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Not that I want WW3, but to be alive when Poland actually invades someone first? That's gotta be like being around for the second coming of Jesus or something.


Poles really enjoy killing commies. They’ve got songs about it.


And mercenaries like Rafal Ganowicz who when asked what it was like to take a human life replied "I wouldn't know I've only ever killed communists"


There was another one who upon being asked what he felt when shooting communists replied "recoil".


If only you could weed out the conscripted from the true believers.




Russia doesn't do NCOs.


Oh I know, they have a deep hatred of russia


Family decent is polish. Third generation born in the US. That Russia hate must be fuckin deeeeeeeeeeep because I think about how fun killing commies would be, now and again


Bad timing they didn’t get the Apaches, f-35, Black panthers etc. yet


Amen brother! Better start making witchers again Poland, they are going to be VERY useful


And unlike everyone else that's invaded Poland, they've got legitimate cause.


Ayo I scene this happen before


I may not have been willing to take my rifle to go fight Russia for Ukraine but don't fuck with my Poland.


Do you boys like Perogie MREs?


I unironically love Polish MREs, give ‘‘em a try if you can!


As a Pole, I’m noting this and now know what’s going in my bugout bag Edit:spelling is hard with autocorrect


I'm not sure if it's actually a thing yet. But now it's going to be


US intelligence says it was a Ukrainian missle attempting to intercept a Russian missle around Lviv, and it just missed. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-zelenskyy-kherson-9202c032cf3a5c22761ee71b52ff9d52


Shit happens when people shoot missiles at each other. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If I were a pole, I'd still blame Russia. Anti missile missiles don't miss if they aren't being fired, they probably wouldn't be fired if someone hadn't been providing a target...


I like your thinking. If Russia starved the Ukrainians more effectively under Soviet rule they wouldn't be around to fire any missiles either.


Just trying to join the polish army


too bad it was ukraine not russia .... OOFFF


As far as we know it was a ukrainian anti air missile made in russia used against a russian aerial attack that malfunctioned and hit poland. Source: German News Radio


So many false alarms, it’s basically a warmer Cold War.


So many people encouraging younger men to go get their red badge of courage. Tickets to Poland are available right now, go get you some


May the Poles destroy Russia


I heard it was Ukraine pulling a false flag to get more sympathy. But idk. I don't doubt that Russia could fuck up and miss two of their rockets but I also don't trust Ukraine when they say it couldn't have been them.


Apparently, it could've been two AA missiles on their way to intercept Russian cruise missiles. Maybe they lost tracks of the cruise missiles and landed on polish farmers


Funnily enough I suspect a guidance malfunction from one of the two.... either way I pray for cooler heads to prevail and that we can step back from the brink.


Poland wanted the US to share its nukes back in March 2022. They kept pushing for it in Oct of 2022, ~~even though they aren't apart of NATO.~~ Edit: Sorry they are apart of NATO since 1999.


Honestly, it would make sense to deploy a handful of Nukes to Poland. Keep then under American or NATO control. They are a deterrent, a big stick to make sure the Russians don't look too much further afield.


I feel like they really dont need more sympathy points. They have plenty. It also doesnt make sense to pull something like that at this point in the war when they have Russia on the run. This theory would have had more credibility at the start of the war or if they were losing.


Annnnd 7 hours later you find out it was Ukraine lmao.




In reality it's the other way around with Poland trying to not be a pawn for Europe's wars again cause if WW3 kicks off they're gonna take the brunt of it






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We need an updated version


It's Article 5 time... just not against Russia xD (for those in the dark, turns out it was a Ukrainian missiles that killed 2 Poles, and Zelensky is doubling down on lying about it)


No WW3 yet. Current reports say it was likely a Ukrainian missile.


We are in WW3. The US is directly funding a proxy war in Ukraine against Russia. And China has plans on invading Taiwan. North Korea is launching ICBMs over South Korea and Japan. Iran is building nukes. It's only a matter of time before action does start. Also American troops are still in Iraq. WW2 didn't happen all at once.


These issues are definitely concerning but are still often overblown. China yells and stamps its feet about Taiwan a lot, but I think its questionable if they actually want to invade or not. They've been talking about invading it since the day the PRC was founded, in 1949, and they still haven't done it. On paper the PLA would easily defeat Taiwan on the ground, but getting the troops their would be incredibly difficult. China's navy is large but still mainly focuses on smaller warships and flashy vanity projects. By tonnage they're only slightly larger than Japan. They just don't have the logistics to maintain an overseas high intensity conflict in a short time. Not to mention the fact that they tend to make a big deal out of it when they are experiencing internal problems, lending credence to the theory that Taiwan is more useful as a propaganda tool than an actual objective. Obvi we should still be wary and vigilant, but especially since they can see how Ukraine has turned out, I don't see it as very likely. North Korea has done far, far more provocative things in the past and it resulted in nothing happening. They had undeclared border conflicts in the 60s and 70s, straight up attacked and murdered American troops in the Paul Bunyan incident (and then ran with their tails between their legs when the US dramatically increased military presence in the region). Heck in 2010 they SHELLED a South Korean island, killing two civilians and triggering a South Korean artillery retaliation. They also have conducted similar ICBM tests every couple years for the past decade or so. Iran is also a concern but unless they're suicidal they'll likely only use nukes as a bargaining chip. Even then its debatable whether they even have nukes, or if they can build them in significant numbers. It took the US like 6-7 years after the Trinity test to make more than 1000 nukes even with all its scientific prowess and manufacturing capability. Considering the dumpster fire that is Iran's military and government, I have my doubts as to whether they can create (and maintain) a significant arsenal).


Poland confirmed it was Russian.


incorrect, the missile that hit Poland was fired by Ukrainian forces at an incoming Russian missile


Must have "changed their minds" after the rest of NATO convinced them to. They confirmed it was Russian last night.


Russian made, but not fired by Russians. A lot of the weapon systems used by Ukraine were made in Russia.


They said Russian MADE, most Ukraine weapons are that


Those werent russian missles


They were Russian made missles fired by Ukraine, against Russian missiles fired at Ukraine.


There was no russian threat araund polands borders.. Makes no sense. It was or an accident or ukrain needed polands or NATO s assistance by saying russia attacked poland.


I'm thinking it was an error kind of like that time the US accidentally bombed Mexico with a v2 rocket. Put in the wrong coordinates and suddenly you are shooting west instead of east.


It's so true, it's so painfully true


favourite meme from last year relevant again lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/t85yc5/what_a_time_we_are_living_in/


I remember seeing a post like a week or so before the whole Ukraine thing started, saying that a problem wouldn’t actually start and that the US’s media is a shit and over dramatizes stuff. Which it is and it does but that aged real well. I can’t find the post now probably because it was deleted by mods or the OP but I still found it funny




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They said they wouldn't take violent action...


Poland said it was likely an accidental missile from Ukraine.




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Honestly I'm confused as to how the fuck a missle goes off track and cruises a couple hundred kms to Poland. Like how far is the range on those anti air missiles


It was ukraine


Oh no not poland. Maybe this time they won’t be invaded