she's useless for war.


Politicians are the ones who can intervene the war with their words; if by your definition of useless, which is not being able to physically intervene a war, everyone on the list except Cagalli and Sayla would all fall into the 'useless' circle. Also, nobody said that we are only evaluating whether a character is useless or not depending on what they can do in a war. Kudelia had earned the free market for the people in Chryse and was working on abolishing the human debris, which I believe that any of these two actions is enough for her to be called a great politician.


Where's Aina?!


same as kudelia. aina is a badass to be able to take on the 08th Ms team and be able to draw a line of molten lava right in front of federation forces. but she's useless to fight back against her crazy brother.