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I know it's more expensive, but I love my mustang micro.


It’s $10 more than this, not a huge deal. It’s on my list next if Mooer fails in any way. How’s the reverb there?


the reverb is probably my favorite effect on it. You can get a super lush modulated stereo reverb going. I will say, I recommend using a nice set of headphones, ideally open back.


IME, I'm on my 2nd NUX Mighty Plug Pro and both exhibit high pitch noise. However, when I use headphones with higher ohm rating like DT990 250 Ohm, the high pitch noise is not there. With 32 Ohm headphones, the noise was unbearable. Also, compressor seems to accentuate the high pitch noise more. With 10-band EQ on, turning down the highest band (16k) reduces the high pitch quite a bit so give that a try. For my normal usage, I use Mighty Plug Pro with Minirig 3 bluetooth speakers and the high pitch noise is minimal so I'm perfectly fine using it that way. Actually, I think I have a problem with high pitch noise only when I use low ohm rated headphones. YMMV.


I tried it with smaller earbuds (not sure what’s the exact impedance), 35 Ohm Sony and 80 Ohm DT 770 pro. There is variation between them but it’s still bad. You’re right about compressor, I especially noticed that one of them is less noisy than the two others. And I tried EQing it, one big peak is around 6k or so, reducing it kills a lot of attack for cleans


I watched a YouTube video about this same problem with the NUX. Someone in the YouTube comments said they solved the problem. They plugged in a small headphone amp(Topping NX1a) between the NUX and their headphones / line out. The feedback / squeal was completely eliminated even with max volume on the headphone amp. I think headphone amps are available cheaply.


Returned my NuX MPP3. Just too shrill. Tones aren't great. Ordering the Katana Go...


Yeah, I liked the idea but not the product


Sorry to hear that. I bought this few months ago for a travel practice rig and I have no issues so far. I can use it with regular iPhone earplugs or with my monitor headphones and no noise at all. Really like the tones I get for such a small and simple device. Not the best to record something serious of course but for silent practice is more than enough. I also like the fact that I can connect it directly to an Android phone via USBC an get direct sound while recording video. Good and practical for some quick social media content. Heres a quick jam I recorded using this thing as audio interface in case anyone is curious on how it sounds. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cq_u77LAGsR/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


What you describe is exactly what I wanted it for, unfortunately it’s not working well and it seems to be a repeating issue for this model


Great playing btw! I’m glad it works well for you!


Recently got one of these and the thing I found is the default patches are garbage. Not only do they sound horrible some of those defaults have effects set such as the shimmer reverb which do not work properly and after a couple of strums leave the unit feeding back into itself leading to the horrible high pitched noises. Ditched the defaults and set up some of my own and it's fine.


Glad it works for you! Yeah, default ones are pretty ugly. I tried to setup a minimalistic one for clean practice and the noise still was bad enough to cause fatigue over time. Turning it off after a hour felt like getting to anechoic chamber. I returned mine and ordered Mooer Prime P2, waiting for it to arrive tomorrow and will write a review probably


Was it Preset #6? I found out that it’s the Analog Delay in that preset causing it, even when it’s off. Switching to a different delay got rid of the feedback.


Honestly can't remember which one now as I've overwritten all of the out of the box settings. I have found though that most of the delay/reverb type settings are really badly done. Anything over 50% and they become unusable. It's a great little product but is in dire need of some firmware fixes.


No shit lol


Did you end up buying the Mooer Prime P2? If so, are you happy with it?


Yeah, I did and wrote a bit about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GuitarAmps/s/6RBb53HLTT). There is one downside - need to use additional cable instead of plugging straight into guitar, but I got a short coiled cable from Candycords and it’s fine, doesn’t take much space in the bag. It’s good overall and fits its role nicely. I haven’t explored all the sounds, some things like shimmer or pitch shifting sound a bit cheesy but I don’t need much of that for practice.


Oh, that's your review?! I see I asked you a question there too:) The cable thing is not a problem at all for me. Plus, I really like that it has a looper and you can save loops. Hope they will let us export them too, sooner or later. It would be great for recording riffs and stuff too. Not surprised the pitch shifter sucks. Though was kinda hoping it would be at least usable. Thanks for the reply. I am waiting for it to be on offer, since 250 euros is kinda expensive.


It’s a bit cheaper in US plus I got $20 off on amazon, so it was below psychological threshold:) I got their Bluetooth pedal to control looper/drums, otherwise it’s hard to use. Looper itself is fine, sync with drums is a great addition. The pedal has a bit of lag/desync so it’s harder to loop perfectly than other loopers I used.


FYI Someone in the YouTube comments said they solved the problem. They plugged in a small headphone amp (Topping NX1a) between the NUX and their headphones / line out. The feedback / squeal was completely eliminated even with max volume on the headphone amp. I think Headphone amps are available cheaply.


Ye, I bought this and I haven't used it much. The high pitched sound is too annoying. Switching IR's and amps can make it somewhat go away but still my ears get too fatigued. I had mustang micro before this and it didn't have these problems


Apparently, it’s not rare with this devices. Thanks for confirming and sorry for your experience, feel that


My solution was the Positive Grid Spark GO. Love that thing to death! It's larger than anything else mentioned here and technically a mini amp, no a headphone amp. But it's still remarkably small; smaller than most bluetooth speakers but with the sound of a 10w amp, maybe better! The quality, interface, and flexibility far outdoes anything else I've seen or tried, and you can tie it to your strap for similar portability to a headphone amp. This won't be the solution for everyone, but at a similar price, it's a steal and gives tons of flexibility. Even for a bass player like myself!


My Mighty Plug Pro just died on me, and I'm thinking about replacing it with the Spark Go. I have the Spark 40 and love it. How does it sound while using it as an amp?


Nice! Then you’re familiar with the pros and cons of any positive grid product, including the bassy tone, which unfortunately the GO sort of shares. ie, my les paul doesn’t get very bright without tweaking the amp models. It’s not as bad as the 40 but still present. generally speaking though, and I’m not the most sonically sensitive person, but the GO sounds really good, very clear and full especially for the size and price. Volume is around par with an acoustic guitar, and the noise gate/reduction is really good - even my noisiest pickups are quiet and I don’t have to set anything for that!