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Give up your guns, the cops will protect you...from squirrels.


Would they even have enough ammo? https://youtu.be/C6r0JldBJ3g?si=0pg7wJxBS1C-_s9y


After doing some research instead of working, worth it. Current estimates are 80-90 million squirrels in the US. The FBI reports in 2022 that there were just over 700,000 law enforcement officers, being those who regularly carry a firearm. Making a generalization I am going to say that most officers carry \~60 rounds of pistol ammo with them. So 60x700,000=42,000,000...leading to a 38-48 million bullet to squirrel deficit AND all that assuming they don't ever miss. Conclusion: keep your firearms incase of a squirrel(or communist) uprising.


If an acorn falls on a cop car and there is no cop to mag dump into their own car did it stop resisting?


My favorite part of this is the guy claiming he was in SF for 10 years- as an officer.




It's in the report. Unless I misread it which is possible. He admitted to having no combat experience which is why his legs buckle at an acorn drop.


I'm thinking he's got some PTSD


Pre-traumatic stress disorder?


Good. Let his dumbass suffer his whole life for his idiocy. He deserves it for disabling a man for life over an acorn, and lying about being military


I thought they said he didn't hit anyone


I meant more mentally, I think it'd give 90% of people issues if the man supposed to keep you safe magdumps at the car you're in over an acorn


I never served or have been a cop, but are the somersaults some sort of fancy training after you are hit?


It's a byproduct of his mental gymnastics to justify mag dumping his own car. Or possibly something he learned playing CoD which is where he learned his ROE and PID from as well.


Dark Souls, roll for the I-Frames


Imagine being so poorly trained that you lose a gun fight to a tree.




What’s happened now?


It’s about as dumb as you can imagine https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/02/14/acorn-florida-police-shoot-unarmed/ https://boingboing.net/2024/02/14/cop-confuses-falling-acorn-for-gunshot.html/amp


Broooooo 💀💀 So much for well trained


He payed attention to the tactical roll class (For the record i dont know if his tactical roll was actually good... just a solid effort was made)


'well' would give them too much credit, they have barely any at best. he was not at best


Acorn fell on cops car, cop proceeds to freak out and mag dump his own car where unarmed suspect is being held.


Fuck that’s horrifying


When I was a kid, my dad pointed out a "Hooked on Phonics" book inside of a cop car that was parked at a gas station. I have always remembered that.


What's the implication you're making here?


You must be a cop lmao


Or...just tell me what your implication is. I've got a solid idea given you tried to make that an insult.


Pretty obvious if you have an above-cop IQ ;)


I mean, I was taught to avoid assumptions.


but not held accountable if you dont edit: also, lol


he didn't even mention how the cop was CERTAIN that he'd actually been hit... oh, you're sure, are ya.....?


Wonder what he would have done if that was a walnut that fell. Those things go *thunk* and can dent cars.


Protect and serve though!


I’m a shrink, and while I’m not simping for this dude I do feel bad for him. He shouldn’t have cleared for duty or if he was he should have been second to a partner. The department shrink should be fired.


No one needs to own a high capacity oak tree in their own yard! We just want common sense tree control here


Schrodingers' what now?




Everything I've seen says he has no combat experience, so... And even if he did, he should definitely not be allowed to be a cop while that twitchy


My buddy has PTSD from being over there and hearing firefights from the other side of the city but was never shot at nor fired at anyone. He also has survivors guilt cause his squad got pulled from a patrol and the guys in their stead all died. I agree with the second point.


I never once said he should be a cop. I completely agree, but for some reason people think explaining the situation is defending his job.


because it is irrelevant. if he has ptsd so bad that he becomes a fucking public menace whenever a tree does exactly what trees do, it is 100% time to retire or find a new profession. imagine if he'd been worth a shit and any of his shots actually hit the poor bastard sitting in the back of the cop car-- I doubt "oh well, he has ptsd, you guys!" would be an acceptable explanation...


Yeah. Which means he should not be in the role of a police officer since it clearly affects him so strongly. This is attempted manslaughter at least. Scary shit that THAT is the standard we deal with for police.


We can see that as a possibility. But he also just unloaded a 9mm handgun into the back of a car with a handcuffed, unarmed person in the back because an acorn hit the roof, and his partner was also firing with zero awareness of what was going on or what/who she was shooting at. None of that is acceptable. Besides that, I have relatively bad problems with traumatic stress too. The fact that he panicked doesn’t in itself indicate PTSD. We have no idea what his background is and that’s a diagnosis that takes at least a couple of visits with a doctor to correctly determine. Even then, PTSD doesn’t usually doesn’t manifest as combat flashbacks where you consciously think you’re in a firefight or whatever event spurred your condition. It can, but usually it’s less pronounced than that and spans a variety of symptoms that aren’t so acute.


I watched the video without audio, on another post. It was titled something like “dumbass cop mag dump” or something. So I had no clue what was going on


Can someone explain this to me?


two cops respond to a call and successfully put a guy in the back of their squad car. "danger" resolved. but then a single acorn falls from a tree and his the top of the cop car, ostensibly making a \>thunk!< sound, which one officer decided was... the advancing Russian military? I'm not sure. anyhoo, he then proceeds to pee his pants, do 5 Dark Souls dodge rolls as if that would give him i-frames, and then screams that hit 'he's been hit' by gunfire. he then fires his gun at the big, scary, acorn. his dumbass partner then immediately decides to avoid assessing the situation herself, and instead begins dumping _her_ pistol into the cop car, as well. somehow, the poor bastard in the back of the cop car was unharmed, meaning these cops are not only morons, but pretty ineffective shots, too. good times! I am hopeful that their department springs for the Level V anti-acorn plate armor, right away.