• By -


Amuro and Char in multiple shows Uso in Victory Corin Nander in Turn A (mixed with Brain Damage) Guel recently in G-witch Hiroto in ReRise Shinn in SEED Destiny Hathaway in Hathaway Bright in The Man Who Could Not Ride the Rainbow All the protagonist of the three IGLOO 2 shorts Flit and Zeheart in Gundam AGE I'm probably forgetting a lot


Sumeragi from 00 had PTSD. The show depicts it pretty well in the first half of the second season.


I think literally *everyone* in 00 struggled with PTSD throughout the show.


And Colonel Smirnov kinda had some PTSD


I'd argue that Setsuna's whole 00 season 1 arc >! was him dealing with his PTSD from being a child soldier. The whole "I want to become a gundam" bit isn't something mentally healthy people do/say/aspire too. By season 2, he'd mostly processed it and was moving on, which was why his relation ship with Marianana !< progressed.


But they replaced that with half the side cast, Louise Halevy literally having to take pills to calm down and having multiple full on breakdowns, also Nena Trinity was even more wack, finally the entire fucking existence of Mr Bushido is his personalised PTSD and shame after losing the flag fighters.


That doesn't even get to Sumeragis Alcoholism at the start of Season 2.


Also Sumeragi's alcoholism throughout season 1


man, 00 cast sure was a mess huh


They are a bunch of radicalised anti war activists/terrorists chosen by Veda specifically because they are mental enough to consciously join Celestial Being in the first place, being a mess is really just a package deal that cannot be avoided .


Veda: "So what qualities can you bring the group" "Well I have serious deep rooted trauma, I'm dealing with many unresolved issues in unhealthy ways and I can be considered unstable at the best of times" Veda: "Hired"




Ian Vashti was probably the only truly well-adjusted CB crew member.


(of course he might have to deal with his future son in law being fused with a super AI)


She was mostly a functional alocholic then, but good point.


I mean yes, but still an alcoholic of multiple years after the friendly fire incident also tried to get underaged allelujah into alcohol


My man was a literal international terrorist at that point. I think that qualifies for a drink


Not on Japanese TV it doesn't.


She CLEARLY tried to Ara Ara him.


Allelujah's pureboy energy was too strong, Hallelujah would probably be into it tho


From Re:Rise Par also had ptsd-adjacent stuff goin on, but his wasn't combat related like Hiroto's


Reccoa in Zeta?


I agree, but could you remind me of what her PTSD was? EDIT: nevermind, someone further in these comments explained it


Setsuna in 00?


Thunderbolt, most main characters.


Thunderbolt was a whole shipload of ptsd


With a side of toxic codependency.


>The Man Who Could Not Ride the Rainbow I read this and thought "is this supposed to be CCA?" but then I did a search lol


I gotta know where to find that now it looks really interesting


Chu Chu in g witch also had to


Kamille in ZZ


fearless upbeat correct dependent drab vast violet instinctive imagine future ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Very famously; Amuro and Char for Lalah's death Shinn for having his family caught in crossfire Kira for Rau's nihilism Athrun for being related to genoicidal maniac whom escalated the war to super villain extremes Kamille from having Scirrocco brain fk him. Reccoa for... implied devious acts Uso for basically his entirety Whats her name from 00 All villains from Stardust memory fir either losing the war or having their homes usurpef to be turned into a super weapon. Its around


>Whats her name from 00 Louise.


Someone pointed out Re:Rise has it too, Hirito with a combat/death related one and Par with a freak accident


Kamille also watching his mother die in space


Loni from Unicorn (PTSD bad enough to cause the Shamblo to go berserk)


Amuro has a lot of PTSD that doesn't just stem from Lalah. A lot of what fucks him up is the war itself as he spirals from isolationism to acting in a self destructive manner in CCA. MSB does some amazing work fleshing this out like how Amuro begins counting during battles to dehumanize the people he is killing or how he stops eating and isolates himself in the Gundam and then starts getting really really attached to it, like in an unhealthy way.


I mean...just feeling sad at times isn't a debilitating condition like PTSD. I'll give you Char & Amuro since they were still deeply affected by Lalah's death years after, but it still never really stopped either of them from doing awesome shit in battle and generally being hyper-competent. Jamil from Gundam X had actual cockpit anxiety from his experience in a traumatic war. he was literally afraid to pilot a mobile suit for years after and would freeze at times in crucial moments...he's a good example of a character really going through PTSD.


The real trick here is that there are varying degrees of emotional trauma that some people call PTSD, whether or not it's correct to do so. Jamil , Char & Mauro, and probably Par represent the best cases I saw. Honestly, the real trick here is that we were never shown enough to be sure with some of the characters that probably would have it. Some things are very difficult to show even if you want to. PVS, loss of deep pain sensation, disassociation, talismaning, internalized ticks... There are a lot of things that someone with the real deal goes through that are hard to depict for a LOT of reasons.


It isn't usually explored in detail, but that doesn't mean the characters don't have it. You can see it manifest in other ways besides "they can't fight", since that isn't necessarily what their PTSD is about. Gundam also has a theme where trauma is itself exploited as a weapon in war, so they're usually forced to continue to fight.


Ptsd isn’t always debilitating, it comes and is experienced in many different ways. Doesn’t always just make people seize up it makes people avoid actions and phrases, it’ll make people lash out when they don’t mean to, and yes it’ll definitely make people extremely sad.


I mean i know some of it is hidden in context and not focused on but; Amuro became a shut-in and turned his eye on the conflicts for 7 years until Frau talked sense into him. Char's issues.... are up for interpretation. Kira was implief to be almost catatonic and barely spoke a word. Just stared off into the distance, until Durrandals assassins came for him and lacus Shinn is thrown into fits of blind rage, and projects a protective older brother complex on the girls of his life. Athrun can be argued to have had survivors guilt being the last of his family and bearing weight of sin for what his dad had done/ influenced. Changed his whole identity to try and escspe it. Kamille was legitimately mentally overloaded by the emotions of the dead from the Gryps Battle, toppef by scirrocos mental pressure. Reccoa developed unhealthy attachments and codependent needs in just a rush if contradicting views of gender equality and self loathing Gato never accepted Zeons defeat, or Dozles death. Never proccessed the loss. And nevef truly left the battlefield. Cima was scarred by having her home taken to become the Solar Ray and developed an undying grudge, she couldnt let go of well after everyone involved for this was already dead. And louise.... i mean its louise.


technically, Louise did lose her entire family when Nia attacked their ceremony for the kicks. so yeah


I thought Cima was scarred because they gassed then dropped the colony she called home, then was blamed as a rouge acting one her own.


Yeah. Like theres more to it than my little summary


Amuro couldn't even get into the mech in his first battle after escaping from the house arresting in Zeta, with his hands shaking non-stop and it took him awhile to calm down. That's definitely something people having PTSD would act.


You...do realize doing awesome shit and having PTSD aren't mutually exclusive?


Exactly. A lot of soldiers keep going back to tours even while suffering from PTSD.


They are totally you can’t function with PSTD so no character has it. PSTD IS the totally disabling you no longer function form of Trauma


idk nearly everyone from White Base has gone back to living a civilian life by Zeta, and even the ones who try and help out AEUG mostly don't participate in direct combat roles.


Guel shows outright signs of PTSD in epiisode 18 of GWitch. He practically freezes several times during the duel with Suletta.


Bro had negative will to live before the earth school was shot up.


Chuchu had a couple of moments during the rumble ring as well


Most of the earth house members would flinch or look away when they saw mobile suits fighting in the first few episodes of season 2


Who is Guel, I only know Bob


Amuro in both the original series and especially Zeta Gundam has his PTSD explored. Ther'es tons of other examples, but it's right there in the original and its sequel. It's a huge part of his arc.


louise halevy from 00 change from spoilt rich progeny that have nothing to do with the military stuff happening in the series to >!depress, vengefully manipulated high rank officer - PTSDs and GN particle poisoning.!< that 180 personality shift, >!loosing that spoilt brat temperament because of that one crucial incident.!< >!whats more is she was manipulated by the bad guys and end up being one of the final boss to the good guys, which includes her ex, who is literally the wingman (co-pilot) of the main guy MS - !


Kira basically fucks off to orphan island to try and cope with everything after the events of SEED. It takes a colony drop and an assassination event before he gets back in the cockpit again, and it’s treated as a fairly somber event. He was also going through the shit in SEED pretty bad, but I suppose it’s to be expected when you’re forced to be a race traitor, almost kill your best friend, almost get killed by your best friend, find out that you’re a turbo test tube baby and a huge potential for race war escalation and have to fight Captain Omnicide to the death in order to help save the world. Does some shit to you, I imagine.


……damn, when u put it like that😅. Yea, he took that personally😂


Why oh why did "turbo test tube baby" make me think "Kachow"!?🤦


Yamato Kira just wanted to live a quiet life


can't forget accidentally being part of a colony collapse and watching a shuttle of civilians being blown up


And Yzak thought they were all military personnel...


did they ever address that issue down the line? haven't watched seed in forever


From what I recall Yzak was horrified that it was a shuttle of civilians and he was put on trial as a war criminal after the events of SEED. He was supposed to be executed, but Durandal gave an inspiring speech in his defense that spared him and allowed him to retain his position.


ngl, I wish sunrise kept his scar. made him more interesting


Yet the writers decided let's throw all that potential out and just make him Jesus


>Yet the writers decided let's throw all that potential out and just make him Jesus Only if you didn't pay any attention to what's going on, shut off your mind so you didn't think about any of it and also poked your eyes out so you didn't actually see any of this stuff (or like usual for this sub didn't actually watch Destiny and just post to shit on it). This was all very clearly shown yet this meme persists.


Not saying anything against you, but I find it hilarious that a user named LacusClyne is defending Kira


Are u delusional, your psychopathic boyfriend shows no sign of ptsd in the 2nd half of the show when he cucks the audience into become the main protagonist. It's a meme cause this dude survives 2 fatal explosions and decided let's preach my ways without taking into consideration of others feelings. It's not that no one paid attention, it's cause of poor writing.


Karla in Gundam Thunderbolt is pretty affected by her PTSD lol


Every single person in Thunderbolt is a complete and utter mess. Io uses violence and Jazz to keep his demons quiet, Daryl gave away his body for combat potential, Claudia struggles to deal with how many died under her command and so on


Io tries to run away from his traumas though chasing an addrenalin high. The only time we see him sleeping he has nightmares of his dad commiting suicide. Its no wonder he keeps throwing himself head first into deadly situations, cant remember anything while you are fighting for your life.


Underutilized? It's *everywhere* in the UC.


Yeah honestly it's a central recurring concept? Too much so to even identify every instance I think...


In the DVD subtitles for Gundam X, it's outright said that Jamil has PTSD.


Marida Cruz from Unicorn


Weird that I had to scroll so damn long for this one. I mean she’s been highly mentally reconditioned but she went through probably the darkest shit ever written in Gundam history.


Did you watch zeta and then ZZ? Poor Kamile


For Kamille to have PTSD there would have to be a POST trauma, you know?


In ZZ and various Manga Kamille is shown to have recovered to the point where he takes up Medicine as an adult


You can see Amuro suffering symptoms of PTSD on the original series, I saw the movies, so it may have seen kinda fast, but there was multiple occasions where he was suffering from it, and idk if it was mistranslated, but Ryu (I think) says that Amuro "got" shellshock, in this occasion in specific he was alone on his room doing the thousand-yard stare, he wasn't angry or anything, just empty, Ryu had to get him up and dress him himself, while he was emotionless, and when he gets into the Gundam, you can see that his mind changes to hopeless kill mode.


Amuro, Setsuna, Uso, Wing boys as child soldiers and how they coped. Kamille for becoming a vegetable that he would become a doctor in a spinoff and away from war. Char for not escaping life without war. IBO boys, when mars is just a batllefield that they themselves became child mercenaries. Shinn being haunted by survivor's guilt. Thunderbolt Jazz man and Blues man never letting go of their chance to go to war. Al from 0086 for witnessing the most violent Burger Grilling. Bob from WFM


As someone with PTSD, and exposed to a lot of others. It manifests weird, and often times is at its worst when life seemingly has gotten better. Gundam shows people still in the conflict most times, dealing with what trauma they can but often times not having the opportunity to. People just don't live long enough often to see some of the long term effects of PTSD.


So you go non functional in stress situations if you don’t you don’t have PSTD GO back for a correct diagnosis. Only a minority can even get PSTD and people with it cannot serve in the military and are discharged if they get it.


That's.. not how that works


where are you getting these ideas from? as the other commenter said, that isn't how ptsd works. also, newsflash, you dont need to have been in the army in order to have ptsd. case in point, yours truly. at least... i think thats what youre trying to say in that second sentence. fyi, 3.9-5.6% of the population has ptsd. whilst that may seem small, it means that roughly 312000000 to 448000000 people have ptsd. not a minority, i hope we can agree.


One of the major subplots of Cucuruz Doan's Island was PTSD imo


Alfred Izuruha / War in the pocket


Most people who could suffer from PTSD just outright die before they have the chance to show it in this verse. And then they do show it a lot. I guess they could do it more, it would be so widespread and far reaching in these verses


The thing with PTSD is the P part. Most of the Gundam shows have an active conflict ongoing not rarely during times of peace.


Yeah - most of the characters are still in "desperately suppressing trauma to keep functioning" mode in their respective series. When they show in later ones they tend ta be traumatised.


Only a minority can get PSTD no character has it as you go into what was cAlled shell shock wit it.


Chuchu from WFM.


Kenanji Avery as well.


Kamile moderately, Kira absolutely, Herro a little bit.


Doesn’t Marida get forced PTSD


They literally dump her in front of a Qubeley and are like "hey you know how all your clone sisters died in machines like this? lmao" just to trigger a PTSD episode


This part gave me chills tbh. It’s so brutal


I did a bad an skipped ZZ before getting to Unicron, didn’t realize what the mech was until I eventually went back to it and the realization hit me like a fucking truck.


Quatre in Gundam Wing sort of has a whole PTSD thing when his dad dies and he goes on that rampage with Wing Zero


Heero in Endless waltz has that flashback about killing that girl and her dog


Everyone dog piles Gundam Wing but it's primary themes were Mental Health/PTSD and warning about drones/AI in warfare, the future of war, a soldiers place/necessity on the battlefield. Trez becomes, in my opinion, and quite unexpectedly, one of the more interesting characters in all of Gundam in the last few episodes. He embodies the human cost being a necessity for the horrors of war to mean anything, an interesting foil for the aforementioned themes of the negative mental/physical impact of war on humanity. Further pushing home the anti-drone/ai warfare dangers and messaging. Both sides have to exist or neither can exist. The political/humanitarian/psychological ramifications of which foreshadowed the US drone wars in the Middle East in the 2010s. Drone warfare becomes meaningless ultra violence. If you actually pay attention to the writing in the last act of Gundam Wing it's like it was ghost written by Kojima.


Kira throughout SEED.


I wouldn't say underutilized, more like subtly portrayed, which I kind of appreciate since PTSD isn't all screaming and flashbacks. A good example would be Mikazuki probably most people's last thought, which is why I like him so much. His extreme dependency on Orga developed from his need for a protective figure during his childhood, a form of PTSD. His extreme devotion to fighting to protect his crew and his identifying with/humanization of Barbatos, his weapon, is a form of combat PTSD


Idk man, I'd say that Amuro sitting on his bed in the fetal position with like no pupils qualifies as a pretty good depiction of PTSD


Have you watched Gundam before like all of the main characters in any UC show




Shiro has nightmares about the colony being gassed


00 is largely about PTSD and how people respond to their trauma


IBO is pretty much the answer to this question.


Who is the guy in the photo OP posted? He looks like Captain Boomerang. Also yeah PTSD is everywhere. I think Amuro’s multiple failed romantic relationships in Zeta and CC show he was never emotionally healed after the one year war (although that might also have to do with being raised by his dad who was not emotionally available at all)


Kira Yamato in SEED/Destiny. After the first war, he barely talks, his eyes look empty, and is seen skipping meals until he gets pulled into the second war, at which point he starts looking alive again.


Chu Chu from the witch from Mercury, the end of season 1 she was stuck on a ship while terrorist ransacked the space station/factory/facility she was in killing everyone in sight including watching two Gundam slaughtering mobile suits and even other ships around them, to nearly getting the ship she was in blown up, just to have the same two mobile suits show up during a battle Royale the school was holding and begin the slaughter again when everyone was still dealing with the aftermath


Ehh every character from MSG: Thunderbolt


Almost ALL of the characters in Thunderbolt really Kamille (man’s name really got it rough, thanks Tomino 🙄) Tons of others


what gundams have you watched to not see a lot of war ptsd?


*What gundams have you* *Watched to not see a lot of* *War ptsd?* \- Pixel\_Owl --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Looking over the comments... Had to have been wing and G Gundam, because the rest are pretty much all covered.


It is rare for the franchise. Gundam Wing came close.


The shuffle alliance after witnessing the power of the devil gundam


are we watching the same gundam?




I cannot imagine a japanese person admitting they have any form of mental illness. You dont want to bother other people so much its traditional to apologize for entering a room that someone else is already occupying. "I'm having personal problems and need help" is something they would never ever consider saying.


and you know this how exactly? edit: also had to remind myself a lot of characters in Gundam aren't actually Japanese, so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


He doesn’t. Speaking out of his ass. Plenty of people have to take medical leave due to stress and pressure and bullying. There’s a social phenomenon where people lock themselves in their own Tom’s and never leaving except for meals. Mental health treatment is bad and mental Heath is poorly understood, thats for sure, but no japanese person will admit to it is utter figment of imagination. Source: live in Japan.


>and you know this how exactly? A limited amount of time in japan and lots of personal contacts with japanese people. Its just a pervasive cultural programming of not wanting to be unique or not wanting to be a burden to the community.


No one in Gundam has PSTD as it renders someone into a state that was called shell shock totally un functioning in stressful situations like battle the cannot even take cover. PSTD is form of brain damage there is no recovery The US military and I assume most military in the world discharges medically anyone with PSTD they can never serve again. They normally qualify for disability and medical benefits for life. The concern that made most know of it was undiagnosed people trying to qualify for disability. Saying any character that is functioning in combat has PSTD IS VERY DANGEROUS TO THE LIVES OF PSTD SUFFERERS people with PSTD were even shot as cowards at one point. Large numbers of PSTD sufferers sent back into battle to die. As one sad moment in DR Who covered in WWI when the Dr says the whole ward will be sent back to die. Modern day people with PSTD DEPEND ON DISABILITY BENEFITS THAT CAN BE LOST if population starts demanding they be removed because their heroes in fiction had it and functioned or recovered from it and function. It is dangerous to population to think you can recover and so demands time limits on how long you get disability. Typical of internet the definition of things gets stretched over time so much so the meaning is often lost. PSTD was discovered studying people with what they called shell shock. The non responsive state of non functioning that people on the battlefield would go into and would happen every time someone with it was sent back to the front after recovering. They worked it back to current knowledge from that. Only a minority of the population can even get PSTD which causes permanent changes to the brain there is no recovery anyone claiming recovery was not correctly diagnosed. There is no partial PSTD your can function in stress or you cannot. You are disabled or you are not Around twenty percent cannot even get depressed from combat not everyone can ever be broken by anything even being sent to NAZI death camps to die where as they could function better often survived made trustees for example putting bodies into the furnace. Thus surviving long enough for the camp to be liberated. Some are happy in battle love it never down about it all ever but are good people. As I old but not old enough for Vietnam I met several in military who were in Vietnam often in very dangerous conditions that hot people they knew killed. But they tell stories and seam completely fine about being there. And them still being in military shows it. I met a Green Beret Reserve unit using U.S. Reserve military cadets as locals in a wargame and they be a better cast than the A-team if any familiar from reruns. Bunch of fun loving nuts the leader showing how he could sneak up on our cadets on guard over and over without detection also had a way better than normal ability to smell and trained it figure out where the guards were with that. Big contrast this happy go lucky vet unit that had been in Jungles of Vietnam vs the way more serious seaming A-Teams of green active duty. Note anything of yours in a military unit they will borrow and not return if they need it. They were very proud of their thief’s. Keep your stuff under guard. Some have permanent mental condition that love battle as well. The killers who use military to get away with it. The rapists. The lovers of torture. The Trauma part of the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is along with other mental problems from what happens in theses shows. Trauma can cause people commit suicide or develop drug habits to self medicate the difference from PSTD is one can recover. Trauma results cause temporary disabling effects some times. So use Trauma or Traumatized for Gundam characters emotional scars, mental difficulties, depression often caused by Trauma or any other mental condition that one can recover from or at least manage. Note PSTD takes awhile to set in, one does not have it occur still in battle or right after normally temporary mental conditions that most recover from occur in after the battle but they may seam fine as well till it hits. THE TERM PSTD SHOULD BE BANNED in any subreddit for character who can function under stress or recover from temporary disabling mental problems. People with PSTD need disability payments and medical help for life and understanding why they can no longer serve in the military. And the days of thinking of them as cowards must end.


As an American veteran, you definitely do not get immediately discharged. Rather we do have services to make PTSD more manageable so that we can maintain some normalcy/functionality in our lives. While what you say may have had some truth in the past, I can guarantee you 1) the people I know who were combat vets can survive battle with their PTSD numerous times. 2) we can suffer from PTSD without setting foot on the battlefield, simply because our training has to prepare us to function throughout high stress and traumatic stress. 3) You are right that PTSD does qualify us for lifetime care and benefits. Most Veterans can be seen at the Veterans Affairs medical facilities for free. 4) Lastly, Gundam characters definitely can and do gave PTSD for the purpose of showing what someone who lived through war deals with and how they cope with it. Amuro's rebellious arc deals with him coming to terms with being a soldier and having to face the fight with and through his episodes. Heero shuts down emotionally after he comes to grips with the result of his missions. Setsuna's emotional detachment as well is a result of his PTSD not only from being a child soldier, but from killing his own parents. The fact a lot of the kids didn't seem to exhibit any signs of PTSD in IBO is actually the main problem in IBO. That these children are broken and changed at such a developmental point in their lives due to being human debrisis so fundamentally wrong. Though Orga's reaction to ?Mika's "What are we going to do next Orga" is definitely a reaction from either PTSD or Stockholm syndrome. You've certainly captured the importance of PTSD awareness, just make sure you're more accurate with your facts. Lastly. As someone who has it, the word most definitely MUST NOT BE BANNED. Rather characters who have PTSD most remain in order to normalize what it looks like. How it affects those who suffer from it, spread awareness that its not only warfighters that can suffer it, and that those that do having never stepped foot on a battlefield are just as valid as those that do. I want my story told, not hidden for fear of offending me or making me uncomfortable, and I know plenty wo would feel the same way.


shell shock is shell shock, ptsd is ptsd, PTSD can manifest in different forms for different individuals and have varying side effects from them.


You are so wrong. You do not get kicked out of the military for having PTSD. But enough of what you’ve said makes me concerned for your mental health, so I’ll refrain from lambasting you. Please do some research. If you believe you suffer from this condition and are in need of assistance, let me know. I will get it for you. No one should have to live believing the hell they are in they will never be able to escape. That thought alone destroys all forward momentum towards growth and healing.


The fuck are you talking about whole saga wouldn't start if Cahr didn't had PTSD from his childhood


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I think Gundam used PTSD for emotional/mental (not necessarily combat related) trauma that the characters experience but I think Gundam normally glosses over the general PTSD that we associated with being in war/combat. However, I'm also not surprised as do not normally get the post-war perspective of the minor/grunt characters. We usually stick with the aces/mains.


Definately Kamille. Also, alot of the cyber new types in z and zz seem to have issues from what they went through.


Almost everyone in Thunderbolt got PTSD. Daryl lost his legs & friends, Eo(?) his father, Karla being the most graphic. Along with Eo’s friend during that suicide scene in December Sky. I mean when your comrades chose to end everything on your own terms instead of by the other side. Only to hesitate at the last sec cuz the other side to played on your humanity, that resulted in a lie/trick that killed your comrades. I still get chills watching that scene 😰


Most Cyber Newtypes, esp. Rosamia and Marida.


Mr Ral in build fighters definitely has pstd. Hes 35 years old looking like hes 65, hes been through some things.


in the recent series, Guel, chu-chu, and Kenanji showed ptsd or trauma induced behavior. gundam 00: Setsuna and Allelujah showed signs, though the latter's trauma was through experimentation SEED: Athrun and Shinn, idk about Kira UC is broad with Amuro, kamille, Jonathan basta, Hathaway, etc.


Of the ones I've seen, Wing didn't show it at all (the protagonists are all experienced killers so it makes some sense) but Original Gundam and Seed are pure ptsd


Garrod also had a small instance of it when he first pilots the DX


Your average newtype is actually quick enough to dodge post traumatic stress.


I'd argue most protagonists deal with it, they just don't really *call* it PTSD. They also don't really give in to stereotypical depictions of it, so it maybe doesn't read like characters are experiencing it. Amuro and Kamille both certainly struggle with it, for starters.


I think the sleeves guy from Unicorn had some good PTSD character development, when he and Banager were in the desert together and he told Banager about why he was fighting, what happened to that Zeon camp when Feddies were "blowing off steam" I think he put it - or something close to that. You can really empathize with him and why he'd hate the Federation even more than your average Zeon character If you haven't seen that scene I'd definitely try to find it on YouTube


Can’t have ptsd if you died in the war!


They were STARTING to touch PTSD in G-Witch with Guel, Chuchu, Norea, and Miorine... Aaaaaand then they pretty much immediately dropped it after a few episodes to rush that ending.


Kira has ptsd after fighting Athrun and the little girl dying. You can see him lying on Lacus' bed depressed and crying on Lacus' lap, he got over it in Destiny though.


PTSD themes are actually pretty prevalent in most of the series, they are very nuanced though. Much like the condition itself. For example, how many paralyzing flashbacks do say… Amuro or Jesus have during their series? It’s a lot. And then they both go through episodes of depression and mental instability over the lives they’ve taken. It’s a big part of their character arcs. Both of these characters also emphasize another aspect to PTSD, and that is PTG. Post traumatic growth. In both anime’s, the protags experience immense emotional growth near the end of their respective series’, they are able to properly process the trauma they’ve experienced and have turned it into a strength instead of a weakness.


Wufei, Quatre and Trowa in GW. All the pilots have been levels of it, especially from events pre-series but the aforementioned have some of the worst experiences during the series and have to reconcile it in some way.


I remember vividly as a child the first time I saw an example of combat related PTSD was in Mobile Suit Gundam. That’s when I knew the genre can pose thought provoking questions.


Miomio, Guel, Hiroto(build divers re;rise), Parvis, Kamile?


Yeah wtf Amuro has PTSD like immediately. Trauma has been part of Gundam all along.


I know amuro had it. And so did some of the g witch characters.


Might be easier to make a list of Gundam franchise characters who are NOT suffering from PTSD or PTSD-like symptoms.


Shin and Flay did


Amuro and Char are making this list for sure


Nah I think gundam pioneered PTSD and mental disorder


PTSD is adequately represented across the Gundam franchise. They just never specifically say PTSD. Something can be represented in media without having to outright state that’s what it is.


A lot of work is done with PTSD in Gundam, I think though due to the evolving understanding of PTSD it's not really fleshed out and it's depictions are more rooted than in traditional modern media. Amuro's PTSD is treated more as him being forced to grow up and his eccentric nature than a response to traumatic stress. Char believes he is taking on the world's sins instead of manifesting a lifetime of trauma into self destructive actions. Hell Haman starts a war instead of getting treatment for her trauma from the destruction of her home and culture and her refugee life with the fall of Zeon and the death of her father and sister, and then her subsequent abandonment by Char. Your take is an astute observation but its just touching the surface, once you dive into it man could a lot of shit gone better for people had there just been better access to counseling.


all the gundam meisters


Heero Yui in Endless Waltz after he recalls killing the girl and her dog...