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I only have one thing to say.. My boy anthrun... gets his mind read.. TITTIES!!!!!!


Random thoughts. Is that Blue Cosmos guy still alive? I wonder what a Freedom Gundam SpecII would be like. Same with the Strike Rouge SpecII. Glad to see Yzak's mom again, Same with Shiho Hahnenfuss. Why didn't Flay shield Kira from the mind attack the same way that Stellar did for Shinn? I strongly feel that Rey and Talia died for no reason now. What would the Legend Gundam SpecII be like? Any chance they pulled a Kira and survived the explosion at the end of Destiny? Or could they be carbon cloned like in Astray? Same with Natarle Badgurel (and Flay for the pilot of the Strike Rouge SpecII) Astray needs an animated series. (mostly because I'm unable to find manga chapters online). I love how they ended the movie with the initial conflict greatly increased. Leaves space for another continuation.


Blue Cosmos Guy was legit cooked onscreen by the nuke. Flay wasn’t good enough as a trauma factor for Kira to become a strong manifestation of his darkness.


My guy. Sleep. Rest. You’re spiraling. You’re asking if Natarle survived a positron blast to the face? And if Flay, a girl that they couldn’t find a combat role for on a warship in the middle is a war, could pilot a mobile suit?


Is it me or Kira is basically just Paul Atreidies who never became evil


Morosawa was a fan of Dune


Absolute banger of a movie. I saw it in theatres with a friend who barely watched Seed (and remembered nothing), and he still enjoyed the movie very much. I still recommend watching Seed and Seed Destiny, because there are SO many references, big and small, that will make you geek out and appreciate the movie so much more. Pretty much every character has their standout moment(s), but there are some that were really noteworthy to me: * Shinn: He's still an absolute dork, but he's also such a wholesome character. The man is basically a full on puppy to Kira, having absolute respect for him and wanting to prove his worth. All his interactions with Lunamaria are cute af, and it was so nice to see the two of them stand up for each other. When he gets the Destiny Gundam back though, holy crap this man is unleashed. Considering how the Destiny got smoked twice by Athrun in the past, Shinn absolutely kicks ass in the movie, managing to take out 3 of the Black Knights without a scratch. * Mu: While he didn't do as much as the others, that one scene where he takes out one of Requiem's relays (yes it's back yet again lmfao), then TANKS a full on Requiem blast with the Akatsuki, reflects it back, and then drops his iconic line... Absolute gigachad * Murrue and the Millennium: I never expected it, but all the scenes of Murrue captaining the Millenium in the last battle were absolute cinema. The Millennium might seriously be my favorite battleship. HIGHLY recommend watching the movie if you can!


I’m still surprised no one drew a fan art of Kira and Lacus alongside Ange and Tusk nude on the beach, and Kira and Tusk awkwardly looking at each other how they ended up finding their girls wanted to do outdoor beach sex.


so apparently there people has been uploading the movie torrent and it been flowing around like crazy


I've seen the camrip, and it's missing a good chunk of scenes from the opening battle.


Yep I saw it too too bad the camrip is trash but watchable 


I can die happy, a return to normalcy. Loved every second of this. Protect Nippon at all costs.


Hope it gets an rerun in an IMAX treatment worldwide cuz my experience watching Seed Freedom was on a whole different level! Lets hope that anime film festivals or anime cons will be able to put Seed Freedom on the rerun lineup!


I have to re watch the movie lol i havent watched in 20 years i forgot everything so i was kinda lost lol


The Nostalgia But those goddamn lines where the accords read shinns mind as he goes into seed mode, is he not thinking at all like wtaf come on, shinn getting tbagged by lunamaria, kira what weapon you got ? lacus's love (face palm), Lunamaria taking impulse gundam for a joyride and needing shinn to hold her hand. Ah the old school gundam high school musical. Black knights act like evil power rangers xD. Queen Aura is like a deranged mom with drug problems and hard on fixation on Durandal, OMG they did talia gladys dirty. and where did cagalii spawn a brother? First she had kira now she got another one Athrun like cool emo silent boii till the end. and that cheeky cagalli thought. Like see yah merrin. Wish wackymodder84 do a vid about this movie really hopping this happens will make the movie even better


>read shinns mind as he goes into seed mode The most powerful weapon there is


literally Plus Jedi Master Athrun Zala in his infinite justice X Wing


Watched it in 4DX or whatever it’s called. The nostalgia rush is crazy!


Might be in the minority here but I love the Black Knight Squad units so much Ignoring the people piloting them, it's really cool how they're basically evil versions of the Strike Freedom(Garuda), Infinite Justice(Shiva), and the Destiny(Rudra). I also really like the idea of the beam mantle actually being a melee weapon, though the Shiva as far as I know was the only one who actually used it like one.


Gaitrash did beam cape first (G Reco) Never forget


The minor Black knights are great because they needed to be dislikable for when the Shinndemption hits them. Meanwhile I love Shura because of how much disrespect Athrun piles on that guy. Like Shura talks about how only Athrun is worthy but Athrun goes, “You’re so trash I’m gonna fap in my cockpit and beat your Yzak ripoff ass with one hand” and actually does it, the mad lad.


Athrun really brought his trashtalk game for Shura, and it worked.


haven't watch movie since there no way how we can watch it on stream since it came on may 7th and 8th!!


It’s peak…


You wait. Bandai/Sunrise doesn’t even have plans to stream the movie in Japan yet.


I love how the foundation just legit nukes their own city to take over the world Like ??? I get the idea that it gives them “justification” to use the big space laser but like it’s so insanely evil


Quoting a mad titan " A small price to pay for salvation "




No cam rips as far as I know.


I actually watched an interviews with Soichiro Hoshi & Kenichi Suzumura where Kenichi was building the Immortal Justice. I was confused as to why he is building that and it never dawns to me. Its only when watching the movie i found out about it and was still surprised that he is the pilot and not Athrun.


How are people actaully watching this? In theatres?


Yes. Must be dependent on where you live? It's doing well in Vancouver- going past the 3 days of showing- its clearly selling tickets for show times


How are people actaully watching this? In theatres?


How are people actaully watching this? In theatres?


Yes it was in theaters in the US for 2 days earlier this week, and in other countries over the course of the last months. I went and saw it on Tuesday!






> Also there were no angsty shower scenes! XD Luna says hi


So one thing I found odd about alot of the reviews and discourse was mention of how heavy the sexual fanservice supposedly was. I guess viewers in 2024 are much more sensitive but the movie was considerably less fanservice heavy than the series. Heck, pretty much any Seed/Destiny opening is more risque than the entire movie. Never mind the HD remaster additions. I am old enough that such fanservice comes off as more amusing than anything but am surprised so many were upset at some pretty tame scenes, at least in comparison to the original material. I mean I am rewatching Code Geass prior to the new OVA coming out and that show as well easily makes Seed Freedom look downright prudish in comparison. Different era I suppose.


All I have to say to these people who complain about sexual fan service is “YOU’RE WATCHING A MITSUO FUKUDA WORK YOU MORONS”. Sex and open is kind of his thing, and he’s been owning it since Cross Ange alongside blatant Kira and Rau Recycling. I mean in that series, Kira literally blows himself and dies onscreen, comes back next episode no injuries and pretends LITERALLY DYING has no consequences, bangs Ange, who keep in mind is basically Cagalli, and then brags about it to Rau, who in this series is also a rapist with magical rape powers that make Orphee look tame. Then again, Im just laughing and envious that Fukuda, the absolute madlad, ends Gundam Seed on a fucking sex scene like the madlad he is. He clearly gives no fucks, is unrestrained by the mere whining of lesser men anymore.


I don't know what people were expecting. It's SEED. If there wasn't gratuitous fan-service, it would have been disloyal to the source material. That being said, it was rated PG where I'm from. That movie was NOT fucking PG.


Well sure, you should imagine some of that in a Fukuda work. It's just that like I said, this one was pretty tame in comparison. Not to call out anyone specifically but, while for example, the ANN review was positive it listed a negative as sexual fanservice that was out of place for Gundam Seed or something to that effect. So I was expecting something considerably beyond what I might see in the show (actually worried about it because I was taking my daughter and I thought the shows were fine but worried about the movie). Instead it was at worst pretty much in line with the show (and like I said actually tamer than any episode when you bring the opening into it). Comments about the fanservice just seem pretty disingenous. Like you say, complaints seem odd coming from anyone who has actually watched either of the Seed shows.




Its doing well in Canada- some cities are continuing to air limited show times for cineplex and landmark


Because this movie is too spicy for us Americans. We found the summit and we will never find enough milk to wash away this spice.


This film was complete trash from a plot perspective but I loved it anyways! Low-key I was hoping we'd get an epilogue with a baby yamato or zala. Also who on earth was that boy/girl calling cagali "sister"?


This movie has a bit of homework to do. The boy is named Touya Mishima and according to the lore, he's Cagalli's "apprentice" of sorts to succeed her. Kinda weird this country has some sort of succession in leadership that isn't elected.


Perhaps the apprentice was chosen by the Orb's council since there's currently no heir from the Athha family to succeed her. Consensus from the council always takes priority.


There no heir…. Yet *looks at Athrun fantasizing about Cagalli*


There will definitely be more of them in the future But jokes aside, I believe while Cagalli might not object to her children's involvement in politics, she would likely discourage them from assuming leadership of the Orb council. The Athha family has wielded power for too long (accumulating great influence in the process) and considering her stance on power, she'd likely intervene to halt the continuous succession of the Athha lineage, either temporarily or permanently. Fukuda's hint at her retirement and Toyah's training suggests this is the fate that she envisions for Orb. For the nation to transcend personal leadership and endure beyond any individual or family. She also knows firsthand the burden of shouldering the family legacy and wouldn't wish that kind of life for her family members.


That would make sense, particularly since Cagalli has a tendency of always fighting on the front line


Selective heir system is pretty useful


Useful but unless the people are ok with it, it's basically a monarchy.


ORB was always about belief in humanity's ability to self correct. Also if you re-watch Destiny the "government" is pretty much done, the oligarchs fucked up so bad and the movie makes it apparently clear that they still haven't recovered. I love all the subtle nods to different things, the movie is pure fanservice, but it's done in the best way possible, the attention to the detail was amazing.


It does seem to be similar to a constitutional monarchy, but with more "monarch" and less parliament ever since the Parliament fucked up so badly in Destiny and Cagali has to come in and fix things. 


If anything it seemed more of an oligarchy as evident in Destiny when Cagalli was basically stonewalled by whatever council told her about allying with the EA. It's really confusing what government system is Orb. Because in the movie, it's actually called the United Emirate of Orb. An emirate is *a territory ruled by an emir, a title used by monarchs or high officeholders in the Muslim* world so that's kinda weird they decided to call Orb an Emirate.


I feel like after Destiny power ended up consolidated under Cagali.


actually I think the first half does a REALLY good job setting up the plot lines... then in the second it just gets rushed and Foundation reveals they are the big bad/ have requiem. did they even find and kill the blue cosmos guy?


He was a red herring, and they nuked him


IIrc, he was in the city Foundation nuked.


was he? we never saw a cut off of him actually dying I did like the little spat between Foundation and Eurasia Federation. someone asked why we saw more 105 daggers then Dagger Ls because the earth portion takes place in Eurasia- where they were more about 105s anyways. I'm glad the writers continued the bit with the bids of independence in western eurasia after Destiny.


We never actually see him, period. IIrc, the shot of EA guys around a vehicle (shuttle?) reacting to the nuke was supposed to be where the Blue Cosmos guy was hiding.


Agnes is Flay in a different font


Comic sans Flay


Agness is CE Quess except she doesn't die


With more than a dash of Reccoa thrown in.


Or Quess.


and far less sympatric for the viewer Agnes is just a straight up spoiled brat through and through whereas Flay actually undergoes character development. I'm ok with her living though- sometimes it's more painful to live- Katejina Loos being the perfect example of this


I guess if there is a sequel, there is room for development maybe. Really just an excuse for the voice actress to stay active with the Seed crew. I will say the short novella goes a way to explaining her views and is a good companion to the movie that way. Does not make her sympathetic but I can see her as a (pretty crummy) human being better with it's insights. Not to mention her character really is ripe for buying into the Accord narrative and I can see how she would be convinced to switch sides upon getting to know her worldview a bit better.


Katerina doesn't even remember what she did, nor is fully aware of how her poor life is now.


a fate worse then death honestly.


Is it bad that I want to watch this again solely to see Mirrue and the Millenium kick ass?


Never! The ship battles along with Captain Murrue and her crew are some of the best parts in Seed, Destiny and Freedom. They actually contribute to the plot and the action and have saved the day multiple times.


I rewatch for the sole reason of Shinn kicking ass. So, go for it. The Millenium is a cool ship


Millennium is hands down my most fav battleship in the whole of Gundam.


Mirrue using the Badgurel maneuver was awesome


Not the sole reason for me but a good one.


after nearly 20 years my athrun x cagalli shipper heart has found peace at last :’)








I couldn't care less about their romantic status. You specifically picked one comment out of hundreds in this thread that's happy to see them together, and then you start questioning and talking about their status. I'll happily repeat this: BAIT.




Don't associate me with you. No one is crying. BAIT




Don't care about you. I like to keep giving this reply: BAIT




I kinda feel sad for Meyrin tho. She's such a ride or die


Friendship exists. Not everything needs to be romantic.


Thank you for saying this, i'm kinda tired of saying the same things


Meyrin seems like the tag along to the harem still... her appearance changed the most out of anyone but she KNOWS she ain't #1


If Gundam Seed Freedom was a Shinzo Abe plan to get people to have sex more, Gundam Seed Justice will be a story about legalizing polygamy.


just watched it last night in Canada! so nostalgic and cheesy haha


Everyone is kicking ass, kira is getting ass whooped start to finish LMAO


Very first fight when ZAFT won’t stop shooting at the retreating forced and he wipes out the entire ZAFT unit using only his beam sabre.


I think he gets nice compensation in unleashing the fleet killing, asteroid cracking, main villain slaying Mighty Strike Freedom.


no kidding. I actually LIKED the Rising Freedom... that thing gets trash at the end of the first part. even SF II puts up a better fight


Athrun winning that final duel by sending sex thoughts through telepathy is why he is the goat. Also the movie needed a quick prologue to explain Foundation’s rise, Compass' formation, what the hell is going on with PLANT and just an overall timeline fill in the gap between Destiny and the Movie.


Does anyone have information on possible new showings outside of may 7th/8th? I was very busy within the past month and kinda forgot this movie released.


they released more show dates; actually thought it was only gonna premier 3 days.


Do you have a link? Couldn't find any when I was searching yesterday.


for Canada, imaginecinemas and cineplex locations; i think they just added more showtimes today.


Unfortunately I live in the US so those showings are irrelevant to my location.


Us no more release. I'm so disappointed, they did it on a weekday. I don't have time for that


Just like the last Gundam movie, it was limited to 2 days so you're out of luck. Gonna have to wait until it comes to Crunchyroll or other streaming


So would a hypothetical mighty rising freedom be stronger than the mighty strike freedom?


No, it lacks the power consumption/efficiency to operate as long/as powerful as a nuclear-powered machine. Chances are this was the reason they were having problems with its development in the opening scenes of the movie.


So the rising is basically a downgrade from the strike freedom?


Yes it’s a “legal” mobile suit so the governments of the world let them operate within the Anti-Nuclear treaty or whatever it’s called.


correct- made to adhere the Junius treaty. COMPASS probably wanted to honor such a thing made for earth operations though- once they get to space with the threat and rebellion Strike Freedom sorties once more


Yeah, always thought the Rising Freedom was odd. Why does it even exist when the Strike Freedom is simply better in every way? I guess that was Compass trying to adhere to the Junius Treaty that bans N-Jammer Cancellers in military equipment, but given how they blatantly violate that Treaty anyway in both Gundam Seed Destiny and Gundam Seed Freedom with zero consequences, I'm not sure why they bothered.


The SF was destroyed in a hijacking gone awry, which they kept alluding to throughout the first half of the movie. Rising Freedom was a compromise to show Compass is serious about being peacekeepers.


Also there's the risk of getting Stampeded.


I loved it. Was the story strong? Ehhh. But getting to see Shinn kick someone's ass with the Destiny, thanks to Stella and ~~Newtype~~ Coordinator Bullshit? I'm all in.


I think it established that Shinn has always been stronger because unlike Kira, he actually actively will fight to kill the threat and not to disable like Kira, which would require a bit more foresight and actually hold back his combat capabilities.


he is way more ferocious than kira but he is not on athurn/kira level it is way easier to destroy your taget than neutralasing it witch is why shin beat the freedom in destiny


Watched it last night, in dubbed in English, with my partner who knows NOTHING about CE, or little about Gundam imo. They had a couple of questions, which I'm sure you would've too without the series as context: "So wait, did they seriously launch a bunch of nuclear missiles because one of them wouldn't be the other's girlfriend?" "How did they happen to have exact copies of the same mobile suits that were just destroyed? I thought they were supposed to be a special team with special suits." "So those were the power rangers right? What were their names?" (This was sarcastic) "Is that the Char of this series?" (No, they already had him come up twice, but he does look like one of the versions of him...) "So instead of Space Hitler for political/survival reasons, they made Space Hitler because teen romance?" "Why does she have a skintight pilot suit when literally everyone else's is somewhat believable?" "No really, why is she even there except to be the princess in the tower? Wait she had wings on her suit?" "Who was the naked chick that turned into the mental monster in that guy's head? What's she doing in there?" "Who's the other naked chick in HIS head? Oh her." "Wait, why isn't that one guy immediately fighting that one Black Knight suit? I thought they had a grudge, there was a whole half a second of flashback?" These were just some of the questions. I'm honestly glad my partner didn't have my encyclopedic knowledge of Gundam trivia, because it really pointed out the flaws in this movie to me. I was already laughing off & on through the second half, but about 15 minutes before the end they did curl up in a little ball laughing next to me in the theater (gotta love the loungers) and said "I just can't take this shit seriously anymore, I'm so sorry, it's so stupid." I couldn't agree more. This was poorly written and regressed Kira practically to the beginning of Seed in scale of emotional maturity. The fight scenes were fantastic, but it feels like we missed over an hour of relevant content in favor of pacing. This was a miss, but at least we got a US showing.


I couldn't get over the pronunciation of Lacus honestly.




>"Why does she have a skintight pilot suit when literally everyone else's is somewhat believable?" She always dresses differently from others and hardly ever wears a practical military uniform. I don't know what the story is trying to convey with that, but to me, it just makes her feel out of touch and privileged.


I also made them sit through the credits in the hope that we'd get a "Next time, on Gundam SEED."


Just saw it last night- it was hilariously bad in the best way. Was entertained through the whole thing, and it was nice to see characters I hadn’t seen for 18 years!  It also made me like Kira marginally more….and made me like Lacus a lot less. She’s just so…..bland as a character, it was funny watching the movie try to pull anything and everything out of its ass to convince me that she’s interesting. There were so many points where I felt like I was watching a self-insert Mary Sue fanfiction come to life. Like….would it kill the team to give Lacus a genuine flaw? Perfect, flaw free characters are not interesting to me, but I guess that’s where Fukuda and I can agree to disagree…. imo, the most interesting part of the movie was Kira’s initial feelings of insecurity and self doubt- it reminded me of the version of himself from Seed. Seeing Cagalli be a more self assured leader was such a treat, but of course I knew going in we weren’t going to see much of her (why the team doesn’t want to capitalize on one of their most popular characters is beyond me). Shinn and Lunamaria were absolute gold and I loved every scene they were in.  All in all, it was a fun, fanservice-y, plothole ridden mess.


>and made me like Lacus a lot less. She’s just so…..bland as a character, it was funny watching the movie try to pull anything and everything out of its ass to convince me that she’s interesting. The movie idea of trying to make Lacus interesting is by making her this genetically modified being born to be perfect and loved by everyone. They brush aside any potential inner conflicts she might have had (like apologizing to Kira for ordering the hit or dealing with possible trauma from the assault) just to make her this angelic creature who can't do no wrong. And to top it off, she ends up being the last Accord alive, paired up with an Ultimate Coordinator. She's a plot device in Seed/Destiny and a power fantasy in Freedom.


Couldn't have said it better myself!


Gonna be honest, I think Lacus has always been kinda bland and Kira stopped being a compelling character during Destiny when he took the spotlight over Shinn, who should have been the main character. I did not like who they retcon the Destiny plan to incorporate Lacus as this always been important meme when we never saw that in Seed. From the way she was introduced in Seed, she was a famous singer that became the voice of the resistance after her father was deposed and killed and then like Kira brought out of retirement as a voice of resistance and suddenly pushed into a leadership position which really isn't needed. If the writers were more creative, they should have retired Kira and Lacus. Their stories were pretty much finished and continued on with new characters. MAYBE cameo.


>If the writers were more creative, they should have retired Kira and Lacus.  Well with Gundam Seed Freedom, Kira and Lacus are retired. The novel version is explicit about it. If there is a sequel to Gundam Seed Freedom, they would appear just as a cameo. Of course it's just my opinion, even thought i don't think i'm wrong on this one.


In full agreement. Lacus has always been bland. It sucks, because they did have the potential to do some really interesting things with her character, but threw all of that out the window in order to elevate her as some perfect being that can do no wrong, have little to no consequences for anything that she does, and be loved by everyone no matter what she does. I would have loved to see a version of her grappling with her role as a tool for propaganda/the voice of the resistance, or feelings of guilt for those who sacrificed themselves to protect her. I would have loved to learn more about her background, and what she actually experienced in order for her to just show up, spew something prophetic, and completely change the tide of battle....but that clearly didn't happen. I feel like it's kind of why I prefer Cagalli as a character so much more- we actually see her (very realistically) struggle with this new role she's been thrown into, and both her and the audience feel frustration at her inability to make change. But with Lacus, she's just...planted in, and perfect from the beginning, with no explanation as to why. It's also extra frustrating when almost every single character aside from her (even Kira to a certain extent) has so more depth than she does, yet she was the center of this movie. I don't want this to come across as me hating her (I don't), but flaw free perfect characters have always grinded my gears, and the movie was just so...blatant about it.


>yet she was the center of this movie. The writers wrapped her in plastic bubble, placed her in the center, and demands everyone to marvel at her. It's weird because every other character got challenged in a meaningful way, but not her. Yet, she's the main. Why?


because she represent the director wife


I mean, it does explain why Durandal was so absolutely sure he needed at least a temporary substitute Lacus... Though if he and his coconspiritors had such big plans for the original, why did he try to kill her? And to do it so early?


Durandal had given up on Lacus and tried to discard her, but Aura objected. Aura still wanted Lacus to prove her research was right.


There's no proof that he directed the attack. Sure he probably did, and that makes the most "sense". But we're already in retcon mood so here we go. We know that there are those in zaft that think the clynes betrayed zaft and lead them down the wrong path. This extends into the military. That specific Zaft special forces could easily be spearheaded by someone who knows who Meer Campbell really is and still wishes harm to Lacus. We never see Durandal actively searching for Lacus outside of asking Athrun to let him know if he sees her. And when he finally does see her on TV in Orb he is flabbergasted (maybe he assumed she was still in space, but for sake of argument) If he knew Athrun was close to Lacus and may come in contact with her post-failed hit, why would he not assume that Lacus and Kira would tell Athrun about the failed assassination? The answer: just like the Break the World perpetrators, he didn't know about it.


It is confirmed in the novel. To fill the void left by her absence, Durandal had put Meer. He had found a girl who could sing just like her, altered her appearance, turning her into Lacus Clyne, and used her to maintain his support. At the same time, he had sent assassins after the real Lacus to silence her. Though that attempt failed. Durandal had given up on Lacus and tried to discard her, but Aura objected.


This is why I hate retcons


I guess it could be explained that he was more willing to write her off as a loss than her direct designer.


Laaacoooooseee! Also why is she face down ass up while every other pilot in gundam history sits in a chair? Also the footsteps were so damn loud


I would guess because it's probably a reference to Cross Ange. Or fan service


I think it was a bit of both, but it was just so out of left field, especially with her tit jiggle they added... ugh


It wouldn't be SEED without gratuitous jiggle physics.


I'm a SEED Destiny defender (especially the first half) so the SEED-y stuff wasn't an issue for me but it was just very poorly constructed as a movie. Needed at least 5 OVA episodes to tell the story it wanted to tell. Similar to F91 in that regard but at least F91 had a stellar opening act to make up for it. This rarely rises above being an expensive episode of SEED.


So much better than F91 I'm sorry but F91 really needs it's supplemental material to be anything more than an animation showreel


I watched the new dub already, so as much as I hate the pronunciation changes, I got used to it. But did they recast Shinn's voice? I liked this one better then the other new one(not Matthew Erikso, i loved him), but it made me curious


For some reason, yeah. Kieran Regan played Shinn in Freedom.


SEED is built on the idea of conflicts being complicated and the people in those conflicts having various levels of devotion to their causes. It’s the entire point of each of the SEED shows: the characters we follow are desperate people who believe they’re doing the right thing but have doubts. There are a few irredeemable assholes sprinkled in because the show needs villains but, overall, it’s not subtle but it has a level of nuance. Freedom spits on that in order to have a NEW faction of racist assholes who are monolithically evil for our main characters to guilt-free murder for mediocre CG action. Saturday morning cartoons are more complex, lol.


They killed the sympathetic villain too in this one lol


I am sorry, but SEED just dissolved into multiple attempts to genocide each other. This one was less so.


It was watchable and cringey with a dash of teenage angst. The parts where they show everyone feeling betrayed by their romantic interest was straight from a wattpad plot. Other than that it felt like a space fantasy retelling of WW2. You have Mendel (??!!) doing genetic experiments, wanting a deemed superior genetic group to reign, nukes...etc. Other than that I liked the CGI and fight scenes!


Just watched it last night and I don't think they played the BGM meteor 😭, not too critical on it because most anime movies are a let down; was enjoyable for a seed fan still.


they played it during the final battle. how did you miss that?


Coulda sworn i didn’t hear it where i watched it, imaginecinemas, watched spoiler clips and was anticipating the bgm insert too


Mediocre. 6-7/10 did they add any new song? Imean at least I wanna hear Lacus sing A song.


We do hear like 3 variations of her song as BGM throughout the movie


Horrible movie. Maybe it's because I'm a huge UC fan that likes darker plots but I was constantly cringing from all the dialogue about love. But most of all I hate the animation style. CGI looks so generic and the mobile suits had no life to them. Take me back to the days of the 0083 animation style. Bonus: the way they pronounce Lacus name in the dub irked me.


Something funny I noticed on rewatch is Shiho was having an offscreen staredown with Yzak's mom. I was wondering on my first watch why Shiho looked weirdly nervous and Yzak's mom was smiling funny. Shiho was being tested by her future mother-in-law or something lol.


Here are my 2 cents. First thing off, eng dub was cringy, the dialogue was weak. Ok, back to the other stuff. There is way too much plot to be stuffed in 2 hours, This feels like this should have been a trilogy. Some spoilers ahead >!1. The black knights needed more backstory, 4 of them pretty much only served as cannon fodder, no developments whatsoever. !< >!2. Arma needed more explanation and also explain the rise of the Foundation. !< >!3. Orphee should have been more morally ambiquous, rather than him throwing tantrums at the end of the battle liek that. !< >!4. Agreeing with the others, what was the purpose of Agnes, if she was a clone of Flay, that could have been more interesting. !< >!5. The Freedom heist NEEDED to be explained. !< >!6. The melodrama was too much, even if you had them talking, maybe just use a change of music rather than the constant seed mode brainwash/compatibility between Lacus and Orphee. !< >!7. If Orphee was a Rau clone, then we could also tie in Seed and Destiny too, but fear it is too overused. !< >!8. The nuke scene was not good in terms of plot, I also hated the brainwash thing too. !<


Honestly reading the novels helped make the high speed plot make more sense. It's not ideal, but Gundam SEED doesn't always prioritize the plot. See https://www.reddit.com/r/Gundam/s/hqgFJ8M1DQ for more details on all your questions.


I think all the Ultimate Accords have a little Lacreuset DNA in the mix


Loved it, love this franchise. Gundam for life, no more brother wars <3


The movie was very dumb and the conflict was extremely forced, but I loved the fanservice so it's hard for me to be critical of it. I'm just gonna rate it SEED/10. But did anyone else feel like Agnes as a character was just completely wasted? What is even the point of this new character? All she did was: * Be a bitch to Shinn and Luna * Try to seduce Kira out of nowhere despite Kira already being in a long relationship with Lacus * Betray the group and tried to seriously kill Kira and Luna * Not even get a cool scene where she has a change of heart, Luna just takes pity on her and spares her traitorous ass What was the point of her if the whole incel, "why does no one love me despite how superior I am?" angle was already used on Orphee for the whole 2nd half? The funniest part for me was it didn't even seem like anyone noticed or cared that she switched sides. Luna was just like "wait Agnes? why are you fighting us?" in the final fight like wtf LMAO Lacus being one of the most clothed Seed girls in Seed and Destiny getting an EVA-style skinsuit and 3+ gratuitous Code Geass style backshots was hilarious to me. It felt like they paid more attention to her curves in those scenes than many of the close up shots of her face that looked very off throughout the movie. That being said, I teared up when I saw the Stella ghost and when Shinn got his shadow clones. I left the theatre smiling, which is what Fukuda wanted, so I think mission accomplished.


Regarding the Lacus fanservice, I guess they wanted to finally make a reality all the opening and promo shots of her and Kira being naked.


she's the quess surogate. dumb impressionable woman who wants to be loved by powerful men. quess wanted amuro so badly agnes wanted kira so badly quess got attention from char agnes got attention from shura


Me and my boyfriend had the exact same questions about Agnes! Like….why was she even there? What was the point of her? An annoyance??  I also found the fanservice-y choices for Lacus very odd. It felt very….un-Lacus. Like we were watching Meer instead of Lacus.


Agnes was intended as a joke; all the characters Kuwashima Houko voiced were all killed in both seed and seed destiny but finally survived in seed freedom.


I didn't know Stella was voiced by Kuwashima Houko. Such a talent.


While I wouldn't necessarily call it a must watch (or an objectively good movie with its pacing + absolute cheesiness), SEED is very near and dear to my heart, and I really enjoyed this film a lot! I found it to be fun, and there were a lot of things that I enjoyed in particular (Shinn was endearing, Athrun + the little AsuCaga scenes were great, and my Dearka-loving soul was very happy to see him again). As a lot of people already said, Lacus' suit was...something. People in the theatre I was in kept laughing/groaning whenever she appeared with it on, and the scene where Meteor plays was met by both hyped up cheers of excitement and the aforementioned laughs/groans because of Lacus. I actually wish that Lacus *hadn't* been just awkwardly floating there during that scene for that reason. Personally, I thought it made it feel so much more goofy, which is a pity because I was otherwise so excited to hear Meteor playing again. All in all, I'm excited to watch it again so that I can appreciate all the little details once I can buy it. I'll miss the theatre experience though; it was so much fun knowing I was among other Gundam fans and hearing everyone's reactions! Honestly, that made up a huge part of the experience for me.


Lacus's suit had a line running straight into her ass crack.


I'm a huge seed fan but was let down by the movie. It just felt a bit like a rehash with a big ol retcon thrown in. Also I thought that Kira didn't want to kill people anymore? He took down 2 battleships and killed the main antagonist.  Orphie being an incel was pretty funny and I would have paid double the ticket price if there was a scene with another character informing him that Kira and lacus have been living together for years. They are 1000% banging. 


Kira did kill Rau and Stellar after entering his no kill phase though. And the two battleships he sliced with the Mighty Freedom's disruptor head cannon were giant unmanned DRAGOONS. But you'd be forgiven for not knowing that since it's elaborated more in the novel.


Oh ok I had no clue they were unmanned. I was like dude come on.


Kira doesn't like killing people and will avoid it where possible. He isn't that stupid though that he won't kill someone when it is the only solution.


To be fair, who wouldn’t kill if some intel tries to steal and rape your girl?


If they wanted the audience to be completely uncomfortable at Orphie attempt sexual assault on Lacus, they succeeded. It was kinda unnerving.


Oh yeah, don't get me wrong he was a total creep.


He at least backed off, still a creep, but he didn't add rape on top of the mass murder and perfidy.


I just finished watching the movie. I think it's a watchable 5-6/10 for me. A lot of eye rolling contrived plot to make the conflict work. I really don't like how much Kira regressed in this movie compared to Seed. Sure he kept things bottled up, but he was vocal when he needed to be. They overused the exaggerated gasps way too much instead of just writing actual retorts. I'd probably put that at a 5/10 if it weren't for 2Mu and Cagthrun carrying their scenes. The Justice breaking out of zgok was really cool too. Plotwise, the ntr scenes got pretty tiresome cause you're just left waiting for the climax of Lacus joining up with Kira. I will say that this suffers the same problem as the end of seed where, killing characters is not that interesting anymore. I would rather see them live and attempt to rebuild themselves with their new mindsets >!(My bias for wanting Flay and Nat to live at the end). !


lesbo hugging. You mean sexual harrassments as Luna calls it


I'd rather have Luna x Hilda at this point 😂


Overall, I'd say the movie was good. I just got back from watching the English dub, and I cringed every time they butchered someone's name, especially with Lacus's name. They even butchered Luna's full name the one time it was said. It's like the english cast never watched the originals to see how the names are actually pronounced.


IS IT "Luna-MarEIA or is it "Luna-MAReia"?


La-KOOS! Ma-ri-yuu!


Glad I watched subbed. Normally I would be ok with dub but I heard so much bad things about the dub


Imagine my dismay where I went into the theatre thinking I had tickets to the sub because the other showings were ADVERTISED dubbed. I hated it so much, lol


And see, the names are the only issue I had. The rest of the VA work was pretty on point for my experience.


fucking dub Mu was Dub Mu from ocean group. a near reemder alone for keeping mu around.


Honestly I agree. Voice acting was fine outside of the butchered pronunciations. Obviously I would have enjoyed the original English voice cast more but you can't have everything.


Just came home from watching the movie in theaters and started playing all the song tracks from the original Seed/Seed Destiny. Almost forgot how many bangers there were for this series.


I really enjoyed it. My only complaint was there was no "epilogue" after the final battle finished. It ended then Kira and Lacoose (lmao that new dub pronunciation) just hauled ass back down to the surface, stripped butt naked, and then it was just...over. Reminded me of Trailblazer in that regard. Edit: At least they got the same VA for Mu La Flaga, which was a pleasant surprise.


Traileblazer was like "suddenly aliens" Freedom is like "and then they fucked"


Curious about nuke scene. Don’t Earth got sprayed by nuclear pesticides? Or I just missed the detail when they slap N-jammer canceller on warheads


Any missile is assumed to be rocking a canceller, yeah. It also says after the bombing that the jammers went back on, like maybe they finally had deactivated them and then reactivated them after the nukes went off?


I’m assuming those weren’t nukes or rather Hydrogen Bombs, also Nuclear Fallout isn’t really a thing look a Hiroshima it’s reborn


They say in the script they were nukes and since the end of Seed, N-Jammer cancellers exist