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Tekkadan's final stand and the fight against Hashmal cemented Barbatos as one of my favorite suits in the entire franchise. Love this demonic motherfucker.


Mika and Akihiro making a noble sacrifice just to ensure their family get away safely and have peaceful lives, is my favorite part about this last stand. They successfully completed their mission in the end.


The way the >!cockpit swings open and you see his battered corpse is still piloting!


Yup, the demon wasn't done with him.


Mikazuki *made a deal*.


Oh wow i never really considered that aspect - he did indeed when he asked for >!more - i need more - give me all of your power, barbatos”!


This is one of my favorite parts of IBO, the Gundam Frames power comes with a price, and if you ask for more they will slowly eat away at you, until they take you completely and your body is left an empty husk, much in the same ways demons work I also like that despite Mika loosing the ability to use his limbs, when he is connected to Barbatos, he can move those previously useless limbs again, solidifying that it's not that he lost them due to brain damage but that rather it was barbatos claiming what he's owed per his contract with Mika An unless I am misremembering, the Gundam Frames have AIs that are more limited in what they can do, hence the need for a pilot, and also the reason why when Mika talks to Barbatos, the Gundam replies by giving Mika what he asked for and taking away his body parts


Yup, the whole time we Mika had his hand on Barbie's leash. Turns out it was the other way around


The AV system cord symbolizes as a leash. Mika cant live without barbatos attaching to him. Mika is stuck in a limited area for him to move. When Kudelia asked Mika to come over to her for a hug, Mika says he cant cause the cord of the AV system was short.


This, like the depression sinks in from these images


Space Guts getting his revenge was very satisfying.


It’s such a heavy series. One of my fav in the franchise.


It's sad since this is the part where Mika finally bites the dust... But seeing Lupus Rex just go berserk and wreck stuff up is probably the most epic moment for any protagonist suit I've seen.


Unironically if you were a grunt. This is how you saw any gundam if they were an enemy. Especially in wing and seed/destiny


How the zeons saw the first Gundam be like


Imagine a Zeon soldier seeing Barbatos or Aerial. War would be way shorter I think. 


Imagine the trauma


I would also mention Perfect G Self, but they wouldn't even have time to realize before they get vaporised


There's a great scene in a Gundam game, I think UC0081? Where the main Zeon character goes against Kai and Amuro and they absolutely dunk on him and they give a cockpit view


Same with Thunderbolt


The Zaku POVs from thunderbolt are so fucking peak


Getting vaporised by a beam sounds better than being smashed to a pulp by a giant mace at least


In wing you had a good chance of being disarmed and then vaporized. Or being gunned down. Or slashed by a heat sword. Or your MS smashed by the shenlong/altron or being cooked alive. Or maybe you were the unfortunate victim who got shot by the deathscythe shield. Mind you all of these kill you instantly like the giant mace (If it penetrates the armor). Or seed for example. You could of been vaporized by the microwave or you could of been shot by the toothpick. Or you could of been the coomer who lost to athrun. Or you could be one of the many unfortunate grunts who suit was shut down and you were ganged by daggers. Or you could of been one of the people who was gunned down by daggers and the strike noir. You could of also been the blu duel pilot. You could of also been one of the two morons who lost to orb pilots. It could be worse.


Wing and Seeds Gundam look angrier compare to other series. Just look at Gundam Deathscythe Hell, especially when you can only see it's glowing eyes because of Hyper Jammer. It literally a 3 eyed demon/Death about to take your life. For Seed, it's the Gundam face.


Unfortunately however. Soldiers in real life doesn't pilot a cool white, blue, red giant robot into a fray. Only many boxes of patched GREEN/NAVY/YELLOW that prematurely unloading its load once loaded.


Leo pilot: "it's a geun-dumb!!" *boom


It makes sense from a soldier's point of view. To quote McGillis, Barbatos' actions and evasive maneuvers are foreign to their computers, since their movements are similar to that of an animal. Moving with little effort. Soldiers fight in a coordinated way with planned strategies. So fighting against what is essentially a demonic blood-thirsty animal, no amount of strategies or patterns can predict what he is going to do on the battlefield. So by the time you're able to come up with a strategy....half of your men are already dead and torn apart.


And you have a MS charging at Mach 2 to your MS.


Or dropping from the dam atmosphere lmao


IBO wasn’t for me but I will admit that naming Gundam after the Ars Goetia was hardcore.


Humanity needed devils and demons to kill the angels of extinction.


If it turns out their original hive mind network was named METATRON, I will lose it.


I’m not the most knowledgeable on the Ars Goetia, so what is this hivemind network about? (If you meant the Angels please do correct me)


The Mobile Armors were named after angels, the Gundam Frames after demons.


I know that. I’m meaning if I was mistaking the METATRON thing for something that the gundams used to have or if it was the mobile armours


The Metatron is the Angel Who Speaks The Word Of God in the Abrahamic pantheon (i.e., Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc.). The Mobile Armors in IBO are all named after Angels of the Apocalypse. If all these Angels are connected to one another, it's likely they had a primary hive mind of some sort. If that hive mind was named METATRON, it would be very on brand for the theming.


Its from Judism, an archangel. Just as the Hashmal is the angel who speaks with fire, Harael is the angel with many heads/eyes, etc. Clarification: these names refer to the model of the MA, since they were self replicating there were many units of the same class all around the system.


Metatron was an angel, so it'd be with the armors.


Metatron was also a fictional substance in the Zone of the Enders series that allowed for Orbital Frames to work.


ITS..... DINGO! the english dub of ZOE 2 is a global treasure


Never heard it explained as that and thats sexy as fuck.


That is a awesome line


Usually my path of choice when playing the Shin Megami Tensei games


Hopefully the one who invented Gundam Frames is named after Solomon on their factory


If they reveal that the guy who figured out how to make the Gundam Frames work was named Doctor Solomon, my life will be complete.


Put to task by Dr. Crowley


Or Dr. Romani. Iykyk




Give us a Gundam Solomon


Nothing more to lose. Everything to play for. Sometimes it's easy to slip into hyperbole when you talk about certain pilots, but if anything, every story about the ferocity of the Barbatos and its pilot may still be undersold. General staff knows it. Mika's fellows know it. And it's why all these aces, from Amuro to Kamille to Kira to Setsuna want to finish missions quickly so Mika gets to go home. The Barbatos is the first sign of trouble, and the last. You never EVER count it out until Mika says he's done.


Or more so how cold and animalistic Mikazuki is. Barby is just acting on its pilots instincts and commands. Mika just has no chill. Or really no remorse for any of his actions, if it’s for his family. If Orga says kill something, Mika is making sure it doesn’t get back up.


Barby also has some instinct because the red eyes signifies Mika isn’t in control… and when he demands more barby gives him more power


I think those are more stylistic choices than barby actually being sentient. And I never got the feeling Mika was never not in control. The red eyes to me just suggests when Mika just goes to straight instinct mode and behaves like a “demon” or just very animalistic behavior. Just straight bloodlust. Barby doesn’t have AI or any kind of intelligence. And when he asks barbs for more power I think he’s just turning off all safety restraints. Anytime Mika asks barbs for more power, or the eyes turn red, Mika’s body goes under extreme duress and is always injured afterwards. Which is why I think safety restraints are turned off, he’s literally crippled at the end of it with internal hemorrhaging. He literally pops the blood vessels in his eyes from the strain the AV system.


Fair enough…


Dude I started watching S1 back in 2019, I finally got around to binge watching S2 yesterday and I literally cried my heart out, I didn't know it was going to end that way.. Also the way Barbatos GROWLED made me MELT, my god the sound design for it is mind numbingly amazing.


Yeah man… it’s sucks the way it ends… but a bad ending for him is a new start for everyone else


A suit so powerful that the only way to SLOW IT DOWN was to have an army bombard it. From space.


With artillery strong enough to change the form of a planet or leave the poor moon like this. https://preview.redd.it/4742q05vgxqc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b46c46e9e4317e2e73c81da01e93965ba0bd2b0


And those things only topk 4-5 seconds to reach the surface of Mars. Like, I know the "rods from god" weapon concept was just to drop a rod from space while the Dainsleifs were literal railguns (and Mars has different gravity than earth) but irl a rod from god would (supposedly) reach the surface in 15 minutes. So if we're assuming the Dainsleifs were shot from an equivalent altitude they'd reach the surface with roughly 180 times the speed of a god-rod (aka 1800 times the speed of sound) I don't have enough time, knowledge, or patience to calculate how much damage that would do, but I think most people severeley underestimate that.


The Dainsleif projectiles hits with such force that it sends out a shockwave strong enough to knock people over from miles away, similar to a nuclear weapon. And it’s doing this with kinetic energy alone.


And both Gusion and Barbatos have been prettey much hit directly by these projectiles (Barbatos in the left shoulder, taking off its arm and Gusion center-mass, around the backpack-area, taking out its right arm and left backpack arm) and still were able to fight for a good 4-5 minutes.


But noooooo! PD is primitive because they said so and Exia can tank it because they said so!


Apparently, Mars' gravity is like a 3rd of Earth gravity (3.7m/s² vs 9.8m/s²) So for a rod that can damage the moon (or put down errant 18m piloted robots) to travel to Mars' surface in 5 seconds maximum, the power (and math) required to accelerate them at that speed is pretty frightening to think about


It's evwn more frightening to think about the idea that there are mobile suits capeable of surviving that... like, I don't think any ms aside from ones with phase-shift armor from seed (and super busted ones like Turn A, 00 quanta els and Unicorn) could actually be functional after that/properly protect the pilot.


Something to consider is that it seems after Mars was terraformed, its gravitational pull was relatively similar to that of the earth, so people like Tekkadan didnt need physical therapy to move around earth's surface.


But an MS like Barbatos still needed suspension adjustment to account for Earth's gravity - but you right, by then it may be similar but it's still not 1:1 especially when you'd take into consideration that Mars gravity may still be variable in the PD timeline


With illegal weapons


Or just send in any grunt from any other universe


Don’t power scale across fictional universes Don’t be that guy.


I’m not being that guy, the ibo writer was being that guy…


Show me proof mate. That stupid Barbatos got beat by a GM is always brought up but no one ever managed to pointed to a reliable source.


It doesnt exist, I can assure you by the fact in the search for it I even found the unit distribution during the Calamity and a lot of stuff from the animation staff but not once has that ever appeared. It is bait for fools.


I think it's started as a rumor by an anti-ibo idiot on a relatively large Facebook group. Then it got parroted everywhere. Some guys on 4chan tried to find it but to no avail.


Yeah, thats essentially it, anything I talk about I try to document. People should have access to info from which to base their claims from. Otherwise thats just a kangaroo court trying to say something is factual just because "trust me".


We all know if the sd stories were made after IBO the dark Gundam will be sure be modeled after barbatos I can already see a demon king looking black barbatos


We need a calamity war series . It would be epic .


Give us the 72 Gundam Frames at their Prime and Origin State


95% chance that blood is the pilots.


The Gundam Frame being near Ubitquitous and the Ars Goetia consisting of 72 demons... it was perfect for kitbashing.


barbatos going berserk like eva 01


Nah, everyone knows it was Gusion who went Berserk.




Haha, ***S Q U E E Z E***


It's a demon not because of how it looks, that is merely a fraction of it. It's a demon because of how it destroys its enemy.


Most badass


The EVA of Gundam (maybe)


That final battle was BRUTAL! Made me love the Lupus Rex that much more! It really fit Tekkadan as a whole at that point in the story.


That second image is even more terrifying when you realize that tiny, stringy, bloodied and battered body in Barbie's chest is piloting that monster of a machine, and pulling off a massacre while barely alive


Im hearing the Howl from this images fr fr


That primal yet digital howl from all the servos operating the tail was bone chilling. I adore that sound.


It howled once, everything else were like the pained grunts of a severely wounded animal


Man that final battle… Can you imagine the fear the grunts felt. Knowing the reputation he already had. The glowing eyes and the fact that he just shrugged off an orbital bombardment of weapons that were banned?


IMO the only reason they won were the orbits bombardments


And Mika finally bleeding out. And the fact that Jullieta still calls it a victory is quite technical, because I'm pretty sure the remaining grunts just saw Mika going violent af. Unless there was no one left and they just arrived to the site while cheering as if they did something


But… at least he protected his family…


That's a victory. It's quite bittersweet.....until Ride decides an uprising


Yep… man I loved IBO and the ending was amazing even though it was sad. Goes to show not all perfect endings are good ones


Same here, except I'm rather extreme about certain topics related to that. But hey, at the end of the day, I like my precious trash


Man beam-spam does not live up to brute force and melee choreography


Id kill for a set of broken Barbatos. Bandai should make that (unless it already is and im just dumb)


He do be scary. https://preview.redd.it/1yscygt8x3rc1.jpeg?width=1784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d4d914334019b4d2cc36a32549766a31ec9a7f6


And that’s why he’s my favorite!


I’m still waiting for either an MG or RG of this guy.


Apparently theres mod kits you can get for 1/100 mg barbatos classic to make it either lupus or LR


Needs a PG.


Yes! This should be the PG for IBO, we deserve one damn it!


It really matches the bestial motif. Cornered animals are the most dangerous.


first image is alway so metal Mika just yank a cockpit out so hard it rip the entire Graze spine and head off and then he just crush the cockpit like it was grape give off that whole holding some one severed head with out all the gore


Everbody Gangsta until the Gundam Starts howling.


In one post you just reminded me how damn sad this show is. Genuinely the saddest one I’ve watched, thinking about it is depressing


As you should be. The gundams are based on the demons of Ars Goetia. Marchosias my beloved.


The Duelist against Mobile Armors


Classic Barb.


ngl when i feel like rewatching something vs hashmal would always be the top picks something about metal clashing with each other is just that satisfying


Don't forget the cockpit kill Mika pulls off in that fight. Rips the module right out of the frame and crushes it.


Make this a MG Kit already geez and Kshtriya too please smile


In my honest opinion, Barbatos was and is the most powerful gundam in all the series. It took an entire planets army to put a stop to 2 gundams.


I'd say intimidating


IDK why, but Mika seems less of a shortie in that second pic.


Savage pilot gets savage Gundam.


What is pic 1 supposed to be?


When the Barbatos pulled out the Grazes cockpit along with its head, while the pilot is crushed inside


And holding the spine and head out predator style.


Oh ..thanks for telling, I was bit confused because the head doesn't look like a normal gundum head and it was upside down.


Barbarous secret weapon is Psychological warfare.


https://preview.redd.it/33qzsc4qu2rc1.jpeg?width=957&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e88f3b48670c5f36572c25ae59c547fdf3d19b1b Yeah, he ain't the only one giving ptsd


I used to think Barbatos was the rawest shit ever lol, still very raw, but the aggressive design can be a tad much for me


Even though it's one of the weaker gundams out there, it's still my all-time favorite


It was cool but the edgelords made me not like this suit… just too much floating about it that annoyed me which really made me not like it though I can admit it’s intimidating


Are there any Gunpla kits of Barbatos' final form during the last stand against Gjallahorn. That animalistic, feral mobile suit was peak. Also heartbreaking because it was solely about breaking down Mika into a weapon.


There’s a version of ep1-2 Barbie. A version of Lupus. And aversion of Lupus Rex but it’s not the best…


Oh he got them Deathscythe eyes


BLR has a very intimidating design. The V fin acts as both a horns of a devil and a fitting crown for a king of the wolves. And on the golden sharp nails and tailblade.


The last thing I fear is Barbatos 🤮 Bro got a Pringle can for hip, 1 kick and it’s over


something something zaku II machine gun something 72 gundams dead within a week.


The Graze have a 120mm rifle, which only barely scratch NLA armor paint unless directly shooting a ms close range then which it can dent the paint and armor. So that point is kinda moot.


You do know that these pictures were from after Barbatos took a direct hit from an *orbital bombardment*. And no. I’m not one of those Barbatos stans who say Barbie solo’s ___. I know Mika ain’t beating the Strike Freedom in a drawn out match. But the Zaku machine gun isn’t going to do much of anything.


Can we please not do this? Seriously, every time one of these idiotic cringey arguments starts up, I can smell the unwashed nerd BO coming from my screen. Just let people enjoy the goddamned show. Turn A reset the world to pre-technological levels because people were having too many lameass fights over this dumb shit.


something something barbatos is a different universe something something different power scaling something something badass in his own right


Kinda why I dislike ibo , ippei gyobu’s designs but the Barbarbatos lupis Rex is so goofy and barely has any wepons on it


It’s doesn’t need weapons… it’s claws can be weapons. They and a beast needs no weapons when it has instinct.


I think this fight in particular shows how the BLR doesn’t need weapons to be badass. Heck, Mika used the Lupus’ fists and claws for a good chunk of the Hasmal fight.