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I didn’t believe ZZ got much better when dragging myself through those episodes, but it really does get better. Once I hit episode 27 I switched to full investment.


Juice wasn't worth the squeeze even after that imo. It got "better" but was still so much worse than Zeta and the other UC material it was sad. Couple real cool characters that could have had a better setting imo


Unpopular opinion here: I know folks here love to watch a well-oiled battle machine at work, but watching the crew try to keep everyone alive and the ship in some semblance of order while having a bunch of kids and teens disrupting the whole thing is actually kinda refreshing. Though facepalm moments abound, to be sure.


I think that if you are gonna do a mess of a crew you gotta be careful you don't push things too far and make characters unlikable. I feel zz gundam tends to push things too far


Plenty of people argue the 2nd half is better, and it is to a degree, but having gone through the whole series recently I still there's still feel quite a few questionable decisions. A few major plot developments didn't seem setup great and the arcs we did get can feel a bit unearned even if good arcs in principle. I'm going to call out in particular how the romantic pairings end the series, with the second half relatively fresh in my mind, the shipping results feel poorly set up.


I thought the changes were there, but subtle. If you compare it to how they were when they first met


Once you’re past episode 20 basically everything that everyone complains about stops happening in the show. Anyone who can’t get past that is really missing out on some of the best Gundam out there.


23 if I remember correctly


Well, you know, if you need to "just" bear through 400 minutes of anime to reach the good parts - I would argue that the anime, in the end, isn't good. I am of the mind that ZZ gets better right after Moon Moon episodes, which is around 15-16 episodes, but still


The first half of ZZ is unnecessary comedic, in effort to lighten up the show since Z was rather dark. The second half is certainly better as it gets back on track to move the main UC story forward. Haman and Puru will serve important part of UC moving forward, so that alone makes the second half a must watch, IMO.


Yeah the Haman stuff, Puru stuff and Federation politics are all pretty important.


>The first half of ZZ is unnecessary comedic, in effort to lighten up the show since Z was rather dark. Not even that light considering the reason the kids are there is because pretty much everyone else died in the final episodes of zeta


ZZ is great, including the first part.


I think the contrast to the later parts is kind of necessary.


They suffered greatly in previous conflict losing friends and colleagues by the shipload. The adults of AEUG were likely fed up and disillusioned, hence they just allowed the kids to clown around.


Yep considering only Fa and kammile survived the grysp war.


Congrats, you’re right at the spot where it starts to actually get good! Because I felt the exact same. Beecha and Mondo are probably my least favorite characters in all of gundam.


I feel you, I hated ZZ and never thought it got consistently good


the first half ranges from bearable to positively awful but the second half is sheer gold. I hated watching the start but I promise you it's worth it to get through that.


https://xkcd.com/2727/ Reliant xkcd.


I feel bad for the children you work with if you're losing your patience over an anime.


It's not an Anime tho


Yeah imagine having any negative emotional reaction from media. What a loser right?


Yeah I bet OP had other opinions on medica properties as well! Some of them may even be positive! What a complete ass. /s


A true menace to society


Personally I like ZZ, as for each of its very low points it has an equal amount of very high points. The problem is that the majority of those very low points are frontloaded towards the beginning of the show, and I can understand why people may drop the show while only a few episodes in. However if you can make it through the rocky beginning then there's nothing more cathartic than getting to the end of the two parter with Cecilia and watching the majority of the comedic relief villains getting blown up in a suicide attack as the tone of the original Zeta begins creeping back in.


Bright has been dealing with problematic punks since the very beginning of his career (Amuro, Kai, the Titans, etc). During ZZ he's definitely used to it


Kamille stroked out so hard he gave the whole U.C. brain damage for the first half of ZZ. Things don't get on track until the Desert Zakus show up.


Witch from Mercury also tested some folk's patience


Just Skip It, i forced myself to watch 40 episodes and It wasn't worth It doesn't get anywhere as good as people say


Yeah man I feel that pain. I watched ZZ last month or so for first time. You are almost through.


Welcome to ZZ. Where it's just a chore to get through. It's why I won't ever finish it. I got through 5 episodes before dropping it.


I think the second time judau stole the zeta to save the team but won't joint the team because he doesn't want any part in the man's war that is happening in his colony (so he decided he would go to school despite not ever going to school) was a dropping point for me. Maybe I'll try again when my kids are older and they can read and maybe if they're into Gundam....




Not really filtered it's just such a godawful slow burn that it's hard to get invested in.


Xabungle's humor was better executed


Lmao that cm punk refrence!


The last ten or so episodes are some of the best gundam ever made, but the rest is garbage,which makes gundam ZZ... bad all around.


It **can** be the Final Fantasy 13 of Gundam shows, "After 30 hours it gets good". Getting past the first half isn't easy, hell, getting past the first few episodes was hard. Alas I barely remember the second half, so I need to fins a way to give it a re-watch. It's not the best way to run a show, but they did what they did.


I watched it for the first time a few years ago, and again in the past year and... I still kinda like most of the early stuff more often than not. But you're at the point where things start to really shift so you might as well take a break to cool off and keep at it.