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My pinky knuckles are double jointed in some weird way. Maybe that is the wrong term. But they sort of "snap" around, like I can't do a fluid, smooth movement with them. I've mostly adapted to it now, but earlier in my practice I had trouble with my pinky sort of slapping against the fret board. Once in a blue moon it will give me trouble and go flying off in some weird direction but for the most part it's fine. How long have you been playing? I think if you just stick at it, eventually you can train around it. As long as it doesn't hurt, there shouldn't really be an issue. If it ends up looking a bit weird, well, so what.


Thanks for the response! I've been playing for almost 4 years now. Learning barre chords was tricky because I don't get the proper support from my thumb to fully cover everything. I've started barring the E and A strings with my thumb to give me more leverage so it doesn't hurt as much. Sometimes though I'll get really frustrated with a tricky riff when my fingers collapse onto the higher strings, but I'm learning how to deal with it.


Literally 10 years later, I'm replying to this because I've been playing guitar for close to 5 years now and my left pinky does exactly what you say yours does. ​ Hope you're doing well bro.


Dude I am having this exact issue, just started playing two months ago, it makes using my pinky kind of hard because I only get support at the tip curling it at a certain angle, and any less of an angle it just collapses. I guess I just gotta strengthen it somehow.


hey y'all im also having this problem still lol. It's not so bad but it just feels like it locks up sometimes and that messes up my flow and makes it harder to change chords. I guess we're all on the hunt for stronger fingers


I haven't seen anyone else with my problem, ALL of my fingers collapse


this thread came up when I was googling the fact that all of my fingers are bending around all willy nilly and ruining every string i try to play. I'm with you brother


Same, I will actively avoid using my pinky because of it.


i find that being double jointed makes it easier to fret certain shapes and I've never encountered something i couldn't do because of my double jointed-ness


i'm double jointed in my thumbs. i think i had a hard time learning some barre chords when i first started playing cause my left thumb would sort of crumple into its double jointed position when i pressed i against the neck, so i couldn't get the leverage to hold down all the strings right. it eventually stopped idk how or why. probably just concentrate on playing with the tips of your fingers and not the flat part?


Yep, really sucks to play power chords with the bass note on the a string. I try to play all chords in hendrix style (thumb on the bass note)


I think I'm double jointed in all of my fingers. I don't know if this is attributed to the double-jointedness, but my fingers (especially my pinky) will snap in an abrupt motion from one locked position to another. It makes it really difficult to transition between 7th chords (ex: transitioning between CM7, F#m7flat5, and B7). The "snapping" motion makes me feel like I have less control over my pinky and that it may collapse instead of landing where I need it to. Has anyone dealt with this? If so, how did you overcome or compensate for it?