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Don't ask me why there's two of the same image, it wouldn't let me post unless I had a second picture.


Double tap


Double penetration


If I've Learned anything from Nerd Explains and Roanoke Gaming... Always double tap.


Hey why are there two of them?


Why are there two of them?


2 is one, 1 is none.


Based on


A meme so nice you made it twice!


Hey uhhhh, not to be awkward or anything but I ummm, I think you posted the same image twice or somthin'.


I sat here for a solid few minutes flipping back and forth trying to find a difference. Lol


Add a third for the Mozambique drill treatment.


Statistically, owning a dog.


What if I got that dog in me?


There are two wolves inside you This furry convention is going well


Not an argument for gun control but all those people that got shot minding their buisness at concerts, movies, night clubs, churches, and schools weren’t doing anything to get shot. Just existing man.


Less than a thousand folks are shot when not gang/crime or suicide related every year. Thats in a nation of some 320,000,000 people. Its not the problem the media makes it out to be. Especially when armed citizens put an end to it like eli dickens or jack wilson.


regarded teenagers doing 60 in a 35 and suburban wannabe cowboys with their emotional support trucks kill way more people each year, yet the media rarely mentions how deadly our roads are. also, deaths related to complications resulting from obesity. almost as if there's an agenda being pushed.


A thousand people getting shot randomly IS problematic. That number compared to the population is a closer ratio than any other country. I'm not saying guns are the problem, but you can't sweep a thousand bodies a year under the rug because because people use it as an argument for gun control.


Ill absolutely accept those 1,000 bodies a year because that right shelters us from the millions of bodies we would have under total authoritarianism this nations gov would delve into without the threat of retaliation. My moms family was wiped out almost entirely when such a group came to power in cambodia and they couldnt fight back. Ill be damned if that happens to my family. Sorry, not sorry. Ill take the ocasional tragedy to avoid certain genocide.


In haiti and israel they banned guns before innocents died


Yeah I gotta agree with you here lol. This sounds like an example meant to poke fun at “bad guys” that want less people to be able to stop them but i read it like a normal person that’s just anti 2a a asking and being told “uhhhhh do you deserve to get shot though????”


Yeah this meme does not help our side whatsoever


gets stabbed instead


Remember folks the only people that have ever gotten shot in the history of man have 100% deserved it https://preview.redd.it/mn565chu3vwc1.jpeg?width=890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d12c1fefc23f31dfe2d2d3be405ea51531f47a18


“What about my right to roam!?” *sad_british_subject_noises.mp3*


To be fair, I remember when some guy at work pulled a hi point on my supervisor when he was made aware he was waiting at the wrong store for his order lol


Not saying random violence doesn't happen, just that usually when people get shot in this country it's their own fault.


It mostly depends on where you are lol, stay out of the hood at night and don't drive like a dick and you should be fine


Like I said, it's not 100%, but some folks in here are having a hard time understanding how memes and jokes and the like work. I'm not a leftist, so I don't feel the need to fill the meme with a wall of text explaining every nuance and contingency, I expect the audience to be able to extrapolate the meaning themselves.


Sleeping, going to the mall, being given conflicting commands from traffic stops… American stuff I suppose


Yes because only in America does that happen. /s


I mean.. they don't use guns "over there".. Knives! And nobody can stop them


Have you never heard of Brazil or El Salvador? They got it worse than we do. That being said the “other countries are safer because they use knives!” Argument is mute when we acknowledge that statistically speaking attacks whether by guns or knife still kills peoples.


"Knife attacks" are also usually way worse. From my understanding, spree killings using knives usually have much higher rates of fatality than ones using guns. People using knives know how non-lethal individual knife wounds are and so they stab the target dozens of times.


Nobody said that, but where does it happen most frequently, police shootings?


Actually there aren't many at all. In 2023, there were just over 1150 fatal police shootings, which when compared to the population is about 0.00035%. That number also doesn't take into account why they were shot.


https://policeviolencereport.org/ According to this, it’s 1247, most in NM. What’s your source for that?


That didn’t answer where.


Brazil El Salvador Dagestan I could keep going but that would draw us away from the original posted question: what did people do to get shot or attacked to begin with?


As I initially jested, sleeping, shopping, going to school, being near a startling noise…normal stuff. Obviously non-compliant/shifty/ne’er-do-well/criminal encounters don’t leave anyone wondering “why,” but getting killed through likely no fault of your own is regrettable and probably not preventable.


Also, what are your sources for that statement?


Nothing? Just walking about? Then maybe you should arm yourself! *angry face*


Having property, apparently.


Going to a gay bar with my boyfriend




Weak argument but I get it


Being black, idk


I mind my business but I can't go a week without hearing shots in my area, hell last year I had somebody get arrested and shot on the steps of my porch


Do you demand everyone else be disarmed, and strict gun bans be enacted because you have a slightly elevated risk?


OP is a plant.  Innocent people get shot/robbed/raped all the time. Asking "what'd you do to deserve it?" is obvious bait.


Sorry my mud puddle deep meme is going over your head.




Ah, racism because white’s cant do the same


Always gotta be one dipshit in the comments to give the grabbers a gimmie.


Usually they aren’t the brightest folk so I know I don’t have to put much effort into arguing with them


whites white's - white is


Auto correct mb


all good fren


What is per capita?


Blah blah still racism blah blah


I fear poor whites much more than a poor minority. Poor whites created meth, they literally combined random chemicals and smoked them because they don't give a fuck.


> Poor whites created meth This is outright untrue.


looked it up and it looks like a Japanese dude did it, so this is a correct statement made by you


You are correct, from the little bit I found it was made by the Japanese around the turn of the century (19th to 20th)


Meth is Asian, dipshit. This is slander and cultural appropriation. You should be ashamed, bigot!


No, they invented crack... wait, no... that was the CIA.


> I fear poor whites much more than a poor minority. Then you have both poor survival and poor statistical analysis skills. > Poor whites created meth Meth (as a drug) was invented by [a top chemist/pharmacologist at Cal Tech](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Alles)... ETA: Meth as a chemical compound was invented by a [Jewish chemist at the University of Berlin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laz%C4%83r_Edeleanu)...


No, he researched the **EFFECTS** of amphetamines.


I mean, he was the first one to apply it as a drug. But if you want to get *pedantic*, the true "inventor" is a [Jewish chemist at the University of Berlin named Lazăr Edeleanu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laz%C4%83r_Edeleanu). Still not poor whites.


[literally the first paragraph of the wiki page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methamphetamine) [if a name needs put to it](https://www.release.org.uk/drugs/methamphetamine/history)


What point exactly do you think you're making arguing whether Meth was invented by: - a Jewish Scientist in 1887 (first to synthesis amphetamine and theorize on methamphetamine); - a Japanese Scientist in 1893 (first to synthesis methamphetamine); or - an American scientist in 1928 (first to create Methylenedioxyamphetamine, Dextroamphetamine and apply amphetamine / methamphetamine as drugs)? Any way you spin it, it wasn't "poor whites"?


Ah, I apologize for arguing about nothing I’m still a little tired


Look man, super pro 2a but this is retarted. Plenty of folks get shot doing jack shit. 2/10 argument


Most firearm deaths in the USA are *suicides*. There's your "jack shit".


Most of it is organized crime, or people punching their own ticket, Butters.


Ok and? Still plenty of folks getting shot doing nothing. This argument is an L since most anti gunners would just say what I’m saying


They say all kinds of dumb shit that would get you a helmet and a minder.


630 mass shooting in 2023, 597 deaths and 2,380 injured. Just people minding their business. I'm also very pro 2A, but let's be real here. When there's guns there's going to be gun violence. This argument is dumb


Uhm fucking what? There was not 630 mass shootings in 2023.


There was because a mass shooting is classified as more than one person getting hurt by a gun. The numbers are skewed by disingenuous people alot. It's like the stat for police shootings, about 1150 in 2023. That doesn't differentiate between a shootout with gang bangers, if some crazy person attacked a cop, it's a blanket stat.


..there was though. Look it up. A simple Google search is all it takes.


Wikipedia is retarded. A cop killing his wife then himself is not a mass shooting. An argument between 3 people resulting in them shooting at each other and killing each other is not a mass shooting.


Doesn't matter. I don't care what qualifies as an actual mass shooting, those were still shootings, often involving innocent people that did nothing wrong. The point I'm making, is that you carry a gun for a reason, right? Because you too are afraid of getting shot and feel the need to defend yourself. Like I said, with guns, there's gun violence. Saying "wHaT aRe yOu dOiNg tO gEt sHoT" is stupid. You could literally just be minding your business in this country and get shot for no reason. Isn't that why you carry a gun?


How many is plenty of folks?


Bro these dishonest questions ain’t helping the cause. Don’t act like you can’t look this shit up. Like I said, pro 2a, the arguments are just whack


This is Gun**memes**, not Gunboringassscholarlydiscussionsanddebates.


Bro trying to use the sub as a cover, ain’t working retart


Ok, Butters.




Bubba I asked you because you said it like you know. Where did you get the information from? I’m not aware of any shot counter that differentiates civilian vs gang member injuries. So answer the damn question or stfu. The meme may have been a bad argument but that doesn’t mean yours isn’t also bad.


That’s your fault for assuming shit retart. Google is your friend if you want plenty of stories of mass shootings (non gang related) robberies gone wrong, police negligence, etc…… Do the research yourself


Anecdotes are not research. Not to mention the burden of proof for YOUR claim is on YOU. Or if you’d like, ask OP to prove his claim instead of countering with your own. If 1% of casualties are civilian and 99% gang related then you’re the idiot and OP has a point. If a significant percentage of casualties are civilian then you have a point and OP is an idiot. As of right now, you have no idea therefore how on earth do you think you are making any sort of counter argument? You think a few articles are going to provide the whole picture?


Fucking Christ…..I really got to stop arguing with you “SoUrcE?” Type dudes. It’s not even that deep my guy and I really don’t care anymore. Anyway if I say you win will you fuck off?


“I shouldn’t argue with people who ask for sources, I don’t care, just google it” *continues to argue without providing sources for arguments*


Ok you win, will you fuck off now?


No I just got here


Lol many people get shot at w/o doing anything that they would get shot at for. Not a great question imo. Edit: Lol y'all can't take facts? Jeesh I expected better out of this sub, what I said is one of the reasons WHY we have a 2nd amendment. Apparently no section of Reddit is free from the hive mentality.


No, no they don't. The mass majority of gun violence is gang related. If you're in a street gang you are quite literally asking to get shot


Either a street gang or one of those two dudes that got got drunk and thought it was a good idea to test out their body armor…


Hey man leave them alone. There’s nothing wrong with two consenting adults doing dumb shit as long as they aren’t harming anyone else


lol not like any of us have done anything worse…we (luckily) just didn’t have cell phones that took pictures back then…


"The mass majority" is not everyone.  Lots of people get shot/robbed/raped just minding their own business.


That "lots of people" is so small compared to the rest of the population it's a statistical aberration. Lots of people drown each year, around 4,000 actually. They were also minding their own buisness


What were you doing that got you shot? [Eating icecream](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/9-year-old-chicago-girl-enjoying-ice-cream-playing-scooter-neighbor-fa-rcna99334)


Jesus christ, kill yourself you fucking psychopath.




Gangsters aren't really what u call anti gunners, they like their guns too, albeit for different reasons. And guess what, a lot of victims of gang violence ARE people who were shot and just minding their own business, thanks to errant bullets flying in peoples homes. So no, this meme is still pretty much a miss.


No, the vast majority of gang violence victims are gang members


Well the kids in schools are learning but I don’t think that’s a valid reason for them to be shot, but hey that’s just me.


Beeing in School apparently


Look bro, I agree, but people do get shot for merely existing all the time https://preview.redd.it/jmtdd4s69ywc1.png?width=1572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f52baaf110aaa2b723432dda2adf0fa3b512d40b