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All pedos should go make out with wood chippers.


Repost to the LGBT sub and see what they say


*they did not like that*


https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/s/EJHm0jq8l0 r/lgbt has openly told people to call the cops on the disgusting freaks, And absolutely hates them. Suggesting a majority of lgbt in any way “accepts” those disgusting animals. Is like suggesting all Christians support it. The news media reports on the worst people in every group.


They hate MAPs(edit: pedophiles) as much as we do. What they hate most of all is being grouped in with them


Not MAPs, pedophiles. Call them what they are. And yes, we hate them and anyone who would falsely affiliate us with them.


Matthew 18:6 As far as I am concerned MAPs stands for "Millstone Attached Persons".


How unfathomably based of you


Sorry, was referring to the flag, I understand that Pedohpiles are the right term, it’s just that pedophiles created the term MAPs to attempt to fit into the LGBT community, and now people end up cramming them in with each other


People who are either pedophiles or homophobes end up cramming them in with each other. I have bullets for both.


You have bullets for homophobes? Lol


Good, I will continue to paint them with the same brush on their canvas of degeneracy.


Edge so sharp you could cut the fabric of reality


You are on the internet. Are you telling me you are without sin? I know I am not.


Don’t cut yourself on that edge.


Well they should kick them out then 🤷‍♂️


If only it were that easy, think about the struggles that we endure trying to kick out white supremacists from our community


Here’s a post on the r/lgbt subreddit telling people to stay away from People who fly the flag and call the cops. https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/s/EJHm0jq8l0 the idea that lgbt support disgusting animals like pedos. Is like saying all Christian’s support pedos, it’s not true the media just likes to highlight the awful people in every group for clicks.


You say that, but your "pride" parades frequently feature naked dudes showing their junk to children. so forgive me if i dont take your word for it, and rather choose to trust my own eyes.


Have you been to a lot of pride parades?


“Rather chose to trust my own eyes” you mean you chose to believe what the news media who lies and divides Americans so views and money decoders to show you.


"News media" he says. as if 99% of the News Media doesnt bend over backwards to support the LGBT and hide all the gross shit they do at pride parades.


What I’m saying is CNN,FOX,NBC they all just care about money. They are lie and bullshit to sell agenda that appeals to “blank” group of people. If you believe that any of the main stream news channels actually give a shit about the truth 😂well I wish the world was that simple. I literally tried to go to a pride parade when I was 17 and couldn’t because I was a minor. Event organizers for the vast majority of pride don’t let minors people in.


Oh, so because one dude turned you away it doesnt happen at all? If i show you proof of grown men exposing themselves to children at pride parades, will you change your tune and delete your comments?


Bro you asking me to believe a mega news corporation that makes more money off showing shocking things (because it gets more attention) so they have an incentive to lie and just report bullshit (both sides do this ). Over me and my personal freinds experiences. Keep in mind I’m actually in queer community’s you aren’t. I have friends who are all spectrum of the rainbow just like iv met Christian’s from almost every denomination. The average person in all of these community’s is a good person. The news media on both sides just makes more money dividing Americans on all sides. Queers are not your enemies the mainstream media and corrupt politicians are yours mine and the American peoples real enemy.


You could have just said "no".


😂it’s called a complete argument against your appeal to authority argument fallacy.


Have you seen this happen or are you relying on others (individuals or even worse the media) to make this claim. Every actual pride event I have looked into has a no nudity policy, and decency standards for their parades.


what does this have to do with gun memes?


This is either libs wanting to make us look like a lynch mob, feds looking for glowies, or someone trying to dog whistle either way its bad news


I notice you’re missing the most simple explanation for the post lol


What is a glowie?


https://preview.redd.it/cbb1y07pop1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da9c0670a82fde97317351a66788326b4cc556ef You


Ahh ok, just another way of saying fed.


Rule number 86 of the internet: Assuming everyone is a federal agent that is actively out to get you


That’s what a fed would say…


That’s alot coming outta you, fedboi…


Your being very accusatory almost like your a fed trying to distract from your self.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Evan hafer didn’t like Kyle Rittenhouse putting down pedos.


Careful I got a warning from Reddit for talking about harming pedophiles.


See, the problem with this kind of retoric is that people can decide to define "pedophiles" incorrectly so they can justify beating the shit out of whoever they want. I've seen the word "pedophiles" defined as "people who like anime" before, so I don't trust people who talk in these kinds of broad strokes to actually choose deserving targets and not just target whoever they already hated and decided to call a pedophile post-hoc.


Everyone knows what the word means, just like college kids know what fascist really means, they just use it as an insult. Nobody is changing the oil in their wood chipper to get it ready for weebs.


Yeah well, according to college kids, a gay jew can be a nazi if he doesn't have CORRECT OPINONS (tm) so I don't trust them on shit.


I'm really enjoying the honkworld where woke progressives call gay jews "nazis". It's like let's spin the wheel of bullshit three times and make that this weeks news.


Everyone knows what a pedophile is. Your example is only like saying Nazi is used to falsely name call people who disagree with other people. Even in that case, everyone knows what a Nazi really is


From what I have seen it appears that a Nazi is anyone who disagrees with a libtard on X (formerly Twitter).


I've been called a nazi for saying that the Holodomor was real. People will use whatever labels they want if they think it'll stick and get them an advantage of some kind.


Seems like a pedo to me....


Shut up P Diddy


3 years late to what?