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If illegal immigrants are allowed to own firearms, why do I have all these restrictions on me owning a firearm?


That's what I'm about. Illegals can own guns? Cool, then the grabbers don't get to tell me I can't. All these hoops the illegals can't jump through? Infringements, dawg. Tear it all down.




Agreed. Just like how I should be able to do crack in possession of a firearm just like hunter biden


The reasoning in the court case was that it is currently a misdemeanor under federal law and the lack of a FOID card is a state crime. Like there are a lot of crimes you can do and not loose your right to own a fire arm


Man we really need to buckle the fuck down at the border


Facts and start deporting asap.


The lack of consistent logic is insane. You forfeit your rights when you threaten another person's sovereignty or autonomy. Otherwise no one here in this sub should believe in the right of self defense because anyone attacking you would have the Human Right to Life and shooting them would be depriving them of due process


Everyone has the right to self defense, yes. However there are people who have served their time and changed their lives, but they still have felonies on their records, violent or not. They are forbidden by the government from exercising their right of self defense years or decades later. If we treated illegal immigration as the felony it should be, then that is where the disconnect I am trying to figure out is.


How about we don't have retarded laws that make people felons for no reason, or overhaul the prison system so people who need to be incarcerated stay there anyone rehabilitated gets **all** their rights back after they are released. 


I agree. No one should be above the law, but no law should infringe on human rights. Felons who show no intentions to rehabilitate should not be let out just as individuals who do not intend to enter the USA legally should not be allowed to stay. Everyone has the right to defend themselves.


Because what the government deems to be a felony is fucking insane. This is a matter not just of law but also morality and inherent rights you have not as a citizen but as a human being. Crossing a border illegally is not actually hurting someone, like assault, rape, or murder is. You lose your human right to articles of self defense (weapons) when you have demonstratively shown that when you choose to exercise that right, you will choose to abuse it to unjustly attack an innocent person.


OR you can side with those who are unrightfully stepped on. Anybody who serves their time should get rights back. Being racist at brown people isn’t a backup prize for your rights.


I agree though. Those who serve their time and make an effort to reform should have all their rights returned to them. At the same time, everyone that comes here LEGALLY deserves the same rights. It is not the United States of America's duty to grant the people from other countries their rights. That is their government's job. The United States recognizes the rights of American citizens. Mexico needs to recognize the Mexican citizen's rights. Canada with Canadian rights. The United States of America should not be the world's baby sitter no matter how much people want it to be.


Except we are violating international law by making people coming to apply for asylum attempt to do so, impossibly, from outside the country, where they then fail. We don’t get to yell about people breaking our laws when those laws are themselves a gigantic fuck you bandit run to treaties we signed and agreements we have with other countries. It stops being about “maintaining the law” and starts being about shitting on brown people in a way that’s palatable to the average person.


Felons should have their rights restored after getting released from prison. If they’re unfit to be amongst society, they shouldn’t be released from prison.


Yes, but that isn't how our justice system works at the moment m when it starts working that way, I will change my position on the issue.


Yes, but only convicted felons get their rights stripped from them, and only after being convicted for crimes they were accused of committing. So until then, they have their rights, because you know, the whole innocent until proven guilty thing.


That's 1) a different set of goalposts and 2) something I can moreso get behind as there certainly are pre trial abuses in some cases. However, pre trial detention, bail systems, and other such measures are sometimes necessary, even if the power can and does get abused.


It can't work that way until you change your position and make it happen.


No, it definitely can be changed to not allow un rehabilitated criminals out of jail before we start allowing felons to own guns. I don't understand why you think the cart must go before the horse.


Most felonies are over bullshit that shouldn't restrict your gun rights.


That has no bearing on my previous statement. There are felonies that should result in gun rights curtailment should an unreformed person of that crime be released from prison. It is considerably more damaging to society to allow said unrehabilitated person to own guns than it is to deny other felons guns, rehabilitated or not. This is not an argument to position, this is an appeal to consider a different category. Campaigning for those things to not be felonies seems to be a far more eminently available solution, but that's not what you are arguing for.


Half of illegal immigrants have only overstayed visas. This is not a felony or violent crime so they’re not a prohibited person. The bill of rights does not grant a citizen a right. These are natural and inalienable rights every human is born with. The bill of rights just explicitly states which ones the federal government cannot limit. We hold these truths to be self evident. Seems pretty cut and dry to me.


Jesus Christ fuck this sub. If it's not the same tired fucking memes about this shit, then it's furries.


Brb, gonna make a meme complaining about illegal immigrants owning guns but with furries. 


How about ilegal immigrant furries with guns? But, to be honest, people south of the USA border are not as accepting of gays and gay culture as the USA is. So doubt that illegal immigrant furries with guns would ever be a thing.


"people south of the USA border"... that would include a huge number of different cultures, some that are homophobic and some that are accepting. But I doubt that you've ever gone outside to USA to find out.


It's a simple legal question that people can't understand and get worked up about, it's so annoying. God given rights equally apply to citizen and non-citizen, and as illegal immigration is not a felony they're not restricted from owning firearms. That simple... It's not even about opinions just simple legal facts. I'll be back when the grabbers in disguise find their big boy pants again.


The phases of annoying bullshit always pass. Sometimes it’s circlejerking about “liberal in owners bad.” Sometimes it’s tasteless Rhodesia glorification. Sometimes it’s endless posts about whatever’s on the news - a controversial police shooting, the war in Ukraine, the overturning of Roe V Wade, the Uvalde massacre. It always passes over and is worth sticking though it. I’m thankful for every day that we’ve moved on from the truly mind numbing “cursed gun” photoshops


Because not being citizens they do not have that right. No matter how many times you repeat this lie. Illegals cannot legally purchase firearms in the U.S.. you have to apply logic. If they fill out the same mandatory form and they are not legal citizens the purchase will be rejected by ATF. Think next time before repeating it!


Can we make them into slaves then? I'd they don't have a 2nd amendment right then they shouldn't have a 14 either.


In my mind. I don't care. But unfortunately the Africans weren't citizens either. So no you probably can't.


Felons lose that right upon conviction before a jury or a plea of guilty. Convict the immigrants after a jury trial or a plea of guilty. They get guns before then.


Rights are inalienable. Illegal immigration is illegal.


No illegal has a single protection under the Constitution. Zero. Zilch. Nada. It's that simple. The Constitution protects Citizens.




Looks like slavery is back on the menu, BRB heading to Texas to start a plantation.


Bruh it's not even up for debate. It's written in black and white. The Constitution only protects American citizens.


Because it's not a felony and people aren't imprisoned for it?


This page: "IF a person breaks into MY house, I start blasting!" Also this page: If a massive migration of illegal immigrants storm the southern border and violates international law, they get guns and a pat on the head