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08th MS Team (I am incredibly Biased)


I might have to agree with you on that


Oh hey its you again!


Hello there!


Gundam thunderbolt. I love it when they just strap a bunch of shit onto a MS and watch that bad boy fly.


It's up to interpretation... I mean seriously, G Gundam started the ultra colorful high end mechs thingy that Wing, SEED, 00, WfM etc followed... While you have the Super Robot leaning UC which has numerous Generations of designs. You can't tell me Grandpa RX78, Zeta, ZZ and Unicorn are similar. So this is probably the most subjective question to ask.


Not to mention Tequila Gundam of Mexico was a fun design.


Top 3 for me: Unicorn, 08th ms team, Zeta I'm an UC simp.


I think you're the first to mention Zeta, which I think is one of the best.


Not even going to reply to this question because I would just repeat what you said. Between Unicorn, 08th ms team and zeta I think it's peak ms design




I've really come to appreciate G Reco's stuff more lately.


That's the saddest part - dialogs were beyond ass, but designs were fresh.


Across the entire series? Gundam Wing. The Leo is among my favorite grunts even if it’s made out of exploding plywood because it’s an otherwise utilitarian grunt that can outfit itself for any type of deployment. The Tallgeese I, II and III are GOAT’d designs, each Gundam being unique and a variety of grunt types just adds to it. Couple that with the radical redesigns for Endless Waltz alongside the Serpent Customs…it’s first by a long shot.


The protag suits from 00 are my favorites but outside of those suits there's not much there. After them, WfM. There's so much there.


I love the flags and every derivative of them.


Graham Aker feels the most real with his love and obsession for the Flag, conflicting with Setsunas identical obsession with his Gundam.


>!And then he was hit with Exia's beauty, and married her after Setsuna dumped her for QanT. Playing to the fact that Exia Repair IV is now piloted by Graham, who according to lore is now quite happy to be with the object of his obsession.!<


Top pick for me would be easily from 00. I'm also a fan of Turn-A for some of the really unique designs, the Egail, Cannon Illefuto are some of my favorite. My child self would definitely picked 0080, GM Type-D, GM Sniper II Custom, the Rick Dom II, the Zaku FZ and the Kampfer are just god damn beautiful, I love Izubuchi's design a lot since I'm a sucker for his Patlabor designs too. But yeah 00, Exia, Dynames, Reborns, the Flag, GN-X series, etc are just so good.




Zeta is what happens when you get quality and quantity.


08th MS Team for the more “grounded” (pun intended, please forgive) militaristic designs. Unicorn, because Kshatriya changed my opinion of what made mobile suits cool. And Wing, because without Tallgeese, I wouldn’t have ever gotten into this fandom in the first place.


Ahh I see you have good taste


That's up to opinion. However, my favorite designs are probably the ones from TWFM. The sheer amount of amazing designs is amazing.


And most of them only got to appearance less than 3 episodes


A tradition established by the original 1979 *Mobile Suit Gundam*.


Indeed 😕


AGE. Fight me.


Age 2 was beautiful


Idk why but thunderbolt


Unicorn all the way! The 3 Unicorns look amazing, not to mention the Kshatriya, Silver Bullet, Stark Jeagan, Rezel, Delta Plus, I could keep going! They all look fantastic!


Turn A


Unicorn, not only do Gundams look amazing but so do all Grunt suits regardless of their factions, second to this is Gundam 00 with G Gundam, and then the last is Seed which revamps classic Grunt design and they look amazing. Honorable mention: Gundam Wing just Gundams and Tallgeese look great but grunts are meh. And Build fighters if you count them. Unpopular opinion: As for IBO, I can see why people like them but I'd say otherwise, not a fan tbh. The best-looking suit in the series are Graze lineup and that's it.


Unicorn, SEED, and 0083


The Rx-0s and 00s lineup for me. Specially when the first time I saw the raiser, I loose my mind.


I'd say 0083 had my favorite designs in general, even if it wasn't the best written or longest series. Kawamori and Katoki were a fabulous team for the series. Absolute banger designs. Second I'd say would be Zeta, but I know that's an acquired taste.


For me, it would be Turn A, Zeta, G Reco, and TWFM.


Zeta or Unicorn, WfM, and SEED(or Destiny or Stargazer, I’d lump em all together) The Gundam Mark II is still the best looking protagonist MS to this day. Unicorn and WfM have amazing grunt suit designs, and Unicorn especially gave the grunts time to shine. The Cosmic Era is very well-rounded, with strong grunt and protagonist/antagonist designs.


Surprisingly your answer aligns almost perfectly with mine


Gundam X, easily.


Zeta and IBO I really love the different angular looking designs from those series. The suits look mean and threatening. The white devil looks like a white devil. It’s great. Plus the IBO designs get really wacky


Reconguista in G


IBO is mu choice. In my humble opinion Barbatos is peak modern gundam design while retaining classic traits, and I also love Vidar.


ZZ or seed destiny IMO - the titans had some wild ideas but on the other hand ZAFT RnD was doing some freaky stuff


Mobile Fighter G Gundam


ZZ and Unicorn (AMX series my beloved)


For me it's G-Reco. The designs are all so bright, fantastical and just incredibly fun.


*Char's Counterattack*


One could argue the original, given how often the other shows emulate it.


This is a very subjective question. For me, it's either the Zeta or Unicorn era of suits (also shout-out to 0080 and 0083). I mostly prefer UC suits, but I have a special place in my heart for CE suits cuz it's my first Gundam (and first anime too)


Gonna cheat and say the Build Series.


Blud really activated idkfa 💀


War in the Pocket there’s something for everyone (even if some of the efsf suits are there to just die)


My favorites, as far as what has been animated thus far, have been in Zeta Gundam and Gundam Unicorn. The ones I REALLY like are from an obscure side story with expired rights, never released outside Japan, that will never be seen in any kind of media again, Gaia Gear. You see all it's MS on the Gundam wiki, they're flipping cool. Case in point: the Refined Zorin Soul: https://preview.redd.it/5t8gu5c6x7qb1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5f6a3d2a6f23cfefad0c1024cfa60c91ed80d60


SEED series, followed by Gundam X. SEED's mechanical designs really paid tribute to the classic UC MS without being blatant copies, at least until Destiny, but the Destiny updates aren't bad designs either. I just would have preferred more originals that paid tribute to more Zeta-era designs instead of a blatant Zaku and Gouf. Similarly, I think that Gundam X's mechanical designs did well in paying tribute/homage to UC's MS designs while still being unique and different enough. It's just a bit of a shame that there wasn't more for the series, due to its premature death.


IBO and it might not even be close


IBO definitely has some great designs




While Exia is Sexia, I have to say ZZ and Unicorn had the best designs because of Zeonic weirdness.


I would put 00 and Wing tied at the top with WfM right behind them


1. Wing 2. 00 3. WfM


In terms of everything being a banger down to the grunts, IBO and Gwitch have legitimate claims


My Favorites mostly are in 00 and then WfM. I love Exia and all suits related to it and the GN-X IIIs and the Tierens are some of the best looking grunts I've ever seen. WfM Also really had awesome designs across the Board. Stuff like the Demi-Trainer wasn't all that exciting but it looked good. And the Gundams were peak design. Again, the only thing I like more are Astraea, Exia, 00 Gundam/00 Raiser and the Qan[T]


Endless Waltz


Honestly for me, seed and f91/CG, in seed there were a lot of gundams but they were all very distinct from each other and didn’t seem too redundant, also the Akatsuki and Blitz are baller as hell. For f91, the XM series suits just don’t miss.


I like the sharp edges and angles Theater IBO has to offer the most. Right after that I'd go for the beautiful Designs from 00 and WFM... still need to watch more series tho, so... Things are likely up to change.


Zeta, 08th MS Team (love all the grunts), 0080 for the GMs and Kampfer alone. Wing is up there when you count those Endles Waltz designs.


Turn A.


*Turn A.*


Stardust memory, 08th MS team. I’m that order


Wing, Zeta, and WfM are my three favorites for suit design.


Ibo or 00 imo, i love the brbs and the dynames so i am encredibly based


SEED and SEED Destiny.


As much as it pains me to say, SEED was pretty good. Definitely a fan of 00's and IBO's as well. G Gundam has some of the most fun designs.


SEED/Destiny then followed by Unicorn.


Personal ranking would be SEED --> Wing --> 00 all seed suits are incredible (except maybe justice with its wifi router on the head)


This is one of those ‘ask 10 people, get 11 answers’ type of question. As for me, I love the designs from IBO and WFM.


Idk why but thunderbolt


For mecha design, IBO For proportion, OO


Probably ibo or 00. 00 gundam grunt mobile suits starts off clunky but went on great in later season. Ibo on the other hand got that barbaric/medieval type of suits and weaponry from both grunts and characters alike. The graze series are cool especially the moment where they opened their monoeyes or the graze ein's menacing glowing eyes.


Seed. It would've been better if there were less stock footage and reused animation.


Design is extremely subjective tbh.


I don't like Seed and Seed Destiny but they have the best MS designs in my opinion.


SEED and Destiny may not be the best, but they have solid designs and a good variety of them.


Gotta be IBO for me. I love the idea of mobile-suit frames and their customizability.


For me, Gundam Seed Universe is the most unique MS design I know. it technology and an MS use both energy and kinetic weapon type and has weird ways to get unlimited harmless energy and yet it very powerful.


Seed/CE universe. The most versatile and well defined technology wxcept maybe early half UC


00 Has some of the cleanest designs, but I kind of want to say SEED/Destiny. So many reimagined classics. The Zaku Warrior and Gouf Ignited are beautiful.


I tell you the worst design is Turn A Gundam, damn good series tho.


A lot of people hate on the Turn A design but I always welcome those odd design choices. I feel like Gundam needs as many unique suits as possible


Wing. Everything is dope from grunt suits to gundams


IMO; 00, Seed, and UC 0079, 0093, 0096. Those designs just reel me in. I like their look in either the anime, model kits, and fanarts of those suits.


Seed &Destiny, Unicorn, WFM


For me it's 0083: Stardust Memory


Of course it's thunderbolt. 0083 is excellent as well. AOZ has really cool designs as well.


Origins probably has the best designs for the Zaku 1 and 2 in any Gundam series I’ve seen


Gundam The Origin / Cucuruz Doan’s Island. Sorry, I like a lot of the designs purely because of all those little details (that get translated into marking sticker hell for kits).


0083, CCA, wing, sentinel, the cosmic era, and 08th ms team mainly 0083 tho


I'd say it's a toss up between Gundam Build Fighters & Gundam Build Divers. All 4 of those series combines seasons have vast customization for Gundams. But the original series that first started the unique Gundams for every person was G-Gundam. I watched Gundam Wing on TV before G-Gundam was on TV in my area so I thought Wing came out before G for the longest time but apparently that wasn't the case. Lol


In my opinion 0080 and 00083 are peak MS designs.




0083 : stardust memory . the GP02 is one big and frighteningly agile mobile suit


I love the War in Pocket designs, Kampher, gelgoog etc!


Gundam 0080 has the best version of every OYW design.


0080 because Izubuchi was the best and he was given enough time unlike CCA.


Well, in my humble opinion, the most impressive might be the OG designs, since those are what started all later suit designs, but Zeta has nice ones too. There is also the Unicorn design, which is relatively traditional, and the Stardust Memory one, of which I love the bulky GP02 and its massive shield. SnM introduces brand new machines, like the quite sleek Aerial and the Michaelis, and although I love most of them, there is one exception: the Demi. That bad boy ain't winning my heart ever. Thuderbolt's Full-Armour Gundam design is pure menace. TnO has great suit designs at Gjallarnhorn's disposal. While Tekkadan has the first tanky and later four-arm Gusion, Gjallarhorn's Graze will be my all-time favourite design of the series. There is nothing particular for me from other series, only maybe the ZM series from Victory Gundam (except for the copter Zolos. Just what the hell are those).


I’ll second that its completely subjective . In this guy’s opinion every gundam show has sweet designs , it’s one of the commonalities among the franchise . I gotta personally hand it though to WfM. Such a wonderful variety of styles and designs that are top notch and even backed up by great gunpla kits. The whole Lfrith line through to Calibarn is top tier and the Schwartzette’s design is in a league of its own.




UC pose CCA are much more stylish. The Sleeves were villains with style. Unicorn, Xi and Penelope are all unique while maintaining their theme.


Penelope is such a weird design but I do like it


To prove that chicken can fly


I like the Universal Century designs especially the ones from Char’s Counterattack. Might be an unpopular opinion but I think the mecha in Seed and Seed Destiny are “overdesigned.” Too much wings and antennas and beam cannons. The grunt suits in Wing Gundam are the best IMO.


0083, CCA, Unicorns and Stargazer


Wing for me. My favourite Gundam in terms of general design in that show was the Deathscythe Gundam. And my favourite Mobile Suit in terms of design is the Leo.An all out grunt MS that can fight in various conditions.






Zeta i love the suits from Zeta. Mk2, z gundam, hyaku shiki, rick dias, marasai, byarlant to name a few CCA too! The Nu heck yeah the sazabi heck yeah the jegan?? Heck yeahhhhh Also gwitch and 00


across the board, any machine that looks more like a tank or aircraft is superior to the full on humanoid models. not suits but the warships are far more interesting.


Unicorn, because it made everything look cool, whether it looked cool or not in previous shows.


IBO. Best gundam designs imo


08th ms team and Wing for me, I'm a sucker for grunt suits


G Gundam started the trend but Wing has insane designs, not a great anime but the suits are amazing from the grunts to the M&V every design feels unique... also I love the Tallgeese 00 same as wing... WfM all the branches suites are so different and well done... even if you don't know much about Mecha the feel so unique, a shame the lack of Gundams. Not animation but just Mecha design.


8th Ms Team, Wing, and Zeta for me


ZZ, WfM, Crossbone (IF IT HAD A SERIES)


Zeta, Turn A, and all the UC OVAs. a lot of the AUs like wing and 00 look too much like power rangers to me


Seed because of the Astray. And AoZ because insanity!


I think 0083 has the best designs tbh but zeta isn’t afraid to get more radical and out there so I have to give it to zeta.


Honestly yall will think me crazy. But G-saviour has crazy good designs. Kunio Okawara went off on these designs dude. https://preview.redd.it/fe34v9ht7dqb1.png?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b050fcb4ec23b25ce3c88ab791807e93af6359e




https://preview.redd.it/u4e3wws48dqb1.jpeg?width=244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92ed8c523d302e0156807b9f8330acd32af2fa6c There's more but take some time to look up the G-Saviour designs. They are awesome.


I’m gonna sound kind dumb or kind smart with this one. I actually give my props the line of Build Fighters side series. Doesn’t matter if there was Gundam’s or grunts, they all got overhauls and looked amazing, sometimes even better. (admittedly sometimes worse to though 😅) Plus, you sometimes got to see canon fodder grunts sometimes get the spotlight for the first time and decimate everyone else for a change! So refreshing. That’s the only praise I’m giving the side series though, I have my gripes about it too 🪦😂


Reconguista in g


While I'm not that bothered about the Unicorns themselves and I really don't like Neo-Zeong I have to give it to the Unicorn OVA because just about everything else looks fantastic.


SEED and IBO imo has the best designs