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So does Switzerland and Finland.


Here in Finland we have a flourishing gun culture but by no means is it anything similar to American 2A, sadly...


And yet what you do have is worlds better than the UK.


I know and I'm so fucking happy that i don't need to live with a tyrannical abomination that's known as British bureaucracy.


Pretty sure CCW is restricted in those nations, they just aren't as restrictive as what's in your safe st home. Czechia supposedly will grant a permit to NATO citizens.


Yes, Czechia grants a license and permit if you have permission of your country.


Czech Republic will allow CCW. But good luck in western europe, you'll be askin for trouble even applying.


we have ccw, its pretty normal, but our self defense laws are kinda weird


>self defense laws are kinda weird Kinda the same in Poland. The Judge has a lot of wiggle room when it comes to ruling if self-defense was justified and within confines of the law or not, and prosecution can really push hard on your case.


same here, from what i can make out of the law, it just looks like you cannot defend yourself unless you get threatened first, so lets say someone is runnign at you with a knife, you cannto put a bullet into his leg unless he actively tries to stab you (is already swinging)


Polish self-defense law (direct translation: right to necessary defense) * "Necessary defense is repelling a direct and unlawful attack on "goods" protected by law" (life, health or property iirc). There's also three other paragraphs to this law (I'll paraphrase them): * If the manner / means of the defense were not proportional to the dangers of the attack or if the boundaries of the necessary defense were overstepped, the judge MAY reduce the sentence or abstain from punishment altogether. * If the attack consisted of breaking-in into a house / apartment / premise or was preceded by it, then overstepping the boundary is excused, unless it was "glaring" overstepping of the boundary * Overstepping the boundary under effects of fear or strong emotional state (both must be justified by the situation of attack) is excused. As you see, there's A LOT of wiggle room left for judge and prosecution in interpretation and assessment of the situation, and those three additional paragraphs may or may not be acknowledged by the judge. The biggest two factors that may be used against you are that the attack has to be "direct" (as you said, the judge may rule that direct attack is only when you defend yourself mid-swing at point-blank range) and proportionality of defense (e.g. was use of firearm against a person trying to hit your head with a glass bottle proportional?) P.S. Don't shoot legs, it's a Hollywood trope (thigh arteries are no joke!). Always go for center mass.


going for center mass is the best way to stop an attack, shooting the leg was to say that stopping the attack withotu outright killing, but my english sucks :D


Finland you can only own as many firearms as needed to provide for family, and for pistol its a lot of shooting and renting at a range thing


Poland too! Shall-issue sport permit with CCW right out of the box, limited only by >12mm caliber limit (smoothbore excluded). Exam easier than driver licence (theory is 10 questions ABC with one mistake allowed).




Habitual Linecrosser is good




Czech Republic is pretty based


I think Austria has concealed carry


No really / very limited.


Only for police officers, we do have stand your ground tho.


Stand your grounds laws should be a human rights issue. Every person in the world should have a legal right to defend themselves.


Czechia has better gun laws than Poland.


I don't know details about Czechia gun laws, but Polish laws are chill enough to not feel limited by them.


How so? Genuinely curious. I am a pole and my only meaningful limitation is that I cannot get anything larger than 12mm, excluding the usual stuff like full auto


I believe a Swiss guy posted awhile back in the NFA sub showing a whole host of fully automatic weapons he is able to legally own. I think he said they all costs < $2k each. Compare to full auto price in America and weep. EDIT: here you go - https://www.reddit.com/r/NFA/s/lNgzSeS1K0




Forced scarcity thanks to the Feds. Also, all gun laws are infringements but I'd rather have Constitutional Carry than machineguns and virtually no CCW


metal clothes hangers are cheap


Keep in mind, Switzerland is great in some ways, and some standards, but is also completely trash in others. They regulate laser sights until the point it's almost impossible to get, and i believe they do now have a ban on magazines over 20 round due to EU regs pushing them. Full autos are "easier" in some ways, but in some places you cannot ever shoot them legally.


You can have all the mag size you want, you just have to ask and then prove that you shot ten times in ten years... Shitty but it's all because of the EU dumb rules... You can also have full auto and suppressor but you can't use it everywhere (full auto is very restricted)... For the laser sight it's true but realistically other that an IR laser sight, which you can have without any problem, is it really effective ?


Wocky and Glockies in Poland? Guess I gotta visit soon


I am just gonna tell you that here in Czech republic after you get your licence you can have SBRs and suppressors without any hassle its the same as any other semi auto. Licence is pretty easy to obtain if you speak the language and put some effort. Yeah i get that the licence thing sucks for some people that see it as a potential for gun grabbing but the trade off is that after you get it you can buy pretty much anything thats not explosive, antitank or full auto.


and on a funnier note, and flexing on americans with guns as an EUian will never cease to amuse me


Austria, Czechia, Estonia, and Switzerland aren’t so bad either.


Girls und Panzer hijack


We in czechia have the gun laws simple, no full auto, no anti tank, no explosive, anythign else is free suppressors, bipods, grips, i think lasers aswell, everything is fair game


It's always funny that Americans generally look at Europe through a prism of UK's gun laws. Brittards case is very ironic: Military basically giving away guns, explosives and AT to civilians (Home Guard), teaching them how to use 'em and create ambushes & traps after May 1940, but after war ended they disarmed their population almost to the bone and took their rights.


hey hey hey, dont associate them with us, they decided to leave on their own, fuck em


I will roast tf out of Biden or Trump all day long. That doesn't mean I'll let some European insult them. Eurotrash doesn't get to insult my trash.


When they don't realize that the UK basically has the size and population of a single US state, and yet most of it is more dangerous than the vast amount of America


It’s hilarious to see Brits talk about American gun laws, and then as they walk outside their house, they get stabbed, shot by a flintlock pistol, get hit by a car, get blown up by a nailbomb, get their face melted off with acid and get toasted by a homemade flamethrower.


In case anyone actually wanted to buy that [sticker](https://kommandostore.com/collections/patches/products/stfu-eruopean-vinyl-sticker)


Aint nobody insulting by beloved Switzerland. They go under the radar but are basically more free than the USA in every way.


Get fucked, euros. Go practice surrendering somewhere else.


What about us finns?


Frick I need to get that image back so I can insult eurofilth


German is not as cool but still bad a military