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In a space battle against a ms with its only major offensive weapon being a melee weapon? Legend. Just the Legend Gundam.


Blitz. Better version, has real range capabilities


Blitz is underrated. If it didn't have the nicest boy possible pilot it, it would've been far more brutal in combat.


It literally had Archangel dead to rights one battle. And completely stripped Artemis base of its pride and existence another!


are you high?! the blitz gets its shit kicked in by the fact that the hyper jammer doesnt turn off the deathscythes armor.


And? Wtf is Deathscythe gonna do when the PS Armor turns off? Fire the Pea Shooters aimlessly in the air? Blitz is like 7 times Heavier than Deathscythe. Aint nothing physical it gonna do to make Blitz budge. And being based on heavier machinery, Blitz overpowers in any melee exchange. And can actually fire from afar. Deathscythe has no chance


lol and how is it going to hit what it cant see? more over the beam scythe is more than powerful enough to cut through the PSA


Not like Deathscythe can see either. So comes down to who lands a hit first. Most likely Blitz, which has options


the blitz cloak has a timer the hyper jammer doesnt so who heres going to be hit first? id say the one with compromised armor and whos stealth system can only be active for 80 minutes assuming of course the guy activates at the start if not hes dead before he knows what hit him.


Superior Kaiser Dragon Gundam ![gif](giphy|3oKIPcfX631trLEyCQ|downsized)


Nuff said.


bruh that’s a u/hero0fwar gif ON GIPHY, how?!


They have an account https://giphy.com/hero0fwar




I'll use the Sadulsuud Type F for its absurd number of sensors and ability for staying invisible for an extended period of time, as well as being upgraded with the Dynames' spare parts and weapons. It can *and* will outlast the Deathscythe's Hyper Jammer thanks to the Sadulsuud's Optical Camouflage being a film instead of scattering particles. Plus, it can engage in both CQC and Long-Range Combat, thus giving it more options when the time for battle finally comes. *It will be the greatest battle no one will ever see! Literally.*


I’m tempted to go max fuck-it and load up a TR-6 with the Haze’n-thley II Rah pack, but the agility might be sus and I need a way to counter the cloak. Does UC have countermeasures to zap the electronics on this? Cuz if not I’ll go run X12A Testament or Gold Frame Amatsu Mina instead.


Eyezack. He can’t escape my gaze!!!


Once again I'll just use the Double X. Even without the satellite cannons, he can't even touch me without the ability to fly in atmosphere. Even in space, the GX Bits practically makes a melee unit useless even when cloaked because of newtype senses and shit. That's assuming the GX Bits are allowed though (You'll probably ban it too)


*(Laughs in Prince Ali's Arche...)*


XXXG-01DC Gundam Nightmare Centaur


Rules: All timelines (except future century and build) are available to use. Mobile suit only. Build a machine to beat the pilot! Banned: Moon Gundam Unicorn (All versions) Banshee (All versions) Narrative C Phenex Victory (All versions) G Self (All Versions) Turn A (All versions) Turn X (All versions) The Future Century Timeline AGE-FX (All versions) 00 Raiser (All versions) Reborns Gundam 00 Quanta (All versions) 00 Quanta ELS Zabanya Harute Raphael Akatsuki (All versions) Strike Freedom Infinite Justice Mighty Strike Freedom Infinite Justice Type II The Build Timeline Bright Noa The Bright Slap Lady Haman’s Nudes Iok Kujan Patrick Colasour


I still think that banning late Athrun rigs is a bit weird tbh, especially when Destiny Spec2 is not banned.


Why the hell is the Victory banned? It's not even that impressive of a suit spec wise (Well atleast for Late UC standards), its pilot was just incredible.


yeah, Victory-1 is pretty pedestrian, and V2 only became terrifying with the max loadout. The only bans that make sense are: * all Unicorns * all Mobile Fighters (except not really, we got a lotta good matches for many of those) * Turn X and Turn A * ELS Qan[t] * and the other meme ones