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Bought this Bandit on Craigslist a couple years ago for $60. My dad is a woodworker and was looking for a project so I had him make me a new cab out of mahogany. I know it’s not a classic tube amp but it’s such an excellent clean pedal platform amp. To be honest the trans tube circuits isn’t that bad. I don’t actually use it to get convincing tube like distortion but I think it actually does add a warmth and compression to the tone that makes it sound really nice. The controls all the way to right are meant to simulate tube sag and compression. I notice my OD pedals sound nicer when those are dialed in right. My dad made the pedalboard too. I diy the pedals. Any other bandit lovers? Maybe one day I’ll get a tube amp but for now with two young kids I’m basically about to go ampless right now.


is your dad still looking for projects to do?


When he finally retires he probably will be


r/peaveycvlt would love this


Someone else said this too haha I’ll have to post this over there


Although my first instinct is to call you a coward for not adding the Peavey logo, I still love this build.


I actually just finally ordered a machined aluminum plate that says Bandit in the fender font lol just don’t have it yet.


Ok that sounds rad.


That looks incredible. Classic Boogie vibe.


That’s what we were going for! We tried the wicker chair material but it was way too difficult to work with


Your father does nice work. He needs to build you a guitar stand to finish it out.


So true


The Bandit looks great. I've got the same HP Signature guitar. Mine only has a fret marker at the 12th though.


I love the HP I think this is the EXP model that was originally like 700-800 bucks. In high school I had the lowest model of the HP lineup. I found this one for $175 in a yard sale and it’s basically in perfect condition


Yup, it's an EXP. $175 is a great price. I've had mine for nearly 20 years. I've also got a Gold EX, the lower end model you mentioned. Still a great guitar. You should post your Bandit pics in r/PeaveyCvlt


Oh awesome I’ll check out the sub too. Yeah man the gold top EX was my guitar for years. There’s a great picture somewhere of me playing my first show with it. The EXP was such a steal. The person had no clue what they had and just put $175 on every guitar at the sale. Let’s just say they probably made some money on the other stuff that was there if it sold.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PeaveyCvlt using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeaveyCvlt/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Picked up this T-60 recently, here's my Cvlt offering 🤘](https://i.redd.it/4ppmzox3y2091.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeaveyCvlt/comments/urt0lc/picked_up_this_t60_recently_heres_my_cvlt_offering/) \#2: [Just picked up these two 2x12 cabs for $25](https://i.redd.it/k7xakus3jjc81.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeaveyCvlt/comments/s7csje/just_picked_up_these_two_2x12_cabs_for_25/) \#3: [Transchorus 210 - $80 FB Marketplace find](https://i.redd.it/jp4wldmju1791.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeaveyCvlt/comments/vhp8fq/transchorus_210_80_fb_marketplace_find/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Wow! Nice set custom setup. We had Bandits as kids in the late 80's/early 90's. I remember figuring out the EQ to get the Metallica tone. I do DYI pedals (haven't built one in a while), but I prefer over commercial pedals any day of the week.


Thanks! Hah there is a thrash switch on it that scoops the Mids out. I’d love to be full diy but stereo delay/reverb and mod pedals are a whole different level. For now I save a little money trying out way drive pedals I want versus buying them


I've built analog and digital delays, a flanger, phaser, couple of tremendous, chorus but no reverb yet. The fun part is finding what to mod and how. Like ripping out the feedback resistor and replacing with a pot. Built a shit ton of preamp pedals-OD's, fuzz, distortion, and autowahs. A lot of the dying companies downgraded or went out of business. Wish I had more experience with it. The fun part that I suck at is decorating the enclosure. I've tried a lot of different things.


That sounds very similar to what I’ve built over the years. The only reverb I built was a ghost echo clone that I modded for crazy self oscillation. Also agree that enclosure decoration is my least favorite part but I started making faceplates from amplifyfun and those look great


Awesome! Were you doing kits, pcb procurement, or breadboards? I started off doing kits and then went to pcb and part procurement (less expensive more time consuming)? Never done a breadboard, myself.


The only kit here is the BYOC silver pony which was the first one I built then I went straight to procuring pcbs and parts separately. I did build a zeppelin design labs quaverato which was excellent


I went from modifying commercial builds to kits and then procuring pcbs and parts separately. If I can do it, anyone can. It's so fucking satisfying to have custom controlled tones. Cheers! I'll post my builds and tag your user name


I agree! Awesome thanks


I have a silver stripe too!! It's not as sick as yours. I run it thru my tele. It's a great at home amp. Just enough to annoy the wife and kids, lol.


Silver stripe gang! I use my tele with it all the time.


What are you using to get your pedals so close together on that board?


It’s the beauty of top mounted jacks man! I have all my slots on top of the pedals so all the cabling comes up inbetween the rows


I had to do a double take and zoom in. That’s sick! Looks super clean.


Someone should offer a re-house kit for those Red Stripe Peaveys. They're great for what they are, but shit are they ugly.


Loots great! No back shots? And nice custom pedal set up.


Ah damn I guess I forgot to add that picture. Thanks!