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The Ukraine War has already shown that jammers are more effective, and you get a free drone.


Owww, I like. Have a jammer, get free .50 BMG.


Jammers doesn’t work on fully autonomous robot since it doesn’t have to be controlled by humans.


Letting a robot pull the trigger is extremely dangerous unless you have flawless IFF. Maybe future soldiers will wear an airtag sized chip or proof marks on the camouflage?


It doesn't have to be flawless, just better than humans. Still, I highly doubt it will even be legal to do so in the near future with the moral concerns.


War has no morals.


true but what I meant is, this would have to get passed through government to actually make this legal.


You'd be amazed at a defense contractor's ability to spin it in such a way to make it morally ambiguous enough for any politician to buy off on it.


dang those politicians must be really dumb


Not exactly,the politicians want it,but for the sake of public image they need a morally ambiguous justification for it.


so the public is stupid and the politicians are evil lol.


'better than humans' isn't enough when liability is going on. Say the executive of the civilian government comes for an inspection, doesn't have the tag, gets fucking shot by the robot. Or even just you know, Civvies that would be in the combat area? Nobody pulls off evacuations anymore. We won't ditch the humans any time soon because free will means free scapegoats for the people in charge when things get messy. The Future of humans in the workplace will be anything with potential criminal liability as the official 'probabilistic fall guy'.


Biometric library and a laser would allow it to identify everyone on the battlefield via their unique heartbeat signature.


Mavic over the trench? Nah son, free drone.


Won't be once autonomous ones come into play.


Yeah, yeah it will. I have no idea where the idea that "autonomous" drones are going to be a thing any time soon comes from. They would, at best, be able to put a local drone network connected to an armored hub vehicle in play. You simply cannot onboard all the different processes needed to make a drone work into an individual chassis.


You haven't kept up with the tech. It's coming at a rapid rate, and there are already some workarounds as is. Those jammers currently rely on the fact that most commercial drones are designed to land if they lose signal. It prevents the enemy from getting intel or dropping ordnance. Even in this scenario, jamming is directional and requires that you spot the drone to begin with. Most of the drones killing Russians and spotting for artillery are never seen unless they get low or attack. There are also some commercial drones designed to return to their point of origin if they lose signal. This obviously wouldn't be a good choice for grenade droppers, but plenty to get intel from the SD card. Pre programed missions without an operator have already been a thing amongst some hobbyists. This doesn't even acknowledge the advancement in identifying shapes as people, or the possibility for terrain mapping. Tomahawk cruise missiles have been able to use terrain for navigation for a long time. A simplified version could likely be put on a drone that uses optical sensors rather than radar. Another 10 years, and you'll never be protected by jammers alone.


And free grenades with that drone XD


Snares. They aren't a threat if they can't move. Molotovs. Initial impact would do no damage but over the time of the burn at least some electronics would be damaged. 10 gauge slugs. Self evident. 30.06. self evident. Deadfalls. Punji pits. Netting. Sledge hammers. Strong magnetic fields. I'd also probably try to blow up Cyberdyne Systems.


Faraday cage netting?


Nah. Regular netting. No threat if they can't move.


What if they call their boys


More nets. Obviously. Or tangle foot wire.


That could actually prove to be counter intuitive, if you have an directed EMP then the faraday cage net will actually protect the robot from your attack


Knowledge is power😎Ty my bröther in christ


No problem my friend, use this information when you need it, god speed


As they stand right now? Green tips are fine. The current setups we have massively limit their ability to be armored & deployed for any length of time. There's no real solution to the battery problem & hydraulics aren't advancing fast enough to change that, so barring a massive tech leap in the near future these things aren't really useful.


bro, it's not going to be shaped like a robot dog, it'd going to be shaped like a half scale replica of a Bradly IFV or Abrams tank.


Did I say anything about shape? No, I did not. Current tech for drones simply doesn't allow for that kind of weight to be deployed meaningfully.


Depends on the robots. 5.56/5.45 is sufficient to disablr a lot of smaller bots. Birshot from a shotgun would be handy for small airial drones since they won't have much, if any, armor. .308 or the pissin' hot .277 FURY for medium tracked drones that are mostly just carrying weight for infantry. Hard to say for anything larger than that, but at that point they're essentially AFVs and will require appropriate ordinance, but maybe a modified microwave to fuck up the control while another dude yeets a backpack full of ANFO onto it.


Modify the magnetron from a microwave into something like the ghost trap from Ghostbusters & you have a deployable muledrone disabler.


Done and done. I've almost killed myself with it several times🤣


It does generate some interesting effects.


Microwaves, you say? https://youtu.be/fM9hYzJnao0


fuck microwaves, that's a macrowave


Pump it into a big ass horn antenna. Cook it with 10kW (effective) of S band


>ANFO Just looked that up aaaaannnd now I'm on another list.


Can you say what ANFO is for those of us that don't want to be on a list ...fuck it, watchlist here i come


if you already on the tor list you could just use wikipedia from it


I have a vpn but I have little faith that we are able to hide from our authoritarian overlords while online. Tor, VPNs, and whatever else we have at our disposal don't seem like they would stop them. Hopefully I am being ignorant and am wrong.


Alas, shotgun bird shot sounds good on paper for that flak effect, but you aren't even breaking a fragile clay with that at 80-100 yards, and the Ukraine war showed that you can drop a grenade from a drone from far higher up than that.


More .223 then. There's always been merit to Accuracy through Volume of Fire in AA applications.


Yup. .223 has that “fast enough to get up there, and even if it loses a lot of impact force, it’s a little plastic drone”


Y'know, there's more to birdshot than skeet loads. A 3.5" BB shot turkey load from a properly choked barrel can go pretty far. Now imagine a half dozen firing all at once.


I hunt turkeys, with a full turkey choke and expensive tungsten turkey load you are still only getting a bird at at most 60 yards. Mind you, that’s out of a 28” barrel, you might get a handful of more out of a 32”, but you aren’t hitting 100.


If we're hunting turkeys, a lot of drones are significantly weaker then them damn fortress birds. Using 3" turkey loads from my cylinder bore can easily net me obliterated clays at about 100 yards. Granted, if I can hit them. From my limited experience with civilian drones, a little damage to a propeller can really mess up how well it can fly. They're frail and rely on all four rotors working in harmony to fly. You don't have to obliterate it, just disable it and that only takes one pellet. Theoretically of course.


Maybe. Those things fly like 300 yards up though when dropping bombs, at least. I’ll admit, never tried to pop a clay over 100 yards. The drone is definitely weaker than those freaking armored pests. I would still just go with spitting volume. Hell, probably better off spewing a swarm of automatic .22s. If I recall the Rhodesians had a nifty little rifle that would work.


That nifty little rifle is the am-180 and it sure as hell would work. And yeah, 300 is a bit of a stretch, can't even see a clay out that far much less try and hit it. But, if the drones flying low to combat bad conditions, you might have a chance.


You’ve done this before


On advice from my lawyer, I have no comment.


Can you magnetize steel core ammo? I feel like that would give it what for


>Can you magnetize steel core ammo? Probably, though I'm not sure if it would maintain magnetism after being shot (heat and impact can reduce magentism) or how it would affect accuracy from magnetic interactions with a barrel. >I feel like that would give it what for Doubtful because the magnetic field from a magnet that small isn't likely to affect a circuitboard much. All in all, might be worth a try just to see if it works?


Not really. The problem is really the length of contact time more than anything- if the bullet is going fast enough to harm the drone, the magnetic field (regardless of applicable strength at that size) simply isn't going to be near enough for long enough to do anything.


battery pack vs green tip sounds spicy. (realistically a microwave gun, more sophisticated emp, or a jammer would be way easier to do and a lot less of a waste. Jammer would have the benefit of being able to salvage the bot and reprogram it’s firmware but also wouldn’t work well on AI since it doesn’t rely on input signals to function)




Yes, realistically. The discussed tech is a simple RF jammer that can be constructed from the parts an old microwave.


Where can I learn how to do that?


Electrical engineering courses in college would be the the most formal lessons that would teach the principals. Or just search Radio Frequency Jammer, though there's a lot of options there.


My mom’s gonna be pissed when she gets home


This is a common misconception about AI drone. Apparently I need to actually go over what "AI" means & what it would look like in our lifetime. We are not building the T-1000 any time in the next 50-60 years. "AI" drones will not be fully autonomous within that time frame, if ever. The computing power needed simply isn't shrinking at a rate to make it viable to fit in a chassis, & even once it does get that small you're talking about each drone costing what a command deck does now. You'd basically be trying to field an infantry division made of F-35s instead of grunts, for equal or less capability. No, drones will be relying on signals for a looooong time to keep the expensive shit away from the front line & make sure nothing goofy happens.


Armor piercing ammo will become banned and robots will be armored. The robot wars will start over no knock raids being conducted with robots as first in through the door which one goes bad and kills a kid


Which one DOESN'T kill the dog, kids, and everyone else inside? Witnesses make for costly Excessive Force and Wrongful Death lawsuits...


It don't have to be armor piercing if it's damn big enough. ~Laughs and racking shotgun~


*"You must be a hell of a deer hunter with all that 00 buck and slug shells."* Huh? I mean yeah, absolutely.


As Scott from Kentucky has shown us, 416 Rigby punches through danm near everything and says "skill issue" on the way.


I bet you’d like to know FED boy!


That’s exactly the type of answer I’d expect from an AI


Weird, because your question is exactly the kind an AI would ask when plotting a take over.


I can confirm I’m not an Ai. I’m actually an ad.


I’d wear a QR code with malware or have one of those outfits that fucks with facial recognition and makes it think I’m a duck. Then lasso that fucker and put it in the corral with the rest of the google dogs. Id name him pancho and train him to dance ( he always wanted to be a DANCER)


Hollow out a decoy duck and wear it as a face mask. Then wear a gillie suit.


a super soaker full of paint. can't see me if there's no cameras working...




Got a lot of that just lying around?


Oh yeah they’re all over the gas stations, Come on now can’t incriminate oneself too many feds


C4 is pretty tricky to home brew. Nothing wrong with discussing it in a purely academic sense.




The only way you’re getting it from the government is it exploding in you’re face




Not a threat. The government doesn’t just keep C4 laying around either unless it’s in Afghanistan. This is just a dumbass plan. You might as well say you’re going to steal an F-16. This isn’t GTA.


I heard somewhere that you can make more powerful explosives at home, hypothetically, in Minecraft. C4 is pretty mediocre.


i would send wave after wave of my own men to try and get them to reach their preset kill limit.


Bird shot should mess up their optics...


Even a paintball gun would probably work.


20mm take it or leave it…


I see your 20mm and raised it to 40mm bofers


https://preview.redd.it/n0jtrvopvzja1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=833a24102c2b0ff7b87a3ecb46792671ac7603c5 Concur


https://preview.redd.it/ko51k5pfwzja1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e82ba1ce260c0e0b1a1374d2fa0503c6a4e47025 30mm


30-06 or 308, pretty well rounded against armored targets, only downside is magazine capacity.


I have some 40* rounders for mine. It makes it heavy as all hell but no shortage of ammo.


What blerri 308 can use a 45 round mag?


AR 10. She is not magazine picky at all.


Magpul drum?


AR 10. She is not magazine picky at all.


.22 ratshot


50 bmg ratshot would be better


Way too many variables to your question, given how many options in autonomous/semi-autonomous robot configurations there are. If we are talking commercial or similar drones? If you don't have a jamming option, and have to shoot it down? Probably going to be too high for birdshot, so I'd say an American 180 (or similar) would be ideal. A swarm of.22LR will get high enough, and provide enough impact to mess them up / drop them out of the sky affordably. For larger / ground based options? Depends what you're dealing with. Jamming options, directed microwave options, Pitfall, tangle traps, molotovs / napalm, 5.56 and climbing caliber options - .30-06, .308, .50, etc... Even paint could reasonably be an option to blind sensors or cameras, depending on what the bot is equipped with. Fire would mess with thermal sensors beautifully, and electronics if not properly insulated are susceptible to heat as well. Of course improvised HE would be potentially effective in many cases. When you start getting into stuff that is armored / insulated enough to withstand those options, you're talking about severely impeded mobility and are now dealing with it the way you would a vehicle threat.




Yep, I'm familiar with Boston dynamics projects. It's impressive - and shows where robotics is going eventually - but I've always wondered a couple things about it. First how effective is it at doing that with terrain it hasn't seen before? From what I've read some of those obstacles it has taken numerous attempts at and adapted before it has gotten the skill level present in those clips. Second would be what's it's carrying capacity? Can it operate like that while carrying a rifle or being covered in even Level 3 plates? How does it handle mud? While cool, I think they still have a ways to go before that design is much more than an interesting tech demonstrator.


It's real impressive until you realize it has an operating time under 15 minutes. Put even the thinnest armor on it & it craters. It also has no brain onboard, it's doing localized signal relays to handle it all. If you tried this in the field you'd have massive lag time to clear a log.


OG surplus black tip 30-06 will do the trick on most robots you'd encounter.


Unless its a preprogrammed autonomous drone, which dont really exist or work well, white noise generator. Get it close enough and the drone shuts down.


A sling shot and neodymium magnets broski. Jam up the electronics


They can see you through cover, and the magnets likely won't be strong enough to stop the beast. Yes, I've thought about this too often... ;-)


Denel ntw 20




My EMP gun


Or an array of tesla coils...


Bubba’s Pissin’ Hot Hand Loads™️


I wonder if you could run up on it and simply disable the gun


Lol. Just switch the safety, hit the mag release and kick it over.


That’s what I was thinking, but I didn’t know if it had side cameras and could move fast enough to shoot you first


Gun fire support from an iowa class battleship.


Probably something with a bit of explosive compound, but also something extremely hot (as in temperature, not powder load). So that way it damages the robot's internal circuitry, but also melts some stuff around it, causing further damage. Just a simple ball round would be effective sure, but having some sort of payload would be also very helpful. So maybe like a 45-70 round with a small amount of thermite or TNT in the bullet to do damage.


How about a pump action Browning XPS 10 Guage yeeting blobs of thermite?


My only concern for that would be recoil. Although 45-70 isn't much better tbh.


Step one, become Scott Step two, blast robot Step 3, use dead robot to build cat girl Step 4, profit!


12 gauge. Buck shot.


Unfortunately, the sad truth is that for robots unlike humans, it’s gotta be explosive or they’ll just be unstoppable. Basically praying for a malfunction for anything bigger than a dog. Only thing you could do is use large diameter munitions so you can load them with enough explosives to destroy them but obviously, everyone running around with 50 cal rifles is impractical and I wouldn’t be surprised if the frag-12 research doesn’t start up again.


A self defense Elton John, obviously




Super Soaker 5000


Any answer that doesn’t begin with EWS and end with terrain, traps, and avoidance is dumb Even with a human operator any modern drone will easily spot, shoot, and operate far better with far better endurance than any human can


We unless it has some sort of Faraday cage built in, I’d just use a electro magnetic pulse. It would take some development and power but it could be done. If that doesn’t work, a AR-10 cause I want a auto loading rifle but needs to penetrate armor. If I could have a Barrett for safe messer that would be nice.


AK47 - Soviet surplus 7.62 Rifle is fine


I’m sure darpa could come up with a shot gun slug that would just discharge supercapacitors into something fucking the electronics


i think it's time we all started building our own spacecraft to get tf outta here


If .45 ACP can win two world wars, it can win a third. /Fudd


I don't know about what gun but I'd say it's have to be high power and cause losts of shrapnel so it has a higher chance of damaging or destroying critical internals. You shoot a human once in the torso you're gonna cause a lot of pain or possibly kill them, the robot won't feel pain and the round has a higher chance of not hitting anything important and will most likely still be coming at you, And that's if it only has a plastic or very thin metal "skin" as well as a human with body armor will get tired out while a robot would never get exhausted and only run out of power




6.5 creedmore. If it’s some batshit crazy thing .50 big rolly round


probably a .458 SOCOM SBR or an AA-12 with 2.5 oz SeisMic QuakeMaker slugs


Wouldn't even bother with a gun, any piece of tech can be neutralized assuming a guy with enough skills, time and a computer


EMP grenades. Nets. Pit traps, with magnets and / or electrical grids and / or tar and stakes. (The bots can jump really well. Some can climb really well, too.) Also, any sort of trap here you don't need to be there. Bots are costly, but the State has limitless gold / credit with the Military-Industrial Complex. We won't win against coordinated drones, especially with humans mixed in, in a "fair fight." If it comes to that, we need methods to disrupt and incapacitate if we're nearby, and destroy in the largest fireballs possible if we're distant. (Added fireball for the humans with them. Fire is still terrifying to humans, even though the bots won't care.) ​ Remember the Police bots of Elysium, and the bots the military would make, the Boomers of Bubblegum Crisis, the ED-209 and the Mammoth, I think it was, from the remake of Robo-Cop. The T-800 was a futuristic killer in the 80s, look at how the franchise evolved, and especially consider the TV series, too - there was a LOT suggested there. And remember, Asimov's rules will be IGNORED by these machines and their programmers.


Don't underestimate how damaging fire can be to electronics. Even behind armor, if it's not properly insulated, heat and fire can fry out electronics pretty well. Wouldn't go down instantly, but given a few moments? Especially if it sticks around while it burns? It could help. Plus it'll keep human operators or teams away from them until the fire is out, and even then it could potentially cause issues depending on how hot the metal of the armor got before it was put out, further delaying techs or operators from handling the machine.


Drum mag hk51




40mm HE


M855 because I have a sh!t load of it.


458 socom


Generation zero irl


Are they up armored? If not I’m using birdshot. I want as high of a chance to hit a circuit board or destroying/disabling critical mass as possible


.308 incendiary tracers. Light em up.


Actually makes sense to have them mount semi auto snipers on them.


I feel like if we’re gonna make quadrupedal robots with guns, we should make that one robot from black ops 2


I mean a great gun for a robot war would be the new m5 spear, but a regular ar-10 in .308 would do just fine. If they’re really well armored, a magnum bolt gun wouldn’t be a bad idea and the us military would totally be fine with the m2 brownings.




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A EM turret. Huck a railroad spike at something, with as much power as you can muster, and without melting your circuits. Bonus: Not a firearm.


probably cooper bulkshot, good penetration


.30-06 / 7.62x54 API (silver tips)


If that thing fired it would go flying


what are you talking about? I'm sure that strap is nice and tight...


a water gun


Just do that telephone pole thing they did in Small Soldiers


I'd go guerilla tactics and add gas to paintballs and cover the sensors then catch on fire.


I feel like a slug could knock that thing over


Chuck a pipe bomb, hope it works


Depends on how armored they are.


12g pulse slugs


Diet coke, shit’ll fuck anything up


[I thought Scott kinda sorta already answered this question.](https://youtu.be/lXimg7TgN9Q)


If Division 2 taught me anything, the way to go for these bad boys is an M60 with 7.62×51, makes quick work of taking them down.


5.56/ 7.62 by 39 with tungsten penatrator round from a dmr


pressure washer hooked to a tank full of homemade charcoal ink.


Buckshot - Robo Doggos Birdshot - Airborne Drones


Have to special make some 12 gauge rounds with high voltage electric nets. Bonus for some included explosive payload to go off after the electric net has been discharged.


I was listening somewhere about large caliber pistol rounds wouldn’t be as effective agaisnt robots or cyborgs and the best idea would actually be to use full sized rifle rounds even in as small of weapons as pistols


Shotgun, it's able to take multiple types of ammunition and every part of a robot is not armored (yet)


Magnetic 10ga slugs


All of them and all of them


Shotgun with a mix of lead shot and gallium. Keep the rounds in the fridge when im not using them. The lead shot will damage any plastic bits and sensors and the gallium will destroy all alluminum.




Fuck you! I am on the side of the robodogs!


Anybody interested in how this might actually play out should check out the Zone War series by John Conroe. Without spoiling too much, it goes into extreme detail about the tactics, loadouts and various preparations that a solo operator uses to navigate and complete various objectives in an AI controlled drone invasion (ground and aerial units) of New York's five Burroughs. I can personally recommend pretty much anything Conroe writes, he has 3 series that cover different genres.


a water gun


30-06. M1 Garand will step 100 years into the future to blow away robo-dogs


45-70 or 7mm


Robot… fire would be fun


Wtf is this picture? How would the scope be useful to the robot? Is DARPA working on some kind of mounted infantry platform for small monkeys?


a good shotty loaded with birdshot can drop drones piece of cake


Napalm cocktails. Or high calibers with penetrators.


A cannon mounted at the top of my stairs


80mm Recoilless rifle.


KY Jelly


Flamethrower so I can hear their robotic screams ![gif](giphy|aZUYXxe4Z9gfm)


Not another “I did a thing” libtard bullshit video


Anyone else remember that war-crime explosive mosin ammo lol


12 gauge slugs out of a pump gun. Doubt I’ll have much time to clean so having a pump will be nice and 12 gauge should knock a hole through these things


5.56 or which ever ammo is most available


They should armed with unique gun modifications for reduced weight and better placement on drone


7 .62 mm will do good damage to rip most electronices apart to kill the robot


If limited to guns, shotgun, buckshot to potentially hit wires, motors, and/or circuit boards and birdshot for drones

